organization 55
and Reformation 21–2
and employment 112
and enforced conversion to 65
and Famine 72
and interpretation of history 2, 183–4
and unionism 4–5, 46, 80
see also Church of Ireland; Orange Order; Presbyterians
and ascendancy 47, 48–9
and Catholic Emancipation 43, 44, 46
in Éire 146–7
and Home Rule movement 96, 99–101, 103–4, 205–6
and Irish parliament 24, 28, 37
and landownership 25
militant 153, 170
and nationalism 5, 46, 49
in Northern Ireland 137, 143, 152–3, 167, 206
and politics 56
and Republic of Ireland 153, 176, 180–1, 209
and tithes 27
and union of Britain and
Ireland 32, 80
and Volunteers 32
providentialism 74–6
provinces 4
Provisional IRA 168, 198
Quakers (Society of friends), and Famine relief 64, 65, 68, 69
‘Ranch War’ 110
Real IRA 193
rebellion of 1798 33–4
Redmond, John
and Easter Rising 122–3
and First World War 120
and Home Rule 106, 116–17, 118–19, 129, 187, 206
and economy 54
and Famine 65, 72, 75
and folk celebrations 54–5, 89
and politics 5, 54, 55
in prehistory 7, 17
reformation 21–2
see also Catholic Church; Catholics; Christianity; church and state; Protestant churches; Protestantism; Protestants
increases 41, 50, 80
and Land League 93–4, 101
reduction demands 53, 86, 87, 93
and tenant rights 80, 88, 94
Repeal Association 46–7, 50
‘Repeal Rent’ 46–7
Republic of Ireland
1949–66 153–61
1966–82 162–6
as ‘Celtic Tiger’ 189, 199, 201–4
Economic Expansion
Programmes 155–6
Inter-Party Government 148–9
and interpretations of Northern
Ireland 180
Mother and Child Scheme 154, 159, 207
and Northern Ireland 153, 163, 170–1, 177–8, 190–2
Good Friday Agreement 189–204
proclamation 122–3
social policies 149, 153–4, 155, 157, 175–6
see also church and state; Éire; European Community
Republic of Ireland Act (1948) 149
definition 4
and hunger strikes 171
militant 129, 130, 134, 145, 149, 152, 174–5, 183–4, 190
non-militant 139, 170
see also nationalism
and early Ireland 17, 18
and Easter Rising 129–32
and the Famine 72–5
and Fenianism 90–1, 93–4
and Home Rule 106–8
and interpretation of history 2, 3, 37–9, 56–7, 220
and Land League 92–3
and Land War 93–4
and nationalism 133
and Northern Ireland 180, 182, 201
Reynolds, Albert 174–5
Richard II of England 15
Richard, Duke of York 15–16
Richter, Michael 18
Robinson, Mary 177, 206
Robinson, Peter 197
Roebuck, Peter 38
Rosebery, Archibald Philip
Primrose, 5th earl 116
Rossa, Jeremiah O’Donovan 82, 83, 121
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) 124
Royal Ulster Constabulary 166, 173, 191–3, 194
Russell, John, 1st earl 62, 63, 64–5, 68, 69, 75–6
Ryan, Desmond 90
Ryan Report (2005) 199
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, 3rd marquis 100–1, 116
Sands, Bobby 171
Saunderson, Col. Edward 103
scholarship, Irish 11, 17, 18, 19
Scotland, Famine 64
Second Vatican Council 166
Second World War
and Irish neutrality 144, 147–8, 150
and Irish ports 144–5, 150
and Northern Ireland 150
and Catholic Emancipation 45, 46, 55
and effects of Famine 72, 81
and Home Rule movement 96, 186
interpretations 38
and labour movement 112
and Marxist interpretation 183–4
in Northern Ireland 150, 152, 162, 198
and Repeal movement 49
see also Catholic church; Catholics; Protestantism
self-determination principle 174–5, 181
Celtic 8
from England 7, 13–14, 22–5,
from Scandinavia 7, 11
from Scotland 7, 22–4
see also ‘plantation’
Seven Years’ War (1756–63) 29
sexual abuses 199–200, 203
Shannon, Catherine 131
Shaw, Fr Francis 129
Shaw, William 98
Sherman, Hugh 181
shipbuilding, in Northern Ireland 80, 112, 143, 150, 172
Simms, Katharine 20
Simnel, Lambert (Yorkist pretender) 16
Sims, J.G. 36
Sinn Féin
and Anglo-Irish Treaty 138
and British parliament 123–4, 171, 172, 173
and the Dáil 130, 140–1
and Easter Rising 130
and First World War 120
and Griffith 117–18, 126
and Home Rule 119, 123, 140, 206
in Northern Ireland 143, 172, 174–5, 192
and arms decommissioning 192, 196
and Assembly 192, 193–4
and Good Friday Agreement 192–7
Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP) 5, 168, 170, 172, 173
and peace process 190, 192, 195, 197
socialism, and nationalism 90, 92, 117–18, 128–9, 168–9
divisions 4, 35–6, 52
early 8–9, 17, 18
rural 8–9, 51–3, 111–12
urban 12, 53–4, 112
‘souperism’ 65, 72
Spain, and England 22, 24, 27, 29, 31–2
sport 137
and Fenianism 83, 91
and Gaelic Athletic Association 115
Stephens, James 82, 83, 90
Stewart, A.T.Q. 135, 182
Stormont and Northern Ireland parliament 144, 169
Strauss, Emile 90
