Rude Awakening

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Rude Awakening Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  “Why, Sir, I was simply doing the pots.”

  How she loved this game. Harry would give her an order—a simple order of don’t do anything—and she’d do something, anything, just to push him a little over the edge. Her punishment would be severe indeed.

  “I told you to wait here, in this chair and not to move.”

  Harry held onto the back of the pine chair she usually sat in, and Ruby imagined the time last week when he had sat in the very same chair and demanded she ride him to completion. Many times he put her in charge of their lovemaking and tested her in new, delicious ways.

  “I guess I couldn’t help myself,” she said softly, bowing her head into her submissive pose.

  Nothing would ever rush Harry. He moved slowly until he stood in front of her. Ruby stared at the floor, hoping to keep the smile off her face. So many times before she’d allowed her humour to interfere with their play.

  Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her head back and, as always, he took her breath away. A true Master in every way. Disappointment clouded his face, but the underlying affection he had for her began shining through.

  Harry never covered or hid his true feelings from her. She knew and would always know he loved her completely.

  “I think my little Ruby needs a spank.”

  Like all the times before, she bit her lip and contained the moan threatening to release. Having his hands on her would be a pleasure to behold. He knew how to tease her to the very limits, topple her over the edge and catch her, joining her in the abyss of sensation.

  “Yes, Sir, I’ve been very naughty,” she encouraged.

  “Hmm. I think you like my punishments a little too much. Maybe I should leave you to deal with your lack of discipline on your own.”

  Harry made to turn and Ruby panicked. A few weeks ago she’d given herself to him along with her ability to self-pleasure. He was in complete control and could bring or take pleasure from her.

  “No, Sir, please, I need your punishment.” She immediately went to her knees in front of him, bringing her face directly level with his cock.

  The large shaft was outlined in his trousers, showing her effect on him.

  They paused with him standing over her and Ruby on her knees—a pose she knew drove him to distraction. A test of wills.

  He ran his fingers through her hair and she knew he’d give in. This was the idea of their play, to show her that even with him as Master she still had the ability to work a scene. His sub would always have a say in what happened.

  “I think you’ve tested me too much.” He sighed.

  Her heart kicked a beat. God, she loved this man with her whole being.

  He moved to sit in the chair she’d thought about earlier. He sat and patted his knee. Without thought, she followed his instruction, standing in front of him, turning round so he could see the full arse she had now. Ready and waiting to be spanked. She perched on his knee, not wanting to hurt him. She’d put a few pounds on since being with him. No longer did her bones protrude but each curve was nicely rounded and gave him something to hold onto without fear of breaking her.

  He cupped her waist and brought her back against his chest, moving his fingers down her body in a slow, agonising caress.

  “You’re shuddering. Tell me, sweet Ruby, do you want release?”

  “Yes, Master, always.”

  She gasped as his fingers brushed over her mound, enough to send waves of sensation through her body but not enough to start her on the main road to pleasure.

  Releasing a moan of frustration, he moved down past her cunt to caress her legs. He grasped them, opened them wider.

  “I wish I had a mirror so I could see how wet you are. To see this pretty pussy. Who owns this pussy?”

  “You do.”

  “You do, what?”

  “You do…Master.”

  She groaned as his finger ran through her wet heat, dripping just from the simple touch.

  “Have you been playing with yourself?” he asked.

  “No!” she cried in denial.

  “No, what?”

  “No, Master, I’d never play with myself without your permission. It is forbidden, Master.”

  His cock thrust up against her leg at her words.

  “Should I punish you?”

  “I will accept everything Master has to offer.”

  He pushed a finger inside her, his action easy from how wet she was just from being near him. She cried out. Her clit felt like it was ready to explode, and he purposefully didn’t touch it.

  “Please, Master…” She flung her head back and closed her eyes, biting her lips together to keep another cry from rushing out. She wanted to order him to touch her but she knew how much worse her punishment would be. He’d make sure her pleasure lasted until the last possible moment instead of giving it to her straightaway.

  “Are you telling me what to do, Ruby?”

  “No, Master.”

  He took his hands away. She whimpered at the loss.

  “I think you need a spank, sub. To have this rounded arse hot and red.”

  Her pussy gushed more cream. His punishments always had the ability to make her crave the forbidden.

  “Over my knee,” he ordered, gently pushing her off his lap to the floor.

  Within seconds, she leaned over his knees, her arse in the air ready for punishment. She panted and juices leaked onto the tops of her inner thighs.

  Spank me, Harry. Make it burn.

  Throughout the years, Harry had managed to master the art of seduction with her, and she knew deep in her heart Harry Knowles was the right man for her. In the society world he was a man to be respected and his rules adhered to—the same as in their private life—but more than that, in the comfort of their home he was the man she could and would love for the rest of her life. He’d never, in all their time together, left her feeling frightened.

  “Look at this arse. I could stare at it all night long.”

  His hands roamed the cheeks, fingers biting as he squeezed. She moaned and thrust up to meet him, wanting everything he had to offer.

