Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 16

by Tricia Daniels

  John stops Olivia at the door. When she looks up at him with tired fuzzy eyes, he grins, “Ethan is on his way, he wants you to wait here for him.”

  She sways slightly under the influence of her last vodka cooler. Ethan is a little concerned as he quickly moves to her side. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, of course,” she says indignantly.

  “Let’s get you home.” Reaching down he takes her hand, locking his fingers with hers. Holding her firmly as they exit the front door and walk toward the limo.

  Diana watches them approach. Noticing their display of intimacy, she nudges Kelly.

  Ethan holds onto Olivia’s hand right up until they reach her friends at the limo. Releasing her only so that he can bid them each good night. Olivia doesn’t feel jealous anymore. She knows that Ethan, being Ethan, can’t turn off the charm.

  “Good night, ladies. I’m glad you’ve had an enjoyable evening. It’s my pleasure to see that you all get home safely.” He reaches his hand out to Diana, who extends hers expecting to receive a handshake. Taking it in his, he lifts it to his lips and kisses it, bowing politely as he does. He follows suit with both Kelly and Margaret, who up until then have been sending death glares to Olivia.

  Turning back to Olivia, she holds out her hand, smiling, expecting the same royal treatment. Ethan doesn’t disappoint her; lifting it to his mouth, he kisses it gently. Pulling her closer to him, he puts his other hand on her neck, curling his fingers around it, holding her still. Leaning down, he gives her a goodbye kiss that makes her toes curl.

  Diana watches with surprise. “Oh…I think I just figured out what I was missing. There’s something going on between those two!”

  Kelly rolls her eyes. “Do ya think?”

  When Ethan releases her lips, Olivia struggles for air, “I’ll see you at home shortly.” Turning briefly back to the girls, he winks and gives them a quick wave. Standing there, mouths open, not a word is said.

  After the driver helps them all into the limo, there’s an awkward silence amongst the four friends, until Margaret finally speaks up.

  “So, let me get this straight… you and Ethan O’Connell?”

  Olivia knew she was going to have some explaining to do. She nods her head, feeling extremely awkward. “Yes.”

  Kelly jumps in, “You’re the girl he said he’s very serious about?”

  “I guess so. Yes.” Oh, dear Lord, this couldn’t be any more uncomfortable.

  Diana’s mind works in a different gear, “So, you know how big his cock is?”

  “Diana!” Kelly scolds.

  “What? You were all wondering before you knew about him and Olivia. I’m still curious!”

  Margaret’s mood softens a little, pushing her jealousy to the side, “Come on then, let’s hear it. Is he well hung, or is he making up for a tiny Johnson by throwing his money around?”

  Olivia’s face turns red, and she closes her eyes. “Oh my God! I can’t believe we’re talking about this.”

  Kelly gets impatient. “Well? I’m curious too actually.”

  There’s no way to avoid the question so she figures she might as well just get it over with. She looks at her friends, sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for her answer. “He’s definitely not making up for a lack of anything.”

  “I knew it!” Kelly yells.

  “Seriously?” Diana can’t hide her excitement.

  “It’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” Olivia winces as she says it, still not believing that she’s sharing that detail. “It kind of scares me sometimes.”

  “I thought you were walking funny the other day,” Diana says quite seriously. Olivia covers her face in shame, as they all break into laughter.

  Chapter Twelve

  Waiting patiently for Friday seems like it’s an unreachable goal. Olivia is so excited about visiting her sister that willing it to come faster seems to have the opposite effect. It’s been over a year since her last visit. She was devastated that she wasn’t able to visit when her last nephew was born. Marcus is walking and talking now. She can’t wait to get him into her arms, so she can hug him and squeeze him.

  Ethan attempts to distract her, from the seemingly long wait, with a lot of sex and a few scorching fantasies; and they were scorching! She’ll never be able to walk into a library again without blushing.

