Souls ReAligned

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Souls ReAligned Page 33

by Tricia Daniels

  “Olivia.” He grins as she sits and buckles in. “I take it you had a good day.”

  Cocking her head to the side, she raises an eyebrow. “What do you know?”

  “Only that Ethan was extremely late for a meeting this morning. It’s not like him to be late,” chuckling, he pulls up in front of the dance studio.

  “Anytime I’m responsible for disrupting his corporate world I consider it a WIN,” she claims proudly.

  Opening her door, he helps her out, “Between you and me, I’m rooting for you.”

  Without Ethan around distracting her, she makes significant headway on the Artemis project in a few short days. It feels strange giving the progress report to Ian without Ethan hovering near by. She looks over at Aiden O’Connell several times, hoping to receive his approval. Thumbing through the pages in front of him, his expression remains stoic. Ian gives her a sympathetic look and encourages her to keep talking.

  Afterwards, she walks with Ian to her office, frowning.

  “Wow, I can see the O’Connell intimidation method is hereditary.”

  “Don’t let him get to you. It’s not personal. It’s all business,” he assures her. “Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.” Needing to talk to McKenna regarding business, he gives Olivia’s elbow a squeeze and leaves her in the hall.

  Feeling restless, she organizes her notes and shifts uncomfortably in her chair. Anxiety starts to take its toll.

  Ethan wasn’t able to talk to her last night for very long. She tried to talk to him about Michael not being her instructor, anymore, but he was distracted and not very sympathetic at all. When she asked questions about the business in London, he deflected or changed the subject, all together. She can’t put her finger on it, but something is definitely off. More secrets. Gah!

  She checks her phone again, but there are still no messages from him today. Frustrated, she lets out a heavy sigh. Feeling eyes on her, she turns to see Aiden O’Connell standing at the doorway watching her. When she makes eye contact, he fidgets with his cuffs and unbuttons his jacket. “Nice work today, Miss James.” Turning, he begins to walk away.

  “Mr. O’Connell,” she calls out, stopping him.


  Nervous, she struggles to find words. “Thank you, Sir”

  Aiden nods. A familiar grin begins to curl at the corner of his lips; one that she’s seen a million times from his son. Olivia returns his smile, amused at the thought that once upon a time, he likely melted Mrs. O’Connell’s panties with that smile. They are a perfect reflection of each other, the O’Connell men.

  Olivia awakens excited that Ethan is on his way home today. He refused her offer to pick him up at the airport. She was relieved that he was acting like himself when he called to say goodnight.

  Noting her restlessness, Ian suggests that she take the afternoon off. Calling Madison, she arranges to take an earlier lesson. When she arrives at the dance studio, Michael is just leaving. She waits in the cab until he’s a good way down the street. She thinks it would be awkward to run into him today. All the way up the stairs, it eats away at her, picking at her insecurities as if it’s an ugly scab.

  When she swings open the door, she asks Maddie for a straight answer, “Did he quit on me because I’m not very good?”

  “Excuse me?” startled, Madison almost drops her water bottle.

  “Michael. He quit because I suck, right?”

  Madison closes her eyes, showing her regret.

  “No, Olivia. That’s not the reason.”

  “You can tell me the truth. I can take it.”

  “Michael was pleased with your progress.”

  “I’m confused. Why then?”

  “I had to assign him to another client.” She uncomfortably avoids eye contact.

  “Why, Maddie? Can you please just answer the question? What is it with you O’Connell’s?”

  Turning, Madison walks away, refusing to answer.

  Suddenly it all becomes very clear. Olivia knows why; her chin drops in shock, “Oh My God! Ethan?

  Maddie glances back at her but says nothing.

  “Ethan asked you to assign him to someone else didn’t he?” Angrily, she shakes her head.

  Fear runs up Madison’s spine, “He’s going to be furious that you found out. He’ll assume I told you.”

  “I don’t care!” growling, she throws her shoes against the wall. “Some days I love him so much it hurts, but days like today, I want to throttle the man.”

