Double Fugue

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Double Fugue Page 6

by Aiden Vaughan

  Jorge then added, “Eric, I know that you may be real distrustful of adult men after what Rogelio did to you, but please understand that most men are not like him at all. I hope that we can become friends and do things together, just like I did with my sons, and your cousins.”

  “Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Jorge, I am so lucky that you are willing to take me in and I know you must have done a lot to arrange all of the things that happened today. I just wish my mom could be here, too.”

  “We do too, Eric, and maybe after she gets her affairs in order, she will move up here. In the meantime, feel free to call and talk to her whenever you need to. I know she misses you, but she realizes you have to stay with us for your own safety and protection!

  “But enough about that. Let’s just live for now and get to know each other better. Why don’t you show us all of the things that you got today?” The three went to Eric’s room and saw the clothes and other things that Jason had provided, and Marilyn showed him where towels and soap were in the bathroom. Shortly after that an exhausted Eric was sound asleep in his new bed.

  * * * * *

  The next morning Marilyn took Eric and Jason to the medical center where Dr. Cartwright had his office. While the nurse had Eric fill out a form with his medical history, Jason arranged to set up an account that would cover all of Eric’s medical expenses. About ten minutes later Dr. Cartwright came out into the reception room. “Hello, Jason,” he said, shaking hands. “It’s good to see you again. I see you have recovered well from the last time I saw you.”

  “Yes, thank you. I am doing great now! I would like to introduce you to my new friend, Eric Acosta, and my neighbor and his aunt, Marilyn Ferreira. I am really happy that you were able to make time to see Eric right away.”

  Dr. Cartwright shook hands with Eric and Marilyn. “It’s great to meet you both. Eric, I would like you to go with my nurse, Joanne, who will set you up in an examination room, get your weight, take your temperature and blood pressure, and also get a small blood sample for some routine tests that we will want to complete for you.”

  Joanne came into the reception area and smiled at Eric. “Hi Eric, please come with me.” The two then left the reception area and went into an examination room.

  “Marilyn and Jason, why don’t you come with me into my office for a few minutes?”

  After the three of them had entered Cartwright’s office and sat down, Dr. Cartwright said, “I just wanted to get things straight between us regarding Eric’s situation. It is my understanding that you are now Eric’s legal guardian, Marilyn. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, Doctor. Anna Acosta, Eric’s mother has sent him to live with me and my husband Jorge because Eric is no longer safe at his original home.”

  “Yes, I could superficially see that he had some nasty bruises, and I understand from what Jason told me on the telephone yesterday that Eric has been the victim of sexual abuse from his stepfather. I want you to understand that there are some serious legal issues involved as well.”

  “All we want is what is best for Eric,” Marilyn replied. “Right now he needs medical attention and counseling for the traumatic experiences that he has had to endure. Yesterday morning, Eric was in a near catatonic state, uncommunicative to any adult, and still in a state of shock from the attack he endured over the weekend. I am so grateful to Jason here for going down to Springdale, making the breakthrough, getting Eric to communicate again, and bringing him here to the Silicon Valley to start his recovery.”

  “Dr. Cartwright, I understand that there are sensitive and confidential issues that are going to crop up,” Jason said. “Yesterday, Eric and I confided to each other some of the horrible experiences that we have both suffered at the hands of predators this summer. Trust me, I have heard all that I need to hear of Eric’s story to know that he has a long way to go to full recovery. My presence here is to support Eric, and make sure that all of his medical expenses are provided for through my Whatever Foundation. If it makes him uncomfortable for me to be here when you discuss the results of what you find out in your examination, I can always wait outside in the reception room. My plan for Eric’s rehabilitation involves other activities anyway, not his medical condition.”

  “I appreciate what you have both told me. You have done so much for Eric already, Jason. At the same time, the abuse he received has to be a sensitive subject for him to deal with. I will talk with Eric and see what he is comfortable having me talk about with others. Much of this should and will be dealt with by Dr. Agoura, if the counseling sessions work out. My concern right now is any physical or medical complications from the attacks and molestation that he has been subjected to. Obviously there may be certain things that must be told to you Marilyn, as his legal guardian. I will go start my examination now.”

