Romancing Recee

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Romancing Recee Page 5

by Allie Standifer

  "Going somewhere, Rocky?” he purred, the tone so different from the way he normally addressed her.

  Suspicion reared its cranky head. “What are you up to, Swifthorse?"

  "I'm not the one attempting to slip into the house."

  "Here's the thing.” Recee attempted to sound logical, something no one would ever accuse her of being. “You are not the boss of me. I have no idea what you're doing here or why. While I appreciate your gallant attempt to protect me, even when I didn't need it, it's time to go home. Better yet, why don't you get out the handy dandy list? I'm sure there's things on there you're dying to cross off. “

  As she hoped, the mention of his precious list grabbed his attention. His dusky cheeks went in and out as he clenched his jaw in a valiant attempt to control his temper around her. Maybe Brock should have warned his friend no one held their temper around her. Part of her charm or maybe her basic chemical composition.

  "I prefer my time to be organised and productive, unlike some people,” he said.

  "You prefer to be uptight, prudish, stick-up-your-ass Neanderthal.” She pushed against his chest, attempting to move a mountain with her twig of a hand.

  "At least I know what's going on from one day to the next,” he shot back, his dark head tipped down as his big body inched closer in her space.

  "Oh right, knowing your freaky ass I bet you have the next forty-five years planned out.” Anger, desire and the barest trickle of fear formed her words, throwing caution and reason to the wind as she rose to the tips of her toes with no intention of backing down. “Including the names of your kids, where you'll live, how many pets you'll have and what night of the week you'll fuck your wife."

  Surprise flicked briefly in those dark mysterious eyes. “I will have the wife, kids and pets because I'm not a short, stubborn, dark-haired, knife-wielding loon who should be locked up for the safety, protection and sanity of others."

  Oh, he'd gone too far. Tapping a few buttons could set her off, but questioning her sanity topped the list. Anyone who'd survived her childhood couldn't be completely sane.

  She got nose to nose with him, totally in his face. She didn't try the deep breathing exercises or counting to one hundred as her anger management counsellor recommended. “Get out of my face, off my property and out of my life before I have you arrested for trespassing and stalking."

  He answered her threat with a snort of amusement. “Yeah, right.” He leant down until every word he spoke brushed her lips with a tingle of awareness.

  She wanted to wail. Dammit! How was it fair for someone to piss her off so badly, but turn her on at the same time? No one else ever made excitement zip through her veins faster than fire, but twice as hot. It scared the hell out of her. Instant lust and desire didn't happen to her.

  "Who do you think the police will listen to? A respectable upstanding citizen with decorated military service, not a blemish on my permanent record, or the woman responsible for paying for the city's finest new flak jackets thanks to your numerous speeding tickets? Not to mention the black files from New Mexico or the hastily covered up arrest in Mexico? Yeah, I'm sure Avalon's finest will bend over backwards to believe whatever you say."

  " did you know about New Mexico?” Hadn't the nice man in his black suit promised the five of them the issue would never come up again?

  "Military intelligence,” he growled, lids heavy over his dark eyes.

  "No such thing. It's an oxymoron."

  He grabbed her upper arms and hauled her to face him. His thin T-shirt did very little to hide his sculpted chest and rock-hard muscles. “It's shit past dark, and you may have a crazy Baptist lawyer stalking you. You refuse to take the situation seriously and don't let your friends know what's going on."

  "Emma knows,” she retorted, desperately trying to ignore the heady musk of his skin.

  She was tired, nervous, turned on and slightly panicked, all of which had nothing to do with Thomas and everything to do with the man holding her gently in his powerful grip.

  "Yeah, but she's not going to say a word to the other three for fear of your wrath. Normal is not having your closest friends scared of you."

  Was Garen trying to tell her she wasn't normal? Hell, Recee already knew that, but it pissed her off he had the balls to say it. Incensed, she put both hands on his hot, hard chest and shoved him as hard as she could. The mountain disguised as a mortal man's body moved maybe half a centimetre. “My friends aren't scared of me. They know I can take care of myself."

