Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 14

by Quinn, Meghan

  He shook his head and said, “Save it for tonight pip-squeak.” He reluctantly left her in her bed, alone.

  As he walked out the door he reminded Jane to pack an overnight bag and he would be at her apartment around seven to pick her up. Jane flashed him one of her sexy grins and blew him a kiss goodbye.

  He needed to talk to Michael and make things better with him. He suspected things were not going well with him and his wife. Brady thought the move away from her family had made it difficult on their marriage but he wasn’t quite sure. Michael never really talked about his personal life. Brady gave him a quick call.

  Michael answered, “Hello?”

  “Hey, it’s Brady”

  “Brady, God I’m so sorry I feel like a real douche bag. You’ve been nothing but nice to me and then I go and pull a stunt like last night. Please tell me everything between you and Jane is ok.”

  “Everything is fine. I trust her and know she would never do anything to hurt me. I know things are not easy for you right now and I just wanted to let you know if you need to talk about anything just let me know. I will take you out for a beer and we can bitch about how women drive us crazy.”

  Michael laughed, “I will take you up on the offer. When we get down to Florida that is, I’m sure you are going to spend as much time with Jane as possible until we have to report in.”

  “You’re right about that, I’m actually getting ready for a date tonight with her. I plan on knocking her socks off.”

  “I know you will.” Michael was silent for a second but then continued. “Brady, thanks for bringing Jane back to us. She isn’t fully recovered from the wrath of George but it is great to start seeing little pieces of old Jane coming through again. You did that man.”

  Brady sighed, “I’m only treating her the way she deserves to be treated. Hey listen, just so you know though, if you ever fucking try to move in on Jane again, I will make sure you will be out for the season. I don’t take well to people trying to obtain what I have.”

  Brady heard Michael gulp on the phone. “Understood, I’m sorry again. I was out of place.”

  “Thank you for contacting me earlier so I didn’t lose my mind completely. I will see you on Monday bud, have a safe trip down.”

  “You too, have fun tonight.” Michael said and they hung up.

  Brady was still a little irritated with Michael and cautious about his intentions with Jane but he knew he had to give the guy a little slack. Michael was in a new city dealing with a bitching wife most likely and the last thing he needed was for Brady to be pissed off at him and giving him the cold shoulder. It did chap Brady’s ass though that Michael had feelings for Jane. No man likes to deal with the fact that another guy has feelings for their girl. It was going to put Brady on edge every time Jane and Michael were together. He trusted Jane but he didn’t fully trust Michael to not try anything again.

  Enough thoughts about Michael and Jane, Brady had to get ready for his date. The masseuse should arrive at Jane’s at two and then the package he sent her should be there shortly after. He planned on spoiling his little lady tonight. He wanted it to be a perfect night. She deserved a great night and he really wanted to leave a lasting impression on her before he took off for spring training.

  God, why couldn’t he have met her earlier? Brady hated the fact that he had to leave for a month and a half and leave Jane behind, especially since their relationship was so new. He was going to do his damnest to keep things going between them when they were apart. He already planned on some romantic get-a-ways. They usually only get one day off but he could weasel his way around that. He also planned on flying Jane down to Florida, maybe convince the organization to hire her as an event coordinator for some of the events they put on during spring training. It would be ok.

  He also needed to make sure that Laney kept to herself. He didn’t want to change his phone number again but if she started getting crazy again he might have to consider a switch. He thought about telling Jane about Laney contacting him. He always believed in being open and honest in a relationship but Jane was still very sensitive, he wasn’t sure how she would react to hearing news about Laney. Maybe for now he would keep it to himself. It was not like she tried to contact him again since last night. Hopefully she got the hint.


  Molly woke to a light rubbing on her back and felt a cold surface on her cheek. She couldn’t open her eyes because that meant her head was going to explode. Where was she? She groaned and tried to move but big strong hands grabbed her and lifted her up.

  She moaned and then her head was plastered against a very strong and very bare chest.

  “Molly, it’s me. I’m just going to move you off the kitchen floor and into our bed.”

  Kitchen floor? Oh good, she was home. Albert must have dropped her off. Oh boy, she was going to lose her cookies if Luke did not put her down soon. He slowly laid her down in their bed and stroked her hair to the side.

  “Babe, do you want me to change your clothes for you?” Luke asked.

  “I don’t think I can move. My head is throbbing as hard as your dick was the other night.”

  Luke laughed and put a cold object in her hand and told her to drink it. Oh no, it was his gross hangover drink. It tasted like moldy feet but it worked like a charm every time. He used lots of greens, some minced garlic, orange juice and some other weird things, including an egg. She held her nose and gulped it down. When it was all gone she started coughing and almost lost everything she just drank. Luke rubbed her back telling her it would kick in soon and she would feel much better.

  “In the meantime, let me get you out of those clothes.” Luke said.

  “Oh I’m fine babe, come here I will give you a hand job.” Molly said while feeling around for her favorite dick in the world.

  Luke kissed her hand and said, “Later, right now I’m getting you out of those clothes.”

