Galchen, Rivka ‘Borges on Pleasure Island’, New York Times, 27 June 2010
Harman, Clare Robert Louis Stevenson: A Biography (London, 2010)
Reid, Alastair Oases: Poems and Prose (Edinburgh, 1997)
Rodriguez Monegal, Emir Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography (New York, 1978)
Stevenson, Robert Louis The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Tusitala Edition (London, 1923–4)
Stevenson, Robert Louis Fables (Glasgow, 2012)
Swearingen, Roger G. The Prose Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson: A Guide (London, 1980)
Wilson, Jason Jorge Luis Borges (London, 2006)
THANK YOU to Edinburgh International Book Festival, who chose me to be one of the five Scottish writers for their Outriders project exploring the Americas, which was supported through the Scottish Government’s Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund. My trip to Argentina was vivid, memorable, enlightening. I met a great many wonderful people there, some of whom influenced my reading of Borges and of Stevenson (not to mention inspiring elements of my next novel). In Scotland, I thank: Nick Barley and Cat Tyre of EIBF; Jenny Niven of Creative Scotland. In Argentina, I thank: Maria Kodama; Valeria Zamparolo and Maria Ines Lopez Vicente of the British Council, Argentina; Mariana Enriquez; Gabriela Adamo of Filba; Ernesto Montequin; Gloria Silva at Villa Ocampo; Mabel Mayol and Ana Quiroga, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes; staff at the Biblioteca Miguel Cané; Billy Suárez; Mariano Tenconi Blanco; staff at the Hotel Montecassino, Capilla del Monte.
Thank you to Professor Daniel Balderston, whose essay first sparked my enthusiasm for bringing this volume together. When I emailed Professor Balderston as a professional and personal courtesy, seeking his blessing for this project, he responded in the most gracious and generous manner.
Thank you to everyone at Birlinn/Polygon, especially: Neville Moir, Alison Rae, Vikki Reilly, Edward Crossan, Jim Hutcheson.
Thank you to Rosanna Al-Mulla and Karl Magee, Archives and Special Collections, University Library, University of Stirling.
Thank you to staff at the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Thank you to Duncan Jones, Association for Scottish Literary Studies, Glasgow.
Thank you to my Creative Writing colleagues at the University of Stirling: Kathleen Jamie, Chris Powici, Liam Murray Bell.
Thank you to my agent, Joanna Swainson, of Hardman & Swainson.
Thank you to all my friends, old and new, in Scotland, Argentina and beyond.
A Note on the Editor
KEVIN MACNEIL is an award-winning writer from the Outer Hebrides now lecturing in Creative Writing at the University of Stirling. He is an acclaimed novelist, poet, editor and screenwriter. He co-wrote Hamish: The Movie and his books include A Method Actor’s Guide to Jekyll and Hyde and The Brilliant & Forever, shortlisted for the Saltire Fiction of the Year Award.
Robert Louis Stevenson: An Anthology Page 33