  "Then take care of this,” he said furiously, closed the scant distance between them and kissed her.

  His mouth was hard, angry and determined. His heart throbbed under her palm. He kissed her and reality melted away, leaving only Garen and the incredible desire he aroused in her. The primitive taste of him filled her, his cotton-covered, hot skin tempted her to touch, to savour. He locked her tight against him, his arms so strong she couldn't breathe, not that Recee wanted to waste time drawing oxygen into her body, not when she could eat away at Garen's mouth. Against her stomach the hard ridge of his erection dug into her soft skin.

  He shook, such a big, tough, strong soldier, undone by passion. The things he'd faced in the past without flinching—sights that would make an average person run screaming. Now he stood on the porch of her home, his body a furnace of blistering desire as he tried to keep his touch gentle.

  Recee's knees wobbled and she sank against him, dissolved into him, wanting this moment, the perfection of the way they fit together. She rose to the tips of her toes to meet his demanding kiss, determined to meet him as an equal in all ways. He groaned, deep and low in his throat, as the kiss moved from desperate anger touched with violence to one fuelled by carnal hunger. She gave in, gave up totally, drowning in the maelstrom of passion.

  Still, it wasn't enough for Garen. He wanted more, demanded it as he sank his hand in her hair, pulled her head back and attacked her throat with biting, punishing kisses. She closed her eyes, helpless in his iron grip. She couldn't summon the will to want to be anywhere else.

  This man made her forget everything that came before him and the possible heartache that might come after he left her life. He lifted her off her feet, swung her around and she didn't complain except when he stopped kissing her. She didn't want to lose his mouth, his touch, the electric haze his presence produced.

  "Damn it, Recee, stop moving around,” he moaned in a rough tone, shifting her to one side of his volcanic hot body.

  "No,” she said, barely recognising her voice, low, sultry...even sexy. Who knew she could even sound like that?

  "Fuck, Reece,” he shouted, “if you don't stop rubbing against me I'll take you right here, on your front porch where anyone could see us."

  Somewhere in the back of her befuddled mind she knew he made sense, but sanity skittered away in the face of her burning desire. To do what he wanted meant she would have to stop touching him, something she couldn't comprehend ever wanting to do.

  "Don't care,” she panted out and nipped his earlobe with her teeth.

  He wrenched open the screen door, then the heavy wooden door and carried her inside. The room was dark since she didn't use this portion of the house as her living space. Low ambience lighting glowed softly from the showroom to their right, but Garen didn't notice or care.

  "My room is up the stairs, last door in the middle of the hall,” she told him while she continued her erotic torture, fully expecting the man in her arms to carry her up the stairs and to a nice comfortable bed. She was grateful for the salon appointment yesterday. Just because she hadn't planned to get any didn't mean she wasn't prepared. It was a motto the Girl Scouts taught her right before they threw her out.



  "You had your chance for a nice slow easy fuck, but you said no. Now we're doing it my way.” His breath came out in great bellows, almost like he'd been running a marathon.

  "Your way,” she mumbled in agreement and ground he
r pelvis against the massive pike captured behind his zipper. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, mesmerised by the sheer strength and power of him.

  Swearing, Garen fumbled a few steps and pinned her to the wall. He yanked her slacks with rough impatient hands, attacking the fastenings until the material tore. The slacks disappeared along with her underwear as he lifted her out of the pile of now useless clothes.

  Taking advantage of his distraction, Recee wound her legs around his hips desperate to get closer, to sink inside his skin. “Shit, woman, you're killing me here.” He leaned his heavy weight against her, effectively stilling her frantic movements and unwrapped her legs from their death vice grip on his hips. “Got to get covered."

  Somewhere in another reality Recee was grateful and pleased this man took the time to protect them both. As he lifted her high once again she coiled her legs around him, her body settling in place over his thick erection. His knuckles brushed between her legs as he pushed down his jeans and dropped them to the floor.

