Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 11

by Tricia Daniels

  “You look beautiful tonight. That dress must have O’Connell going out of his mind,” he says, returning her smile.

  “He’s too busy right now to notice,” she says shrugging.

  “How did you get him to change his mind about letting me in?”

  “I didn’t. I pulled the ‘I’m dating your boss’ card with the security guy at the door.”

  Noah laughs, wrapping his hands around her middle and giving her a squeeze, “You’re absolutely evil.”

  Olivia leans back against his chest, unaware that both Carter and John are watching, “That’s why you love me, right?”

  “Always! You’ll always be my girl,” he says, as he pulls away. “I better go find Cindy. Save me a dance. If O’Connell’s still too busy for you I’m sure that will get his attention.” Noah runs his hands down her sides, to her hips, then across her ass giving it a playful squeeze and a light slap as he walks away.

  Olivia feels a draft as someone rushes past her, followed by the sound of a very loud THUD. Turning to see what the commotion is, she sees Noah face down on the ground with John McCabe half sitting on him, using his knee against his back to pin him there. John’s large, strong hand holds Noah’s throat, while he twists his arm behind him.

  Startled, Olivia screams, “John! Stop!”

  Returning from the bar, Rachel grabs Olivia, holding her back, as she tries to rush toward them. A curious crowd forms around them, watching. Olivia stands by horrified.

  “Now, that wasn’t a polite thing to do was it?” McCabe asks Noah. It’s clear from his tone that he’s not messing around.

  Noah is at least two inches taller than John and all lean muscle. Olivia can’t believe the ease in which John took him to the floor. Making his way through the crowd Scott gets a look at what’s going on. Getting Ethan’s attention at the bar, he motions for him to join him. Pushing his way through the crowd from the other side of the room, Ethan is curious to see what all the excitement is about. When he reaches the two men on the floor he stops, crosses his arms in front of him and slowly grins from ear to ear, taking a moment to enjoy Noah’s predicament.

  Olivia breaks free from Rachel and heads toward Ethan, calling him as she pushes through the crowd. “Ethan! Tell him to let Noah go,” she scolds when he directs his attention to her.

  Looking at Noah on the ground, he tugs on his ear, looking conflicted. Olivia begs him, “Ethan! PLEASE!” she gives him a look that cuts straight into his chest.

  “Are you kidding me with those eyes?” he growls, rubbing the back of his neck while he considers it. “Fine! McCabe, that’s a friend of Olivia’s. Let him up.”

  “I think you’re mistaken, Ethan.”

  Noah struggles, causing John to apply more force to hold him down. “If he was a friend of Miss James he would treat her with respect,” his breathing sounds labored from the energy it’s taking to pin Noah there, but he prevails.

  Ethan looks down at Olivia, tilting his head slightly to the side, “He was disrespectful to you?”

  Panicked, she shakes her head, “NO! It was nothing,” she tries to fluff it off, but the look on Ethan’s face indicates that she’s not convincing at all.

  “Let him go,” she says to John, anger in her tone.

  “Miss James’ alleged friend thought it would be appropriate to slap her on the ass as he passed by.” John looks up at Ethan for direction.

  Glaring at John, she gives him a look, warning him that she’ll get even with him. Ethan looks at Olivia with growing anger evident on his face, “Is that true?”

  She shrugs and scrunches up her face, knowing he isn’t going to like the answer, but he’ll know if she lies, “Yes.” She braces herself, expecting him to completely freak out, but Ethan O’Connell is a man full of surprises. Heads or Tails? He stares at her, jaws clenched tightly, studying her face with silent reflection before he finally speaks, “John, let Mr. Thompson up, please.” Looking down, he establishes eye contact with John who nods once, acknowledging his request.

  John’s knee comes off Noah’s back as he gets to his feet and releases him. Before Noah has time to react, McCabe grips his t-shirt and pulls him to his feet. They stand nose to nose for a moment, both of their bodies stiff with tension.

  Ethan takes a gentle hold of Olivia’s arm and pulls her close to his chest so he can whisper in her ear, “Perhaps you can tell me how he got in here?”