  Molly looked down at herself and gasped. God she was an embarrassment. How Luke could still look at her with loving eyes was beyond her. She wanted to break up with herself she was so embarrassing.

  Her shirt and bra were nowhere to be found and her mini skirt was up around her breasts barely covering her nipples. She was wearing underwear thankfully but there was something sticky in her hair.

  “Luke, did you ejaculate in my hair last night?”

  Luke shook his head in amusement and said, “No that would most likely be some of the ‘drink’ you tried to make for yourself last night. I found mayonnaise, apple cider vinegar, peanut butter and a Laffy Taffy wrapper on the counter and the gross mixture in the blender this morning.”

  “Oh fuck that sounds disgusting, I hope I didn’t drink any of it.”

  “I think you did because you seem to have formed a pinky brown crust on your upper lip. Care to explain what you were trying to make?”

  Disgusted Molly said, “And you want to marry me why?”

  Luke grabbed her arm and started rubbing it. “Because it is never a dull moment with you. Come on I will take another shower if you are involved. We need to get you looking and feeling human again because seeing you in that mini skirt barely covering your tits has got me all hot and bothered.”

  Molly playfully pushed Luke and grimaced in pain. “There is something wrong with you Luke.”

  He shrugged, pulled her mini skirt down exposing her breasts and ripped her underwear off. He just stared at her naked body for a minute and then scooped her up to carry her to the shower. He whispered in her ear, “Even when you have a hangover and have puke drink crusted on your upper lip, you are still by far the sexiest thing I have ever laid eyes on.”

  Molly whispered back. “Scoring big points big boy, you have graduated yourself from a hand job to full on pussy action. I will bend over in the shower and you can have your way with me. If you are lucky I will even grant you tit access.”


  Jane just got out of the shower. She had to rinse the oils the masseuse used on her body. That
was one of the best massages she ever had. She felt brand new and not like she went out drinking the night before and passed out on her phone while her boyfriend was trying to figure out if something happened between her and her friend.

  God, Brady must be a saint for not getting jealous and throwing her coffee table through the wall. That was what George would have done or something to that extent. He wasn’t really macho so maybe he would have pulled his pen out of his pocket protector and flicked it at the wall instead.

  As Jane dried off, her doorbell rang. She wrapped the towel around her and looked through the peephole. There was a man holding a box wrapped in a ribbon, Brady’s doing most likely. She took the box, thanked the man and shouted with glee as she flung herself on her bed to open the box like a teenager. She ripped open the ribbon, pulled the top off and found a little note.


  I saw this and thought of how damn sexy you would look in it. Please consider wearing it for our date tonight.


  P.S there is lingerie at the bottom that I EXPECT you to wear.

  Jane blushed. What did he purchase for her? She ripped the tissue paper to the side and gasped. He bought her the new Valentino deep teal V-neck dress. It was gorgeous! Of course she was going to wear it. Was he crazy? She pulled the dress out and held it up to her. Oh it was perfect. It was going to be a tight dress but she never minded showing off her curves and it was just long enough that she was not going to look like a hooch.

  She looked in the box to find the lingerie he picked out for her and laughed. She pulled out the skimpiest thong she ever laid her hands on, how they even got lace on it was beyond her and there was a matching black lace bra to go with it. The bra was a push up bra with barely any nipple coverage she hoped everything got covered up. She was going to wear them no matter how uncomfortable they might be because Brady picked them out and she wanted to fulfill his every fantasy.

  She couldn’t wait for their date tonight. Not only was she going to be with Brady physically for the first time, he was taking her out and after three days of him being out of town she really needed some Brady time. They talked on the phone every night which kept her sane but she could really use some physical action and she planned on getting as much as possible tonight.

  Chapter 15

  Brady pulled into Jane’s apartment complex. She really lived in a nice area but he thought how nice would it be if she lived with him? Wait, what? Live with him? Where did that thought come from? They hadn’t even had sex yet and he was already picking out wallpaper for the both of them? Slow down buddy, one step at a time.

  The thing was he thought he could really spend his life with Jane. She made him laugh again and she didn’t treat him like some rich baseball player. She saw his soul and appreciated who he was as a person, not what he did or how big his bank account was. Yes he did ravish her with gifts but he wanted to. It was the people who expected material possessions from him who he didn’t like buying things for. She didn’t expect expensive items, romantic get-a-ways or pricy dinners from him. She just wanted him for who he was.

  He walked to her apartment and heard something rustling around in the bushes next to the door which nearly sent him falling down the stairs. God, he was skittish tonight, must have been Mr. Medez’s cat. That thing was always prowling the apartment complex pissing on everything in its sight. Brady gathered himself and knocked on Jane’s door, when she opened the door Brady was taken aback by Jane. She instantly took his breath away.

  She was wearing the dress he picked out for her and she looked more beautiful than he ever expected. The dress was just cut low enough in the neckline where he got a great view of the amazing rack she had and the dress was just short enough where he got a great look at her slim tan legs. She wore black glittered high heels and her cute little toes that peaked out were painted the same color as the dress. She had a radiant smile plastered across her beautiful face and her hair begged for his fingers to run through it. Yup, he was a goner. She had him wrapped around her little finger.