‘Strongbow’ (Richard FitzGilbert de Clare) 13
Sunningdale agreement 170
Surrey, Thomas Howard, 1st earl 17
Synge, J.M. 113
taoiseach xiii, 146, 147
Tara, high kings 9, 11, 20
taxation, imperial 99, 138
tenant farmers
and emigration 66
and Famine relief 67–8
and Home Rule movement 96
interpretations 91–4
and Land League 88, 101
and landlords 36, 38, 43, 52, 60, 79–80, 84–5, 94
and landownership 110, 116, 142
and nationalism 49, 56, 78–9
and tenant right 80–1, 84, 87, 92–3, 103
Tenant League 80–2, 84
and Home Rule movement 100–1, 127
and IRA 145, 163
and peace process 190, 191, 192, 193, 198
and punishment beatings 190
see also violence
Thatcher, Margaret 164–5, 171, 172, 173
Thompson, W.I. 128
tithes 27, 29, 38, 42
Tone, Theobald Wolfe 32–4, 132, 133, 140, 205, 207, 209, 210
tories (‘outlaws’) 26
Toryism, Irish 48–9, 54
Townshend, Charles 133
and British control 24, 25, 35–6
early 9
and Free State/Republic of
Ireland 146, 149, 158
free trade 31, 35, 63, 138, 158
international 202
and Penal Laws 28, 29
Viking 11
trade unions 90, 118, 164, 168
and interpretation of history 2, 17, 35–6
nationalist 2, 35–6, 90–1, 93, 133–4, 181
unionist 2, 181
Trevelyan, Sir Charles 63, 66, 67, 75
Trimble, David 190, 192–5, 206
Trinity College Dublin ban on
Catholic attendance 147
and unionism 96, 136
Tudors, and conquest of Ireland 17, 19
Tyrone, Hugh O’Neill, earl 22
Uí Néill dynasty 8–9
and early society 8
and Home Rule 119–20, 123–6, 205–6
industries 28, 32, 49, 52–3, 80, 136
and interpretation of history 2
parliament proposed 125
and Penal Laws 32
and Repeal movement 47
under Stuarts 22–4, 27, 186
under Tudors 23
and unionism 46, 80, 103–4, 116, 119–20, 130–1
and United Irishmen 32
Ulster Custom 80
Ulster Defence Association 169
Ulster Loyalist Anti-Repeal
Union 103
Ulster Unionist Party 190, 193, 195, 206
Ulster Volunteer Force 153, 169
Ulster Volunteers 119
Ulster Workers’ Council 170
unemployment 29, 54, 59, 203
in Free State/Republic of
Ireland 142, 149, 163, 178
in Northern Ireland 138, 150, 151, 171
and relief works 61–2, 67
Union of Britain and Ireland 34–6
benefits 40–1, 47, 49, 80, 100, 129
and Home Rule movement 95
repeal movement 41, 46–9, 54, 56, 71, 80, 82
definition 4–5
and Easter Rising 123, 129
and Gaelic League 19, 114
and gun-running 119, 135
and Home Rule 103–8, 116, 119, 123, 126–7, 130–1, 136, 183–4, 205–6
and interpretations of Northern Ireland 180–1, 183–5
interpretations of 134–6, 198
Liberal 100, 106
in Northern Ireland 150, 152–3, 166–70, 177–8
Anglo-Irish Council 171
Council of Ireland 170
and Good Friday Agreement 189–204
militant 153, 170, 173
peace process 173–5, 193
and Orangeism 46
rural 136
and united Ireland 135, 150, 152, 173–4, 180, 191–2
urban 136
see also Northern Ireland; Ulster
United Irish League 110
United Irishmen 32, 33, 140, 207
United Irishmen 117
United Nations 156, 165
United States of America
Civil War 82–3
emigration to 110
and Famine relief 64
and financial crisis 202
and Land League 86, 93
and Northern Ireland 193, 195
and support for nationalism 82–3, 121, 124, 175
urbanisation 23, 112
Vatican, the 200, 203
Vaughan, W.E. 91–2
Victoria of Britain and Ireland
and Famine relief 64
visit to Ireland 68
Vikings 10–12, 13, 18, 48, 198, 205
Vincent, John 106–7
Vinegar Hill, battle (1798) 33
and ceasefires 175, 189, 190
and Land War 88, 94
nationalist 41, 49–50, 90
and O’Connell 56
police 166
republican 150–1, 173
rural 29, 32, 38, 53, 79, 80, 110
sectarian 137, 145, 150, 152, 157, 166–7, 169, 170, 198
and Young Ireland 41, 49–50
Virgin Mary, visitations by 176
Volunteers 30–2, 37, 45
Wakefield, battle (1460) 16
Walker, Brian 186
Wall, Maureen 36–7, 38
Wars of the Roses 15–16
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke 45
Wentworth, Sir Thomas, 1st earl
of Strafford 24
Whiteboys 29, 38
Whitelaw, William 169, 170
Whittaker, T.K. 155
Whyte, John xii, 159, 178–9, 184
Wikileaks 200
‘wild geese’ 27, 28
William I ‘the Conqueror’ 12
William III (‘of Orange’) 27, 32, 207, 210
Williams, Betty 170
Williams, T. Desmond 73, 128
Wilson, Harold 167
and emigration 111
and farm work 111
Wood, Sir Charles 63
Woodham-Smith, Cecil 74
Worcester, John Tiptoft, earl 16
and Famine relief 67–8, 69
in Northern Ireland 143
Wyndham Land Act (1903) 110
Yeats, William Butler 112–13, 207
York, House of 15–16
Young Ireland 41, 49–51, 56–7, 80, 118
and Butt 96
and Fenianism 82, 205, 209
and O’Connell 50, 51, 56
rebellion 49–51, 78, 80, 82
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