An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3

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An Act of Redemption: Order & Chaos Book 3 Page 4

by Wolfe, Samantha

  "So am I, Ford," her wavering voice replied.

  "I miss you." I sobbed quietly. "I just want to go home."

  "I miss you too," she said through a sob of her own. "You'll be out soon, and then we'll be together again."

  I tried to ignore the part of me that wondered how long we'd have before I ended up in prison for this disgusting thing I didn't do, and had to let her go. I couldn't stop the next few sobs that hit me hard after that thought.

  "Ford," she said placatingly, her voice soothing and calm now. "You'll be okay. Gareth will get you out today. He's already talked to your mom about lining up your bail money. It won't be much longer. Just hold on. It will be over soon."

  "It's only just starting, honey," I said dejectedly, my voice hoarse and heavy. "It's going to get worse before it gets better. Nothing in my life will be private anymore, including our relationship. If you don't want that, then maybe you should think about moving on and-"

  "You will not talk about me leaving you, goddamn it," she snarled out fiercely. "That's not going to fucking happen. I told you that I couldn't leave you. We have our entire future to spend together, Ford. I love you, and nothing will keep us apart, not even this."

  "I love you too, Jen," I said tremulously. "I don't want you to get hurt by all of this."

  "The only thing that would hurt me is being without you." Her voice was firm and unwavering, laced with fiery determination. "You need me, and I need you. Together is the only way we're going to get through this. Understood?"

  "Yes, ma'am," I answered immediately with a small yet warm smile. She sounded like me. She was so much stronger than she even knew, and it was never more obvious than right now. As I flailed and struggled, she stepped forward to pick us both up and carry the load. Her strength was what I needed more than anything to get through this nightmare.

  "You're times up," a gruff voice blurted out from my left. I turned my head to see the officer in the doorway giving me a stern expression. Like I was in a position to argue with him. I was so tired of being treated like a fucking criminal.

  "I have to go now, honey," I told her regretfully. "I love you, and I'll see you soon."

  "I love you too, Ford," she replied softly. "Just hold on a little longer. We'll be together again tonight. We'll get through all of this, and we'll be fine. Then we'll have our whole future together like we planned."

  "Okay," I answered, though I still felt doubtful about her assertions that we'd come out the other side of this unscathed. "Bye, honey."


  I place the phone back on its cradle, feeling bereft and lost. Tears welled in my eyes again, and I wiped at them pathetically.

  "Get up," the officer said irritably as he motioned for me to stand. "You can cry in your damn cell."

  I glared at him impotently, but he didn't seem to care. I stood there helplessly as he uncuffed my hands just long enough to cuff them back together behind my back.

  "Come on," he snapped out as he pulled me along by my elbow a little rougher than was necessary. I swear the guy was trying to piss me off. It worked, but I wasn't stupid enough to do anything about it. It'd only make things worse for me. I was happy to disappoint him.

  Within moments, I was uncuffed and shoved back into that goddamn cell again. The door closed, and the lock turned with a loud metallic click that was followed by oppressive silence. That didn't last long though, because I curled up on the shitty vinyl mat and fell apart, sobbing softly until I finally fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.


  "What exactly is your relationship with Sarina Wilkinson?" Detective Warren asked me from across the small table in the interview room we were in.

  I glanced to my left, and Gareth nodded for me to answer. He'd already coached me to follow his lead during this interview, and only answer questions when he wanted me to.

  "We dated for about a month, before we broke up." I kept my answer brief, only answering what was asked, and didn't elaborate, just like Gareth advised me.

  "So she was your girlfriend?" the detective asked.

  "We went on quite a few dates, but we never labeled it as that."

  "What did you label it as?" he asked.

  "We weren't together long enough to label it as anything," I answered, wondering why this even mattered. "It wasn't that serious."

  "Miss Wilkinson described your relationship with her as serious from the very beginning," he continued. "Why would she think that if it wasn't?"

  Gareth interrupted at that moment. "They dated, then broke up. What either of them may or may not have labeled their relationship doesn't matter, detective."

