Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 9

by Quinn, Meghan

  Jane called Michael earlier in the day just to see what he had to say and get his opinion on Brady. Michael seemed slightly irritated at first. Most likely because Michael always had feelings for Jane and flaunting a new relationship in front of him must have twisted his panties in a bind but he answered honestly. He told Jane that Brady was a great guy and had nothing but the best of intentions of pursuing her. He re-affirmed that she was not just another notch in his headboard. That put Jane’s mind at ease at least for the time being.

  Brady knocked on her door and she opened it to find an oh so sexy man holding up a single rose with a huge smile on his face.

  “Hey gorgeous, you look amazing but I can barely find you. You’re so short, you’re a little pip-squeak.” He said while looking down at her.

  Jane laughed “You have only seen me in heels. I didn’t want to wear any tonight because I didn’t want to sink into the ground and ruin them. They are not cheap you know.”

  “Oh I know and smart decision,” Brady said. “I might just have to put you in my pocket and carry you around.”

  “I’m not that short. 5’3” is a respectable height you know.”

  “Yes, but compared to my 6’3” it makes you a pip-squeak! Come on doll, let’s get going.”

  Brady grabbed her hand and Jane practically melted. She really needed to stay strong and not fall for him so fast. Whoa, who said anything about falling for him? No she just had to make sure she reserved a little distance between them and did not get caught up in his smooth operator moves. She was just having fun tonight, one step at a time.

  “Hey Jane, what are you thinking about? You went silent on me.”

  “Oh sorry, I was just thinking about Molly’s wedding.” She lied. “She came to the office today and we planned most of it, it’s going to be small and intimate. She doesn’t want to wait too long because she said her and Luke want to get straight to their honeymoon.”

  Brady laughed, “Man they are like rabbits. Do they ever quit?”

  “Not that I know of, I always hate calling her when Luke is home because she is known to talk on the phone while having sex at the same time.”

  “Are you serious? That is amazing! They are quite the couple.” Brady chuckled.

  “Yes they are, so what’s the movie that’s playing tonight?”

  “It’s a surprise!”

  Jane mulled that over, a surprise huh? He must have set something up, knowing him and his popularity the park would do anything for him. They drove in silence as Jane looked out her window taking in the beautiful city of Atlanta. She always was very fond of her home town. It was diverse, interesting and always had something new to offer. Jane focused in on where they were and noticed they passed the park she thought they were going to.

  “Hey, did we just miss the turn for the park?” Jane asked.

  “Nope, just sit back and relax babe, I got this handled.” Brady replied.

  Yes, she liked it when he called her babe. It sent shivers down her spine. She leaned her head back against the headrest while at the same time Brady grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers together. Jane was in heaven, this guy was too much. He was so sweet and she swore she could see a six pack through his button up shirt. She might have to write the Braves strength and conditioning coach a personal thank you note for creating such a fine specimen.

  Brady turned onto Hank Aaron Drive and Jane noticed they were at Turner Field. She gasped. Surely Brady did not mean a ball park, right? There was no way they were going to see a movie at Turner field. Did the Braves organization let their players do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted?

  “Here we are.” Brady announced.

  A valet came and took the car after Brady pulled a picnic basket out of this trunk. He grabbed Jane’s hand and led her to the players’ entrance.

  Jane stopped and whirled Brady around. “Brady are you serious, are we really going into the stadium?”

  “Did you really think I meant a regular park?” He asked with a scrunched nose. “You’re cute, Jane.” Brady said while nudging her chin.

  “You know, you’re going to start to run out of grand ideas and then you are going to have to settle into being a normal person like the rest of us,” Jane said.

  “Yes, I know, but I will have you hooked on me by then so even the smallest things would impress you.”

  Jane all but whispered. “The smallest of things impress me now.”

  Brady smiled at her and guided her toward the entrance. When they got out to the field there were two lights that were turned on, granting them some light, which were not too bright so they didn’t feel like they were in spotlights and a blanket on the ground with a folding chair that looked like was made for two. Jane didn’t know what to say, everything was so romantic. It was all too much for her to process. Do not cry. Do not cry is all she kept saying to herself.

  Brady helped her on to the blanket and set the picnic basket down next to them. They both ate some sandwiches while they chatted about little factoids about the ball park. Brady seemed to really love the field and had a lot of little fun facts to share with her. It was endearing to see the passion in his eyes he had for his sport.

  When they finished their meal Brady’s face turned slightly more serious. He seemed to struggle with what he was about to say but finally cleared his throat and began. “Jane, I know you have been through a lot with your ex, and I just wanted to let you know that I know what it feels like, to be cheated on that is.”

  Jane nearly choked on the wine she was drinking. Someone cheated on Brady Matthews? Who the hell would ever do something like that? This guy was perfect and he didn’t seem to live up to the womanizer profile all the gossip rags claimed him as. Jane re-gained her composure and asked, “Someone cheated on you?”

  Brady nodded. “Yes, Laney Johnson.”

