Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 14

by Tricia Daniels

  Olivia: I don’t want to talk to you right now!

  Ethan: ???? Why?

  Olivia: Because I’m annoyed at you.

  Ethan: What did I do?

  Olivia: Think hard O’Connell. You’ll figure it out.

  Sitting in a small café taking a break between meetings, Ethan scowls and scratches his head.

  John looks at him with curiosity, “What’s going on?”

  Ethan shrugs, “I have no idea, but she’s upset with me for something.”

  Ethan: Help me out here. I do a lot of things that annoy you. Can you be a little more specific?

  Olivia: Think transportation.

  Ethan: OK, I think I know what you’re talking about, but I still don’t know why you’re angry with me?

  Olivia: I’m going out with the girls tonight, so I won’t be available to chat.

  Trying to push Ethan and his aggravating inner control freak out of her mind, Olivia picks up all the girls and gets them to the local Chinese food restaurant for dinner. It’s the perfect place to spend the next few hours chatting and giggling. This is exactly what she needs tonight, she only wishes Rachel and Shannon were here.

  When they’re done, they’re contemplating the wide sampling of desserts when Kelly has a great idea, “Let’s go over to ‘The Headwaters’ for a few drinks.”

  “It’s called ‘Ireland’s’ now,” Margaret corrects her.

  “No, it’s too busy we’ll never get in,” Olivia, advises, filled with dread at the suggestion.

  “How busy can it be?” Margaret searches for something on her phone and then passes it around for everyone to see, “Have you seen a picture of the new owner?”

  When the phone makes its way to Olivia, she’s shocked to see that it’s a Google image of Ethan, shirtless on a beach somewhere. His chiseled abs and chest, bronzed to perfection. She’s not sure how old the picture is, but his face is completely clean-shaven making him look very young. Beside him, a beautiful blonde with very long legs, in a skimpy bikini, looks up at him in adoration. It’s clear that he’s enjoying an intimate moment with his significant other. For Pete’s sake, he really does have a type.

  His hair is longer, the way it was the first day she saw him. Blowing in a gentle ocean breeze it falls in soft, gentle curls just below his ears. Placing the pad of her finger on the touch screen, she slides it to the side scrolling through hundreds of other pictures of him at various different events. There’s even one of him in a tuxedo, with Hannah by his side, at a charity event hosted by Aurora Technologies Canada.

  “His hair is short now,” Diana adds. “My cousin’s husband knows him. She said that he has the sexiest Irish accent.” Looking over Olivia’s shoulder, she squints at the picture, “He sort of looks like the guy who delivered lunch to you a few weeks ago.”

  “Really? I don’t think so,” Olivia says quickly. She considers that, maybe for the sake of publicity, it’s best that nobody knows about them. She is, after all, the girl that everybody talks about. Besides, these girls would make a huge fuss over it and she really doesn’t want to talk about him tonight.

  When Olivia hands the phone back, Margaret takes another long look at the picture and adds, “Well, I sure wouldn’t throw him out of bed for eating crackers.”

  “No kidding,” Kelly adds. “I’d throw him out of bed just to watch him crawl back in.”

  Olivia remains silent as her friends discuss Ethan’s body and their theories about the size of his manhood. She wonders how they’d react if she were to tell them that she could describe every inch of it, in meticulous detail. She could also confirm that they were grossly mistaken in their theory. His fancy car and expensive clothes are definitely not his way of making up for the diminutive size of his cock. They couldn’t be more wrong. For a moment, she misses him and his dick. How wrong is that?

  “Okay, it’s settled then. We’re going over there. Olivia you’re good with that, right?”

  Olivia scrunches up her face, “I don’t know. I’m not really feeling it.” She’s in no mood to deal with Ethan tonight.

  Sometime between tea and finishing their desserts, some heavy arm-twisting takes place and Olivia is persuaded to go. When they get there the line up is out the door and half way down the sidewalk along the side of the building.

  “Told you,” Olivia reminds them. Exposing way too much cleavage to the cool evening air, she shivers. If she goes back to the car to get her sweater, she may be tempted to leave.

