Double Fugue

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Double Fugue Page 4

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Absolutely!” Daniel replied with enthusiasm. “And he needs to have more of an athletic look, you know with shorter hair like a swimmer, or even a surfer look. Tell us, Eric, what is your favorite color?”

  “I really like dark blue,” Eric said looking up at Jason and Daniel.

  “Then this very day you will get some navy blue high top chucks plus all the gear you need to wear with them,” Jason said decisively. “Let’s get everyone in here and get the plan going.”

  Jason went to the door and had the adults come in. Anna had tears in her eyes and went up to Eric. “Eric, I feel so bad. I have failed you as a mother for all of this abuse to go on. But why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  “He always threatened to kill you and me if I ever said anything,” Eric replied in plaintive voice. “Ever since Rogelio Fernandes came into our lives, he has humiliated me and bullied me with this whole ‘swimmer boy’ thing. It is so embarrassing for me to not to have any clothes to wear and to have to be almost naked all the time around the house. You never said anything to him or me about that. Why couldn’t I ever get any clothes, especially shoes and socks? I hate being called Eric Flip-flops at school and I hate what he has been doing to me! My life has been totally miserable the last couple of years. We never have any social life like we used to before Dad died.”

  “I am so ashamed that I cannot provide for you better or protect you from Rogelio. There was so little money and I just didn’t have enough to buy you many of the things a young boy should have. When I married Rogelio I thought that he loved us and wanted to settle down and be a family. But obviously that wasn’t his real intention. Now that I know what he did to you, we must get you out of here for your own protection. Your Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Jorge have agreed to take you in.”

  Jason said, “The first thing that we can do for Eric is to restore some of his self-esteem by getting him cleaned up and into some new clothes, and making him look like a normal teenager again. We all need to work together quickly to make this important transition in his life happen today! Mrs. Acosta, is there a hair dresser or barber in town that you trust, and can be discreet?”

  “The only person I can think of is Maria Esplanade over at the beauty center,” Mrs. Acosta replied.

  “Can she do a good men’s haircut?” Jason inquired.

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Then call her up and offer her $200 to come over here with her equipment. Eric needs a new look, and immediately. She has to be here by 4:30 or 5:00 at the latest. That’s when Eric will be ready for the haircut. Make it $300 if you have to. Also, what are Eric’s favorite foods?”

  When she told him, Jason took some money from his wallet and said, “Here’s $200, $100 down for the hair stylist, and $100 for food. After you arrange for the hair appointment, go to the grocery store and get all the supplies you need to make a great dinner. Eric is way undernourished, and he (and the rest of us) need to have a nice meal before we leave here.”

  Mrs. Acosta replied “Okay,” and went to run her errands.

  Jason continued to give directions. “Daniel, you are going to be in charge of Eric’s cleanup. Get the bag of personal grooming items from the car and help him completely clean himself up. He needs a long soak in the bath tub, with plenty of soap and body wash, and every one of those patches of adhesive residue on his body needs to be removed with the adhesive remover. All the ground in dirt needs to be scrubbed off, and every cut and bruise needs to be treated with antiseptic. His body needs to be treated with the body oils. We are talking a major cleaning here! Eric, do you have any clean underwear or clothing? One pair of swimming trunks? Well that will get you through the next couple of hours. Once you get started throw those other clothes away!

  “Mr. Connor and I will drive up to Salinas and go to the mall there. Eric needs a whole new supply of clothing, at least enough to get him through the next week, until we can have his aunt or Laura and Diana take him shopping and do it up right. We need to measure him for sizes.” With a tape measure that they found in a drawer, they discovered that Eric had a 28 inch waist, had 11 inch long feet, which (thanks to Mr. Connor’s years in his surplus store) translated into a Chuck Taylor size 10 ½, and his tee shirt size was a large.

  While Mr. Connor and Jason were measuring Eric, Daniel went out to the car and got the large canvas bag of grooming supplies. When he came back in he said, “Come on, Eric, we have a lot of work to do! Are there plenty of towels and washcloths in the bathroom? We will need lots! Here check out all of this stuff that Jason brought you. Yeah, it is all for you to keep!”

  Over the next couple of hours, Eric went through an amazing transformation. After Eric had a long soak and scrubbing to remove all of the dirt, Daniel helped him remove every patch of adhesive stuck to his body. This was very painstaking work. It took well over an hour to complete the stickum removal.

  About forty-five minutes after the washing process had started, Eric’s mother arrived back at the house. Daniel helped her take in the bags of groceries she had purchased. She told him that the hairdresser would be able to come over at 4:30. She started making a large dinner for everyone, and soon the smell of food cooking wafted through the house.

  Daniel went back to helping Eric remove the adhesive stuck to his body. They finally finished about a half hour later. Then Daniel had Eric spread the body oil over his entire body to re-moisturize his skin. He told him to put Vaseline on any place that was chafed or sore. After letting the oil soak in for fifteen minutes, the excess was dried off with more towels. Then Daniel had Eric get in the shower and use the shampoo and conditioner on his long scraggly hair.