  "How many times did you bind Miss Wilkinson and engage in sexual activity with her?" the detective asked. Gareth's eyes narrowed, and I kept my mouth shut.

  "I notice that you didn't bother clarifying whether it was consensual or not, detective," Gareth said with a hard stare at him. "That's a huge distinction you left out. Are you trying to manipulate an unintentional confession out of my client?"

  "No, Mr. Caxton," he answered with a slight sneer. I got the feeling that the detective didn't care for Gareth. "I'm trying to clarify the facts in this case."

  "Well, here are the facts then," Gareth continued with a predatory grin that was anything but friendly. "My client engaged in consensual sexual relations with Miss Wilkinson during their short relationship. There's no evidence or proof otherwise. My client has no history whatsoever of violence against women or even an inkling of a sexual assault. This case is, and pardon my crass language, complete fucking bullshit."

  "Then why was Mr. Spencer on a fetish dating site advertising for a submissive that was into bondage, if he wasn't looking for someone to feed his unsavory and deviant sexual appetites?"

  I ground my teeth together to keep from defending myself and going off on the guy for calling me a deviant. Goddamn, I hated that fucking word.

  "Don't be obtuse, detective," Gareth snapped back irritably. "There are millions of people into various forms of BDMS all over the world. What you call deviant is a common and normal part of ordinary human sexual variation that's shared between consenting adults. Which is what my client and Miss Wilkinson engaged in. You have no proof otherwise, or you wouldn't be trying to trip my client up with a manipulation of words." Gareth's eyes gleamed with conviction, his demeanor hard and unyielding. "This interview is over, detective. My client has nothing more to say at this time." He stared the detective down as power radiated off of him like waves of heat. I suddenly had no problem imagining Gareth as a Dom as I watched him intimidate Detective Warren without uttering another word. Thank God, Gareth was on my side.

  The detective's eyes flashed down to the open file on the table in front of him, uncomfortable with Gareth's gaze and subconsciously admitting defeat. "Very well." He slapped the file closed and stood as Gareth watched him with triumph gleaming in his dark eyes. "I'll have Mr. Spencer escorted back to his cell to wait for the arraignment hearing in an hour or so." He turned to leave the room.

  I tensed, my heart rate and breathing spiking as panic fell over me. Fuck, I didn't want to be locked in there again. I'd never been claustrophobic before, but after today, I could see myself developing it. Gareth eyed me knowingly before speaking to Detective Warren again.

  "I'd prefer to have access to a conference room to discuss the case and the arraignment with my client while we wait," Gareth's firm tone suggested that this wasn't a request. The detective turned to glare at my attorney.

  "I'll have you both escorted to one immediately," he replied harshly, distaste for Gareth clearly evident on his face.

  "Thank you, detective," Gareth replied evenly, unfazed by Detective Warren's animosity. Hell, I suspected Gareth probably liked the detective's reaction from the smug look in his eyes right now. The detective walked out without another word, his body tense with irritation.

  A uniformed officer walked in, and Gareth and I rose to our feet. I tried to stay calm as my hands were cuffed b
ehind my back again. We were escorted down the hall to the conference room we'd been in earlier. The officer uncuffed me and walked out, closing and locking the door behind him. I immediately turned to give Gareth a grateful look.

  "Gareth," I said sincerely. "I don't think I could have stomached another moment in that fucking cell. Thank you."

  "You're welcome, Ford," he said with sympathy in his eyes. "You've been through enough indignity today. It's the least I could do for an old friend." He gestured toward the table. "Have a seat."

  I sank down into a chair with a deep exhausted sigh. Fuck, I was so tired. I longed for my bed and my Jenny in my arms.

  "The arraignment will be pretty straightforward," Gareth told me as he sat across from me. I'd been disappointed when he wasn't able to get the case dismissed when he met with the prosecutor earlier, even if it'd been a long shot. "I'll do all the talking. We'll be pleading not guilty obviously, and then the trial date will be set. After that, your mother will post bail, and we'll get you home."