  Laney? Holy crap! “Laney cheated on you? I thought reports said you came to a mutual understanding, some even said you were the one breaking her heart.”

  Brady shook his head. “Like I said earlier, you can’t always believe what those magazines say. Laney cheated on me. Since she is known as ‘America’s Sweetheart’ with a body to kill her publicists paid off a lot of people to make her look like an innocent victim. I never fought it because people will believe what they want to, why waste my time?”

  Jane didn’t know what to say. They both knew the horrible feeling of finding out the one person you thought loved you actually couldn’t give two shits about you. It was a horrible feeling and Brady was sharing his experience with her. An unspoken connection formed between them. They both had their hearts broken and they both had a mutual understanding of how it felt. Jane just squeezed Brady’s hand and they both knew when looking into each other’s eyes, they were sorry for the pain they each encountered in the past.

  Once they finished eating, Brady opened up the folding chair made for two and grabbed a blanket. He sat down and nodded for her to come over. Jane had to concentrate on not running over to him and climbing in his lap.

  “Are we watching the movie on the mega-tron?” Jane asked as she started to saddle up next to him. He was warm and smelled delicious. If they just sat there and watched nothing she would have been fine with that. She just wanted to be close to him. To the man that understood her perfectly.

  “Yes we are, is that ok?”

  “Uh, yea. What other girl can say they have done this? Not many I hope,” Jane teased while poking his side.

  Brady laughed at her insinuation and said, “Believe me pip-squeak, you are the only one I have ever done this for.”

  Jane melted all over again and settled in next to Brady. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer.

  He whispered in her ear, “The movie is about to begin, I brought chocolate covered raisins which I know you are a sucker for, thanks to Michael and there are some sodas in the cooler next to me if you get thirsty.”

  Jane didn’t even need to say anything, she just nuzzled even clos
er to Brady, grateful that such a great man had come into her life. He genuinely cared about her and wanted to make sure she was taken care of. She had never had a man care so deeply about her, even when George asked her to marry him. George never went as far as Brady had to make her happy even when he proposed. She thought about the pathetic proposal he gave her.

  They were watching TV and he reached over her, pulled a ring box from the couch cushion and just asked if she wanted to get married. She should have known then that he was not the man for her. Wait, no more thoughts of George, especially around Brady.

  The lights went off, the mega-tron came on and over the loud speakers the overture of her favorite musical came on; “Singing in the Rain.” She almost burst into tears right there. She propped herself up and stared at Brady. Her eyes were watering but she couldn’t help it. When she looked at Brady his eyes spoke of pride and satisfaction. He grinned with confidence.

  Brady wiped a stray tear away and said “You can thank Michael for the suggestion. He was the one who let me know.”

  Something overcame Jane and she lightly kissed Brady on the lips and pulled away. “Thank you Brady for caring to ask Michael.”

  No one had ever cared enough to find out her interests, no boy she ever dated for that matter. Brady was something special. He truly cared about her and wanted to make her happy. This was a night she was never going to forget.


  Brady nearly shot out of his pants. Who knew some chocolate covered raisins and Gene Kelly would give him his first kiss from this incredible woman? She definitely took him by surprise when she leaned in and planted her soft, luscious lips on his and he only wished they stayed there longer but he knew she wasn’t doing it to spur him on, she did it out of pure joy and being grateful. Any kiss from her was better than nothing.

  She snuggled so close to him, he really had to manage himself from losing all control and wander his hands all over her. He had to keep reminding himself to take things slow. She was not ready for a full blown frontal attack from him, not yet at least.

  He enjoyed the movie, his Grandma used to rave about it and he always knew it was a classic. He grew fonder of Jane because a classic movie gave her so much joy. There was that innocence again he strived for, he looked for from her.

  The movie ended and Jane snuggled in even closer than Brady thought was possible, squeezed him and whispered a thank you into his chest.

  “Anytime doll. Did you have a good time?”

  “This has been one of the best nights I’ve ever experienced, seriously thank you. You made me forget everything negative that happened to me in the past couple of years.”

  Brady smiled down at Jane and said “Good I’m glad. Let me get you home, it’s getting chilly out here and I don’t want you catching a cold, being so small and everything.”

  Jane playfully swatted his chest and stated, “I’m not that short, you’re just the jolly green giant.”

  “At least I’m not a smurf” Brady retorted with a smile.


  Brady walked Jane to her door. She so desperately wanted to invite him inside but their night was so classic, she felt her invitation might ruin the date. She also needed to take things slow for her own well-being. She did not want to rush into anything with Brady nor did she think her heart could handle rushing into a relationship. She was still finding herself and building her business, those were her main priorities.

  They were holding hands when Jane turned to face Brady right outside her doorway.

  “Brady, thank you so much for such a magical night. I know I sound like a girl when I say that, but I mean it. It was truly magical for me.”

  “Thank you for asking me out, I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect date. Next time I will make sure to pick a place without grass so you can wear those sexy as hell high heels so I don’t have to worry about stepping on you.”