  When Eric had finished washing his hair and had dried himself off, Daniel gave Eric medicated antiseptic balm and had him rub it into the bruises that still had coloration on his body and on his face. He had Eric use the manicure kit to trim his nails. After being neglected and abused for so long, Eric was finally getting some personal attention and support that was long overdue.


  (Tuesday Afternoon)

  While Daniel was helping Eric get cleaned up, Jason and Joe Connor got in the car and started the forty-five minute drive up to Salinas. “Joe, can you believe what we have just seen and heard? I thought that the treatment I received when I was kidnapped was horrible, but what Eric has gone through is just appalling!”

  “Now don’t start trying to compare experiences, Jason. We are talking two different types of crime and brutality here.”

  “I’m doing everything in my power to live a normal carefree life, but I keep running into nightmares!”

  “Sorry to say it, Jason, but you are starting to grow up and see more of reality. You are right to describe Eric’s situation as appalling! I can’t remember seeing a case where so much abuse and neglect were combined with such a determined effort to degrade and humiliate a young boy.”

  “As soon as my neighbor began describing what had happened to Eric just from the weekend, major alarm bells were ringing in my mind. I am so grateful to you for being able to step up and help us out today.”

  “Jason, when you described to me over the telephone what Marilyn Ferreira said, those same alarm bells saying ‘predator, predator’ went off in my head, too. You were absolutely right to insist on immediate action.”

  “I really am upset that Eric’s stepfather is probably going to get away with his crimes for the time being. But the priority has to be getting Eric out of there. One more encounter with Fernandes could very well put him over the edge! I think that guy was literally trying to beat the very soul out of Eric!” Jason exclaimed.

  “Again your are very perceptive, Jason. And don’t forget that Eric was raped by that bastard. I think that the shock and degradation of being molested combined with his brutal beating and the cruel way he was bound and humiliated with the duct tape — well you saw the result. He had already shut out the adult world and was close to entering a catatonic state! He was extremely lucky that you and Da
niel came along. You two are among the few people who could have gotten through to him.”

  “Yeah, thank Daniel for bringing his guitar and singing that song!” Jason continued. “That song was just perfect for the moment.”

  “ ‘Shenandoah’ is one of the great American folk songs, still moving in our century.”

  “Wow, Joe, you continue to impress! I didn’t know you knew a lot about music.”

  “It seems we always end up talking about your latest mystery or adventure when we get together. It would be great just to talk sports and music sometime!”

  “I promise that one day we will, Joe. But right now all of our efforts need to focus on reaching out and helping Eric.”

  “You are right, Jason. It’s a sad commentary on his town and community that it took a couple of outsiders to actually make that outreach! I think the thing that got him to open up was when you told him about your kidnapping ordeal and he realized that you truly understood much of what he experienced. The fact that you were able to talk openly about the pain and humiliation that you suffered helped him to finally make a decision to open up.”

  “He seems on first impression to be a nice, normal kid,” Jason went on. “I can’t understand why his friends deserted him, especially at the time he needed them the most. It is going to take some effort to build up his self confidence again after suffering so much isolation, loneliness, and abuse.”

  “I’m just speculating here, Jason, but maybe the fact that he went from being a middle class kid to a poor kid with no money, clothes or possessions had something to do with it. Kids can really be cruel to each other sometimes, especially when there are socio-economic differences.”

  “Another very important thing that Eric needs is medical attention, both for his mental and physical states,” Jason added.

  “He most definitely needs to be examined by a doctor to make sure he doesn’t have any serious internal injuries from all of the beatings he received,” Joe replied, “but worse yet is the fear that he could have been exposed to serious sexually transmitted diseases.”

  “And he is going to need some long term counseling for what has happened to him. You look into his eyes, and you can see the hurt and the shock. It makes you want to go out and kill that bastard Fernandes!

  “I think that I will try calling Dr. Timothy Cartwright,” Jason continued. “He was the doctor at the hospital who treated me when I was rescued. He seemed like a very nice man, someone who Eric would feel comfortable with.” Jason made a couple of informational calls and was able to get Dr. Cartwright’s answering service. He left a brief message asking the doctor to call him back on his cell as soon as he could.

  About five minutes later, Jason’s cell phone rang and when he answered it was Dr. Cartwright. “Wow, Doctor, that was a quick turn around. Yes, I am doing very well. Did you hear that my friend Daniel and I were able to track down the criminals that were responsible for kidnapping me?”

  “Yes, Jason, what you did was pretty astounding,” Dr. Cartwright replied. “When we talked at your examination, I knew you had good survival skills based on how you acted during your captivity but actually bringing your kidnappers to justice had to be very satisfying for you!”

  “Well, thank you for the compliment, and I appreciate what you did for me when I was in need of medical attention. That’s why I am calling you.” Jason went on to explain about Eric’s situation and how it was vital for him to see a doctor tomorrow. “I don’t want to bring Eric to a public emergency room. He needs privacy and quiet.”

  “Jason, I am also in private practice and tomorrow is one of the days that I am at my own office. I would be happy to give Eric a complete physical examination there.”

