Pulling His Trigger (Ghost Riders MC Book 4)

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Pulling His Trigger (Ghost Riders MC Book 4) Page 1

by Alexa Riley

  Pulling His Trigger

  Alexa Riley


  Pulling HIS Trigger



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Letting Her Lead


  Chapter 1

  Also by Alexa Riley

  Stalk the Author

  Pulling HIS Trigger

  Vincent and MacKenzie have found their happily ever after, and now they're just kicking back and enjoying life.

  But Mac is hiding something.

  Vincent has known for some time, but he loves Mac more than anything and he'll wait for her to reveal the truth.

  Warning: It's the same intense love as before, but this can be read as a standalone. So whether you're new to Vincent worshiping his woman and Mac's sassy mouth, or if you loved reading about them before and want to see how they're doing, hop on!

  Copyright © 2016 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]


  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  This book is dedicated to everyone who wanted more of our girl Mac. We never thought about writing this until you guys starting putting words in our head. And then we couldn’t stop. So this, dear followers, is all your fault.

  Thank you.

  Chapter One


  “You ready?” I look over at Violet as she pulls her long, dark chocolate hair into a ponytail. It’s eerie sometimes, how much she looks like her brother. My man. Or my old man, as he’s known in the club, seeing as I’m the only female member of the Ghost Riders and the club’s sergeant-at-arms. Even with him being a fed, they’d let him in easy. Well, maybe not so easy. He did have to break a few laws to keep my ass out of jail, proving to everyone that he’s always chosen me first. My Vincent knew how much this club meant to me, so that meant protecting it, too. And he had and does still. For the last six months, he’s proven that to me and anyone watching that it would always be that way.

  “Hell yeah,” Violet answers, shooting me a smirk. I bend down to make sure her ankle weights are on tight so they don’t knock against her or slide all around. “Those things are fucking heavy.” She lifts up each foot one at a time, testing them. Then she starts bouncing back and forth, warming up her legs. Violet actually looks to be fitter than me. We are about the same height, both on the shorter side, but I’ve probably got about twenty pounds on her. Vincent’s Italian home-cooked meals every night aren’t helping, but I’m not going to go complain about that. I still know I can move. I’m just not sure she’ll have the strength to carry the rifle for long sprints.

  “Yep, but they work,” I reassure her, standing up. Running with ankle weights is a bitch, but you’ll thank yourself for having trained with them the first time your feet hit land that isn’t so solid. Sand and mud sink, making your strides hard and heavy. This way, you’re always prepared for the extra weight. And when you are on solid ground and you take off in a sprint, you move even faster for longer periods.

  I pick the rifle up off the ground and hand it to her.

  “All right, so you’re the first I’ve gotten to try this out on. Pres knows I’ve been working on something out here, but I haven’t told him yet. I’ve just been playing around with it, and I thought you’d be a perfect fit to try it out.”

  For a few weeks, I’ve been putting together a practice field out on the land beside the range. It’s a place where people can do drills or maybe even have paintball tournaments. I’ve wanted to do something to expand business for the range as I own part of it with the club president, Lucias. I miss the adrenaline that comes with being on active duty.

  Out here on the course, it feels like old times. I know not all my brothers look at our time overseas like I do. They see it as being filled with blood and pain, but me, I see the moment I finally found a home. A place I belonged. I fought with them, and when we returned to the States, we stayed together. The same team working together, but now we just do it for the club instead of the government.

  Now I’m helping Vincent’s little sister train. I’ve been helping her practice shooting for weeks in between her classes. She’s good and learning fast. She also wants in the club something bad, and I’m keen on the idea because soon I won’t be able to be the club’s eyes in the sky anymore. At least for a few months. Can’t lie on your stomach for hours if you’ve got a pregnant belly in the way. But that’s a secret I haven’t shared with anyone else yet.

  I also know Violet to be loyal to a fault. It’s how all of Vincent’s family is. It’s the way they were raised. I’m just not sure how happy they’ll be when they find out all the little things she’s been doing at night. She’s the youngest, the baby of the family, but she’s nothing like Vincent’s other four sisters who are always going on and on about marriage and babies and the latest fashion and what everyone should make for the next family barbecue. She has a taste for adrenaline, like me.

  She’d talked about enlisting, but I’d talked her out of it. I’m sure Vincent would rather her be here than a whole other country away and in harm’s way.

  “Let’s do this,” she says and stops jumping around.

  “High noon at all times.” I point to the rifle. “That’s the fast way to move with that one.”

  She nods, doing as I say.

  “We’ll start off easier. Around the lake and up that hill. When you get to the top, you’ll see your target.”

  She nods again.

