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Sizzle Page 5

by Lexi Buchanan

That done, I walked up to the house knowing my brother would already be there. As I pushed my way through the entrance to the kitchen, Liam was sitting drinking coffee. I removed my boots, dropping them to the mat, and stared at my brother.

  “What did Mom say this time?” he asked in greeting.

  I frowned. “It doesn’t matter now. How you doing, little brother? It’s been a while.” I walked further into the room and grabbed a cup from the shelf, pouring coffee into it. I turned back to my brother and leaned against the cabinets, holding his stare. “So where’s your woman?” I couldn’t resist asking.

  “I’m fine and she’s asleep. I wanted to leave early this morning and we didn’t get to bed till late. You’ll meet her soon enough.”

  So my little brother was serious about this girl. He must be to not only be fucking her, but to bring her home for the summer.

  “So does she have a name? Family?”

  “Thalia, and yes she has family. They don’t care what she does or where she goes, but when she’s home, they expect her to act as though she’s still a child. That’s why I asked her to come home with me. She’s amazing, not to mention hot with curves in all the right places.”

  My hand tightened around the coffee cup, while I listened to him going on about his girl. I wished I had that. I’d been engaged for twelve months and never slept with her. Never held her. Never been held by her. Our relationship was based on our parent’s friendship, and because of my dream to become a lawyer. I’d never felt so damn alone. The last time I’d been intimate with anyone was about eighteen months ago, but that had been a one-night-stand and felt like a lifetime ago.

  Lost in my own thoughts Liam stood and started to walk out before pausing at the kitchen door. “Will you take Thalia’s purse upstairs and leave it outside her bedroom door for her?”

  He didn’t even wait for my answer.

  I picked her purse up from the kitchen table, my boots from the mat, and then climbed the stairs to my room, shutting my bedroom door behind me. I leaned back against it and let out a frustrated sigh, dropping my boots to the floor.

  Needing a shower before dinner, I pushed away from the door to head towards the bathroom when I remembered I still held her purse. Curiosity got the better of me; I needed to see the girl who’d caught my brother’s attention. Walking across my bedroom, I pushed the bathroom door open, then walked across, opening her door slightly so I could look inside, making sure she was asleep.

  Walking into her room, I placed her purse down on the dressing table. About to walk back to the bathroom to take a shower, I found myself standing at the side of the bed, looking down at Thalia, my brother’s girl, who was asleep on top of the covers. I felt as though I’d been punched in the gut. She was beautiful with her dark brown hair splayed out over the pillow, a sprinkling of freckles over her button nose, her slim build and long, long legs. My dick started to harden. She wasn’t even wearing makeup. Before I could stop myself my hand was reaching out to touch her cheek. I pulled back at the last minute.

  Fuck, I needed to get out of there pretty quick. I took a deep breath and started for the bathroom door, but stopped and turned back to have one last, unobserved, look at her. I hadn’t been expecting to react to her the way I had. I needed to keep my distance from her while she was here. She was my brother’s, and I was engaged. Fuck, I was so screwed.

  Chapter 11


  Startled, I jerked awake suddenly; convinced I’d heard a door shut close by. Sitting up on the bed, I looked towards the bathroom door, which was closed, but I noticed my purse on the dressing table to the side. Had Liam brought it up for me and left it there? Had he stayed and watched me sleep? Why did that thought make me feel uncomfortable?

  I threw myself back on the pillows and closed my eyes. My thoughts drifted back to Liam’s brother, Jack. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to meeting him. He intrigued me – like a puzzle that needed to be solved. With a quick glance at my watch, I realized there was an hour before dinner. I needed a quick shower, because I felt uncomfortable after traveling and then sleeping in my clothes. About to climb from the bed, I heard the shower go on. Jack was in there.

