Packing the Court: The Rise of Judicial Power and the Coming Crisis of the Supreme Court

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Packing the Court: The Rise of Judicial Power and the Coming Crisis of the Supreme Court Page 35

by James Macgregor Burns

  people as final arbiters of

  see also Supreme Court; and specific issues, clauses, and cases

  constitutional amendments:

  Bill of Rights







  Fourteenth ; see also due process; equal protection


  See also Bill of Rights; Fourteenth Amendment

  constitutional convention of 1787,

  constitutional interpretation



  strict constructionist

  see also judicial activism; judicial restraint; judicial review; judicial supremacy

  Continental Congress


  contract clause

  liberty of

  Coolidge, Calvin

  Supreme Court appointment by


  antitrust actions and

  citizenship of

  regulation of

  substantive due process and

  see also railroads; regulatory laws

  Corwin, Edward S.

  counsel, right to

  Council of Revision


  by Adams

  circuit reorganization and

  by FDR

  FDR’s plan for

  by Grant

  by Jacksonian Democrats

  by Jeffersonian Republicans

  by Nixon

  by Reagan

  by Republicans, post-Civil War

  Prize Cases and

  by Taft

  by Washington

  Crawford v. Marion County Election Board

  criminal justice

  Cruikshank, William

  Cummings, Homer

  Cuomo, Mario

  Curtis, Benjamin

  Cushing, Caleb

  Cushing, William

  Daniel, Peter

  Davis, David

  Davis, Jefferson

  Davis, Morris

  Day, William

  death penalty

  Debs, Eugene

  Declaration of Independence

  Democratic Party

  court-packing by

  divisions over slavery in

  formation of

  Democratic Party (cont.)

  populism in

  post-Civil War recovery of

  Dennis v. U.S.

  departmentalist constitutional interpretation

  Depression, Great

  Dewey, Tom

  Dickens, Charles

  Dickinson, John

  DiIulio, John J., Jr.

  District of Columbia, see Washington.C.

  District of Columbia v. Heller

  Douglas, Stephen

  Douglas, William O.

  appointed to Supreme Court

  civil liberties and

  Frankfurter and

  as liberal activist

  Japanese-American cases and

  privacy rights and

  religious liberty and

  Roe and

  Rosenbergs and

  Dred Scott

  Fourteenth Amendment and

  judicial review and

  national vs. state citizenship in

  Republican party and

  due process

  corporations and

  in Fourteenth Amendment

  Munn and


  Reagan and

  Slaughterhouse and


  Duvall, Gabriel

  Dworkin, Ronald

  Eastland, James

  Edwards v. California

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Brown and

  Supreme Court appointments by



  of 1800,

  of 1824,

  of 1828,

  of 1856,

  of 1860,

  of 1876,

  of 1892,

  of 1896,

  of 1912,

  of 1932,

  of 1936,

  of 1952,

  of 1968,

  of 2000,

  of 2008,

  Ellsworth, Oliver

  Emancipation Proclamation

  Embargo Acts (1807-08)

  Emerson, John

  Endo, Mitsuye

  equal protection:

  in Brown

  in Bush v. Gore

  corporations and

  in Fourteenth Amendment

  in Plessy

  Slaughterhouse and

  Escobedo v. Illinois

  exclusionary rule

  Ex parte Endo

  Ex parte Merryman

  Fairman, Charles

  Farley, Jim


  in Depression and New Deal

  political mobilization of

  Supreme Court decisions and

  Farmers’ Alliance

  Federalist papers

  Federalist party

  court-packing by

  judiciary as stronghold of

  Judiciary Act repeal and

  Marshall and

  Republican opposition to

  Sedition Act used by, against Republicans

  Supreme Court dominated by

  Taney and

  Federalist Society

  Fehrenbacher, Don

  Field, Stephen J.

  appointed to Supreme Court

  Munn and

  Slaughterhouse and

  Fillmore, Millard

  Fish, Hamilton

  flag-salute laws

  Fletcher v. Peck

  Florida, in 2000 elections

  Foner, Eric

  Ford, Gerald

  Fortas, Abe

  “Four Horsemen,”

  Fourteenth Amendment

  intent of undermined by Supreme Court

  and nationalization of the Bill of Rights

  see also due process; equal protection

  Frankfurter, Felix

  appointed to Supreme Court

  Brown and

  flag-salute cases and

  free speech and

  judicial restraint and

  as leader of conservative bloc

  relations with fellow justices

  Rosenbergs and

  Franklin, Benjamin

  free labor

  Free Soil party

  freedom of press, see press, freedom of

  freedom of speech, see speech, freedom of

  Freund, Ernst

  Fugitive Slave Law (1793)

  Fugitive Slave Law (1850)

  Fuller, Melville

  appointed chief justice

  conservative leadership of

  income tax and

  fund-raising limits

  Garfield, James A.