  “Feel it V.” I drop my head back and look up at the sky. The sun is coming up. I snuck out of bed on Vincent early on a Sunday morning. I’m sure he’ll be popping up soon. I want to be done before we get busted. “Feel the wind. Feel it as we move up the hill. Because with each step, it will get heavier, and it will affect your shot. Think about it every step of the way. Think about your breathing. If you’re running too fast, then you’ll be out of breath. How will that affect you when you hit the ground to take your shot? Feel it all because all of it counts. Every. Little. Thing.”

  I drop my head back down and look at her. I want her to be the best. You have to think of everything to become that. I want that for her. I can see the fire in her eyes. How much she craves it. I used to have that fire and drive, too.

  “I got it,” she confirms.

  “You want to be fast, but not too fast if it will fuck you up. The best thing about us is our size. We’re quick. Unnoticeable. Make sure your feet hit the ground that way. Be a ghost.”

  “Got it, Cas.” She calls me by my club name, Cas, Casper the not-so-friendly ghost, and it makes me smile. I’ve had the name since the day I met my brothers. Saved their asses as I sat up on a hill, popping enemies off one by one, protecting the platoon. I had a knack
for doing that for them.

  Normally, Violet calls me MacKenzie, like the rest of her family.

  “All right. Let’s go.”

  We both take off, and I make sure my strides match hers, following her around the lake, then up the high hill that sits way off to the side of the property. She glances down at her watch, checking her heart rate. She must be satisfied as her strides pick up a beat, making me bite back a smile.

  When we get to the top, she stops and drops. This time I don’t follow her. I stand on watch. She caught it. She was too open for her target. If it was alive she’d have been noticed. She hits the ground, crawling a good four feet, getting better ground as she brings the rifle up. It doesn’t take her a second to fire her shot. She hits the target, which is a good mile out, and I see hay explode at the impact. I reach into my cargo pants and pull out my binoculars. I smile at what I see.

  “Fucking perfect.”

  Chapter Two


  I felt Mac get out of bed and sneak out of the house. She thinks she’s fooling me, so I let her.

  We’ve been together months, but I knew her from day one. Knew inside and out she was the one for me. My dad did the same thing with my mom. One look and he was gone, just like I was the day I saw Mac’s picture. That was all it took for her to become my whole world.

  So her thinking she can sneak out of bed without waking me up is a joke. I know every inch of her skin. I know every scar on her body. There’s nothing about her that I don’t know or don’t notice, but I let her have the space she needs.

  I know she’s pregnant. I’m just waiting on her to be ready to tell me. I also know she’s training my sister Violet to take her place temporarily. I’d love to talk her out of it, but I know my woman, and I know that’s not happening. What I can do is love her, and I’ll do that until the end of time.

  Rolling over, I get out of bed and pull on some clothes. I moved into Mac’s house after about a day of our knowing one another, but it was the right decision. She’s it for me, so why would I waste time? We would have been dragging it out if I hadn’t, because no fucking way was I going to deprive myself of being wrapped around her each night.

  She doesn’t know it, but I bought us a house two months ago when I found out she was pregnant. I think I knew before she did. I know how her body moves, and I could tell you the location of each freckle on her body. So I knew when her breasts got a little bigger and her belly was a bit softer that my baby was in her. I thought maybe I had convinced myself, as seeing her with my child was what I desperately wanted, but as time went on, I knew I was right.

  The house I got us is still close to the clubhouse, and even close to her brother Savage and his wife, Julie. They’ve got two little ones, and it will be nice to have them close. It’s also close to a couple of my sisters, who I know will be all over Mac when they find out. She’ll hate it at first, but she’ll be happy to have the support. I know her, and she just needs time to get it straight in her mind and heart before she can say it out loud.

  I get in my car and head over to the new house to check on the progress. I’ve had some guys out here doing some work on the place so that it’s perfect when Mac sees it for the first time. The house is new construction, but I wanted just a few changes to make it feel more like ours.

  Walking down the hall, I check on the baby’s room. It was painted a pale green last week, and then I came in and assembled the crib. That only took about five hours, but Mac was training Violet so she wasn’t too worried about where I was. I look over the last of the furniture that was delivered and make sure it’s all ready to go. We’ve still got a while before the baby is here, but better to be prepared than not.

  Everything else in the house looks great, so I lock up and head over to the clubhouse. When I get to the gate, I punch in my code and it swings open.

  The Ghost Riders’ motorcycle clubhouse is nothing like you’d imagine. The long driveway is lined with trees and ends at a beautiful old home. It’s been kept up and renovated by the club president, Lucias. When I get to the house, I see Knox and Savage standing outside and looking at their bikes. I wave to them as I park my car and get out, heading towards the range. I’m sure Mac is finishing up on the other side of the property with the paintball ranges she’s setting up, so I’ll just wait for her in the armory.

  On my way in, I see Lucias and his girl, Izzy, making their way out, smiles on their faces.

  “Hey.” I smile tightly at Izzy, not yet over the fact that she accidentally shot MacKenzie. I know it was an accident, but I’m just not there yet.