  My travel bag was on the floor so I climbed from the bed to retrieve it and placed it on top of the bed to make it easier to unpack. Luckily my dresses weren’t too creased as I’d rolled them when I’d put them in. After meeting Liam’s mom and the look she’d given me when she’d met me, I decided to wear the cream lacy dress, which came above my knee, with my matching cream ballerina pumps. I knew I looked good in this outfit, as Callie had made me try it on for her when I’d arrived home after having lunch with Liam.

  The shower switched off. I hope he doesn’t stay there all night, I thought as I glanced at the closed door. I heard the door open and shut. I didn’t hear a lock though. Did he leave the door unlocked? I smiled. What a pity; I might have gotten one hell of a view.

  The bathroom door opened easily when I tried it, so I slowly peeped inside, and to my relief the room was empty. I quickly ran to the other door and locked it, then went back and locked the door to my room.

  The shower was wonderful. The water pressure was amazing and not only cleansed me, but massaged my aching muscles. Which I had to say, I didn’t know were aching until the shower got to work on them.

  With the towel wrapped around my body, I blow dried my hair and applied a light application of makeup, which I only wore for special occasions. Well tonight I would be looked over by Liam’s father and his brother so I wanted to look my best. Not sure I’d call it a special occasion though!

  My dress zipped up the back and boy what a sweat it was to fasten the damn thing.

  Someone was knocking on my door; I was just about to ask who it was, when I heard Liam calling my name. I quickly opened the door, grabbed his arm and yanked him inside. He looked stunned to say the least.

  I presented my back to him. “Will you zip me up? I’ve been messing with this for five minutes. I’m going to need another shower at this rate.”

  He laughed, seeming to hesitate as he struggled with the zipper. “What are you doing back there?”

  “Admiring your underwear or lack of it,” he answered.

  I’d forgotten I only had a thong on and a delicate cream lace bra. “Stop ogling the goods and get the zipper up, before your mother comes looking for us.”

  He chuckled, managing to get the zipper fastened, and turned me around to face him.

  “Listen, Jack will be at dinner and he can be a pain, okay? So if he starts, or the parents start on him, just try to ignore him or them for that matter.”

  “Surely he can’t be that bad?” I gave him a quizzical look.

  “Usually it’s only Mom and Dad in the dining room, and occasionally, if I’m home, I’d eat with them, but most of the time I’d eat in the kitchen with Jack, which is where he prefers to eat. They can’t have a go at him that way.”

  “Liam, I thought you said he was the golden boy. If that’s the case, why would your parents have a go at him?”

  “That I don’t know. He’s done everything they’ve asked of him and still it doesn’t seem to be enough. But for some reason they leave me alone and I rarely do what they ask. Let’s go and get this over with.”

  Liam opened the door and ushered me through, leading me to the stairs. I was walking behind Liam, and about half way down, I felt as though I was being watched. I glanced to my right and down, and nearly stumbled, when my gaze clashed with the smoldering look Jack was throwing in my direction. He was hot – and – and hot. Oh God, I tried to act as normal as I could with my insides turned all upside down. I looked for Liam, but he’d left me and walked off into another room.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Jack met me; we just stared at each other. His gaze and closeness had me all hot and bothered with wet panties. He was Liam’s engaged brother. I had to remember that. He shouldn’t be looking at me as though he wanted me for dinner. And I shouldn’t be return
ing his look.

  “You must be, Jack.” I nervously held my hand out to him having found my voice.

  He took hold of my hand, and the instant he did lightening shot up my arm. I lifted my eyes to his, searching for a reaction. There was no doubt that he’d felt it too.

  My heart pounded, as I looked closer at his face; strong cheekbones, long lashes, over heated blue eyes. His jaw, which he held tightly as though it was about to snap with tension, was covered by what could only be described as five o’clock shadow.

  “And you must be, Thalia.”

  “You’ve met Jack I see,” Liam said, as Jack quickly released my hand.

  Liam smirked as he walked up to me and slipped his arm around my waist. Obviously wanting everyone to think I was his girlfriend. Well, I did agree to that.

  “We’ve met,” Jack said, turning away.

  Liam looked at me and stepped away slightly. “Are you okay? You look flushed.” He glanced in his brother’s direction then back at me.

