Finding Solace

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Finding Solace Page 42

by Speak, Barbara

  I spun around to Ash who has just stepped out of the helicopter himself.

  "We are staying on an island in Fiji?"

  He walked over to me and brought his lips down to mine.

  "Yes, princess. This whole island is ours for three days."

  I started jumping up and down like a little kid. Nothing could have made me think he would do all of this, just for my birthday. How does he take the smallest things and make them seem so important, yet something of this magnitude, he can make seem like such a small gesture.

  "Let’s go see the house."

  "Ash, there is a house?"

  "Where else would we sleep?"

  "A hotel or resort."

  "Nope, let’s go see."

  He and I followed a path up the hill and away from the water. The trail itself was beautiful. The scenery was made of pure nature at its finest. We walked hand in hand for what seemed like a trip around the whole island. When we got to the end, sure enough, it was the beginning. I heard a noise and then looked up to see the helicopter was leaving. I looked at Ash as he smiled and said, "It is ready now. Do you want to go take a look?" I grabbed his face, kissed him once more and said, “Show me the way.”

  This time it was a much shorter walk in a direction I didn’t notice before. A separate path led us to a wonderful beach style house, with all of the lights on, making it look amazing. It was not too big or too small. It was just perfect. Ash opened the front door for me and the view off the back about knocked me off my feet. There even was an infinity pool. You know, the kind that looks like they go on forever. Well, the water looked like it ran right into the ocean. The family room and kitchen area were cozy and quaint. This could become our home. I saw no reason to leave, ever. All of our things had already been brought up and were sitting next to a closed door. Ash and I toured the house, with both of us ‘ooh and ahhing’ nonstop. The closed door was peaking my interest big time.

  "Ash, is that our bedroom? Why is the door closed?"

  He didn’t answer me right away. He looked a little sick, and I was hoping to God he was not coming down with something.

  "Sadie, I just need to go check on something. Please go enjoy the view, and I will be back shortly."

  "You’re acting weird, but okay. Are you sure you don't want me to get you something?"

  "Thanks, but I'm good. I’ll be right back."

  I walked into the kitchen to see if there was anything in the refrigerator. Ash went through the mysterious door. I found a couple of beers and eagerly popped one open. I walked out on the deck and could not believe my eyes. He did all this for me. It was just going to be the two of us for three whole days out here by ourselves. Woohoo! I heard Ash faintly so I went back inside and called for him. Then clearly I heard, "Sadie, can you come in here for a moment, please?"

  I walked to the room excited to see what it was being hidden from me. What I found brought tears to my eyes and stole my breath away. Candles and flowers showered the entire room. The candles lit the dark space, flickering like only one hundred plus candles can do. The flowers were every exotic flower that made up the arrangement he gave me back in the beginning. They were everywhere. And then the most perfect part of it all was Ash. He was standing there in the middle of the room. When our eyes locked, he went down on one knee. My hands flew to my mouth and I began to shake and cry. Then the most beautiful words ever spoken came from his mouth.

  "I know we haven't been together that long. It has been two years since the day you walked into my life. I may not have had you for all of those two years, but you had me from the first time you ran into me. You may have bumped into me, but you knocked me off my feet with your beauty, inside and out. I have never met anyone like you. You’re selfless, giving and loving beyond any limits. You have always made me feel like I am the most amazing man in the world. But the truth is, I am only half of that man without you. Sadie, I want you to have anything and everything you could ever want, because you deserve it all. Please do me the honor of having the rest of my life to give it to you. Will you make me the luckiest man alive and say you will be mine forever? I don't think a lifetime could ever be long enough with you by my side. Sadie Warren, please say you will let me share your life with you, and allow me the honor of having you as my wife?"

  I dropped to the floor and crawled over to him. When I reached Ash, I screamed at the top of my lungs "YES! YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!"

  He slowly lowered me to the ground. Our tongues played with each other’s while our clothes were shed completely off. Ash picked me up and rested me on the bed. Then his mouth started its journey up my body. His tongue licked my calf, around my knee, up my thigh, across my sacred place to my hip, up my stomach, the underside of my breast, across one nipple, until he traveled to the other, then up my collar bone, to my neck and then back to my mouth.

  "I love every inch of you, Sadie. I can't believe it’s all mine. Trust me to cherish it, because it will be my primary goal in life. I'm going to make you the happiest woman ever."

  His mouth came down on mine again, so gentle yet claiming. Once his hand found that I was more than ready, Ash was inside of me. We have had sex every way possible before, but this time topped it all. The love coming back and forth was tear dropping. Knowing this man was going to be my husband caused so much emotion in me, pure joy. I grabbed his hips and pulled him into me, needing him as deep and close as he could get. He struggled for the same thing. It was as if we were trying to become one. In a sense we were. Passion was flying all over the room. I pushed myself on top so that I could watch the pleasure I was giving him. His facial expressions said it all. He wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer. He flipped me over and began rubbing me until I built up high enough to blow. When he removed his hand and left me there, I thought I would scream. Then he shifted and with one smooth push, I blew apart. He let go with me. We laid there panting and covered in sweat. Neither of us cared. I eventually got some of my energy back, at least enough to say, "I can't believe I'm going to be your wife."