  "Okay," I nodded as I slumped in my chair, feeling a little sick by the word trial and what that could mean for my life from here on out.

  "Why don't you put your head down and sleep if you can," Gareth suggested with a worried frown. "You look exhausted, man."

  "I don't want to have you sitting here wasting your time watching me sleep." I frowned as I straightened in my chair guiltily.

  "These are all billable hours, Ford," he deadpanned before smiling roguishly as humor filled his eyes. "I get paid whether you're awake or not."

  "Well, I'd hate to waste my money sitting here staring at your ugly face," I told him with a small wry grin. "Even if this is the most expensive nap I ever take."

  "All this doesn't come cheap." He cocked his head and motioned down his body.

  "You are still the same cocky bastard, aren't you?" I asked with a shake of my head as I continued grinning at him.

  "When I'm this awesome, it's impossible not to be," he replied as his smile widened, his eyes glittering in amusement.

  I rolled my eyes at him, still grinning at the man and his irresistible ego.

  His face softened with concern. "Go to sleep, Ford. I'll be here when you wake up, and then we'll get you out of this hellhole. Okay?"

  I nodded at him. "Thanks, Gareth," I said gratefully.

  He waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry about it. Just get some rest."

  I crossed my forearms on the table in front of me and put my head down, not really convinced that I'd be able to sleep like this. However, my fatigue suddenly caught up with me in a rush. I fell asleep almost immediately, secure in the knowledge that Gareth truly believed in my innocence, and that I was safe with him here watching my back while I slept.

  Chapter 3


  My eyes fell to the tile floor yet again, tracing the earthy colors in the slate mindlessly as my impatience threatened to overwhelm me. I'd been sitting here on a shitty brown chair in the police station lobby for over an hour now, surrounded by bland beige walls and sandwiched between Natalie and Victoria. We were waiting for Ford to be released, and we'd arrived as the arraignment hearing started, so Victoria could pay his bail immediately, and we could take him home. The bail was paid now, but it was taking longer than I thought it should for Ford to be released, and I was feeling restless and antsy to see him. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the government didn't do something in a timely manner.

  Natalie's foot began tapping impatiently on the floor next to me, and Victoria was wringing her hands in her lap. Andy was pacing back and forth in front of us with a grim expression on his face. I wasn't the only one getting impatient. I wished David was here to help keep us all calm, but he had taken Daniel home. He didn't want his infant son in a police station, and I couldn't blame him. I'd have done the same thing.

  "Why is this taking so fucking long?" Andy growled out between clenched teeth as he stopped in front of me with his hands tightening into fists at his sides. "Ford should be out of this shithole and home already," he said, his voice getting louder. My brother's frustration was quickly approaching anger territory, and the officer behind the reception desk nearby shot a narrowed-eyed glare at his outburst.

  "Calm down, Andy," I hissed at him irritably, feeling like a hypocrite for telling him that since I wanted to start screaming demands at the officer myself. "This is not the place for an angry outburst. Just sit the fuck down already."

  Victoria's eyes widened in surprise as she glanced at me, my foul language something she hadn't heard me use before. She didn't say anything about it though.

  "Please, Andy," Natalie chimed in with a stern expression. "Your pacing is driving me insane."

  Andy glared back and forth between Natalie and me, his lips pressed together in annoyance. "Fine," he finally snapped out and flopped down onto the chair next to Victoria with a petulant huff. He stared straight ahead sullenly as he started mumbling under his breath about Ford's rights and suing the city for this injustice.

  I couldn't help smiling a little at his rant. I looked over and saw Natalie smiling back at me as we shared a knowing expression. We both thought my brother's obvious affection for Ford was sweet.

  The loud click of a door opening on the other side of the room drew our attention. I sat up as my heart started pounding in my chest, and I turned expectantly toward the sound. My brief moment of elation was followed swiftly by stark disappointment as a tall dark-haired man in an expensive dark-gray suit stepped into the lobby. I was surprised when he started walking toward us.