  Ethan loves to role-play. After finding out about Sam, he holds back many of his fantasies. He’s certain, that if he pulled out all the stops on his sexual desires, she’ll run screaming and never look back. Turns out, Olivia’s desires aren’t that much different from his, so he’s ready to start pushing her a little more. Test the waters, so to speak. Her newfound confidence entices his inner Dom, making him want her submission even more. For her own protection, he still fights it; trying to put out of his mind, all the wicked things that she makes him want to do.

  Olivia lies awake and restless for hours Thursday evening. Ethan decides that sex is the best way to exhaust her, and sacrifices his own good night’s sleep. When morning finally arrives, she wakes trapped under his heavy, muscular body.

  Completely drained, Ethan opens his eyes and grumbles something about insatiable women. With some last minute business to take care of at the office, he rolls to the side of the bed and begins to get dressed. He reminds Olivia that she’s to meet him downtown later and they’ll travel to the airport together.

  Still brimming with excitement, she can barely sit still in the back of the limo. When it pulls up to the front of the downtown Toronto high-rise of Aurora Technologies, John is waiting for her at the curb.

  “Ethan’s just finishing up a call. He sent me to escort you up to his office.”

  “Thanks, John. How’s Shannon?” She’s really missing her companionship, lately.

  “She’s fine.” He smiles at the mention of her name. “She’s making a lot of headway on Ethan’s case, now that she’s home. She has a competent team in Ireland, but nobody is as good at what they do as Shannon. She’s an amazing woman.”

  Olivia enjoys watching John’s expression as they make their way into the elevator. He’s definitely smitten. “I agree! She’s an amazing woman. You should marry her.”

  John’s head snaps toward her in surprise, “Why would she want to marry an old guy like me?”

  Olivia can’t believe that’s even a concern for him. “She loves you, John. I can tell from the look on your face, that you love her, as well. Why do you think the age difference is a concern?”

  John sighs, wondering if this is a conversation that he should be having with Olivia. After all, technically, she’s also his employer; despite the fact that they seem to have formed a rather unconventional friendship.

  “I look at her and I see a beautiful, young, vibrant woman just starting her career. Me, well I’m counting down the days until retirement. Sometimes when I have…” He wobbles his head back and forth seeking the right word, “thoughts, I feel like a dirty old man.”

  Olivia scowls at him, “Well, I think that’s ridiculous. And I’m fairly certain that everybody who works for Ireland is counting down the days until retirement.”

  Unable to disagree, John throws his head back in laughter.

  “When I see you two together I don’t see an age difference at all,” Olivia says, trying to reassure him.

  “Maybe not now, but what about a few years from now?”

  “Am I missing something here? I thought you were only 10 years older than her?” Olivia still doesn’t understand his concern. They love each other. That’s all that matters, right?

  John sighs as they get off the elevator into Aurora’s front lobby, “Yes, but sometimes that seems like a lot of years.”

  Olivia dismisses his concern with a roll of her eyes, “Pfffft. Whatever, Gramps.”

  Glancing up nervously, expecting to see Hannah, she’s relieved to find that she’s not there. In her place is a pleasant older woman, tastefully dressed in a two-piece outfit and a lovely pearl necklace. She l
ooks like someone’s grandma, all warm and loving; like she’s going to jump up from behind the desk and offer her some homemade cookies.

  Olivia stops in her tracks, stunned. Turning toward John, an inexplicable look washes over her face, “Where’s Hannah?”

  John looks uncomfortable for a moment, as if she’s caught him off guard, “She no longer works here. Hang on. I’ll get his messages, and then I’ll walk you to his office.”

  Olivia is already heading down the hall at a quick pace. “It’s okay, John. I know my way.” She’s almost at a sprint by the time she reaches his office. Rushing through the open door she finds Ethan casually dressed and just finishing a call. “Hannah’s gone?” she blurts out through panting breaths.

  Ethan looks up, startled by the look on her face. Her eyes wide and dilated, her mouth open and trying to breathe air into her lungs. She looks pissed! He holds up his finger signaling for her to wait one moment.