  He shot me one of his best smile faces and said, "I know, right? This day couldn’t be more perfect. Beautiful place, with my beautiful girl. What could be better?"

  "I could think of one small thing."

  He shot up in bed.

  "What, tell me?'

  "Nothing was wrong. Everything was perfect. Did you do this on a whim or did you plan it all?"

  "Oh I planned it. Down to the finest detail. I even asked your dad for your hand last weekend at the house."

  "No way! How did I miss all of it?"

  "Because I'm that good, don't forget it either."

  "Oh I won't, Mister smooth operator. One thing I'm wondering though. You planned this down to the finest detail, right?"

  "What are you getting at, woman?"

  "Well, you certainly would think a ring would be included."


  I couldn't help but laugh. He ran over to his carryon bag and was back at my feet in seconds.

  "I'm so sorry. Sadie, will you wear this ring and be my wife?"

  He opened the box and my jaw fell off. Inside was a diamond that was at least a 2 carat cushion cut solitaire. It was unbelievably gorgeous. He placed it on my finger and then sighed.

  "It’s okay, baby. I love my ring, my proposal, my trip, my fiancé. I love it all."

  "I can't believe I screwed it up. I still got my girl though. That's all that matters."

  "That's all that will ever matter. We have each other forever."


  The rest of the night we laid in bed and made love. The following morning when I woke, it felt like my dreams had come true. The ocean breeze and the crashing of the waves was the best way to wake up ever. I got up quietly, leaving Ash to sleep in. I brushed my teeth and then went into my bag in search of my birth control pills. I looked everywhere and couldn’t find them. I started to panic. I pulled everything from the bags and found nothing. I ran into the room and jumped on the bed
, scaring the shit out of Ash in the process.

  "Ash, where are my pills?"

  "Huh? What are your talking about?"

  He was still half asleep.

  "Ash, wake up! Where are my birth control pills?"

  He sat up but still wasn’t alert.

  "The pills, Ash. Where are the fucking pills?"

  "Sadie, calm down. I'm sure I packed them somewhere."

  "No, you didn't. I have looked through everything. They’re not here."

  "It’s okay. It will be okay, princess. Did you take one yesterday?"

  "No. I woke up and then we left. Oh my God, Ash! What are we going to do?"

  "We are going to calm down, first of all. So you missed one day. It’s not the end of the world. For the rest of our trip, I will just pull out. It will be okay. When we get back home I will use a condom for the rest of your cycle until you start a new pack. It will be fine, honey, don't worry."

  "I got so scared."

  "I could tell. It’s going to be fine. I will always make sure you’re okay. Trust me."

  The rest of our trip was exactly what Ash said it would be. We ate great food that the staff on the island prepared for us. The pool was fantastic, but the ocean was hands down my favorite part. We made love over and over again, but were always careful. When it was time to pack up and leave, I didn’t want to go. We packed up all of our stuff and waited for the helicopter to come back to get us.

  "Do you want to throw in a quickie before they get here. It’s a long flight back, remember?"


  A quickie was exactly all it could be. We heard the helicopter coming and hurried to finish. It came into view just as we were done, thank God. How mortifying would that have been? The ride back was surreal. I came to this island a single girl celebrating her birthday and left engaged to the man I love. Never would I have thought it would happen like this. Ash told me that he planned the whole thing from the vision he had of the first time we slept together. He wanted to give this all to me then, so how much more fitting could it be to propose in that exact setting. I will never forget that trip for the rest of my life.

  The flight back was so tiring. I slept almost the whole way. Ash was asleep every time I stirred so there was zero guilt. I guess neither of us slept much in Fiji. We had a different flight attendant, thank God, and she was kind enough to let us sleep until it was time to land. We touched down and the feeling I got was bitter sweet. It felt good to be home, but I could turn around and do the whole thing over again.

  "We’re home, princess. It’s going to all be real now. You’re going to be Mrs. Sadie Williams."

  "Nothing could make me happier."

  I glanced down at the ring I sported so proudly. He truly is perfect.

  "You ready?"

  "Sure am. For all of it."

  He took my hand and led me off the plane. When we reached the terminal, we were met by a crowd I never expected to be there.

  "She said yes!"

  They all cheered, clapped and ran towards us. Michael, Maria, Kate, and my mom and dad were hugging us and each other. It hit me that all of them were now family to me. Nothing could be better than that. My mom, Maria and Kate pulled me to the side to see my ring and ask how he proposed and where we went. He truly did keep it all a secret. I told them all about it and a simultaneous "awh" came from them. Then we switched. Ash got the women and I got the men. My dad pulled me into another hug.

