Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Caught Looking (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 23

by Quinn, Meghan

  “Brady, I appreciate you trying to help Michael out but I wish you went about it differently. I don’t like that you’re willing to get punched in the face. I plan on looking at that mug of yours for the rest of my life and I don’t want it all battered and bruised.”

  Did Jane just say the rest of her life? Did she mean that? She must have if it just flew out of her mouth. Most likely Brady was going to pick up on that comment.

  “The rest of your life?” Brady replied.

  Damn, could he have paid attention to anything else she said? No, he had to pick up on the one little sentence she wished he didn’t. Did she want to spend the rest of her life with Brady? One thing she knew for sure at that moment was that she couldn’t imagine life without him.

  Jane threw in the towel and said, “Yes Brady, I have plans for us too. I know I’m taking it slow but all I know right now is I have to be with you and I can’t imagine you not being in my life. I’m committed to you.”

  Brady was silent for a second and then she heard him exhale. “Jane, you don’t even know how great that makes me feel.”

  “Can you just do me one favor?” Jane asked.

  “Anything sweet thing, name it.”

  “Please make things alright with Michael. He is one of my best friends and I can’t imagine having to get in between the two of you.”

  “You got it, babe. I’ll stop by his place tonight and fix things.”

  Jane felt relieved. Brady would make everything ok. She just hoped Michael would talk to Brady. Michael could be stubborn sometimes. Normally Jane would talk to Michael and find out what was going on because he would tell her everything but she sensed that might not be the best idea. It seemed like Michael thought Jane belonged to him. She wanted to keep this fight between the boys and maybe Brady could start to help Michael out instead of Michael always relying on Jane to help him.

  “Thank you, handsome. Hey by the way, I’ve been doing some thinking.”

  “Good thinking or bad thinking?” Brady asked hesitantly.

  “Good thinking. When you get back to Atlanta I think I want to maybe go pick out a new comforter for your bedroom, you know since I will be spending the night there more often.”

  “What you don’t like my comforter?” Brady said chuckling.

  “It’s not my favorite. You would think someone with as much money as you and potential to bring girls home you would have a really nice down comforter, but no you have one that looks like it’s from the 90’s with geometric shapes and Aztec patterns.”

  Brady laughed. “Hey I never said I was good at decorating. Maybe when I get back we can do a little shopping and you can help me pick some things out, things that will make the house more of ours rather than mine.”

  “I would like that a lot.”

  Jane got excited. Yes she could see herself moving in with Brady sometime in the near future. She would give it a month. She wanted to move in now but she didn’t want to seem too desperate. One thing she realized being away from him while he was at spring training was the time they had together was precious and they should not spend it apart in separate places. Brady wanted to open his house to her and she should take advantage of it, so she could be closer to him whatever chance she got. Maybe she should move some things in there before Brady got back to surprise him.


  Michael lounged on his couch, sipping a beer and eating pizza when someone knocked on his door. Irritated, he got up to answer it. He did not want any company and he by no means wanted to talk to anyone after what happened earlier in the training room. He opened the door and deflated. What was Brady doing at his apartment? Didn’t he get enough earlier in the training room?

  “What the hell do you want?” Michael asked.

  Brady looked sincere when he said, “Listen Michael, I just wanted to come over and make peace with you. I don’t like fighting with my teammates and I’m truly concerned about you.”

  Damn, Brady was annoyingly a good guy. Michael got pretty heated in the training room and let his emotions get the best of him. He thought he would be happy to get away from Kelly and her open for business pussy but he still couldn’t help but feel like he failed.

  He was so mad about Kelly that he took his anger out on Brady. Michael was jealous that Brady was with Jane. Michael wasn’t sure if he was jealous because Brady took Jane away or if he was jealous that Brady was in such a great relationship; maybe a combination of both. That didn’t mean he had to be a dick to Brady, though. Brady had been nothing but nice and accepting toward him ever since Michael was traded to the Braves. Brady took him in and made him feel welcome.

  Michael shook his head in embarrassment and let Brady in. “I’m sorry man.” Michael said while he rubbed his jaw. “I said some things that I shouldn’t have and took my problems out on you.”

  “It’s alright bud. Now tell me what’s going on.”

  Michael was shocked that Brady accepted his apology just like that, as if nothing happened between them. Brady was a much bigger man than he was. Michael would have at least put up a little bit of a stink. Damn he felt like a total idiot.

  Michael tossed Brady a beer and offered him a piece of pizza. Brady grabbed a slice and sat on the couch. Michael started from the beginning, how Kelly used to be this amazing girl and then the spotlight changed her completely. He told him about the move and how he noticed she started to distance herself and the lies of where she was during the days and even nights. He told Brady how he walked in on Dayshon and Kelly fucking in his bed and how he asked Kelly to be out of the house by the time he got back from spring training.

  Brady sat on the couch and listened intently until Michael was done. God he felt a little better. It was nice to get all his pent up anger off his chest. Damn, he hated to admit it but to share his feelings with someone other than Jane was not bad. It felt good to talk to Brady because he was able to understand where he came from about failing at being a man and a husband.

