Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 16

by Quinn, Meghan

  It took all my energy to get out of bed this morning, you looked incredible laying there completely naked. I did sneak a little grab of your tit before I left, you moaned and I almost drove into you. What a way to wake up. I went to the store to get some donuts and coffee for my sex kitten. Be back soon. I love you.

  Molly’s Man

  Donuts, she could use a donut right now. She sure burnt enough calories last night to earn one. She heard the door open and close. She strolled out to the living room still completely nude. Luke turned around, saw her and dropped his bags.

  “Babe, that is so not fair to do to a man.” Luke grabbed her and scooped her into his arms. He nuzzled his head in her breasts.

  Molly laughed and pushed Luke’s head away. “Are you fucking motor boating me right now?

  Luke lifted his head and faked a shocked look. “Who me? Of course not, I’m just trying to get myself some milk for my coffee.” He captured one of her nipples in his mouth and started sucking.

  Giggling, Molly pushed his head away. “Man, I must have milked you dry last night.”

  “I thought I was the one who milked you dry.” Molly teased. “By the way, did you have Mexican for lunch yesterday? I swear your cum was spicy in my mouth.”

  Luke threw her on the couch and laughed. “What is wrong with you girl?” Luke ran his hands up her stomach capturing her breasts in his hands. She let out a little moan as he began to rub her nipples in between his fingers. He suddenly stopped his movements and she grunted in protest.

  “Oh shit I almost forgot, you distracted me with your naughty ways. Look at what I found at the store.”

  Luke pulled a magazine out of his shopping bag and tossed it to Molly. She looked down at it and gasped in horror. There was a giant picture on the front of the magazine of Jane and Brady with the headline reading “Brady’s New Bimbo.”

  Holy shit! She opened the magazine and read the little blurb that went with the three pictures of Brady looking so mad he might spit fire and Jane scared as hell trying to hide her face. The caption read:

  Brady Matthews caught in the act of a possible new booty call? Looks like he is straying away from the blonde beauties and going for a new brunette bimbo. Only time will tell when Brady goes back to his typical blondes.

  “Holy Crap! Why the hell did you buy this? You just supported this piece of shit magazine.”

  Luke threw his hands up in a defensive position. “Sorry, I didn’t think you would have believed me if I didn’t bring it back.”

  “You are right about that one. Please tell me it was the only one.” Molly said with a pleading look. Luke didn’t respond. “Luke,” Molly carried his name out “Please tell me this was the only magazine with pictures of Jane in it.”

  Luke shook his head. “No, this one looked like the least offensive. Are you going to call Jane?”

  “Well fuck, like I even have a choice. Damn it, this totally ruined my morning. I was hoping to get some action from your tongue and maybe eat a donut off your dick.” Molly huffed into the bedroom to go grab her phone.


  Brady woke up to the most amazing feeling in his arms, Jane. It was like she was made specifically for him. She fit perfectly in his arms. He pulled her closer as she started to stir. Her perfectly blue eyes opened and stared straight into his soul, a gorgeous little smile formed on her face.

  “Good morning gorgeous. How did you sleep?”

  “Well what sleep I got was perfect. You have quite the stamina Mr. Matthews.”

  God she was sexy, he could not get enough of her. He could see a future with this woman, she was driven, sexy, intelligent, sweet and caring, and everything he would look for in a wife. Whoa, wife? Where did that come from? God do not say that out loud, that would scare her away for sure, he thought. All of a sudden something was stirring his balls. He looked down and saw Jane grinning like a fool, that little vixen.

  She ripped the covers down exposing both their bodies to the morning air. Her nipples went instantly hard and his dick bobbed upward. Jane slid on top of his body and started shimmying her way down.

  “What do you plan on doing down there pip-squeak?”

  “I’m always thirsty in the morning, mind if I take a sip?” Brady could only muster a husky grunt of approval.

  Jane slid all the way down his body and planted her head right at his throbbing arousal. She spread his legs so she had easier access. She lightly started to caress his balls and placed the other hand on the base of his cock.

  Fuck, she barely touched him and he was ready to cum. She lowered her head, pressed her tongue to the tip of his velvet erection and started doing slow circular motions around the tip. Brady had to concentrate not to thrust his dick down her throat. She closed in around his cock, moving in and out, slowly pulling up and down with her hand and caressing his balls at the same time. There were too many sensations to even think about. His whole body started to tingle and his limbs went numb. His dick was throbbing faster than his heart. He was about to explode.

  Brady caught his breath and squeezed out, “Baby I’m going to come, you might want to move your mouth.”

  She smiled with his dick in her mouth, licked the pulsing vein running the length of his shaft then closed in on it with her mouth again and gave it one last suck and jerk with her hand. He was a goner. He felt like a douche bag since he blew his load in her mouth but she did not move and there was nothing he could do about it. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. He felt like a teenager, he would go in there but he couldn’t move, she made him immobile.

  Brady threw his arm over his head in embarrassment. “Jane, I’m sorry. That was such a douche bag thing to do.”

  Jane straddled him, how did that happen? She came out of nowhere. She ran her hands up to his chest. “Whatever for handsome?”