  After Dr. Cartwright left, Jason and Marilyn went back out to the reception area to wait. Twenty minutes later, in walked a young man about six feet two inches tall, with a shock of long brown hair, wire rimmed glasses, and a cheerful demeanor. The man went up to the receptionist and said, “My name is Dr. Louis Agoura. I’m here to see Dr. Cartwright and a prospective patient that he is recommending for me.”

  After the receptionist indicated that Dr. Cartwright was examining a patient and would be out shortly, Dr. Agoura went and took a seat in the reception area.

  “Dr. Agoura?” Jason asked. “My name is Jason Hunter. I talked to you on the telephone yesterday.” They both got up and shook hands. “This is Marilyn Ferreira, Eric Acosta’s aunt.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I am Louis Agoura.” The three talked about their families, where they were from, and then Jason and Louis talked about baseball.

  Ten minutes later, Dr. Cartwright came out into the reception area. “Hi, Louis, it’s good to see you again.” They shook hands. “I had Eric just stay in the examination room so that you can talk with him privately. Come on, I will introduce you. Jason and Marilyn, come back to my office and I will update you while Dr. Agoura meets with Eric.”

  A few minutes later, Dr. Cartwright was talking with Jason and Marilyn. “I am pleased to tell you that Eric is a little better off than maybe you first thought. He does have some nasty bruises all over his body from the latest beating he received, but at this point I don’t believe that there is any serious internal damage. Just like you are, Jason, Eric is young and resilient. I believe he will fully recover from those injuries very rapidly. As to the sexual abuse he received, it still is a very sensitive subject with him. He did specifically say that it was okay to talk about it with both of you. From what Eric has told me, most of the abuse in the past was more of an attempt to dominate and enslave him through fear and beatings. Apparently the only time that he was actually raped was during the attack this past weekend. My examination revealed that his stepfather used a condom during the assault, so the chances of Eric receiving a sexually transmitted disease are very slight. I will know for sure when the blood tests are returned.

  “I know that you have some ambitious plans for Eric to get involved in a lot of activities around here, Jason, but I would ask that you go slow at first. Eric needs to completely heal from his bruises before he starts any strenuous physical regimen. After being isolated from other people for so long, I think you should be careful not to overwhelm him with a lot of activities. Next week is soon enough to get him started in new things. The remainder of this week would be a good time to let Eric rest up and heal, and become involved in your household routine, Marilyn. Simple family oriented activities would be very beneficial in Eric’s healing process. The other important thing would be counseling sessions with Dr. Agoura, assuming that they get along in their meeting.

  “I would like to schedule a follow up examination for Eric next Monday, and hopefully by that time we will have his test results. Again I would like to thank you for thinking of me for Eric’s medical needs. He is so fortunate to have both of you involved in his life now!”

  A few minutes later Dr. Cartwright�
��s telephone rang. After answering and talking briefly, Dr. Cartwright said, “That was Dr. Agoura. He and Eric apparently hit it off and so they will be setting up a series of appointments. Let’s go talk to them now.”

  When the three entered the examination room, Eric was smiling and talking with Dr. Agoura. “Dr. Cartwright told us the good news about your examination, Eric,” Jason said. “Will you be having some counseling sessions with Dr. Agoura now?”

  “Yes,” Eric answered, “we have agreed to meet once a day for the next week, if that is okay.”

  “We want what is best for you, so go ahead and schedule the appointments, Eric,” Marilyn replied.

  “Remember that all of the costs are being picked up by the Whatever Foundation,” Jason said. “Eric’s full recovery is our immediate priority!”

  After working out a schedule of daily meetings with Dr. Agoura, and setting an appointment time for Monday with Dr. Cartwright, Marilyn left with the two boys.