  Brady chimed in, “Bud, you didn’t fail. I want you to know that. Kelly was the one who failed you. You did everything you could to make things better between you two and that was all you could do. She was the one who failed you, broke her vows and disappointed you. It hurts, I know, I ‘ve been there but what you need to take away from this is you tried your hardest and sometimes you can do everything in your power to make things right but if the other person is not in it, the relationship is going to fail. It takes two to make things work.”

  Michael thought about that for a second. Brady was right. Michael did everything he could to try to make Kelly happy but it was never good enough. How could he ever live up to her standards when she set him out to fail no matter what? Maybe the only thing Michael failed at was his judgment of character.

  “Thanks man, you’re right. Once she got a taste for the spotlight, there was no way I was going to be able to salvage what we had.”

  Brady took a swig of his beer. “It happens to the best of us sometimes. Some people are not strong enough to survive the pressures of being a celebrity. It takes over their bodies. The same thing happened to Laney Johnson, the girl I was dating. She became a media whore.”

  Michael knew about Laney Johnson, she would do anything for a little bit of publicity. He wasn’t quite sure how a nice guy like Brady got wrapped up with the likes of her but that was a story for a different day.

  “You know Brady, you’re a pretty good guy. I’m sincerely glad Jane is with you. If she couldn’t be with me I guess you will do.” Michael said jokingly.

  Brady gave him a playful shove. “I appreciate you bowing out for me.”

  They both laughed and spent the rest of the night joking around, drinking beers and watching Sports Center. Michael was glad Brady came over, he sent a text message to Jane.

  Michael: Hey Janey bear, thanks for encouraging Brady to come over tonight. I know you had a part in that.

  Brady looked over his shoulder and asked, “Are you trying to steal my girl away again?” />
  Michael laughed. “It wouldn’t be very hard.” He said jokingly.

  Brady playfully punched his arm. “Ha, you wish!”

  Michael thought, he did wish but if he couldn’t have her Brady was a perfect replacement. He got a message back from Jane.

  Jane: You know I like to keep peace, I hope everything worked out.

  Michael: Yea, Brady helped me deal with some demons I have been facing. He’s a good guy.

  Brady: I seem to think so as well. Tell him I love him for me.

  Gross, Michael was not going to say that. Brady seemed to notice Michael’s face and asked, “What did she say?”

  Michael joked, “Oh that she wishes she could jump my bones right now but wanted to make sure I didn’t tell you.”

  “In your dreams buster. She prefers white chocolate.”

  Michael laughed, that she did.

  Chapter 23

  Jane put together some items to take over to Brady’s house. He would be home tomorrow and she wanted to surprise him with some fresh flowers throughout his house, some pictures of them together and some new edible lotions she found at a specialty shop.

  The last couple of weeks had been hard but Brady and Jane talked every night, they even tried phone sex once. Jane could not help but giggle and she could tell Brady got a little irritated on the phone from her lack of maturity. She could not help herself though, she felt awkward describing the way she would pleasure herself to him. He said that they would practice when they got home because he didn’t know if he could survive on the road without it. He was just a horn dog and needed to learn to control his urges.

  Things with Michael and Brady were going great. Brady said they were getting along and really grew close. Brady helped Michael through his divorce emotionally and in return Michael supplied the beer. Men!

  Patty was the best thing that happened to Jane’s business in a while. She was a very take charge kind of girl. She did not act like the boss by any means but she got things done before Jane could even ask. If Patty didn’t slow down she would have to give the girl a raise.

  Patty worked on a new website for JB Events and helped with marketing the business. Marc continued to show his interest with Patty. He sent her emails and tried to call the office a couple of times. Patty was polite and talked to him but never really showed him any interest in return. She stood strong with her no men policy. Poor Marc.

  Luke left for his training, Molly seemed to think he actually went on a mission but he told her it was just training because he did not want to worry her. Jane was worried for Molly no matter what, even if it was just training. The government didn’t really care what went on in their operators’ personal lives and Jane had a bad feeling that Luke would miss the wedding. The thing that really frustrated Jane was that she didn’t know how Molly could do it. The poor girl didn’t get any correspondence from Luke at all so they would have to approach her wedding week having no clue if the groom would be able to attend.

  Molly’s bachelorette party was tomorrow night and Jane was excited about it. Albert reserved their usual room at Deuces but decorated it with dick paraphernalia. Jane knew it was tacky and cliché but nothing would be better suited for Molly. She worshipped the male genitalia. Albert also booked a male stripper which made Jane cringe. Was she the only girl who didn’t want to have a random man’s dick flapping in her face? Maybe she would have to help replenish food when the guy showed up. What did Albert say he was? A police or fire man? They really wanted Mr. Ex-rated commando but apparently he was all booked up.

  It was going to be a good night. Jane could not wait and after the penis festivities were over she planned on joining Brady and going to his house for some much needed cuddle time. He wanted her to come over but she said how she would most likely stay with Molly so she had someone to watch over the drunken mess she was going to be, but there was a slight possibility she might be able to come over. Albert stepped in and said he would take puke duty because he knew how, in his words, horny Jane was. She didn’t care. She was so excited to see Brady.