  “For blowing in your mouth, it’s disrespectful.”

  “Oh really? Well I didn’t mind.” She licked the corner of his mouth and whispered, “I liked the way you taste.”

  Brady shook his head in astonishment. “You are one of a kind Jane Bradley but no more of that you hear me?”

  “Fine, no more blow jobs.”

  Brady was just about to shout in protest when Jane’s phone started ringing. She ignored it and let it go to voicemail. Her stomach rumbled begging for some food.

  Brady laughed, “You hungry pip-squeak?”

  “Starving, you know how to give a girl a good workout and I barely ate any dinner last night because I didn’t want to be bloated during our extracurricular workouts.”

  Jane’s phone rang again. “Ugh, who is trying to interrupt this perfect moment?” She looked at her phone. “It’s Molly, do you mind?”

  “Of course not. I don’t think I have any authority over you after what just you did to me a couple of minutes ago.”

  Jane answered the phone and talked to Molly while still straddling Brady. He reached up and started playing with her breasts, turning her nipples into tight little nubs. He threw her on the bed and she giggled as he kissed her neck up and down, then all of a sudden she went completely stiff. He lifted his head to look at her and her eyes were empty, her face completely white. She looked like she just saw a ghost.


  Jane froze, Molly must be joking. This was a joke right? Her whole body went numb. She could not believe what Molly just told her. If she was telling the truth this could ruin Jane. She didn’t want any bad press to focus on her especially since she had worked so hard to get her business where it was today. Maybe the media attention she got would not affect her business. Maybe it would just affect her personal life, like that was any better.

  Molly spoke up on the phone. “Jane are you there? I’m so sorry honey, please say something. It’s not that bad I’m sure it will blow over. Do not let this ruin anything between you and Brady, you hear me? You are stronger than that. Jane, please say something.”

  “I’ve got to go Molly, thanks.” Jane threw her phone against the pillow
and buried her face into Brady’s chest crying like an idiot.

  “Hey, look at me, what is going on?” He asked, concern lacing his voice.

  Jane got up and separated herself from the man who was partially responsible for plastering her face all over the gossip magazines. She rummaged through Brady’s drawers found a pair of mesh shorts and a braves shirt, grabbed his keys and went straight to his car. She didn’t care if she drove his BMW like a lunatic. She needed to get to the store as soon as possible.

  She drove to the local supermarket, raced inside and gasped in horror as she went up to the checkout line to see all the pictures of her face on display. She grimaced as she looked through all of the magazines with her face plastered on them. The headlines were horrid and read; “Brady Goes Brunette?” “Baseball Brady Batting Around” and “Brunette Booty Call.” She grabbed one of each and went through the self-checkout line. To hell if she would be checked out by some employee only to be mocked and ridiculed.

  Jane sat in Brady’s car for a while reading all the articles taking in all the nasty comparisons between her and Laney. One magazine actually had two pictures side by side, one of her and one of Laney. Just the sight of the pictures of the two of them made Jane feel disgusted in herself for thinking she could ever be with Brady. She was nothing compared to Laney and the magazines made that quite clear. Brady was slumming it when it came to dating Jane.

  Jane tossed the magazines to the side and looked at her phone. She noticed 12 missed calls, all from Brady. Crap. She drove toward his house and kept thinking about all the horrible headlines and comments written about her. When she pulled into Brady’s driveway she saw him run out to greet her. He flung the car door open and pulled her out.

  “Don’t ever fucking do that again, you scared the shit out of me.” Brady said shaking her by the shoulders. “What is going on Jane? Tell me right now.”

  Jane didn’t have to say anything she just grabbed the magazines, threw them on the hood of

  Brady’s BMW and walked into the house. She heard Brady swear under his breath and come after her. Before she reached the door he spun her around. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m going inside, heaven forbid I should be outside and not get my picture taken.” She yanked her arm out of his grasp, went inside, ran to his bedroom, flopped on his bed, buried her face in his pillows and cried.

  Brady sat next to her gently and pulled her into his warm embrace. He smoothed her hair down while whispering calming tones into the side of her head. They sat there for a long time just holding each other. Jane didn’t know if she could handle the spot light that came along with Brady. He brought her back from the dead, made her remember how to laugh, have fun and enjoy the feel of a man but could she deal with the publicity that came along with him?

  She knew the magazines were pure gossip just trying to sell some rubbish but at some point she even believed what the magazines wrote. Who’s to say they won’t make something up and people believe the rumors written about her?

  She pulled away from Brady’s chest. “Brady I’m sorry, I just don’t know if I can handle this kind of attention like you can. I should probably go.” Jane got up from Brady’s lap and started gathering her things.


  Brady sat there in shock, was she serious right now? She was just going to throw away everything they had because of some fucking magazines? Anger started boiling in his blood as he stood up and stomped over toward Jane. He took the objects in her hands and threw them on the ground.

  He ran his hand through his hair and shouted, “Are you fucking kidding me right now Jane?” She started crying again, ignoring the sadness in her bright blue eyes he continued. “You’re just going to take the easy way out and walk out like nothing happened between us? Like you could give two shits about me?”