  Margaret comes back from having spoken with the security guard at the door, “He says it could be up to an hour wait… if we get in at all.”

  “It’ll be worth the wait if the sexy owner is here tonight,” Kelly giggles.

  Margaret elbows her friends, “Hey, who’s that guy? Check out those muscles!” They watch as a very distinguished man approaches, meticulously groomed and casually dressed all in black. He’s older, but very attractive. Holding his hand over his ear, he covers the head set, trying to hear something above the noise of the crowd. “Yes, immediately,” he says into it as he reaches them.

  Olivia looks up to see John McCabe standing in front of her.

  Oh No! “Hi, John,”

  “Olivia,” he nods. “Please, follow me.” Stepping back, he holds out his hand, directing her toward the door.

  “Oh, um… it’s okay John. I’m here with my friends this evening.” She avoids their addled stares.

  “Olivia, your friends are more than welcome to join you. Please…” talking into the headset, he motions them toward the door, “Four guests to be seated at the table reserved for Mr. O’Connell.”

  The girls step out of line one by one and glance at Olivia in amazement. As the security guard opens the door for them, a hostess immediately seats them in a booth right in front of the dance floor. John follows them to make sure they’re taken care of. Olivia finds a moment to speak to John, inconspicuously, while her friends enjoy the VIP treatment.

  “Thank you John, but this really wasn’t necessary.”

  “Wasn’t it? How angry do you think Ethan would be if he found out that I left you standing outside in the cold waiting to get in?” He gives her a half grin.

  “Good point,” she wrinkles her nose and asks hesitantly, “Is he here?”

  John shakes his head, “No, he’s at a dinner with some business associates in Toronto. He’ll come by later.”

  She’s relieved for a moment. There are too many concerns swirling around in her head right now. Publicity scandals. Control freak boyfriends. Gah!

  John takes his phone out of his pocket, “I’ll text him and let him know you’re here. Maybe he can get away early.”

  “NO!” she practically screams, causing John to look up at her startled.

  Embarrassed by her reaction, she offers him an explanation, “Please don’t. I’ve been looking forward to this night with my friends, and if he shows up I won’t be able enjoy myself.”

  John rubs his hand on his chin, “Ah... he’s done something to upset you. I was with him this afternoon when he received your text.”

  Joining her friends in the booth, she doesn’t respond. John ensures everyone is well looked after and then turns to leave, “Have a nice evening, ladies. Please let me know if there’s anything you need.”

  Olivia forces a smile in his direction. Nodding, he puts his hand on her shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Leaning in he whispers in her ear, “Go easy on him. He’s never been in love before.” Olivia’s face flushes red and her stomach flip-flops. Love?

  When John walks away, Olivia realizes that the conversation at the table has stopped completely. Looking up, she finds her friends all staring at her.

  “What was that all about?” Diana asks.

  “Nothing.” Olivia rolls her eyes, trying to deflect the question, but can do nothing to hide the red flush on her cheeks.

  Time passes quickly as they drink, dance, and make observations about every other girl in the bar. All the normal things g
irls do on a ‘girl’s night out.’ Kelly comes whizzing back to the table with exciting news, “He’s here!”

  “Who’s here?” Margaret asks.

  “The new owner! I just saw him.”

  Everybody but Olivia turns to look. She wants to leave now. When she looks up at the front door John catches her eye, nodding toward the bar to let her know where Ethan is. She blows out a long breath.

  “You okay?” Kelly asks.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “What’s going on with you tonight? What aren’t you telling us?” Margaret asks.

  Olivia looks around the table at her friends, as they wait for an explanation for her strange behavior. This requires an avoidance tactic.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” Wiggling her way out of the booth, she quickly heads to the back of the room.

  Standing in front of the mirror, she freshens up her makeup and then brushes her hair. Adjusting her top, she makes sure everything is appropriately covered. Ethan would blow a gasket if it weren’t.