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Garrison, William Lloyd

  gay rights

  Geneva Conventions


  Cherokee treaties with

  Fletcher v. Peck

  Gerry, Elbridge

  Gideon v. Wainwright

  Gilded Age

  Giles, William Branch

  Ginsburg, Douglas

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader

  appointed to the Supreme Court

  Bush v. Gore and

  in the liberal bloc

  Gitlow, Benjamin

  Gitlow v. New York

  Gobitis, Walter

  Goldberg, Arthur

  appointed to Supreme Court

  Warren Court liberalism and

  Goldwater, Barry

  Gonzales, Alberto

  Gore, Al

  Grange movement

  Grant, Ulysses S.

  court-packing by

  Legal Tender Act and

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Gray, Horace

  Gray v. Sanders

enback party

  Grier, Robert

  Lincoln’s war powers and

  retirement of

  Griswold v. Connecticut

  Guantánamo prison

  Guffey Coal Act

  gun ownership

  habeas corpus

  Bush’s military tribunals and

  Lincoln’s suspension of

  Habeas Corpus Act (1863)

  Hale, John P.

  Hale, Matthew

  Hamdan, Salim Ahmed

  Hamdan v. Rumsfeld

  Hamdi v. Rumsfeld

  Hamilton, Alexander

  “necessary and proper” clause and

  views of Supreme Court of

  Harding, Warren

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Taft appointed chief justice by

  Harlan, John Marshall

  as dissenter

  Plessy and

  Harlan, John Marshall

  Warren Court activism and

  Harrison, Benjamin

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Hay, John

  Hayes, Rutherford B.

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Haynsworth, Clement

  Henry, Patrick

  Hensley, Thomas

  Hepburn Act (1906)

  Hepburn v. Griswold

  Hill, Anita

  Hirabayashi v. U.S.

  Hoar, Ebenezer R.

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

  appointed to Supreme Court

  as dissenter

  free speech and

  as judicial pragmatist

  Lochner and

  trust-busting and

  Hoover, Herbert

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Hopkins, Mark

  House Un-American Activities Committee

  Hruska, Roman

  Hughes, Charles Evans:

  appointed chief justice

  as associate justice

  court leadership of

  FDR’s court-packing plan and

  judicial review and

  New Deal and

  Hunt, Ward

  Ickes, Harold



  Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific R.R. v. Illinois

  income tax


  interstate commerce

  Interstate Commerce Commission


  Iredell, James

  Irons, Peter

  Jackson, Andrew

  Bank of the United States and

  departmentalist constitutional interpretation and

  Marshall and

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Jackson, Howell

  Jackson, Robert H.

  appointed to Supreme Court

  judicial restraint and

  West Virginia Board of Education and

  Japanese Americans

  Jay, John

  Jefferson, Thomas

  departmentalist constitutional interpretation and

  on judicial supremacy

  Judiciary Act of 1801 and

  Marbury and

  Marshall and

  “necessary and proper” clause and

  opposition to Federalist bench by

  as Republican leader

  Sedition Act and

  states’ rights and

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Jehovah’s Witnesses

  Jenner, William

  Johnson, Andrew

  Reconstruction and

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Supreme Court appointments by

  Johnson, Thomas

  Johnson, William

  Jones v. Opelika

  Journal of Commerce

  judicial activism

  judicial power

  Article III and

  Marshall and

  Warren Court and

  judicial restraint

  judicial review

  Dred Scott and

  FDR on

  Fletcher v. Peck and

  Framers’ intentions and

  Fuller Court’s use of

  Hughes Court’s use of

  Marbury and

  Marshall Court’s use of

  proposal to end

  proposals to limit

  Rehnquist Court’s use of

  Taft Court’s use of

  Warren Court’s use of

  judicial supremacy

  proposal to end

  Judiciary Act (1789)

  Marbury and

  Judiciary Act (1801)

  repeal of

  Justice Department

  Justice of Shattered Dreams (Ross)

  Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

  Keck, Thomas

  Kennedy, Anthony:

  appointed to Supreme Court

  Bush v. Gore and

  in conservative majority

  as “swing” vote

  Kennedy, Edward “Ted,”

  Kennedy, John F.

  Supreme Court appointments of

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kent, James




  Kerry, John

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kohl, Herbert

  Korematsu, Fred

  Korematsu v. U.S.

  Krock, Arthur

  Ku Klux Klan

  Ku Klux Klan Act (1871)

  labor and workers’ rights


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