  Jane giggled. “So there is going to be a next time?”

  “If I have anything to say about it, there will be.” Brady said moving closer to Jane.

  “Perfect” Jane hummed.


  Brady tilted Jane’s chin up and he closed down on her mouth. He started off slowly, nibbling on her lips and when he could not take it any longer, he went in for the kill. He stuck his hand through her hair and pulled her even closer devouring her mouth inch by inch. She ran her hand up his chest, clenching his shirt at the collar and pulled him further down toward her. He felt like he could barely feel his legs he was trembling all over from her touch. He heard a low moan rumble in the back of her throat. If he did not leave now, he was going to tear her door open, throw her down on the floor and have his way with her.

  Brady pulled away regretfully, gasping for air he said, “I better get going. I really want to be a gentleman here and if I continue with what we are doing all of my credibility is going to be thrown out the window.”

  Jane leaned her head against Brady’s chest and nodded. She looked at him with pure lust in her eyes.

  “Babe, please don’t look at me like that. You are seconds away from being dragged into your apartment and getting seduced.”

  “Sorry, I will make this easy on you.” She pulled back and shook his hand. “Thank you for an amazing time, Brady. Have a great night.”

  Brady shook her hand and regretted the moment they let go. He missed her already and really just wanted to hold her for the rest of the night, but he was going to walk away and be the gentleman he was. She needed her space. Let her make the first move.

  “Sweet dreams, babe.”

  Jane leaned in real close to him, pulled his head down and whispered in his ear, “Just so you know, it turns me on every time you call me babe.” And with that she unlocked her door and blew him a kiss goodnight. Brady stood frozen in place swearing under his breath.

  He retreated for his car before he broke down her door and took advantage on the affects he had on her. Yup he wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. Time for a cold shower, a nice icy cold shower. He was in for a world of trouble where Jane was concerned.

  Chapter 10

  Brady sat on the weight bench staring into space dreaming about Jane and the parting sentence she said to him the previous night. He would call her babe every second if that was the reaction he received from her. He knew she was a vixen the moment she put her hand on his thigh at Deuces.

  She had a wild side but she was so guarded most of the time from being hurt that she rarely showed it. She only showed her wild side when Molly was around provoking her or when Jane slipped up and dropped the posh attitude.

  He wanted to tear down her protective wall instantly but instead he decided to do it brick by brick because if he moved too fast, she would run away from him. He couldn’t let her get away, not after the night they had together and not after the little slice of heaven he tasted. He really needed to spend more time with her. The biggest challenge was going to see how she was when his baseball season started up. Spring training started next week and he would be gone for a while in Florida. He hoped they would still be able to continue whatever was going on between them.

  Michael flicked Brady in the back of the head. “Hey earth to Brady, finish up your last set. I want to get some benching in too you know.”

  “Sorry bud, just thinking about things.”

  “Things? I doubt that, more like thinking about Jane. How did last night go?” Michael asked nudging Brady’s ribs.

  “Nothing happened man, I kept it respectable. It was an incredible night though. How you did not fall for her in college is beyond me.”

  “I did,” Michael said shyly. “She was not interested. We cuddled and shared our thoughts but nothing more. She always said I was one of her best friends and I didn’t want to ruin what we had. Plus she was so hung up on George that I would never have had the chance.”

  Brady nodded. “Is George really the dick face I think he is?”

  “Yea, he was successful for a while but once he started bangi
ng that office slut, he lost all credibility. His company valued families and once they got wind of what George was doing during office hours, he got canned. Last I heard he was living with his sister. Not quite sure, all I know is that he did a number on Jane,” Michael reflected. “If I ever saw him again I would do some damage. He really fucked Jane up, to the point where she stopped talking to me, and she used to tell me everything and anything.”

  “The guy sounds like a total douche bag. I don’t think I would be too kind to him if I saw him as well.”

  Brady’s phone beeped, he looked down and saw he got a text message from Jane. He smiled and read it.

  Jane: Hey handsome, I thought about you last night.

  Brady started grinning like a fool and Michael punched him in the arm. “You look like a cheese dick buddy, you need to get ahold of yourself.”

  Brady punched him back and said. “Mind your own business dick stick and go do some hang cleans, you need them. I saw you in the batting cage the other day, my Grandma has more pop off the bat than you do.”

  “Fuck off!” Michael said smiling.

  Brady left Michael to finish his workout and went to go get some water. He looked down at his phone again and replied to Jane.

  Brady: Good morning beautiful, what did you think about?

  Jane: Nothing too crazy so don’t get your hopes up, just about how it felt to have you hold me in your arms last night.

  Brady couldn’t help but smile. He wanted to stay with her last night more than anything. It was all he thought about as the hours on his clock ticked away the night.

  Brady: I thought about that all night too…as well as your parting words.

  Jane: Did you, now? It was a little bold of me but I felt like myself when I said it, and I meant it. What kind of images did you have in your mind last night?


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