  Annoyance knocks on her inner conscience’s door. Why is she suddenly worried he’ll be upset? This is her life, her body. Staring at herself, she takes a deep breath as a refreshing surge of confidence moves through her. Adjusting her bra and tugging on the hem of her top, she makes her breasts stick out and say, ‘hello!’ through the plunging neckline. Returning to her seat, she glances over at the bar and spots Ethan talking to John. She looks away when he turns to look straight at her. She feels immature with her need to make him squirm. Let’s just see who’s in control tonight.

  “Oh my God! He’s hot!” Margaret whispers as she watches him approach in his dark blue and white striped shirt. The collar buttons are undone and he has casually untucked the tailored waist showing off his perfect body.

  “I think he’s coming over here!” Kelly whispers, giddy with excitement.

  His trademark charm is at its full capacity when he reaches the table, “Ladies, I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself tonight.”

  Not being shy at all, Margaret engages him in conversation, “Yes, it’s been awesome.”

  “Good.” Looking at Olivia, he chuckles at how uncomfortable she looks. Jesus, the woman can hold a grudge.

  Kelly jumps in, “We wanted to be here for the grand opening but we couldn’t get in.”

  “Oh, now that’s a shame, I’ll have to find a way to make it up to you,” Ethan is fully aware that Olivia is ignoring him. She fakes interest in watching the people on the dance floor, avoiding the conversation all together.

  Margaret turns in her seat, playing with her hair, and flirting for all she’s worth, “We were really disappointed. We almost didn’t get in tonight either, but then that guy you were just talking to, saw Olivia and rushed us to the front of the line.”

  “Well of course he did, my instructions to John this evening were to make sure that all the beautiful women were seated right away.”

  The girls all swoon when he flashes them his panty-melting smile. Olivia suddenly feels her claws coming out. She hates that other women get to see that smile.

  Margaret continues her questioning, “So I don’t see a ring, are you single?”

  Olivia’s stomach twists and her hands visibly squeeze the glass she’s holding in her hand. Is she fucking serious?

  Ethan laughs at her boldness, “No, I’m seeing someone.” He glances over at Olivia in curiosity. Is this a test? He’s all too familiar with the games women play.

  “Is it serious?” Margaret bravely asks.

  “Yes, I’m very serious about this girl,” his Dom side starts to feel a little chafed at her refusal to look at him. There’s more to her behavior than just being upset with him. She’s hiding their relationship, and that he finds disturbing, especially since he fought so hard for it.

  Margaret reaches over and touches his arm letting her hand dwell there. “Well, that’s bad news for me, I guess,” she bats her eyelashes at him, making Olivia feel nauseous.

  Ethan looks at Margaret’s hand on his arm and then glances up at Olivia. Her face flushes beet red, as she continues to pretend that she’s not paying attention. Bloody stubborn woman! Taking a step back, he makes room for one of the servers to pass, forcing Margaret to withdraw her hand. He’s not sure what’s going on, but he’ll give Olivia something to think about until he can speak with her alone.

  “Well, if she ever decides that she can’t stand to have me around anymore, I’ll be sure to let you know,” he leans down closer to her, “I’ve always fancied redheads.” As he stands, he winks at her making her glow.

  Going completely out of her mind at the exchange taking place in front of her, Olivia’s body goes tense. When she makes the mistake of glancing at him for just a brief second, Ethan pounces at the opportunity the minute she makes eye contact.

  “Olivia, can I talk to you in my office for a few minutes.”

  Damn it!

  Margaret’s mouth hangs open in shock at his request. From Olivia’s body language, she immediately knows what’s going on. Turning back in her seat, she looks extremely disappointed. Diana glances back and forth at everyone looking confused.

  “Sorry, I’m busy with my friends right now.” She holds his gaze determined not to give in.

  He does appreciate that her stubbornness certainly matches his own. He gives her sort of a half smirk, accepting that her rejection is due to her earlier expressed anger.

  “Of course, I don’t mean to interrupt. Sometime before you leave then.”

  She almost growls in frustration. How dare he act so gallant and charming!