  “I’m fine; just hungry.”

  His arm tightened around my waist as he led me to the sitting room, but despite Liam’s presence, my thoughts were stuck on Jack. He looked nothing like Liam. Perhaps he took after his father, where Liam took after his mother. I needed to keep my wits about me though, because I had no right reacting to an engaged man like I did. My heart pounded and I wouldn’t have been surprised if it jumped right out of my chest.

  He was like my fictional cowboy and would look damn good in well-worn denim, a tight t-shirt and hat. He was tall with short dark hair and I could imagine falling into his eyes. And what eyes – untamed, intense blue eyes and the abs – wow. He was wearing black jeans with a long sleeved pale blue t-shirt, which was molded to his body; my mouth went dry.

  “Thalia, you look lovely. Come and meet my husband, Graham.” Stephanie took hold of my arm and pulled me over to where her husband was standing in what looked to be a heated discussion with Jack. “Graham, this is Liam’s girl, Thalia, and this is Jack.” Why did that sound like an insult when she introduced Jack?

  “We’ve already met,” Jack said, turning his back on me.

  I held my hand out to Graham, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Graham looked pissed when he glanced at Jack, then turned back to me and shook my hand.

  “Call me Graham… Jack, don’t be rude to your brother’s girlfriend.”

  Inwardly I groaned. The last thing I wanted was to piss Jack off via his father.

  Jack turned back to me with a furious expression. If I could have moved, I’d have run, but I was frozen to the spot.

  “As my brother has abandoned you, let me take you in to dinner.”

  Jack turned, took hold of my elbow and pulled me out of the room. I shivered at his touch, which dragged a giggle from between my lips. What the hell had possessed me to giggle, I’d never know, but I’d also taken Jack by surprise. He stopped in his tracks and looked down at me with eyes full of heat. He pushed me away from him. “Stay away from me. My brother doesn’t bite, but I do!” With that comment he stomped off and took his seat at the table.

  Liam walked over to me, looking between the two of us again. “What did he say?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” I could see Jack watching us out of the corner of my eye.

  After a minute Liam put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled the chair out at the table for me. The meal was going to be hell considering I was sitting opposite Jack.

  I took my seat, moving my chair closer to the table then did what I’d decided was best – ignored Jack.

  The meal was a very uncomfortable, silent affair and I nearly sagged in relief when I ate the last spoon of the chocolate dessert, feeling ready to burst. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten so much. I leaned back in the chair, meeting Jack’s eyes from across the table.

  “You enjoy that, little girl?” he sneered.

  Ugh, I hated that. I gave him my ‘you’ll give me anything smile’, which Callie constantly told me made big men weep. “Very much, did you?” I replied in a sultry voice.

  He shifted in his chair, glaring at me before standing up. “I’m out of here.”

  Thank God.

  “Thalia, please excuse Jack. He’s always been a difficult child. Believe it or not, he does have manners,” Stephanie apologized.

  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” I took another drink of my water, standing when Liam did.

  “Excuse us.” Liam took my hand and dragged me out of the room.

  As soon as he’d pulled me on to the porch he started laughing. “God Thalia, I’m sorry. Eating in there was a nightmare and Jack. I’ve no idea what was wrong with him. He’s usually okay when someone else is around.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Just promise me we don’t have to eat in there every day?” I was on the next plane to Texas if he answered in the positive.

  Liam ran his hand through his hair as he perched on the porch railing. “No, we don’t have to eat in there everyday, maybe once a week, on Sundays.”

  “Okay, I can handle that.” I was sitting opposite him, hoping he suggested going to bed, because I needed to lie down after all that food. I wasn’t used to eating so much in one sitting. Oh, I could eat junk food constantly throughout the day, but sitting down to a large meal was just too much.

  “What do you want to do now?”

  I smiled. “I was just thinking I could do with lying down. I’m really full and I guess I’m still tired.”