  “The question is why were you keeping him out in the first place?” Pulling her arm free, she crosses them in front of her. Ethan looks up to see Cindy pushing through the crowd and making her way toward Noah. Wrapping her arms around him, she forces John to step back. Ethan looks down at Olivia for confirmation.

  “Yes, he’s here with Cindy,” she says harshly, growing angrier with him.

  Ethan grins and shakes his head, “Let that be a warning, gentlemen! There’s a new sheriff in town, so you best be showing the ladies some respect.”

  Olivia glances back at her friends. They avoid looking at her, their shoulders jiggling up and down in laughter. She’s thankful for their avoidance, knowing that she’d likely burst into laughter as well. Ethan reaches down, grasps her hand and pulls it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. She parts her lips to speak, but he sweeps in to claim them gently, coaxing her to surrender to his kiss. She’ll never forgive herself for avoiding his kisses for so long. There is something about this man’s kisses that set her soul on fire. They make her forget the world around her, drawing her into him, as if she needs him to breathe.

  Pulling away, he gathers his thoughts as he focuses on her gaze, acknowledging the desire building in her eyes. “Tell your friends to meet us over by the stage in a few minutes. There are some people I’d like to introduce you to,” he hesitates, deciding on a tactic, “I think you need to stick a little closer to me for the rest of the evening.”

  Speechless, Olivia nods her head, proof of the power he wields over her. When she joins Shannon and Rachel, they grin at each other, recognizing her telltale glow.

  “Holy smokes!” Rachel says with amusement. “I felt that kiss all the way over here!”

  “One second more and I might have started undressing him right on the spot,” Olivia fans herself with her hand trying to cool the blush on her cheeks. “Surely, that wouldn’t be acceptable to,” she raises her hands in air quotes, “the sheriff.”

  They desperately try not to giggle when Ethan arrives at her side. “Ladies,” looking between them, he wonders what has them so amused. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Lovely,” Shannon responds. “We thought we just saw Olly Murs. Is he here?”

  Ethan grins, intent on keeping his secrets, “Possibly. I’m stealing Olivia for a moment. You’ll meet us over there shortly, yeah?” He reaches down for her hand, awakening the butterflies in her stomach with his simple possessive gesture. Satisfaction settles within her, knowing that after that kiss, every woman in the building knows without question that Ethan O’Connell belongs to her.

  Following him across the room toward the stage, she feels Griff’s eyes burning into her. She acknowledges his stare and then quickly looks away. Finding Carter close by, standing guard, makes her feel at ease. She smiles at him, trying to wash away the awkwardness from his earlier outburst and feeling relief when he returns her smile.

  Ethan moves toward the stage where a bunch of men are fussing with speakers and instruments. In amongst them is a tall man, barking out instructions in an attempt to get everyone organized. Seeing them approach, he smiles and starts toward them. His dark hair is shaved very short on the sides. The longer, copper tipped strands at the top are tousled in an unruly way that looks like he’s just been freshly fucked. Ripped jeans barely cling to his hips and his denim shirt is completely undone, revealing a very thin set physique and sinewy muscles. She wonders if he survives on anything besides tobacco and booze. The side of his shirt moves while he walks, allowing her to see his dragon tattoo. The tail, starting at his pectoral musc
le, trails completely down the side of his body; the head curling across his hip toward his abs. It’s fierce looking, vibrant with color unlike Ethan’s black tribal tattoo.

  “Olivia, this is Nate Ross.” Nate extends his hand to her in greeting, and she takes it firmly. His smile is intoxicating; she follows it from ear to ear, taking note of the multiple hooped piercings. She discovered a long time ago that Ethan’s ears are pierced, but she’s never seen him wear earrings. Looking at Nate and the masculine way he pulls that look off, she’ll have to encourage him to do so. It’s really kind of hot!

  “I’m a big fan,” she says grinning.

  “Well, it’s good to know who bought the other CD,” he jokes. “I know my mother bought one.” Releasing her hand, he looks over at Ethan with a serious expression. “Christ, O’Connell. You weren’t kidding. She’s gorgeous!”