  “That would be great, Dr. Cartwright. Eric also needs immediate psychological counseling for what he has had to endure. I know you like Dr. Socorro, and she was good, but I think that she is too high end for Eric. He needs someone younger with a low key approach, because he still is in a very fragile mental state. Luckily Daniel and I were able to get through to him, but it wasn’t easy at first. And we are his same age!”

  “I know just the person for Eric,” Dr. Cartwright responded. “His name is Dr. Louis Agoura, and he has been completing his internship at the hospital. Having a long term patient like Eric would be good experience for him. Dr. Agoura is very pleasant to work with, and excellent with young people. Here is his cell phone number. Just tell him that I recommended him to you.”

  “Thank you so much, Dr. Cartwright. What time should we bring in Eric tomorrow? He will be staying near me with his aunt and uncle. 10:30 AM. Great, we’ll be there!” Jason wrote down the appointment time and address and put it in his wallet.

  Shortly after he rang off, they arrived at the mall. Jason was very organized with his list of items to buy. He soon had purchased and bagged a couple six packs each of underwear and quarter socks, two pairs of pajamas, a great selection of plain and print tee shirts, and several pairs of denim, khaki and print shorts along with a belt. The first shoe store he went to even had Chuck Taylor navy blue high tops on sale, along with tote bags so he would have something to carry his gear around in.

  “I’m impressed, Jason,” Joe said. “You are a master of guy shopping. We were in and out of those stores in record time!”

  “That’s the way it should be!” Jason replied. “Now let’s get out of here and get these clothes to Eric. He really needs them!”

  On the drive back, Jason asked Joe about what Eric’s mom was going to do.

  “I did spend some time talking with her. I think she would like to move up to the Silicon Valley so she can be close to Eric again, but she said she has her roots in Springdale, needs to keep her job right now for the income, and it would take her some time to wrap up her affairs and sell the house. Luckily she has sole title to it. I advised her to contact the Monterey County legal aid society and find out what legal options she has with Rogelio Fernandes. After what happened to Eric, she was very emphatic about not getting him involved in any legal proceeding down here. However, that greatly limits her legal protections because there aren’t any police reports on any of the incidents between Eric and his stepfather.”

  “I don’t know, Joe. I can’t think of any personal property or thing that would take precedence over my own son! Personally, I would walk, no, run away from the town of Springdale as fast as I could!”

  “Jason, it is a lot more difficult for an adult to just walk away from everything, especially since she really has no one else to rely on or go to, other than her sister and brother-in-law, and she is already entrusting them with Eric. That house is the only real asset she has in the world, so she feels that she can’t just abandon it. I know she is very upset about the abuse the Eric has received, and she wants to make sure that there is a buffer between Eric and his stepfather.”

  “I feel uneasy about her situation. What mother would ever want to be separated from her young son! But it is her life. I just hope that Eric can become a normal person again, and that he can finally have some fun in his life again!”

  “Only time will tell about that. But you are to be commended for doing this. I guess this is the first real case for the Whatever Foundation.”

  After that, Jason contacted Dr. Agoura and was able to talk to him. He explained about Dr. Cartwright’s recommendation, and gave him a brief summary of what Eric had been going through.

  “What you are saying is correct that he needs some counseling,” Dr. Agoura told Jason, “but it is not something that you and I can just arrange over the phone. We would need the consent of Eric’s legal guardians, which from what you have described would be his aunt and uncle. I also strongly believe that Eric needs to be involved in the decision as well. Tell you what, I will come over to Dr. Cartwright’s office and meet with you after his appointment, say around 11:30.”

  “Thank you so much, Doctor, for your quick response. We will look forward to meeting you tomorrow.”

  About ten minute
s later, Joe and Jason arrived back at the Acosta residence in Springdale. Jason grabbed all of the bags of clothing that they had purchased and went into the house to see how Eric and Daniel were coming along.

  “Hey guys, we are back!” Jason shouted enthusiastically. “Come out and see what we got for Eric!”

  Jason started pulling clothing out of the bags as Daniel and Eric came into the living room. Eric’s eyes became wide with surprise as he gazed on all of the new clothing.

  “Wow, Eric, you look so much better already!” Jason said. “This is great! Daniel, I can see that we will have to put you in charge of other cleaning projects!”

  “Jason, I have become the master of adhesive tape removal! I think I have helped remove over one hundred places!”

  “You have done a terrific job!” Jason praised Daniel. “Now it’s time to get some decent clothes on Eric. Here’s what we have for you,” Jason said handing packages to Eric. “Here are a couple of six packs of underwear and quarter socks. There are a bunch of tee shirts, shorts, a belt and some pajamas. And best of all, we have a brand new pair of navy blue high top chucks for you!”

  Eric picked out a tee shirt and a pair of shorts to wear and took them along with the socks, underwear and belt into the bathroom.

  When he came out dressed in his new clothes, he had a big smile on his face, and everyone cheered.

  Mr. Connor then spoke. “Allow me to do the presentation of the new pair of chucks. Nowadays everything is pretty much self-serve, and try-it-on-yourself in clothing stores. But in my day, when I first learned the business, there was a true art to presenting a new pair of shoes to a customer. Let me do the honors for Eric. Have a seat in that chair at the table, Eric”


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