  One hand stilled and he slid the other up her back, moving her hair out of the way. Harry always did this to her. Touched her, warming her up ready to receive her punishments. Afterwards, she couldn’t form a coherent thought let alone refuse the man she loved.


  The first hit shocked her even though she knew it was coming. She gasped and held onto the length of his trouser leg. Exhaling, she enjoyed the heated sting followed by the cool air as he blew over the site. She imagined his hand print clear on her white flesh. He demanded she did not expose her arse to the sun. He liked it pale—easier for him to see his marks.


  Smack, smack, smack.

  The sound echoed round the room, her arse stinging. He delved his fingers into the heat of her cunt. She cried out, wondering if there would be a wet patch on his trousers when he was done.

  “You’re dripping,” he said.

  “I know,” Ruby said, not thinking, forgetting to add ‘Master’.

  He landed another three harsh swipes to her arse. She whimpered and ground her pussy lips onto his leg. The sensation was too much. She needed release before she lost her mind.

  Harry picked her up and carried her up the stairs. Ruby held on to him, trusting him in everything. In no time at all he had her in the middle of their bed, making her wait while he took off his clothes. She loved watching him undress, the surprise body underneath his prim and proper suits always a delightful distraction.

  “You like what you see, sub?”


  “Good. Arms above your head and legs out.”

  Ruby didn’t think to argue and did as he asked straightaway. He tied her hands to the headboard then her feet to the footer, careful to make sure she wasn’t tied too tightly.

  “Are they good?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Only when he was certai
n of that would he join her on the bed. Ruby watched him, her heart beating rapidly as she spied the lighted candle he’d brought with him.

  “Where did that come from?” she asked.

  He quirked a brow at her lack of formal address. “I have my ways. Just like I have this.”

  He lifted a bottle of water, and Ruby frowned, wondering what on earth he’d need it for. He opened the bottle and in a steady drop, chilled water landed on her breasts. Never before had Ruby felt anything like it. She arched up as the cold engulfed her tight nipple, followed immediately by the drop of warm candle wax.

  Ruby screamed in pleasure, and Harry continued tormenting her, alternating the cold with bursts of heat along her body.

  After a while of teasing her body to fresh heights, he still refused to fuck her and give her the release she sought. Harry disappeared off to the bathroom, coming back with a cloth and a small basin of water. He cleaned the water and the wax from her body.

  “Please, Master…”

  “Not Master. Harry.”

  He did that every now and again. When he tried something new like the candle he’d demand she call him by his given name, almost as if making sure she knew who he really was.

  “Did you like?”

  “I love everything you do to me. I trust you, Master.”

  “I love you.”

  Harry moved the water and cloth, then leant down to kiss her. Still bound as she was, she let him take control of the kiss, moaning when his tongue thrust deep, melding with her own. His lips were a wicked turn-on.

  Ruby smiled. He eased down her body, her legs already splayed open for him to do whatever he wanted. Harry got on the bed between her legs. She held her breath, waiting, her pussy burning with the need to have him touch her in any way he was willing. The flesh heated under his gaze, her cream dribbling down to her arse crack. She closed her eyes, waiting, waiting. He swiped his tongue through her slit, feasting on her. She panted, holding back screams of delight, thrashing against the restraints in mock protest. She wanted to hold his head and push herself against his face.

  “Please, please…” She gasped, not knowing what she begged for.

  With her climax fast approaching and the delicious build of completion starting, Harry moved up her body, his chin glistening with her spent juice.

  “Why did you stop?” she whimpered, still without a climax, her body crying out for one.

  He shoved his cock inside her all the way to the hilt. Pulling on the restraints, she groaned, stuttered sounds that hurt her throat.

  “Fuck, so tight and hot, Ruby.”

  Harry cupped her face and stared into her eyes, pulling all the way out before plunging back inside. She kept her gaze on his eyes, the connection somehow deeper than the intimacy they shared. He pushed in as far as he could but still his gaze remained on her.

  His body calling her to pleasure was nothing compared to the love shining out of his eyes. Ruby thought she could see his very heart and soul. The ultimate understanding and vital chemistry between two people. Far more powerful than the hormones releasing in her, their love alive and pulsing between them.

  “I love you,” she gasped out.

  His eyes dilated. “You’re my very life.”

  He pummelled his cock inside her and she welcomed the sweet release he could give. He slid one hand between her legs and flicked her swollen clit.

  “Come for me, baby.”

  His command took her over the edge. She pulled on her wrist restraints, wanting to hold him, to grab him and claw at him. Instead, she gripped him with her thighs as she rode the wave of bliss.

  “Fuck, yeah, come all over my cock. Fuck, your cunt is fucking tight,” he said, his language, as always, going downhill as his climax neared.

  Ruby loved hearing his hoarse voice, the erotic sounds teasing her.

  He fucked her faster, driving harder.

  She knew he wouldn’t last. With one final thrust, he slammed his lips down on hers and kissed her, pushing his tongue deep. He tensed his body, and she tasted her juices from his tongue at the same time as feeling the kick of his cock as his release shot out. Ruby came with him, shuddering and bucking, pressing her clit against him for double the ecstasy.