  “I know what will make you feel better.” Madison makes a call. “McKenna. I need you to leave work early, pick up Kaylie and meet Olivia and I at Harvey Nichol’s.” Putting her hand over the phone, she whispers to Olivia, “Our favorite dress shop.”

  “Oh yes, he seriously fucked up. We need new dresses for the charity gala, dinner, and lots of wine.”

  Hanging up, she smiles, “All settled. The ‘I want to throttle my man’ group therapy starts at four, with shopping.”

  “Do you do this often?” Olivia stares up at Maddie as she puts on her shoes.

  Madison quirks an eyebrow, “You’ve met McKenna and Ian, right?”

  “Right. So… retail therapy is a weekly occurrence, I’m guessing.” She laughs at the expression on Madison face.

  Olivia’s new female partner becomes annoyed that she’s having trouble with the choreography. It’s the most miserable dance lesson of her life. When the instructor finally leaves, Olivia grabs the phone and makes a call.


  “You had Maddie switch my partner?”

  “Yes.” There’s no point denying it.


  “I don’t’ like the way he looks at you. I’m just going into a meeting. We can talk about it when I get home tonight, but I’m not changing my mind.” The authority in his voice, demands compliance, but for once, she ignores the tone.

  “Well, guess what? I’m not coming straight home tonight. Your sisters and I are going shopping, and then we’re going out on the town.”

  Ethan’s voice is disturbingly calm, “I have to go. Go shopping if you want. I’ll meet you at home afterward.”

  The girls spend the afternoon shopping in Dublin’s high-end dress shops. Complaining the entire time about men, it’s ironic that the girls spend their money on things to please them. When they’re done, they’ve all purchased the perfect outfits for the upcoming gala. Sitting down for dinner, the wine drinking begins.

  “I’m hoping that everybody is so busy looking at that dress, that they won’t notice how horrible my dancing is.”

  “Is it that bad?” McKenna tips the wine bottle to refill her glass

  “It’s not that bad,” Madison defends.

  Olivia giggles, “I’ll embarrass the hell out of your brother, I’m sure. If I’m talking to him by then.”

  “Have you heard from him at all?” Kaylie asks, “Is he home?”

  “Yes, he’s home. He’s sent me a million text messages.”

  “Wow! That’s a lot,” Kaylie says in wonder.

  McKenna rolls her eyes. “She’s exaggerating, Kaylie. And don’t be repeating any of our conversations to him.”

  “I won’t!” offended, she scowls.

  “You say that now,” McKenna says filling Olivia’s glass, “but when he starts asking questions, you’ll squeal.”

  “Guess who?” Olivia rolls her eyes as she opens a new incoming message. “Oh, great.”

  “What’s going on?” Kaylie asks concerned.

  Olivia sighs, “He’s sending sad face emoticons already. He’ll send me a sad face every 20 minutes until I think I’m going to go out of my mind.”

  “Don’t you hate it when you’re pissed at them, and they go and do something all cute like that?” McKenna smiles.

  “Oh, and you have no idea just how cute your brother can be,” she complains. “What am I going to do? I’m not ready to talk to him yet, but I can’t handle an entire evening of sad face messages.”

>   She scrolls to a new incoming message, opens it, then closes her eyes, and groans.

  “What did he say?” McKenna refills everyone’s glasses again, determined to lighten the mood.

  Olivia hands the phone to her and then covers her face with her hands. McKenna’s eyes open wide, and then she starts to smile. “Seriously?”

  Ethan: I’m sorry, please come home. I’ll make it up to you. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  “Welcome to my world,” Olivia says. “I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry.”

  “Olivia, I think you better reply to Ethan texts,” Madison suggests.


  “Because he’s texting me now, wanting to know where you are.”

  “Me, too,” McKenna adds.

  Kaylie’s phone beeps, all three girls watch her as she checks the notifications. “Me, too.” Reluctantly, she places her phone down on the table.

  “Please don’t tell him anything, Kaylie,” Olivia pleads.

  By the time dinner is done, enough wine has flowed to ensure that everyone is feeling a lot more relaxed. They’ve moved to a small pub down the street for a few drinks, when her phone rings.