  Olivia feels her face flush as Ethan looks down at her with a look of complete adoration, “She is. And don’t get any idea’s Nate. She’s mine.” Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulls her closer. Driving home the message to his friend.

  “No worries, man. It’s good to see you so happy.”

  They stand talking for a short while. It isn’t hard to see why Nate and Ethan are friends. Nate also has that same lethal kind of charm and appeal. She wonders just how many women are drawn into it every time he performs. She imagines he wouldn’t have to spend any night alone, if he didn’t want to. He’s an extremely talented musician. He seems so young for the superstar lifestyle, which consumed his life after his first album went double platinum.

  When they’re set up and ready to play, Ethan slaps him on the shoulder and thanks him for being here. Directing Olivia back to his reserved table where all their friends are, they wait for Nate’s performance to begin. “Nate writes all his own songs,” Ethan explains, as the music begins.

  Olivia isn’t surprised by that, at all. The music itself is extremely popular, mainstream. It has a sound to it that’s unmistakably Celtic. It had appealed to Olivia long before she had met Ethan. It never occurred to her just how odd that is, especially considering that she read somewhere that Nate was born and raised in Indiana.

  After Nate’s set, all the boys disperse from the table, each with duties that need tending to and leaving the girls alone to chat. It doesn’t take long before Olivia misses Ethan. Searching for him around the bar, she finds him talking to a group of people over by the pool tables, laughing at something that was said. He looks hot in that burgundy shirt and jet-black suit. It’s not just the appearance of his pure masculine lines, or the knowledge of the heavily muscled body that’s beneath that sexy suit, that has captured her attention. It’s his incredibly powerful presence that has her body tingling with sensation, always has.

  She watches curiously, as he looks across the room toward the front entrance. An expression sweeps across his face that she can’t identify. Walking away from his companions in mid sentence, he leaves them looking at each other awkwardly. Olivia strains her neck to see what’s drawn his attention.

  Heading straight for him at a quick pace is a tall brunette. That’s a switch. She’s thin, almost fragile looking but stunningly beautiful, making Olivia painfully aware of her own shortcomings.

  Meeting in the middle of the room, her arms wrap around his neck as their bodies collide in an embrace. Ethan holds her tightly against his chest, as if he never wants to let her go, his cheek pressed against the top of her head. Olivia knows that expression. A sharp pain in her heart makes her feel sick to her stomach. Whoever this tall brunette is, Ethan has more than platonic feelings for her.

  Watching the scene unfold, Rachel looks at Olivia with concern, “I’m sure she’s just a friend.”

  Olivia’s not so sure, “Yeah, you’re probably right,” she says as jealousy grips her. Her stomach plummets, as she watches him release her and lead her toward his office. Please, anywhere but the office. She knows what things go on in there.

  Rachel tries to distract her thoughts with conversation about some of the famous people she thinks she’s recognized tonight, but Olivia can’t think straight. Standing abruptly, she leaves the table.

  “Where are you going?” Rachel asks, wondering if she should follow in support.

  Olivia gives her a calm look, “It’s okay. I’m just going to go and introduce myself.” When she gets to the office door, she finds it slightly open. Hearing voices inside she hesitates for a moment, knowing full well, the disaster it was the last time she eavesdropped in on one of his conversations. As she raises her hand to knock on the door, it swings open further, giving her a clearer view. The beautiful brunette sits on Ethan’s desk, with him standing in between her legs wiping tears from her cheeks.

  “You’ll stay with me,” Ethan says in a stern voice as his hand slides a box of condoms across the desk and out of the way. Condoms? Olivia takes a deep breath in and holds it.

  “No, Ethan. I’ve already checked into a hotel. Besides, what about your girlfriend?” her voice sounds young and sweet; there’s no mistaking her Irish accent.

  “I’ll talk to Olivia. I can’t stand the thought of you being here and not staying with me.”

  “No. I’m staying at the hotel. You can come visit me there whenever you have time to sneak away. I’ll only be here a few days.”

