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Sizzle Page 16

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Fuck, you’re not playing fair.”

  “So you’ll come?” I crossed my fingers.

  “Let me talk to my mom and I’ll let you know, okay? You feeling all right now?”

  “Yeah, I am. Thanks to you.”

  “I need to go, but I’ll be in touch soon. Love you, Thalia.”

  “Love you too.”

  Staring up at the ceiling I hoped Phoenix was okay. I didn’t believe for a minute that he was sorry for what we’d done. Maybe he was sorry for walking away and leaving me with Liam like he did, but he wasn’t sorry for loving me.

  I turned into my quilt and fell asleep letting the tears fall down my cheeks.

  Chapter 39


  I was a bastard. A pretty strong word I’d used a few times to describe myself since I’d met Thalia.

  I’d practically had my cock inside her at Kix, which I sure as hell didn’t regret, although that’s probably what Thalia was thinking after I’d told her I was sorry. I’d apologized for leaving her with Liam in the parking lot, knowing I had to get out of there before I took her with me.

  I’d walked off into the forest to try and get myself together, because I’d felt as though I was about to break apart and didn’t want anyone to witness my downfall.

  “Are you planning on sitting out here all night sulking like a girl?” Ryder asked leaning against one of the trees.

  I sighed. “Maybe.”

  “I don’t understand you. Usually by now I have people worked out, full psych, you know. But you, I have no idea why you’re doing what you do.”


  “The girl you ran after. Does she mean something to you?”

  I cast a look in his direction. “Yeah, she does.”

  “So why are you marrying someone else?” Ryder sat opposite me on a fallen tree and rested his hands on his knees. “I know all about family responsibility, but at the end of the day it’s your life and you’re the only one who has to live it. If she’s what you want, don’t let her get away, because like I said before, if you do, you’ll spend the rest of your life regretting it…and yes, it’s the voice of experience.”

  I was shocked, because although I’d had conversations with Ryder before, I didn’t think he’d ever said so much.


  “Yeah I know. Shocked myself with that.” He laughed and looked embarrassed which had me trying to hide a grin, but by the scowl on his face, I didn’t think I’d succeeded.

  “It’s complicated.” I ran my hands through my hair. “I better get back and rescue Donovan; he hates being put on the spot.”

  “Yeah, I gathered that.”

  As we came out of the forest Dahlia was climbing into her car looking pissed.

  “Why does he bother with her? He could have anyone he wants. Fuck, the girls throw themselves at him, but he always goes off outback with her.”

  “Don’t be too hard on her, she has it rough. Reece has known her since they were kids. I think he’s her only friend.”

  Ryder walked back into the bar through the back door while I stayed put, wondering why he was so bothered about what Reece got up to and with her.

  “Well thanks for abandoning me,” Donovan grouched walking out the same door Ryder had just disappeared through.

  “Us,” Reece pointed out. “He abandoned us.”

  Donovan frowned at me then looked back at the door then back to me. “You been having a heart to heart with the marine?”

  “Maybe…that for me?”

  I reached out and took the beer from Reece before jumping up to sit on the wall to the side of the steps.

  “How’d it go in there?” I knocked the beer back while I watched and waited. I knew it would have been great, because Donovan could sing he just lacked confidence in front of so many folk.

  “Great,” he grumbled. “I’m more interested in how it went in there with the babe.”

  Exhaustion settled in as I wiped my hand down my face, just wanting the night to be over with.

  “It was fine. In fact it was great…then I told her I was sorry and walked away… I let her think I was apologizing for touching her, when I was apologizing for leaving her with Liam. I’m an ass.”

  “We could have told you that,” Reece said.

  I ignored him.

  “Can I bunk at your place again?” I looked at Donovan who nodded his head before walking back inside.

  “Why do you never ask to bunk at my place?” Reece whined like a fuckin’ two year old.

  “Too much traffic.”