  “You know that’s not how I feel about you Brady.”

  “Please enlighten me Jane, how do you feel about me? Because frankly I’m a little confused. You’re willing to throw away everything we have because of some stupid gossip magazines? Damn it, Jane you are breaking my heart here. In case you have not noticed I’m falling in love with you.”

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did he say that? Instantly regretting his words he turned around and walked out of the bedroom and into the master bathroom.

  “Don’t forget your thong that’s hanging off the lamp when you walk out.” And with that he slammed the bathroom door and turned on the shower.


  Jane fell to the ground feeling completely helpless as she bawled her eyes out. Brady just said he was falling in love with her and she felt the same exact way. Brady was everything she ever dreamed of, he was perfect for her. She needed to get over herself and deal with her problems head on instead of running away from them. If she wanted to date Brady, which she did, she would have to grow tougher skin. She peeled her body off the ground, stripped down to nothing and walked into the bathroom to join Brady in the shower.

  Brady stood under the showerhead, leaning his head against the wall looking completely deflated. She walked in the oversized shower, wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back.

  He stiffened at first then slowly melted into her embrace. He turned in her arms to face her, not saying a word he grabbed the shampoo and started to wash her hair for her. She rinsed it out and tried to do the same for Brady but she was too short, she couldn’t even reach the top of his head. She stepped back and rested against the shower wall shaking her head.

  “Brady, I’m sorry. I don’t know why you put up with me. Please don’t feel like you need to do me any favors and stick around because you feel sorry for me. I have too much baggage but if you are willing to deal with all my bullshit, I would like to work together to get through the tough times.”

  Brady wrapped Jane in his arms as he caressed her hair. “Pip-squeak, what am I going to do with you? You drive me crazy. One minute I want to shake sense into you and the next minute I want to kiss you senseless. I know this is new for you but we have to work together. You just have to remember, we know what is going on between us and that is all that matters. People can have their opinions but all that matters is what is actually happening between us. You can’t just keep running off, it breaks a piece of my heart every time you do.”

  Jane felt awful, she was still learning how to deal with her emotions and Brady was incredible for being so patient with her. She saw the hurt in Brady’s eyes when she came back from the store and then announced how she wasn’t sure she could handle being with him. She never wanted to cause him that kind of pain again.

  Jane nodded in understanding. “Thank you Brady for putting up with me. I really do want to see where this goes, where the future takes us.”

  Brady answered simply, “Me too, babe, Me too.”


  Brady was grateful they were able to put the morning behind them and enjoy the rest of the day together lounging in his pool naked, making love on the kitchen counter while making lunch and talking about their childhoods while lying in bed. It was perfect up until now. He dreaded this moment. He had to get to the airport to catch his flight to Orlando.

  He pulled up to Jane’s apartment to drop her off and walked her to her door. Thankfully no paparazzi lurked in the bushes or around any corners which was surprising given the amount of publicity they stirred up this morning. She let them in the apartment, set her stuff down and leaned against the wall.

  “This isn’t fair, why couldn’t we have met a little earlier?” Jane asked.

  “I have been thinking the same thing pip-squeak. I wish I had some more time to make this relationship a little stronger. I’m nervous you are going to get scared and run away from me.”

  Jane took Brady’s hands in hers and kissed them gently. “We talked about this earlier, I promise you if I start to get scared I will call you and talk to you about it instead of running away. I want this to work between us.”

  Brady believed her but
he still felt uncomfortable leaving her so early. He was just going to have to have faith. He was excited to get started with the season, he was starting to get a little restless. He just wished he could take Jane with him.

  Wouldn’t that be perfect? Baseball during the day then coming home to Jane at night, he would be in heaven. He would ask her to go with him if she wasn’t working so hard at making her business a success. He knew she needed to make her company work it was a big part of who she was now as well as proving to herself that she could make it on her own.

  “So you are going to come visit me, right? I have some plane tickets with your name written all over them.”

  Jane ran her hands up his chest, kissed him gently on his mouth and whispered, “You can bet your ass I will be there. I expect there to be some more lingerie waiting for me.”

  Lingerie? Hell yea!

  “So you like my taste in underwear then?”

  “Well you are a bit of a slut when it comes to thongs but your choice of bras shows off your classy side. I thought you were a tit man until I saw what kind of underwear you chose for me. You’re an ass man through and through.”

  “You got that right pip-squeak and you have the most perfect ass I have ever seen.”

  Brady reached down and gave her butt a good squeeze. Jane turned around so he faced her back, dropped her phone on the ground, bent down to pick it up and as she proceeded back up she rubbed her butt on Brady’s crotch all the way up.

  Jesus, great he now had to go to the airport with a hard on.

  “Thanks babe can’t wait to walk through airport security with this hard on, having to explain to them that in fact it is my penis and not a gun.”

  Jane laughed and pulled him closer. He caught her mouth with his and devoured her whole. God he was going to miss the taste of her. She felt so good in his arms. She filled a massive void that was missing from his life and he didn’t want to let go yet. He planned on spending some fantastic weekends with her though. All he had to do was get through the week which was going to be hopefully easy since he would be busy training.


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