  “Why haven’t you been answering my messages?”

  “I’m busy. I told you I’m with your sisters, and we’re having a girl’s night out.”

  “I think you should come home, so we can talk.”

  “I think you should stop bossing me around!”

  “Careful, Olivia,” he warns, “We’ll talk when you’re not angry.”

  “That just might be a long time from now, Ireland.”

  She ends the call and then looks up to meet Madison’s look of shock. “Did you just hang up on him?”

  “Yup, I did.”

  “You know he’s going to freak out, right?” Madison advises.

  “Yup, he’s going to have a total melt down.” The look of terror on her face makes McKenna snicker.

  Her phone rings. She knows better than to ignore it this time. “Hello,” she says, cautiously.

  “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just hang up on me. You need to come home. NOW!”

  “Sorry, Ethan. I’ll be home later.”

  “You’d be wise to come home right now! By the time you get here, you better have a really good reason why you don’t deserve a lesson… written across your ass.”

  Olivia’s eyes nervously skirt between the three girls. How is she is going to handle this one? “I love you too, Ethan. I’ll text you when I’m on my way home. Good bye.”

  Everybody physically relaxes. Olivia grabs her next shot of tequila, downing it like a champ.

  “Hey! I know what I want to do! Wasn’t there a tattoo parlor up the street?” Getting down from her bar stool, she sways a little.

  Madison starts to panic. McKenna, on the other hand, smiles. “Yes, there is. What are you thinking?”

  “Don’t encourage her, McKenna,” Madison warns, “You know that’ll send him over the edge.”

  “Now hold on. He doesn’t get a choice,” Olivia slurs, slamming down one more shot, “What objection could he possibly have to one little, teeny, tiny tattoo?”

  Kaylie types something into her phone, glancing nervously at the girls.

  McKenna and Madison exchange a knowing look.

  Olivia slides off the bar stool and heads for the door. All three girls follow behind as she crosses the road and enters the tattoo parlor.

  “Do you want to look through a catalogue of pictures?” McKenna asks.

  “Nope, I know exactly what I want.”

  “Olivia, I don’t think you should do this without getting Ethan’s permission.” Kaylie frowns.

  “Permission? Kaylie, sweetheart. This is my body; your brother has no say in it.

  Approving the artwork, Olivia positions herself in the chair and waits.

  When Ethan calls again, she just about loses her mind. “What do you want?” she snarks into the phone.

  “I want you to come home, now. You’re being a brat.”

  “Yeah? Well… You’re a controlling asshole!”

  “Jesus Christ,” Ethan curses, “You’ve been drinking tequila!”

  Olivia looks up in time to see Kaylie slide her cell phone back into her pocket.

  The sound of the tattoo equipment starts to hum.

  “What the fuck is that noise?” Concern starts to put him on edge.


  “Where are you?” Recognizing that sound, Ethan grows more anxious. “Olivia?”

  “Stay perfectly still,” the tattoo artist says.

  Angst washes over Ethan, when he hears those words. “Olivia, PLEASE don’t do anything stupid. Tell me where you are, so I can come and get you.”

  “I have to go now. The guy says I have to be still.” She giggles, “I forgot to tell him that I don’t know how to be still.”

  Rage pulses through his body, washing away any hope of being calm. “Tell me where you are. RIGHT FUCKING NOW!”

  “Shh, don’t yell. I’ll be home soon.”

  Hanging up the phone, she looks over at the girls. “How did he know I was drinking tequila?”

  Kaylie shrugs when they all look at her suspiciously. “Maybe he just figured it out by the way you were acting?”

  “Stay still,” the artist reminds her.

  Sounds of phone notifications continue non-stop as Ethan desperately tries to get answers from any one of the four women. Still wound up on tequila, the girls chat up a storm, becoming well acquainted.

  “Hey? Where’s Kaylie?” Madison looks around the room, noting her absence.

  When Kaylie reappears, all eyes turn to her. Guilt flashes across her face.

  “Kaylie? What have you done?” McKenna asks.