  With clumsy hands Recee pried his soft T-shirt over his head and tossed it away. She caught her breath as that final barrier fell from between them. Skin to skin, heat to heat they touched and Recee almost came from the sensation alone.

  Then his latex-covered cock pressed against her, hot, wide and pulsing. Need, desperate and rising, beat through her. Mewling sounds escaped her throat. She shoved, ached and rubbed, urgently needing more.

  She heard his low groan as he licked and nibbled his way around her throat and ear. Then, with great care, Garen hitched her just a little higher to adjust her position. The throbbing, wide head of his cock rammed at her, then shoved in as he eased his hold on her. Her weight sank her down to swallow his whole length.

  Her body resisted at first, the pinch of pain making her second-guess herself. Then as he stretched her, a different sensation filled her. Never had she been this full, this stuffed as if when she swallowed his taste would linger on the back of her tongue. Everything in and around her tightened to keep his hard cock inside her as tingles turned to tremors.

  When he stopped, Recee screamed at him to move, to do something, anything, but the man remained stubborn, still and silent. With his hot face pressed against her neck, he asked desperately, “Are you okay? Am I hurting you?” He breathed heavily above her, his urgent pants matching and meeting her own.

  With his words, the steel fortress surrounding Recee's heart cracked. He was so hard he was hurting, but he'd stopped. Stopped to make sure there was no pain for her.

  Moving her hand from his neck to gently cup his bristly cheek, she met his midnight dark eyes. “I love the way you feel inside of me.” She nipped his nipple, not able to resist the tempting bit of flesh. “Every solid inch of you."

  "Good,” he said, then braced her against the wall. With one rough thrust and a wild yell, Garen shoved the rest of his massive length inside her.

  He must have taken her word as gold, because when she screamed at the deep invasion he ignored it. Every nerve and blood cell in her body redirected to the spot between her wet thighs where they were joined. His thick shaft pounded back and forth in a steady, deep-reaching rhythm. She climaxed before she knew it happened. Sensations exploded in her, and she threw her hips against him, countering his every move as her hips jerked, her body shuddered. Her head tossed from side to side against the wall, her eyes squeezed shut from the primitive pleasure.

  The world exploded around her, inside her and throughout her.

  She jerked her hips, then tightened her internal muscles as hard as she could around him. Garen rasped out an inarticulate noise, desperate, primal and demanding. He thrust again, no steady or controlled rhythm, just a frantic race to completion. His cock pounded into her, hard, fast and uneven. With his face buried in the hollow of her neck, he panted against her sweat-slickened skin.

  More of his weight pressed her against the wall. He felt so good, so right, that she wanted to dissolve in a puddle of satisfaction at his feet. To promise anything and everything if only he would never leave her, to give her these feelings day after day, night after night.

  His sleek heavy pecs rasped against her swollen nipples. She felt his thick, silky-soft hair tickle the sensitive skin of her chin. His muscles knotted under her hands.

  He slammed into her fast and hard, his ass rising and falling in quick succession beneath her hand, his breathing sawing in and out of his desperate lungs as he took her higher and higher.

  A harsh primitive cry signalled Garen's release as he fucked her with an almost brutal force. Her body slapped again the wall with each hard thrust, her weight slipping and shoving him deeper each time, so deep he touched a bundle of nerves buried inside her no one else had come close to discovering.

  She bit her lip hard to keep from screaming in shocked and stunned pleasure but minute sounds escaped her, gasps, cries and nonsensical words of praise and pleasure. She shook, every cell exploding and reforming while pleasure drowned her other senses. Her body convulsed beneath Garen's heavy weight while her slick, heated pussy clamped down on his cock.

  Garen bellowed, his teeth sinking into the curve of her neck. His orgasm came hard and tearing as he soared over the edge. Higher and harder his hips jerked against her until with one last desperate shove he halted inside her. The pulsing, heated scorch of his semen burned her even through the layer of latex.