  “Hey, Vincent. You here to see your woman?”

  I reach my hand out to Lucias, shaking his and nodding.

  “Yep. She’s on her way. I’ll just wait for her in the range. You guys get some rounds in?”

  I look at Izzy, raising an eyebrow, and I can see the blush hit her cheeks as she looks away.

  “Something like that,” she mumbles.

  “Thought she could use a few lessons,” Lucias says, clearing his throat. “Never a bad idea.”

  “Not at all,” I say, looking between them. “See you guys at the cookout later?”

  I try to change the subject, none of us wanting to talk about the accidental shooting.

  “Yeah, we’ll be here for it. I think Savage is bringing the kids, too. Should be a nice time to kick back. Think we could all use it.”

  I nod to Lucias in agreement before waving goodbye and going into the range. I get lucky that I don’t have to wait long before Mac and Violet are coming in.

  “Shield,” Mac says, walking over with a surprised look in her eyes. “I didn’t think I’d find you in here.”

  “One of my most favorite places,” I mumble against her neck, thinking of the time we fucked in here. Mac presses against me, and I know she’s thinking about it, too.

  “Violet, I’ll see you later,” Mac says over her shoulder, and my sister takes the not-so-subtle hint.

  Mac and I aren’t known for being discreet, but we try to keep our decorum around my sisters.

  Pulling her to me, I grind my hard cock against her as her legs go around my waist.

  “You didn’t give me any of that sweet pussy this morning. Want to explain why you slipped out of bed? And why you have my sister in here?”

  “Nope,” Mac says, leaning in and biting my bottom lip

  Chapter Three


  I growl at the aggressive bite, wanting her so bad that my cock is in pain, having been denied my morning fix of her. Pushing her against the low table behind us, I set her ass on the edge and look down at my beautiful woman.

  I take a fistful of her thick, dark hair in my hands and hold her head back until her eyes meet mine.

  “You want me to fuck it out of you?”

  A hint of something in her eyes tells me she wants to say something, but as quick as a flash it’s gone. Now she’s raising her eyebrow at me in challenge and reaching for the belt of my jeans.

  “Oh, you’re going to fuck me, all right. Hard and fast, Shield.”

  I grit my teeth when her hand wraps around my cock and she starts to jack me off. When she calls me Shield, I know she’s in a playful mood, so I let her have her way and give her what she wants. Like I always do.

  She’s wearing loose shorts today, so I just push them to the side, exposing her naked pussy to me. Thrusting two fingers in, I see that she’s drenched, and a moan escapes her full lips.

  “You been thinking about this all morning, or are you just walking around wet for me, baby?” Her hands on my cock slow down, and I rub that sweet spot inside her pussy. “Get your hands back on my cock and tell me why you’re so horny for it, Mac.”

  Her hands grip me again, and she bites her lip, looking up at me through her lashes. I pull my fingers out, licking them clean and tasting her sweet pussy. She knows I can’t get inside her without the taste of it on my tongue now. I have to have all of her, all the time. Cum leaks from the e
nd of my cock, and she uses it to slick me up.

  “I don’t know why. I just really need to get that big dick inside me. Now.”

  She spreads her legs wider. I line my cock up with her opening and thrust inside her in one quick stroke, feeling her slick heat wrap around me.

  “Fuck, MacKenzie. Always so fucking good.”

  Gripping her hips hard, I thrust in and out of her. Her pregnancy must have her hormones going wild because she’s gripping me tightly with her arms and legs, nearly climbing up my body. I give her every thick inch of me, and she doesn’t hold back when taking it. Her body is spun tight, and she’s got a need for me like I’ve never felt before. Looking down at where we’re connected, I see my cock covered in her cream. The material of her shorts is soaked, and the front of my jeans is going to have a wet spot, too.

  “Goddamn, Vincent. More.”

  Mac throws her head back and wraps around me tighter, coming off the table. I grip her ass and turn us, pushing her against a wall. She’s got a need only I can fill, and I’ll make sure she gets what she wants.

  “Harder,” she says, and I oblige.

  I’ve got her pinned to the wall with her arms and legs wrapped around me, but we’re still almost fully dressed—just the opening of my jeans slightly parted and her shorts pushed over an inch or two—and yet we’re still fucking without a care in the world.

  Someone could walk in and see us, but I don’t give a shit. I will fuck my woman whenever and wherever she tells me to.

  At first I didn’t like the idea of people seeing us, but after Mac convinced me that she wanted to mark her territory, I felt like doing the same to her. We’ve played in public before, and while it doesn’t make me any hotter for her, I like the fact that people know she’s mine. I also know she never played in front of the club until me. I am different. I make her feel safe. I get to wear her tags that mark me as her old man in the club, so I don’t mind her using my cock to mark her as mine.


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