  “Okay we’ll do something tomorrow. Maybe go to the lake or in town.”

  “I’d like that. Goodnight, Liam.” I stood and walked through the house upstairs to my room. Opening the door I stopped dead in my tracks.

  Jack was in my room leaning against the door to the bathroom.

  Closing the door behind me, I met his eyes. “What are you doing in here?” I demanded, moving closer.

  How the hell could one look from him make my panties wet. I’d never reacted to anyone like I reacted to him. We’d only just met as well. Damn it!

  “I’m sorry about dinner.” His angry gaze sliced through me, making me feel like the apology was my fault. “I never apologize, but I’m never usually rude to a guest either.”

  Standing in front of him, I rested my hands on my hips. Anger flushed my cheeks and I fought the urge to…to…I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hit him or kiss him. “Why were you mad at me?” Undisguised hurt made my voice crack.

  “You’re my brother’s girlfriend, and I’m engaged.”

  “I don’t understand.” The anger drained out of me as I moved closer to him.

  “I know you don’t, but you need to stay away from me, because I’m not sure I have the strength to stay away from you. There’s something about you….” He reached out and caressed my face.

  A lightening heat spread through my body and I thought my knees would buckle.

  “Thalia,” he whispered holding my stare then he turned, and walked back into his room. I heard the lock engage.

  What the hell had just happened?

  For some reason I just wanted to wrap him up in my arms and never let go. That was so bad.

  Chapter 12


  I’d needed to leave the house for a while after being so close to Thalia, and that was how I found myself standing outside Kix, undecided as to whether I wanted to enter or not.

  While I contemplated what I was going to do, I stood there glaring at the sign Ryder had put up on the building the other day. It said Kix, in a camouflage design. It looked pretty good and I wouldn’t have minded hearing the full story behind the name. Ryder had mentioned it was named after a friend of his who didn’t make it back to the states, but that was as much as he said.

  “You planning on admiring the sign all night?” Ryder asked, standing about four feet away.

  “Just might.” I grinned, following him around the back.

  “Your ‘boys’ are making use of the storeroom again. I should slap a si
gn on the door, ‘Fuck Room’.”

  Roaring with laughter, I made a mental note to stay away from there. With how wound up I was, thanks to Thalia, I didn’t trust myself not to use a more ‘hands on’ approach if I joined them.

  “Do you know who they’re with?” I couldn’t resist asking.

  “Same one as the other night.”

  That brought me up short. They never did the same girl twice, just in case she got ideas into her head.

  “She’s only visiting, and flies home tomorrow,” Ryder answered. “Your face gave you away.” He laughed, handing me a longneck.

  Taking a long draw, I leaned against the bar, looking around the place.

  Before Ryder had taken it over it had been a real dump, now the floors shined after being stripped and re-varnished and the walls had been painted. Pictures of baseball players and rockers had gone up on the walls. He’d burned the old tables, replacing them with circular, four-person ones as well as new chairs. The small stage had been rebuilt and just fit our gear on nicely. The guys liked being close to the ‘fans’. According to Reece, it made it easier for them to pick up company. I’d shaken my head as I’d walked off, but I’d missed the trysts we’d participated in; we’d had some fucking hot women.

  The other night had felt odd. Oh yeah, I’d gotten my rocks off watching, which had happened a few times, but it had left me feeling slightly embarrassed. Standing in back watching your two best friends with their jeans around their thighs, flashing their naked butt’s and hard dicks wasn’t something that made me comfortable. Yeah, the three of us had done the same woman at the same time before, but that had been different.

  “Hey, I need to get in the storeroom. Go tell them to get the fuck out,” Ryder asked.

  “Fuck…Your storeroom. You go.”

  “Not a chance in hell. I’ve kept it zipped a hell of a long time. I do not want the image of what they’re up to in my head.”

  I really did not want to go in that room.

  With heavy feet, I walked slowly towards the room in question. Running my fingers through my hair, I glanced back and spotted Ryder standing behind the bar grinning in my direction. The bastard.


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