  He collapsed on top of her, breathing ragged, his thundering heartbeat pulsing on her chest. She waited for him to catch his breath, to come down before lightly tugging on her bonds for him to release hers. The moment she was free, she hugged him to her.

  “I love you,” he growled, his head resting on her breast.

  “Do you love me or your cushions?”

  He playfully bit the side of her breast, laughing. “I love these.” He lifted his head and held them, rubbing his face in the mounds.

  Ruby giggled. “Mr Harry Knowles, rubbing his face in a woman’s tits. What would people say?”

  “The same as what they would at me marrying a woman who is apparently beneath me but I love her completely.” He kissed her, then pulled away to stare down at her.

  “My mother expected nothing less than you making a respectable woman out of me.”

  “If she could see you now… There’s nothing respectable about you.”

  “Hey!” She swiped at him.

  “You know I love you.” Harry hugged her to him, chuckling.

  “Speaking of my mother, she’s coming for Christmas providing we can get out in the snow to collect her.”

  “We’ve just made love and you want to talk about your mother?” he teased.

  “Some men go straight to sleep, but I find you’re a lot more willing to agree when I ask after you’ve been laid.”

  “Only because you’re naked and I can get what I want again afterwards.”

  He nibbled her breast and Ruby sighed in contentment.

  One of the things she loved about him was, soon after finding her that night at Nigel’s, he’d taken her to go and see her mother. The reunion had been emotional, full of tears and hugs. Ruby hadn’t known Nigel had threatened her mother with the loss of her house and even her life if she got in touch with her only daughter. Hearing of the threats from the man who’d destroyed her life up until she’d met Harry broke her heart but, as always, he’d been there to catch her, hold her when she thought she couldn’t cope with the new information.

  From that day, Mrs Savage had demanded Harry care for Ruby completely. Not that Ruby needed her mother’s demands made on her behalf. Nigel was well and truly put away, probably someone’s bitch on the inside. Harry and her mother had talked for hours while Ruby sat and drank tea, watching them both interact and loving the sense of a complete family at last.

  “I love your mother,” Harry said, pulling her from her thoughts. “But I don’t want to think about her while I’m in bed with my wife. That said, I’ll do what I can to get her up here for you.”

  He splayed a hand over her stomach. She knew what he was thinking. They had decided to try for a baby, but the past few months had been unsuccessful. They wanted the special news in time to give to her mother for Christmas, but Ruby knew that if by the end of the year she hadn’t conceived they would go and get tests.

  “Do you think you could be?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Would it be bad if I wasn’t?”

  “Of course not, but with you barefoot and pregnant I can guarantee you’ll stay with me.”

  Ruby swiped him again and settled her head more comfortably in the pillows.

  “You know while you have money I’ll stay,” she said, teasing and playing up the role some people had said she’d occupied since the day Harry found her—that of a gold digger.

  “I’d believe that if you used the money I gave you.”

  She accepted his gifts, but she also had a part-time job at the local library and earned her own money. Refusing anything other than gifts had become a long-standing joke, especially when people liked to comment on her lack of family money. Some acquaintances of Harry’s really were cynical.

  Harry knew her and that wa
s all that mattered.

  “I love you, Harry,” she whispered, kissing his cheek.

  “I know you do, baby.”

  He held her and Ruby felt safe and comforted by his presence. Whatever the future held she was ready to deal. Four years with Harry had been the best years of her life so far. They’d both had such a rude awakening on life and how people behaved towards them, how people treated them, but she wouldn’t change a thing. She smiled at how hers had been literally rude—waking in front of his fire and finding herself embroiled in a hot love affair that turned into something so permanent. She’d long accepted that not everyone was as kind as Harry, who took her at face value and knew she wasn’t with him for his money or the standing in society he gave her. She loved her peaceful life of working in the library and returning home to him, where they took it in turns to cook. Loved every damn minute of being a wife and sub. The meals out, holidays, jewels, the shopping trips to buy clothes, bags and shoes—she didn’t want any part of it.

  She didn’t need anything other than his love.

  Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

  Forced Assassin

  Natalie Dae and Sam Crescent


  Chapter One

  Bishop. He rolled the word around in his mind, testing whether it fitted. He quite liked it as names went. It wasn’t a bad one, better than some of the others he’d had, but it wouldn’t be his long enough to matter, anyway.

  They never were.

  He stared across the hotel dining room—with white cloths draped over round tables big enough to seat six—to the woman sitting in the far right-hand corner. She hadn’t clocked him watching her since yesterday—or at least he didn’t think she had—and ate her Beef Wellington in delicate morsels, gaze fixed into the far distance as though she had a lot on her mind. And she would have, if the other marks were anything to go by.

  He looked at his own plate, the food there unappealing, and wished he’d opted for the Wellington himself. A pork chop—undercooked, the fat around the edge soggy and unappetising—seemed to mock him, the mashed potatoes next to it just as sloppy, just as stomach-churning. He pushed his plate aside and reached for a glass of water, catching a glimpse of his reflection owing to the harsh lighting from the chandeliers.


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