  There’s a loud ruckus from the front of the bar that grabs Ethan’s attention, “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, duty calls.”

  The four girls sit in silence after he leaves. “What the hell am I missing?” Diana finally asks.

  Trying to avoid any more questions, Olivia gets to her feet, “I think we need to go dance.”

  They are quickly joined by a couple of men on the dance floor. Focusing his attention solely on Olivia, one of them occasionally leans in to talk to her. He’s a perfect gentleman. She’s extremely glad for that, since every time she looks up, Ethan is standing at the rail watching her. She tries to ignore him, but it’s a difficult task.

  Directly across the dance floor John is standing guard. Ethan looks across the room at him and John knows what he’s thinking. Shaking his head at him, he tries to discourage Ethan from reacting. When Olivia gets the nerve to look again, Ethan is gone.

  After several songs, Olivia is tired and extremely overheated. Excusing herself from her friends, she heads back to the booth, only to be intercepted by a wall of muscle named John McCabe. He’s exceptionally well built for a man his age, his black sweater clinging to his muscular chest and arms. The security earpiece gives him that whole forbidden bodyguard kind of sex appeal.

  Olivia tries to avoid him, but he steps directly in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. Pivoting, she tries to walk in the other direction in an attempt to escape. Swiftly stepping up behind her, he puts his hand on her back, “Follow me please, Olivia.” With gentle pressure, he steers her to the back of the bar and toward the office. “Ethan would like to speak to you.”

  Seriously? When John reaches for the door handle, Olivia turns and glances up at him giving him an extremely annoyed look. “Traitor.”

  Chapter Eleven

  John grins as he lets Olivia into the office, nodding at Ethan before he leaves and closes the door behind him. Sitting at his desk, Ethan is trying not to smirk. He can feel her anger radiating all the way across the room.

  Damn, if he doesn’t look sexier than hell as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

  “Kidnapping people now, are we?” She doesn’t smile as she walks toward his desk. Matching his gesture, she crosses her arms in front of her, drawing his attention to the fullness of her breasts and the lack of cover provided by her clothing.

  “No. You’re welcome to leave.” Lookin
g sincere and extremely calm, he gets to his feet and rounds the desk toward her.

  “Good.” She seriously doesn’t want to be here. Without another word, she takes two steps backwards and then turns toward the door.


  Olivia stops dead in her tracks, her heart racing. Damn that authoritative tone!

  “Just as soon as we’re finished talking, of course.” There’s something in the way she’s challenging him that has him intrigued, enchanted almost. Giving him that déjà vu kind of feeling. This feistiness feels familiar. It feels… right. For some reason, he begins to feel that he should be wary of her right cross. Shaking his head, he tries to make sense of it all.

  Behavior like this, from other woman he dated, would certainly be dealt with. Olivia, however, looks so damn adorable that he struggles to hide his amusement.

  Walking to her side, he takes her hand, “Come sit with me.” Following him to the couch, she reluctantly sits. “You’re still angry with me, I see.”

  Retreating as far as she can into the opposite corner, she makes sure that there’s no part of her touching him. Unable to refrain from chuckling, he sits beside her. Furious at his amusement and his incredible nerve, she turns her body so she’s facing away from him. He had her delivered to his office for Pete’s sake! Now he sits there all sexy and trying not to smile? She’s standing up for herself this time, too bad for him if he doesn’t like it, “You paid off my car repair bill!”

  “Yes, I did,” he says calmly.

  Gaaaah! “Why would you do that? Nobody does that.”

  “I did.” He shrugs nonchalantly.

  “You can’t just wake up one day and decide you’re going to walk in and pay off someone else’s debts.” Leaning on the arm of the couch, she puts both hands over her face. How could someone as smart as Ethan O’Connell just not get it?

  “Olivia, it makes no sense to me that you’re paying interest fees on monthly payments when I can pay off the balance for you.”

  Closing her eyes, she tries to settle her anger. She finally turns to look at him, determined to make him understand, “Ethan, it doesn’t have to make sense to you. Those are the arrangements that I made.”


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