  He smirked and followed Donovan back into the bar while I wondered what Thalia was doing. Whether she was still upset after what I’d said, or whether Liam was cheering her up.

  Although I prayed for the latter, the thought of Liam cheering her up put a ball of fire in my gut.

  “Will you stop acting like a girl and get in here!”

  Hearing the door slam back into place behind Reece, I jumped down from the wall and made my way back inside to find the place loud and packed.

  When I climbed on the stage the noise level hit fever pitch with a lot of the audience shouting my name ‘Phoenix’.

  That was what it was all about. People enjoying the music the three of us had created over the past ten years since high school. My family had never understood my need for this release. As far as they were concerned I’d given this up when I left for college.

  But standing in front of two hundred people, hearing them shouting ‘Phoenix and Deception’ had my heart missing a beat. I wanted Thalia standing out there watching me; watching us. She’d understand the pull this had for me. She’d understand and she’d support me; I knew that without even having to think about it.

  Reece started up on the drums, a familiar beat, which was the introduction to one of our more popular songs, ‘Fallen from the Sky.”

  Chapter 40


  It was morning and by the sound of things Liam’s folks had company, which had me burrowing further into my quilt. After last night I didn’t want to get up and face the day, unless my day included Phoenix.

  Mmm, Jack – Phoenix. I loved the name Phoenix and planned on using it all the time when no one else was present. I’d never felt anything like last night when I was in his arms practically naked. I tried not to think about what was said in the parking lot, because I planned on being with him again and again until he did something to stop the farce of a wedding.

  But what I did keep thinking about was his cock. Oh yeah it was huge, not just in length, but in width with the tip displaying an AP. I licked my lips remembering the taste of him. He’d been leaking when I’d put my tongue to him and he’d leaked more when I’d flicked the piercing. It was a huge turn on knowing he was pierced there, which also made me more determined to get my hands…and mouth on him again. It would be fun to have him at my mercy. I wondered if it was possible for him to come with me just flicking the silver. Mmm… only one way to find out.

  With that thought in mind, I threw off the covers and walked into the bathroom for a quick shower, having slept in my t-shirt and underwear from last night. Yuk!

  Once again presentable in a dress and my new cowgirl boots, I headed downstairs and straight into the kitchen to find Stephanie and Mia deep in conversation.

  “Oh, here she is,” Stephanie said. She grabbed hold of my arm and pushed me down into the chair next to Mia. She then put a cup of coffee and a bagel in front of me.

  I looked up at her in surprise. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I heard you in the shower, so I knew you’d be down soon.”

  Mia had yet to say anything so after a quick glance in her direction, I started to eat and drink the much need coffee.

  “Now that you’re here, Mia would like us both to go over to her house and look at flower arrangements for the wedding. Apparently, Joan the florist is taking some displays and brochures there in about an hour.”

  The wedding was just un
der three weeks away; surely they’d ordered flowers before today.

  “Isn’t it a bit late to order flowers?”

  “No, they’re already ordered. Today is to make a decision as to how I want them displayed, but Jack’s no help so I thought, as you’re my bridesmaid, you’d help instead,” Mia said, but wouldn’t meet my eyes.

  “Um, okay. Although, I’m not good with that kind of thing, but I’ll try and help.”

  Was I insane? I struggled to get the chunks of bagel down my throat and caught Stephanie giving me odd looks.

  Before I could finish, Stephanie whipped my plate from in front of me, tossing the remainder into the trash.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Wow, okay. I’ll just be a minute. I’ll catch up to you outside.”

  Having run back upstairs for my purse, I felt as though a whirlwind had blown through the house. It had to be the most I’d seen of Stephanie during my stay – apart from the night I’d arrived.

  Mia was quiet on the ride to her house. As we rode, I inspected her closer – she looked pale and withdrawn. If Mia didn’t love my Phoenix, but was attracted to Liam, which I suspected was true; perhaps I could plead with her to stop the whole thing. Ugh, but if I did that I could cause problems for Phoenix.