  He was gorgeous, with a stubbled mustache and beard covering his chiseled jaw. His intense dark eyes were framed by strong brows. He moved with a sinewy grace that spoke of power, confidence, and sexual prowess. He was dark and dangerous, and not a man to be fucked with lightly. It made him even more attractive. If I had seen him out at a club when I was still on the prowl, I'd have been all over him in a heartbeat. However, he didn't hold a candle to my Ford. No man did.

  He looked vaguely familiar to me, and when he stopped in front of us, I realized that it was because he looked like his father, Tom Caxton. This was Gareth Caxton, Ford's old friend and his lawyer. This was the man I was depending on to get Ford out of this mess, and I found his confident demeanor reassuring and comforting.

  "Ford will be out shortly," he said to Victoria as we stood to greet him. His voice was smooth and cultured, yet it held a husky masculine edge. He turned to Natalie. "Natalie. It's good to see you, even if the circumstances are unfortunate."

  "You too, Gareth," she answered in a tired voice.

  His eyes met mine, and the intensity in them softened. "You must be Jenny." He reached a hand out toward me.

  "Yes," I replied as he engulfed my hand in his and shook it with a confident grip.

  "I'm Gareth Caxton." He smiled kindly. "Ford speaks highly of you."

  "Thanks for helping him," I said in a wavering voice, feeling emotional at the mention of Ford talking about me.

  "You're welcome," he said as he tilted his head toward me. "I'm going to do everything that I can for him." He turned a questioning gaze on my brother.

  "This is Andy, my brother," I clarified. Andy eyed him up and down suspiciously, while Gareth gazed back unaffected by my brother's harsh scrutiny.

  "Ah, Andy." A wide grin spread across Gareth's mouth, taking the dark and dangerous edge away from his features. "Mr. 'Is that fucking concise enough for you'. It's great to meet you, man." He reached a hand out toward Andy. "You certainly have a real flair for paraphrasing."

  That got a smirk out of Andy, and he took Gareth's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "It's a gift," Andy replied with a shrug as the suspicion in his eyes faded away.

  Gareth looked around our little group. "They're just finishing up booking him out," he said in a serious tone. "He'll be out any moment now."

  "Is he okay?" Victoria asked as she frowned worriedly and wrung her hands again.

  "He's underst
andably shaken up by all this." Gareth gave her a sympathetic expression. "It's been a long, stressful, and emotional day for him. These kinds of allegations can take a toll on a man, and this only the beginning. He's going to need all the emotional support he can get from all of you until this over."

  The door Gareth just walked through a few minutes ago clicked opened at that moment. Gareth stepped aside, giving me an unimpeded view of Ford as he was escorted into the lobby with his hands still cuffed behind his back. He met my eyes with a flash of shame, then looked down at the floor. He didn't want me to see him like this. I stiffened with anger at this indignity.

  I rushed toward him as the officer behind him unlocked the handcuffs and gave Ford a hard disgusted stare as he did it. It further infuriated me, and I ground my teeth together. I thought people were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but apparently that didn't matter. I wanted to give the asshole a piece of my mind, but he disappeared back through the door before I made it over to Ford.

  Ford's eyes finally met mine again and lit up as he opened his arms wide for me. He caught me as I flew into his embrace, and nothing else mattered anymore. He lifted me into the air, and I latched my arms around his neck in a death grip. Joy and relief flooded my entire being. Part of me had been afraid that I would never see him again after he was taken from me early this morning.

  "Ford," I sobbed out as I buried my face against his neck and breathed in his scent, savoring the warm security of his strong arms around me.

  "Jen," he said in a wavering tone filled with relief. "Oh, honey." He let out a shuddering breath and hugged me tighter. I couldn't breathe for a moment, but I didn't care. "I love you," he whispered hoarsely.

  "Love you," I grunted out, prompting him to loosen his hold on me and lower me to my feet. I smiled up at him, taking in his gorgeous face and his perfect smile. His eyes held a haunted edge that I'd never seen before. What had they done to him? Natalie and Victoria stepped closer and flanked us, allowing Ford to pull all of us into his arms.


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