  “Oui. Bien. Landon, I have to go.” Without breaking his stare, Ethan hangs up the phone and takes a few steps toward her trying to pre-empt the backlash, “Olivia, before you get upset with me…”

  “Hannah’s gone?” she repeats again, trying to calm her pulse.

  The angry look on her face makes him hesitate. “Yes, she’s gone. Rachel told me about all the other horrible things she said to you. The ones you neglected to tell me about. I knew you wouldn't approve and you're obviously angry with me...”

  Before he can explain any further, Olivia makes it across the room in a few long strides and throws herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Running her fingers through his hair, she pulls his head forward and smashes her lips against his in a passionate kiss.

  When she lets him up for air, he shakes his head, “You are the most confusing woman I’ve ever met. I thought you were furious with me.”

  “Ethan, you have no idea how glad I am that bitch is gone. Did you fire her?”

  Chuckling he sets her feet down on the ground and takes a long adoring look at her, brushing her hair off her face, “No, I didn’t fire her. That would have been a human resources nightmare, as John puts it.” Ethan tugs her by the hand over to his desk and sits in his chair, pulling her down on to his lap.

  “So, what happened then?” she asks, eager for the details.

  He tries to hide his grin, “Well, I have a very good friend who has…ummm, how should I put this… very particular taste in his personal assistants. He was looking for a new one to… errr… look after certain needs, so to speak. All I had to do was invite him here for a meeting and point him in Hannah’s direction.”

  “Seriously?” Olivia is not surprised at all, actually. Neither, at the fact that Ethan has a business associate that’s sleazy enough to use his PA in that way, nor the fact that Hannah couldn’t resist a powerful man with money, regardless of the job description.

  “Worked out great. She took very little persuading. He feels guilty for stealing her away from me, so he’s agreed to send us more business.”

  Olivia couldn’t be more delighted. “So it’s a Win-Win-WIN situation!” she says grinning.

  Ethan takes in her beautiful smile, then frowns for a moment, as he brushes his thumb across her bottom lip, “Baby, I wish you had told me the things she said to you. I would have dealt with it a lot sooner. I’m so sorry.” Pressing his lips to her forehead, he makes her close her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she melts into his rock hard chest.

  “I’m a big girl; it’s not your job to fight my battles.”

  Ethan’s muscles tense beneath her as he pulls back to give her a decisive look, “It is now. Let’s make sure we’re perfectly clear on that. If you think that I’ll stand by and let anybody upset you… you’re sadly mistaken. I’ll be gladly kicking the ass of anyone that makes you cry.”

  Looking at his watch, he eases her off his lap, “We better get going. I like to get to the airport earlier than the normal check in time.”

  Getting to her feet, she laughs, “You, early? What a surprise.” She yelps when he gives her ass a playful slap. Turning, she gives him a warning look. “Be careful what you start, Mr. O’Connell, or you’re likely to find yourself missing your flight all together.”

  When they arrive in the lobby, they find John outside, already moving Ethan’s luggage from the Challenger into the limo. The hair on the back of Olivia’s neck starts to prickle when she stares across the street at the little shop with the neon signs. She’s never really been one to believe in psychics; that’s her sister’s thing. There’s no denying that this woman has her unnerved with her cryptic warnings. Ethan asks her a question about her carry-on luggage, but she’s so lost in the thoughts that are rolling around in her head that she doesn’t respond.

  “Olivia?” Looking up to see what’s drawn her attention, he follows her gaze across the street.

  Distraught, she turns her attention back to Ethan. “Yes, I’m sorry. It’s silly.”

  “What’s silly?” He looks at her quizzically.

  “The first time I came to your office, I was stopped on the street by the psychic from that shop.”

  Ethan glances toward the building again, knowing all too well what that feels like. He grows a little nervous when he recalls his own experience with the strange woman.

  “She said some really strange things to me.”

  That gets Ethan’s attention and now he’s extremely curious, “Like what?”

  “She said that HE was looking for me.”