  Jane gathered her items and went over to Brady’s house to set them up. She couldn’t wait. She only wished she was there to see his reaction. She kind of wanted to move everything in and she knew Brady would be the first one to help her, but she wanted to make sure she felt comfortable at his place first before she did anything too permanent.

  Tomorrow night would be great, she was going to celebrate with her friends and then she was going to go get her some Brady Matthews.


  Molly still had not heard from Luke but that was not a surprise, she very rarely did when he was training. She was lucky if he sent her a quick note. She wasn’t going to worry about Luke tonight though because it was her bachelorette party. She was so excited even though she felt bad Luke didn’t really get a bachelor party. She promised him a fantastic striptease when he got back.

  Molly put on the skimpy hot pink number she got on clearance from Macy’s. It was short, tight and completely inappropriate but so perfect for the bride to be. She put on her yellow high heels and was on her way.

  She wondered what the place was going to look like. She didn’t want the party anywhere other than Deuces, that was her go to bar and she wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else. If Albert had anything to do with the planning there would be dicks everywhere and definitely a stripper. She got giddy just thinking about all the dicks that would be flying about tonight.

  Molly got to Deuces and Jane greeted her outside.

  “Hey gorgeous look at you, you are one big slut bag tonight!” Jane said.

  Molly laughed, “Did you expect any less from me? I’m so fucking pumped for tonight I can’t wait to get liquored up. Hey, have you seen Brady yet? Didn’t he get back today?”

  Jane sighed, “Yes he did. I haven’t seen him yet because I’ve been doing things for you silly. I will see him later tonight when I’m all loose from the booze. Albert said he will be going home with you tonight. He enjoys watching you make a fool out of yourself when you are wasted.”

  “Oh great, I should expect to see pictures of my drunk ass online tomorrow then. He is notorious for getting the ugliest shot of you and then posting it for the world to see.” Molly said.

  “Yea but don’t worry we will get that little queen back one day.”

  They walked inside and Molly was fantastically surprised when she walked into their room. Not only was there a dick on every corner of the wall, but all the food was dick shaped as well. Oh how she loved her friends.

  “This is perfect! I have never seen so many dicks in my life, I’m in heaven.”

  Jane handed her a drink and said, “You are one strange girl.”


  Jane felt pretty good by now, they had played pin the dick on “Luke,” match that dick (which was basically matching a dick to its corresponding ball sac) and they had suck the dick contests. That was what really sent Jane over the threshold of sober and drunk. She didn’t know she had it in her to suck so hard. The harder you sucked, the faster you drank, the faster you drank the more the other team had to drink after. It basically was a game designed to make everyone drunk off their asses.

  The stripper came and that was Jane’s queue to go see how Brady was doing. She stepped outside to give him a quick call. The phone rang twice and went to his voicemail, that was weird. She left him a message.

  She was about to walk back inside when someone tapped her on the shoulder she turned around and came face to face with George. Shit!

  “Well, well, well if it isn’t Miss Popular. How is your baseball player boyfriend?”

  George slurred his words and was not able to keep himself standing still, although she was not faring well either at this current moment. He let his hair grow out so it curled behind his ears and his beard was two days past a shave. His clothes were disheveled and reeked of alcohol.

  “What do you want George?”

  He pinned her against the wall and whispered in h
is scotch soaked breath, “You.” He started to slide his hands up her arms and she screamed. He clasped his hand over her mouth.

  “Don’t you fucking dare scream right now. I have about 100 pounds over you and I’ll take you down so fast. I just want to see what the big deal is. I was going to marry you and don’t remember you being so special that a famous baseball player would want anything to do with you.”

  George slid his hand across her breasts, she tried to kick him but he pinned her legs down with his and then she gasped from his erection pressing against her center. No this could not be happening right now. The only thing she could think to do was press dial on her phone again, maybe Brady would pick up and hear them.

  “You have lost weight, you’re all skin and bones. No one likes to fuck a skeleton. Does your boyfriend get his jollies off of fucking a pile of bones? There must be something completely wrong with him.”

  Jane shook her head and freed her mouth. “George get the fuck off of me, please don’t do this.”

  “What do you think I’m going to do? Rape you? Get real, I would rather go fuck a rusted old tin can right now. You’re trash, always have been and always will be. You really think I was going to marry you? I just proposed to you to get a promotion but then you fucked that up by walking in on me and Rebecca. God, does she have delicious tits,” George said as he reflected. “You think you are all special because your business is still afloat? Well reality check you dumb bitch, you are going to fail. You will never be anything more than some sorry excuse for a woman. Do that baseball player a favor and go jump off a cliff.”

  Jane could not help herself, she began to cry like an idiot. George knew how to press all the right buttons. He knew exactly how to hurt her and he did a pretty good job doing it at the current moment. Jane just wanted to go see Brady. George was wrong, Brady loved her and saw her for who she was. He didn’t think she was trash or worthless.


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