  "I'm so happy for you. He's a good man and I know he will take good care of my little Sadie girl. I hate that you’re all grown up now, but I couldn't be more proud." I was balling my eyes out. My dad had always been the number one man in my life. Now he was replaced and it broke my heart for him.

  "Thank you, Dad. But I will always be your little girl, no matter how big I get."

  "Absolutely true"

  Michael was then pulling me in for a hug.

  "You’re not losing your dad, honey. You’re gaining another one, with a husband to boot. Welcome to the family, sweetheart."

  "Thank you. It feels good to know I'm going to become part of it."

  "You already are."

  I hugged him once more. Then Ash was taking me into his arms, exactly where I belong. Everyone had an opportunity to visit and now it was time to go home. We said goodbye and got into our car. Ash drove straight home, eager to have sex with his fiancé for the first time in his house. Men can be so silly about that kind of thing. I really think it’s just an excuse to have sex as much as they can. And that is exactly what we did. The suitcases stayed in the car, but we didn’t.

  Several weeks later, I was anxiously awaiting my period so the condoms could go in the trash. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but I hated having a barrier between us. Heather was throwing us an engagement party at her and Jason’s new house. Yep, I said it, they bought a house two subdivisions away from Ash and me. I was so happy when they told us. The fact that we could stay close made everything that much better.

  I heard Ash come in from the garage, so I went to meet him and make sure he got ready to go.

  "Hey there, gorgeous. How was school?"

  He walked over to me, picked me up and put me on the counter.

  "School was good, but this is better."

  He kissed me and I knew where he wanted that kiss to lead to.

  "Ash, we have to go soon."

  "Why do we have to go celebrate our engagement with them, when we could, right here, right now?"

  "Nice try, buddy, but I promised we would come."

  "I know someone else who wants to cum." He started kissing my neck and then put my ear in his mouth.

  "Ash, stop. I promise we can pick this back up right after the party. Come on, please. We have to go."

  "Fine. But you promised."

  "I know. Now go get ready."

  A half hour later he came down the stairs looking fresh out of a magazine. Sometimes I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. He was really going to be my husband. We hadn’t set a date yet. I wanted to let Heather and Jason have theirs first, and Ash to be done with school. Both of those things are within the year, so it shouldn’t be that hard to wait. Ash wanted it right away, but I put my foot down. In the end, he gave in, telling me I could have whatever I wanted, as long as it made me happy.

  "You ready to get this night over with? Cause I'm ready for what comes after already."

  "Simmer down, big boy. Your time is coming."

  "There you go using that word again. I'm never going to make it through the night if you keep talking like that."

  "Come on, pervert. Let’s go."

  "You said it again."

  "Go. Now. Better?"


  We walked into the house hand in hand. Mike, Tony and Jason were watching TV. Heather was in the kitchen with Megan. Which meant Jeff was somewhere also. Heather came over to give me a hug.

  "Let me see that ring again." She grabbed my hand and pulled it to her. "Megan, come look at this rock."

  I was so embarrassed. Yes, it was big. I guess I was just so used to it by now, that flaunting it seemed vain. Megan came over and grabbed my hand, "Holy shit! That makes mine look like a pen dot on paper."

  "Mine too, don't feel bad."

  "Both of you stop it. Your rings are perfect, just like mine, because they gave them to us. That's what makes a ring special."

  Heather looked like I slapped her.

  "Damn Sadie, grumpy much?"

  "No, why?"

  "Because we were just complimenting your ring, say thank you. Don't bite our heads off."

  I didn't think I was crabby. I just thought they should be more grateful, but I didn’t want to fight about it.

  "Sorry. Thank you both. It was very nice of you."

  Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit. Why was I playing nice? Why am I even thinking about this? Maybe I am crabby.

  "So Megan, do you guys have a date set?"

  "Three more months. We decided low key was
best because of funding, but it doesn’t matter to me. As long as I get to be his wife."

  "That's exactly how I feel." came from Heather.

  I'm calling Bullshit again. Heather has never done low key in her life. She is bridezilla on steroids. What the hell is wrong with me? I am crabby, I guess.

  "That sounds great." Was all I could come up with. I decided to find Ash and maybe he could perk up my mood. I walked into the family room and saw Jeff had joined the crew. Tony was sitting on a couch by himself so I chose to sit next to him.

  "Hey there, stud. How are you?"

  "Not as good as you, but good all the same."

  "I am on a high I can't seem to come down from, that's for sure."

  "As you should be. Ash is great for you. Now it’s my turn to find somebody."

  "Really? You’re ready for that now?

  "I think I am. Maybe. It would have to be the perfect person. Which means it’s not going to happen. So I guess I take it all back. I'm not ready."

  "You will be when you find the right person. Have faith she is out there."

  "Sounds like you’re the one with all of the answers now."

  "I am your Yoda, Obi Wan."

  "You’re a dork, is what you are."

  "Star Wars is awesome. Don't hate."


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