  “He’s really concerned,” she apologizes

  “KAYLIE!” everyone scolds in unison.

  “I’m sorry.” Tears form in her eyes. “I couldn’t stand it anymore. He just kept sending me messages, pleading with me.

  Before long, the front door flies open. An extremely pissed off Irishman enters the room at top speed, followed by his trustworthy head of security. Everybody jumps when the door makes a loud thud.

  Frustrated the tattoo artist curses, “Would you just stay still so I can finish?”

  Ethan makes his way across the room. Kaylie moves toward him, desperate for his forgiveness. He acknowledges her need, with a quick smile, giving her shoulder a squeeze as he passes by.

  Stopping in front of McKenna, he begins to say something. He changes his mind when she crosses her arms, meeting his steely glare with an intimidating look of her own. Shaking his head, he glances over at Maddie and points at her, “You and I. We’re going to have a long talk later. Right now, John is going to take you three partners in crime, home.”

  As they engage in further conversation, John makes his way to Olivia, crouching down so that he’s at eye level. Olivia grimaces as the artist finishes his work.

  “Are you okay?” John asks amused.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I was thinking if he hurts me again, I might have to show him my Kung Fu moves!” She glances up at the artist and finds him staring, unimpressed.

  John chuckles, then leans in and whispers, “Shannon wants you to send a picture when you can. I have to take the girls home now. Good luck with O’Connell.” Standing he clears his grin. “Ladies! The car is out front, let’s get you home.”

  Ethan, storms over to Olivia, clenching his jaw when he see’s that she’s gone through with it.

  “Are you done?” he asks the artist, impatiently.

  “Yes.” Not intimidated by Ethan at all, he takes his time and covers up his work.

  “Go wait in the car, please. I’ll look after this.”

  When Olivia stands, she wobbles, needing to put her hand on Ethan’s chest to steady herself. He reaches for her, giving her a look of regret. “On second thought, I’ll help you to the car first

  Looking up at him, she sighs and then frowns. “I love you, you know.”

  “I know.” His muscles relax a little, as he steers her toward the car, making sure she gets in safe. “I’ll be right back, I need to go back in and deal with that guy.”

  “Hurry,” she begs, “I don’t feel so great.”

  “Just awesome,” he mumbles as he walks back into the store. Taking his wallet out of his pocket, he counts out some cash and lays it out on the counter. As the artist tries to pick it up, Ethan grabs his arm, pinning it down to the counter. “Perhaps, in the future, you might want to think twice about accepting clients who are obviously drunk and not in the best frame of mind to make decisions.” Ethan doesn’t hold back his anger.

  “Oh, don’t worry.” Pulling his arm away, he keeps eye contact. “I won’t be doing any more work for that one.”

  “Good, I’d hate for rumors to start that people who got their tattoos here came down with horrible infections.”

  Rounding the counter, he stands in front of Ethan. “Are you threatening me?” Standing firm, he moves closer, nose-to-nose.

  “No threats, I’m just saying. It would be a shame.” Ethan gets closer, tensing his jaw.

  “Then keep your fucking fidgety, high-maintenance woman out of my shop.”

  “Did you just call the girl who’s going to be my wife a fucking fidgety, high-maintenance woman?” Ethan snaps. Reaching for him, he tangles his fists around the man’s shirt, pulling him closer. Tense muscles twitch and flex. Ethan struggles to take calming breaths, trying to stave off the blind rage that’s about to take over. Relaxing his grip, he pushes the man away from him, making him stumble backward.

  “Take it easy, man. I don’t want any trouble. Those chicks just walked in here and asked for service. I was just doing my job.”

  Stepping back, Ethan’s nostrils flare. “If she get’s one bump, one red mark, or any sign that something’s not right… the least of your worries will be that I’ll keep your ass tied up in court for a very long time.” Turning on his heel, he stomps away, slamming the door behind him.

  They manage to arrive home without Olivia being sick. Something that Ethan is extremely thankful for. Opening the passenger door of the Zagato, he helps her out. The affects of the tequila have started to wear off, he assumes, since the giggling ceased several minutes ago.


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