  She pulled him inside grabbing the lapels of his jacket and pulled him down toward her. Her lips encased his and he lost all thought. When she finally pulled away his eyes slowly opened. He most likely looked like some love sick puppy but he didn’t care. She was amazing.

  “Jesus, you look gorgeous.” Brady said in a raspy voice.

  “You look pretty good yourself, handsome.” Jane smiled.

  He was wearing black pants and a white button up with the collar open a little at the top and a black suit jacket. Nothing too fancy and nothing compared to her.

  “Do you like the dress?” Brady asked while spinning Jane around. She had so much grace it was incredible. Her hair floated and bobbed in curls while her eyes glistened with lust.

  “I love the dress, thank you so much. You seriously didn’t have to buy it for me. I feel bad I have nothing for you.”

  “You don’t need to give me anything but yourself.” Brady rubbed his thumb pad against her jaw and tilted her head up for another kiss. He couldn’t get enough of this woman. “Did you like the lingerie?” Brady murmured in between kisses.

  Jane squeezed her body closer to him so she leaned right against his crotch and whispered. “I loved it. I was planning on going commando until you sent these over to me. I must say my tits look spectacular and my ass is looking damn fine in the thong you picked out as well. I hope you are ready for it?”

  Brady cleared his throat and nodded. He couldn’t seem to get any clear thoughts in his head. He took her hand and helped her lock up her apartment. While she locked her door, he ran his hands up and down her body and kissed the back of her neck. Then there was a flash of light. Startled, they both looked at each other with confusion.

  “What was that?” asked Jane

  “I don’t know that was weird.” Brady didn’t like the feeling he was getting. “Let’s get going, we have places to be.”

  They walked out of the apartment complex right as a man jumped out of the bushes and started taking pictures of them and asking questions about who Jane was and where Laney was at the current moment. Brady’s blood instantly boiled. He made Jane duck as he put his hand up.

  Do not punch this guy’s lights out just get to the car he thought. Brady opened the door for her, swearing under his breathe, this was exactly not what he needed or wanted. He wanted to give Jane a romantic, calm night, the last thing he needed was the paparazzi following them around. Brady climbed in his car and slammed his hands on the steering wheel. Jane jumped out of her seat.

  He leaned over and looked at Jane. She looked terrified. He grabbed her hand and said, “I’m sorry babe, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just frustrated right now. I had such a great night planned for us but anywhere we go this ass fuck is going to follow us and document our every move.”

  Jane rubbed her thumb against his hand. She looked at him with loving eyes and said, “Brady you don’t have to impress me anymore, I don’t mind skipping the plans you had for us, I just want to be with you. Is there somewhere else we can go where we can be alone?”

  Brady smiled at Jane, yes there was. He put the car in drive and took off, leaving the dickhead in the dust.


  Jane was feeling more relaxed once the tension in Brady’s jaw loosened up. She could understand how he felt. She couldn’t imagine being in the public eye, being scrutinized for every move he made or every person he dated.

  All of a sudden a horrible thought went through her mind. Was he so mad because he got caught taking a girl out like her? Was he embarrassed because she was not the celebrity type he was used to dating? She couldn’t help herself, she had to ask because she needed to clear her head of those thoughts.

  Jane cleared her throat. “Brady, umm…did you not want to proceed with your plans because the paparazzi spotted you and you were embarrassed of me?”

  Brady nearly crashed the car. He pulled off on the side of the highway and whipped his whole body arou
nd so fast she thought he looked like some action hero in a movie.

  “You’re kidding me right? You’re not serious with that question.”

  Jane looked down at her lap and replied, “I don’t know, you seemed to be in an awful hurry to shield me away from the camera and then you cancelled everything. I guess I’m just a little self-conscious. You are this amazingly gorgeous, famous man and I’m just an event planner who happened to get lucky.”

  She could feel Brady’s eyes burning a hole through her but she couldn’t look at him. She was ashamed for asking the question but could not help herself. She could not be with someone who was embarrassed of her.

  Brady took her head in his hands and looked her directly in the eyes. “Jane, I’m by no means even close to being embarrassed of you. I will show you off to everyone I know if you want but I’m nervous all the guys would be drooling all over you. I was trying to protect you. You shouldn’t have to deal with stupid editors making up stories just to sell some shitty magazine. You are beautiful inside and out and I love the fact that you’re making a name for yourself. You’re so strong-willed. I just don’t want our dating each other to screw up any hard work you’ve put into your business, so I was trying to protect you. Do you understand me?”

  Jane nodded her head. She turned toward him and looked into the green valleys that were his eyes. They were full of concern for her well-being. She felt stupid for asking that question but she was glad she knew the answer. She kissed Brady gently on the lips. She thanked him and entwined her hand with his. She believed him, she just had to make sure he wasn’t ashamed of her. He made it very well known that he was attracted to her but there was always that little voice in the back of her head that made her think because she wasn’t in the lime light like he was she was not good enough. She stashed away those thoughts as they rolled up to what looked like a miniature mansion.


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