  “I think what we need now is lunch!” Marilyn said as they walked toward her car. “Jason, we want to treat you for all that you have done for our family.”

  “Sounds great to me!” Jason said enthusiastically. “It is my pleasure to help out when I can. Even better for a teenager when food is involved!”



  Thursday the Silicon Valley was abuzz about the big Ethan Savage Band concert that night. Ethan Savage had been a major fixture in the rock music scene since the early 1980s. He had played in a series of bands in small nightclubs back east during the 1970s. Then he was “discovered” by a high-powered agent who saw Ethan’s potential to become a major figure in the rock and roll scene. Literally overnight, Ethan was brought to New York where he was put together with a new set of backup musicians and the Ethan Savage Band was born. Over the next three years the band released five new record albums that quickly went gold then platinum in sales. The Ethan Savage Band began touring around the country to promote their albums and their sound with great success. Their yearly tours kept expanding to the point where the band was on the road for 200 or more days a year. By the end of the 1980s, Ethan and the band had relocated to the Los Angeles area in southern California. They continued to work hard, releasing a least one new album every year, and traveled all over the United States, Canada, and Europe on tours.

  Ethan Savage’s music was very powerful mainstream rock and roll. Ethan had a very strong voice and had developed quite a good technique on the guitar. He not only was a great lead vocalist, but often did a lot of his own solo work on the guitar. Many of his 1980s hit songs like “Love Machine” and “Party Girl” were now considered standards in the rock and roll scene, and were often covered by other bands.

  Over the years, all of the touring and the self-indulgent life style that went with it had taken its toll on Ethan. He had never been able to really settle down, so he had several highly publicized romances and marriages that had ended in break up or divorce. The constant partying and attention from female groupies was becoming more difficult for Ethan to deal with. He was now in his late fifties, and was facing some serious health issues. His doctors advised him to take a break from being a rock star and touring on the road. They encouraged him to take at least one or two years off, and rehabilitate himself. Ethan finally agreed with them, and so this year’s tour was billed as his farewell tour, and tonight’s concert in San Jose was the last concert in that tour.

  But Ethan had decided to go a few steps farther and actually retire from the music business. Ethan had good financial instincts, was careful with his money, and over the years had set himself up rather nicely for retirement. He owned several luxurious properties around the country that were completely paid for, and he had sizeable annuities and investments that would provide him with a comfortable income for the rest of his life.

  With his future secured, Ethan decided to do one more thing that he hoped would seal his place in rock history as the ultimate good guy. After the tour was over, he was going to give away the publishing rights and royalty income from his sizeable holdings to various charities. A couple days after the tour was completed, the beneficiaries were to be announced from his west coast home in Monterey. So far everything had been kept secret. As a result there was a lot of anticipation over who would be on the receiving end of Ethan’s largesse.

  Daniel was really excited about the concert. Tickets were impossible to get, and had long ago sold out at astronomical prices, so he wasn’t able to actually hear the concert. Many of his fans were in the same situation as Daniel, but were planning to show up outside the area venue just for a last glimpse at Ethan and to show their support for his long career. There was a rumor going around that Ethan had a block of tickets reserved for himself that he was planning to randomly give out to a few lucky fans. As a result, a huge crowd was expected not only for the concert but just to be there outside the venue.

  Daniel wanted to be a part of that outside crowd, and a number of his friends were going to be there. There was just one problem. Daniel’s parents, Gary and Melinda, were adamantly opposed to his going. Normally they were supportive of his musical interests, but not this time. “There is no way you are going to be permitted to go to the arena. We don’t want you there. Period,” was the final word from his mother. Their reaction didn’t make sense at all to Daniel, because of the things that he was allowed to do — go on long bike rides, or help Jason with detective work like their rescue of Eric earlier in the week. He wouldn’t be at the arena alone; he would be with his friend, Diana, and some others from school.