  If this is Jessica, she certainly doesn’t look five months pregnant. He certainly wouldn’t need condoms, if it is she rationalizes. Putting her hand on the door, she intends to open it all the way and confront them. The brunette looks over Ethan’s shoulder and sees Olivia standing there in the half-opened doorway, staring, seemingly frozen, unable to move or speak.

  A firm hand on her shoulder makes Olivia spin around, coming face to face with the grin of Griffin. “Come dance with me,” he demands.

  “No, I don’t think so,” she says trying to push him away.

  He stops her with both hands, not willing to accept her refusal. “One dance,” he demands.

  Olivia takes a deep breath and turns sadly to look at Ethan’s office door. Griff firmly takes hold of her wrist and pulls her out onto the floor. He wastes no time becoming intimate with her body, as he turns and rubs against her, moving to the music. There’s something really gross and dirty about the way that he touches her. This is a friend of Ethan’s? She’s numb, trying to get her head around what she just overheard in the office. Her conscience screams at her to trust Ethan. She tries to relax but there’s something wrong here. Griff leans in, running his tongue across her neck and into her ear. Closing her eyes, she wills it to stop. Praying that this is just another nightmare that will end soon, so she can wake up in Ethan’s arms.

  Suddenly she feels Griff being ripped away and she takes a deep breath of relief as she opens her eyes.

  “Carter? What the fuck?” Griff screams angrily.

  “I’m saving you, Griffin,” Carter says, as he pulls him by the scruff of the neck away from Olivia.

  “From what?” he protests.

  “From O’Connell. Do you have any idea what he’d do to you if he caught you with your tongue in his girl’s ear?”

  “He’d fucking kill you!” Ethan’s voice says in rage as he approaches from the side. Carter lets go of his grip and takes a step back into safety. He knows what’s coming Griff’s way. As Ethan’s fist connects with his jaw, it makes a horrific sound, and drops Griff to the floor.

  “Nice shot,” Carter says in admiration. Stepping aside, he makes way for Nigel and Trevor as they retrieve Griffin from the floor, seemingly un-fazed, as if it’s something they did on a regular basis.

  Ethan shakes his hand out, opening and closing his fingers and grimacing, as he turns to Olivia who’s staring at him with an open mouth. “Are you okay?” he asks.

  She nods, but when he wraps his arms around her, she can’t help but tense, “Olivia?”

  “I’m fine,” she finally manages.

  “I need to tell you something,” he says, taking her hand and leading h
er off the dance floor. Dread fills her. She wishes for the umpteenth time since she met him, that she could let go of her fear of conflict and fight for him. The Olivia James she used to be wouldn’t have tolerated another woman around the man she loves. She would have fought for him tooth and nail. She would never have willingly given him up without bloodshed.

  Determined to find that woman inside herself again, she stops walking, “Ethan, wait,”

  He turns to her, looking confused.

  “I saw you with her earlier. I came to find you and the door was open. I overheard your conversation, and I know that you want to be with her.”

  Ethan is dumbfounded and it’s reflected in his expression, “Be with her? You think I want to be with her? As in romantically?”

  The will to fight, grows inside her as she stares into his eyes. This time, she’s going to go down kicking, screaming and biting. She’ll even pull hair, if she has to resort to that.

  “I don’t know exactly what you heard that made you think that,” he says with a strange tone in his voice. It’s a mixture of amusement, anger, and embarrassment.

  “I saw the condoms on your desk,” she challenges. Sensing his irritation, she struggles not to look away from his sharp glare. Ethan shakes his head in disbelief and reaches up to take hold of her elbow. Without saying a word, he pulls her a few steps to the left, toward the men’s bathroom.

  Ethan!” she protests as he yanks her inside.

  A young man standing at the urinal protests as he finishes his business and tucks himself away, “Dude! What the fuck?”

  “Sorry,” he apologizes. “I have a point to make to the girlfriend. You know how it is.”

  Zipping up his pants, he laughs, “Yeah, I know how it is.”

  Ethan smiles and then turns his attention back to Olivia. “Look,” he says pointing to the dispensing machine mounted on the wall.”

  When she realizes what it is, the point that he’s making is embarrassingly clear. She looks at him with regret.


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