  Collapsing against her, his sweat dampened body kept her pinned to the wall, his cock still heavy and hard inside her.

  Reality twisted and turned around Recee, finally settling over her consciousness like a thick blanket of truth. Garen briefly pulled out of her and she heard the crinkle of paper. Then he was back again, sliding deep inside her with a new latex barrier in place. How could he still be hard? The semen flooding the condom was proof enough of his release.

  What the hell had she done? What had he done? What had they done together? One part of her sluggish brain recognised the sex completed her pay or play debt. The other, the sated and hormone-driven part of her, begged to do it all over again with chocolate syrup and two very tempting nuts.

  Hearts pounded in a driving rhythm as sweat-dampened bodies cooled in the air conditioned room.

  Before Recee dug up her ability to think and speak coherently, Garen slid one arm under her ass while the other held her securely to his chest. “We need a bed.” He started to walk. Every step he took pushed his hard length against the same sensitive bundle of nerves.

  Protest, yes... She needed to say something, anything, to stop him, to stop this from happening again. Instead she leaned in, her hands exploring from his wide shoulders to his arresting face, her fingers tracing the outline of his stubborn jaw. “This is a huge mistake,” she whispered, her mouth only inches from his.

  The decision left her hands when Garen pressed his mouth to hers, and she parted her lips to allow him to slide his tongue inside and conquer her all over again. Their playful teasing stopped, both of them aware of his cock swelling and filling her further. Primitive instinct again took over as their heads tilted to opposite sides to dive deeper inside each other.

  Garen's amazing recovery time had her hips tilting to take more of him. It felt so damn good, so right to have him in her, a part of her.

  Oh shit. Recee's brain briefly came out of hormone-induced hibernation to confirm she was in trouble, deep-past-her-chin-and-drowning trouble. Knowing and understanding the shit pile that was currently her life didn't stop her from tangling her fingers through his thick dark locks, gripping him tighter with her legs and every internal muscle she had.

  When he broke their kiss to lean back, she whimpered and tried to capture his mouth again.

  "We need a bed this time,” he growled, staring down at her while his hips started a shallow thrusting rhythm. “I want room to take you every way I can imagine."

  She disagreed about the bed, but wholeheartedly agreed for him to take her any way and every way he could imagine. The bedroom existed somewhere...not
here, but somewhere far from where they stood. Nope, she wouldn't make it. They'd made it to the hallway near the stairs. Yep, this would do just fine. Maybe round three or twelve would allow them to fuck on a flat surface, but nothing mattered more than having him again.

  He jerked her up higher until her breasts were in the perfect position for his mouth. Closing his lips around one already-puckered nipple he played with it in a way that had her shaking in his hold. She writhed against the wall, but Garen's massive palms kept her pinned between his hot, hard body and the unforgiving wall at her back. The inability to move, to act, drove her higher, cranked her crazier and, if possible, even wetter. He changed to her other breast and used the same pulling, teasing routine, driving Recee to pant for air. This man did something to her that left her turned on, confused and desperate. Her body quivered, close to coming. She tried to rub her clit against him for the desperately needed friction, but his hold didn't allow her freedom to budge anywhere.

  Then he lowered her again, all the while keeping his cock to shallow movements, never giving her the deeper hard battering she needed. His hands slid under her ass and he slanted back the head of his erection, barely breaching her, challenging her dripping body.

  "Here,” she pleaded and pulled her arms from around his neck. Sliding her hands up the silk-papered wall, she threaded her fingers through the wrought iron grille above her head. “I'll have you just like this."

  Garen shook his head, determination, lust and something else flicking through his black eyes. “You need to be sure."

  Of all the idiotic, stupid, moronic men in her life she had to get their king. “If I didn't want this, didn't want you, you'd already be in the ER with some nice nurse holding your cock in her hand while the doctor tried to sew it back on."


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