by Hal Gold
We were operating in an area that produced wheat and raw cotton, and these became materials for the Japanese army operations. At harvest time, we picked out areas for surrounding, tortured the villagers, then plundered everything.
The mountains in the southern part of the province had coal mines, and we plundered the coal by capturing Chinese and forcing them to work in the mines. And when we were not involved in major operations, we would go out into our own immediate area on continuous three-day operations to see if there were any of the enemy around. On such occasions, we stole, tortured, and slaughtered people. The Chinese had a saying about us, that Japan had a "three-way complete policy: burned completely, killed completely, and pillaged completely." Yet, when we were doing those things, we had no sense of guilt or of doing anything wrong. It was for the emperor—for the country!
Select Bibliography
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