  Sitting back, I tried to enjoy the scenery while I rubbed my temple, which had started to throb.

  Mia pulled up outside a huge white house that looked like something from ‘North and South’. Oh yeah, my mom as punishment for catching me smoking pot, the first and only time I might add, had made me sit and watch every episode of the show with her when she bought them on DVDs. It had been either watch them, or no allowance for a month, so yeah, I’d watched them and unbeknownst to my mom, enjoyed them. Also it reminded me of home.

  My parents lived in a huge monster of a house, probably twice the size of Mia’s and I hated it. My parents and me could live in the house for a month and not see each other; that’s how large my home was.

  “Thalia, are you planning on getting out?”

  “Sorry. Day dreaming. It reminds me of home,” I added in explanation as I slid out of the car.


  Mia had already started towards the front door when I glanced at Stephanie.

  “Yeah. My home is like this, but bigger.” Her eyes lit up either in disbelief or glee, I wasn’t sure which. “I hate my home, it’s just too damn big,” I stated following Mia inside her house wondering what the hell I was doing there.

  Not knowing anything whatsoever about flowers, plants, displays or weddings for that matter, I wasn’t sure I’d be much help. I’d been a bridesmaid on rather a few occasions, but all I had to do was show up and smile and as I got older, to hold the brides dress when in the bathroom to make sure she didn’t pee on it.

  Could I get out of this? I could walk to Kix and maybe see Phoenix and hoped he didn’t ignore me. If he did, I could always chat Donovan up for Callie. Phoenix wouldn’t have to know I was doing it for Callie, maybe he’d get jealous. I could always hope.

  “Mamma, I’d like you to meet Liam’s friend, Thalia. She’s replacing Rebecca in the wedding.”

  Mia always seemed so self-assured, but her mom looked…lost; out of her depth.

  “Thalia, this is my mamma, Sarah.”

  I held my hand out, which Sarah took and quickly shook before letting go. “It’s nice to meet you, Sarah.” Her hold on my hand had been light and quick, as though she hadn’t wanted to touch me at all.

  While I worked up the courage to escape, Stephanie engaged her in conversation, but Sarah didn’t look well at all.

  Being in Mia’s house I felt uneasy and needed to escape.

  “Um, I need to go. I’m sorry, but I promised I’d help someone with something. I’ve just remembered. I’m sorry.”

  Turning so I could make my escape, Mia ran up to me. She gave me an odd look then hugged me. “Please don’t do anything stupid,” she whispered.

  Not stopping to think about what had just happened, I pulled the door open and practically ran through it hurrying down the drive and through the large gates before I stopped to catch my breath.

  If I remembered correctly Kix wasn’t too far in the direction I’d started walking in. The weather had heated up some so I just prayed I hadn’t under estimated the distance.

  I’d been walking about five minutes when I heard a motorcycle roaring towards me. My heart sped up with nerves, because I was walking on a secluded bit of road. I was so stupid…or maybe not, as he pulled the bike to a stop not far in front of me, I recognized the tattoo on the biker’s bicep, which was poking out from under his t-shirt. Reece.

  He took his helmet off. “Now what’s a hot babe like you doing walking along here on her own?”

  “Getting hotter!”

  He sat staring at me then grinned. “I see why Phoenix is so screwed up over you. Come on, hop on.”

  “You giving me a ride?”

  Reece climbed off his bike and retrieved a spare helmet. “If you weren’t spoken for you’d be giving me a ride,” he said and winked.

  He was damn cute. “Hmm, I would, would I?”

  “Woman, get that sexy butt on the back of my bike so we can go. It’s too damn hot to stand around in the sun yakking.”

  I laughed. “Yakking?”

  “Yeah, yakking. I have five sisters and that’s all they do all day, apart from bugging me when I go to visit.”

  “You’re sweet.”