  Because both parents were around the house a lot, running their financial services business from the front rooms, there was no way he could sneak out of the house and go. Basically Daniel was told he was grounded for Thursday evening, and for that matter the rest of the weekend. Gary and Melinda were going away for the weekend, leaving Friday afternoon, and they wanted Daniel to stay and watch the house for them. Usually they always wanted Daniel to go with them on their infrequent trips away from home but not this time. “We need some time alone, together, Daniel. When you are older, you will understand this better. We need you to step up and watch the house for us this time. You can still do some things with your friends during the day, but we want you here at home the next four nights.”

  Although it didn’t seem like a big deal, Daniel was someone hurt by his parents’ attitude toward him lately. They had always been a close knit family, especially because Daniel was an only child. Lately his parents had seemed quite secretive about things. He would come into the kitchen or their offices where they were talking, and they would abruptly stop the conversation they were having. It seemed to Daniel that they were trying to keep secrets from him, something that he had never sensed before. Usually their meal conversations were open and friendly and they would have Daniel talk about all of his activities, but lately they were preoccupied with other things. If he wanted to talk about what he was doing, he had to bring up the subject himself. Daniel couldn’t think of anything that he had done to warrant being cut off this way.

  In the meantime, Daniel was resigning himself to a boring weekend. He went to his room and called up his girl friend, Diana Miglione, who he had initially planned to go to the area with tonight. “It’s still a no go for me tonight. I don’t understand why they are acting this way. It’s not like we had anything to do here!”

  “Don’t worry about it, Daniel,” Diana replied. “Parents can be really stubborn sometimes in a way that makes no sense. Hopefully it is just a phase they are going through.”

  “Yeah, I guess. They let me go on long bike rides or on activities with Jason. I don’t understand why going downtown to the arena to pay our respects to a great rock and roller is such a bad thing!”

  “Well, you know Daniel, I have a way for you to actually see Ethan Savage!”

  “Really! How?”

  “My uncle works for the security company that handles his transportation and sched
ule for his tours. When he was at our house for dinner last Sunday, I overheard him talking on his cell phone about travel arrangements. He said that when Ethan leaves for Monterey tomorrow morning, he will not be taking highway 101 or 17 out of the Silicon Valley. Instead his limousine will use the old Valley Road until they are out of the county. You could bicycle up there and wait for him tomorrow morning at one of the turnouts in the road.”

  “Is that for sure?”

  “As far as I know, Daniel. But since you can’t go tonight, it’s worth a shot. Sorry I can’t go with you, but I have to work for my mom tomorrow. She has a big catering job to prepare for Friday night.”

  “Well thanks for the tip, Diana! I will definitely follow up on it!”

  They talked for a little while longer, and then hung up. Daniel decided that he would just casually mention that he would be going on a bike ride Friday morning at dinner tonight. Maybe he would get to see Ethan Savage after all.


  (Friday Morning)

  Daniel was up by 7:00 the next morning. He had carefully prepared for the long bike ride out to Valley Road. He had checked his bicycle, making sure that the tires were properly inflated and that the gears and sprockets were in good working order and well lubricated. He made sure that his water bottle was completely filled, and his mini-pack had plenty of snack bars and dried fruit. The night before he had made a sign saying “Way to Go, Ethan. Let’s Jam!” He had packed the sign in his guitar case with his guitar. Daniel figured that even if he never saw Ethan Savage, the morning wouldn’t be a total waste of time because he could practice singing and playing his guitar while waiting. He was wearing an Ethan Savage Band tee shirt, his lightweight bicycle helmet, a pair of curved racing sunglasses, lightweight cargo shorts, and, as always, his black high top chucks.

  Daniel quickly poured and ate a bowl of cereal and milk in the kitchen and then headed out before his parents were even up. The morning temperature was still cool, and he made good time bicycling out of the city and up onto Valley Road. About five miles up the road were some good turnout areas. Daniel figured that he would camp out at the one offering a long view down the road so when Ethan’s motorcade passed by, he could be clearly seen with his sign and guitar.


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