  “I don’t know. She said that HE was looking for me, and he was going to find me… that it wouldn’t be long now. Actually, the night after we stayed at the hotel, she was waiting for me in the underground parking. She said I needed to understand that I was the key to his anger. I needed to give him closure, so new life could begin. It kind of freaked me out and,” she exhales some of that tension, feeling a little better after getting it off her chest. “I’ve had a few nightmares about it.”

  Ethan leans against the side of the limo thinking about his own weird encounter with Eva Storm. He's angry that she’s also confronted Olivia and even more annoyed that he didn’t know about it before. “You and I will talk later about why you continue to keeps things like that from me.” At least now, he knows the source of her nightmares. “Are you still worried about Sam?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately,” she says, fear evident in her eyes.

  Frowning, he reaches for her, “I’ve had a lot of resources looking for him. If that was him that showed up at the restaurant a few weeks ago, he doesn’t seem to be around now,” he tries to reassure her.

  Despite his confidence, Olivia’s not so sure. Ethan so easily dismissed the fact that Sam somehow made it into the grand opening, but she knows that he was there. She never did tell him about being followed the night that she walked away from him in the parking lot of the bar. If she brought it up now, it wouldn’t go over very well. He’s already annoyed with her for not telling him about the psychic. She says nothing, deciding that Ethan, at least, should have a little peace of mind. “I know. I told you that it’s silly. I can’t help but wonder… if it’s not Sam she’s talking about, then who?”

  Ethan’s broad shoulders become stiff and square as his chest expands. Is she warning Olivia about his temper? Is he capable of the things that Jessica accused him of? Not knowing is going to eat away at him until he slowly goes insane. He’s not much of a believer in psychics himself; but she knew about the daisies and a few other disturbing things. Even he would be hard pressed to consider them coincidences.

  Standing upright, he startles her, “Well then, let’s go and find out.” Taking her hand, he pulls her across the road toward the building.

  “Ethan! What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to ask the psychic who she’s talking about.”

  As much as she’d love some answers she’s extremely apprehensive, “Don’t we need to make an appointment to do that?” Her sho
rt legs struggle to keep up with his athletic stride.

  “If she’s really a psychic, then she knows we’re coming.” He laughs at his own joke as he steps up onto the curb.

  Olivia pulls back on his hand, halting him, “Slow down. I’m not sure I want to do this.”

  There’s no point in trying to reason with her because the entire idea is irrational, “I’m not having you spend the weekend with your sister stressing over it. Let’s put an end to it now.”

  Pushing open the door, he steps inside. The dark, eerie space is cluttered with all sorts of talismans and unusual things. Creepy things. Olivia clings as closely as she can to his side. The sound of china clinking together makes them turn toward a small room off to the side. There, standing in front of them is Eva Storm. She smiles, as if they are old friends, “I’ve been expecting you.”

  “Told ya,” Ethan leans over to whisper. Olivia jabs her elbow into his ribs as the silver haired woman approaches, taking her hand.

  “Come,” she says, leading her in to the room. “You have questions.”

  Olivia follows, her eyes still on Ethan. With her free hand, she grabs at his shirt and drags him with her. There are only two chairs, in the very small room. Sitting across from each other, Olivia and Eva exchange a long silent look, while Ethan finds a spot out of the way.

  “Why is it that you seem to know us?” Olivia asks curiously.

  “Because I do. You have come to me in many past lives.”

  “Past lives?” Olivia narrows her eyes and then glances quickly at Ethan. Why does he look suspicious all of a sudden? Did he know about this? All those times when she had a feeling that he was holding something back, was he? The familiarity of the birdhouse… Romeo and Juliet…

  Ethan leans against the wall, looking uncomfortable; watching as Eva picks up a deck of Tarot cards and shuffles them with care. Placing them on the table, she waves her hands over them to cleanse them of previous energies. Olivia nervously looks at Ethan, expecting to find him looking amused. His face is stoic, as if he’s taking it very seriously. Placing the deck in front of Olivia, she instructs her, “Cut the deck into three piles.” When Olivia has done what she asks, she picks up all three piles and stacks them back into one deck. “Ask me your question.”


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