  He growled, but had a spark in his blue eyes. “I’m not sweet.”

  “Okay, cute.”

  Reece picked me up and put me down on his bike. “Do not say another word.”

  Behind the helmet I smiled and held on tight as he gave me a ride to Kix. I just prayed we didn’t meet anyone else on the road; otherwise they’d get an eye full of my legs.

  Luckily the ride was only five minutes, if that. We pulled into the parking lot and I waited for Reece to climb from the bike before he turned and lifted me off. But not before he had a gawk at my legs.

  He caught me watching him. “Nice.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I walked into Kix and smack into Phoenix. He grabbed me, just stopping me from falling backwards onto my butt.

  “What are you doing here?” He was pissed.

  Well at least I had my answer. He regretted touching me.

  “I can’t deal with you right now,” he spat and I flinched at the anger in his words.

  He walked past me and I heard the door close behind me. I just stayed standing where he’d left me not knowing what to do. I felt numb; I couldn’t move.

  “Thalia, dance with me.”

  Donovan wrapped an arm around me and led me out to the dance floor, where he pulled me against him and held me tight while I cried into his t-shirt, again. We swayed around the room, to what I couldn’t tell you, while he stroked my back and kept me hidden from everyone else, without saying anything.

  Chapter 41


  What the hell was I doing? I’d just left the woman I loved in there after telling her I couldn’t deal with her. I couldn’t breathe. Sitting on the stoop, I put my head in my hands.

  “Please tell me you haven’t just fucked up?”


  “What the…that girl loves you and you love her. Yeah, I know what’s going down in a few weeks, but you don’t love Mia, you love that girl you’ve just left on her own in there. If you weren’t my best friend I’d be in there trying to talk her away from you, because you’re an idiot. I want what you have staring you in the face.”

  Reece clenched his fist and I was sure he wanted to hit me, but he kept talking instead, “I want a girl to be in love with me, someone I love in return, but you have that. Don’t be a dick and throw it all away.”

  I just looked at Reece, astonished. He stormed back to his bike and leaned against it.

  “Look, you told us what’s going on, after you’d spoken to Liam the other night, but you have to try and f
ind a way out of it. I’ll help anyway I can, you know that… Right now you need to get your ass back in there and talk to her before someone else moves in.”

  Standing, I walked to Reece and came to a stop in front of him; I waved my hand in front of his face. “What have you done to my friend?”

  He shoved me away. “Ha ha – funny; not!”

  “I heard you and I think I better start by apologizing to her.”

  “That’s usually a good start.”

  Walking to the bar, I turned back to Reece. “Hey, what about Dahlia? You spend a lot of time with her.”

  If I didn’t know better I’d have said he looked uneasy. “She’s just a friend.”

  Shaking my head, I pushed my way back through the doors and froze when I spotted Thalia on the dance floor wrapped up in Donovan’s arms.

  Reece walked into me not realizing I’d stopped.

  “Fuck. Um, don’t go getting the wrong idea, okay? Chances are you upset her and he came to her rescue, I hope,” he muttered the last bit, but I caught it.

  Without another thought, I walked straight over to them on the dance floor and stood directly in front of Donovan so that he wouldn’t have any chance but to see me.

  He saw me all right and he looked angry.

  They stopped dancing with Donovan keeping an arm wrapped around Thalia’s shoulders. “I’m not going to let you hurt her anymore than you already have.”

  “Thalia, please come with me and let me talk. Explain. Apologize.”

  She ignored the hand I held out to her, staying with Donovan instead.

  “I don’t want to hear you apologize for touching me again. It hurt enough the first time.”

  God, if she didn’t get away from Donovan soon she’d have me on my knees begging.

  Not giving her a choice, I reached out and took hold of her hand. “I didn’t apologize for touching you. That’s what I wanted you to believe…I apologized for leaving you out back with Liam. Please Thalia, come and talk to me.”


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