Before I left, I made sure Keith got a nice parting gift; I took my key and ran it along the length of his truck on the driver’s side first then repeated my actions on the passenger’s side. I rode home with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart wondering how he could do this. How ironic, this must be how my sister felt every time that he was with me.
Gathering a stack of checks that I needed to present to Mr. Gold for approval I walked out of my office passing by Tabitha’s desk she winked at me and continued her telephone conversation.
“Good afternoon Julie.” I smiled to Mr. Gold’s young assistant.
“Good afternoon Mrs. Montgomery,” she smiled, “I love your suit.”
“Thanks. Is Mr. Gold in his office?”
“Yes, I told him that you were coming.”
Thanking Julie I walked into Mr. Gold’s office, he was standing in front of the large floor to ceiling windows with a golf putter in one hand and a scotch in his other.
“Good afternoon Santana.” He grinned when he saw me.
“How are you?” I asked taking a seat on the large Italian leather couch that sat in the corner of the massive office. “I brought the checks for your approval.”
Mr. Gold was a short, stout man, but what he lacked in height he more than made up in business sense as Gold’s Medical Supply was the second largest medical supply company in the Midwest. “I see that you are practicing your swing.” I smiled at the putter that he held.
“I can’t wait until the spring so that I can hit the golf course.” He smiled as he sat next to me and looked over the checks.
After he approved the checks he handed them back to me and asked, “How is your new assistant working out for you Santana?”
“Tabitha, is doing a great job; why do you ask?”
Sighing Mr. Gold said, “Well some of the other workers have said that she spends a great deal of time fraternizing with co-workers and you know how I feel about that. It’s not good for business.”
“I understand, but honestly I think that Tabitha has done a great job so far, but I will be sure to talk to her about socializing on the job.”
“You make sure that you do that, I don’t want to have to find you another assistant any time soon.” He warned, “Have a good day.”
When I made it back to my office I immediately called Tabitha in so that I could talk to her about my conversation with Mr. Gold. Before I could get it out she handed me a small baggie filled with multi-colored pills with a smile on her face, “This is for you.”
I looked at the tiny bag and asked, “What is this?”
“Your escape.” She licked her red glossed lips.
I shifted in my seat, “Before we escape, I need to talk to you about something that Mr. Gold has brought to my attention.” I put the bag in my purse and looked at Tabitha, “He said that a few co-workers are complaining that you are doing too much socializing around the office.”
“Socializing, you know that I’m at my desk working unless I come in here to talk to you.” She said defensively.
“I know, but just to be on the safe side, please watch yourself the people in here can be devious and I don’t want you to lose your job because of it.”
As Tabitha began walking out of the door she turned around and said, “Let’s get a drink after work.”
“I wish that I could Tab, but…”
“But what? All that you are going to do is go home and do your usual boring ass routine. Come on, live a little it is just one drink and I promise that I will have you home in time to be turned down for sex by your husband.”
That night after work Tabitha and I went to The Melting Pot for dinner and a few drinks and as usual Tabitha turned every head in the restaurant. As we were finishing our dinner, a bottle of wine and swallowing a pill, Tabitha leaned over to me and whispered, “You are so hot Santana, I don’t know why you act like such an old woman. I would do you in a heartbeat. The son of a Preacher man is one lucky bastard.”
I laughed as the pill took effect and I felt as if I were on fire.
“Thank you.” I smiled. Feeling Tabitha’s hand on my thigh made me jump at first then I relaxed as she moved her hand higher and higher until it reached my wanting pussy.
“I won’t stop until you want me to.” She whispered as she warmed my spot with her soft fingertips. “You deserve pleasure and I want to give you exactly what you deserve.” She breathed into my ear as she massaged my clit through the wool trousers that I wore.
Not knowing what came over me, normally I would not have let Mike touch me like this in a public place, but Tabitha was different. Normally I wouldn’t have moaned like this where other people could possibly hear, but with Tabitha I felt free.
“I want to kiss you.” I whispered as I turned my face to meet her, our lips were inches away; I could taste the air that she breathed. “Your lips look like they taste soft and sweet, like butterscotch.” With Tabitha I could finally say what I wanted, be who I wanted and not worry about being judged.
She laughed as she ran her tongue across her lips, “Butterscotch that is the first time that I’ve ever heard that one.”
“Sweet like butterscotch and hot like brandy.”
“Kiss me.” She said leaning in.
My body felt as if I’d stuck my finger in an electrical socket as our lips touched each other; Tabitha’s mouth was sweet, wet as she parted her lips, easing her tongue into my mouth, running it across my lips. Her kiss was that of strawberries and Merlot and my body was on fire. Tabitha’s hand caressed the side of my face while we kissed like lovers in the rain. I didn’t care who saw us, I didn’t care about the stares that we got from the other patrons of the restaurant; for once in my life I was living in the moment and it felt good to be wanted.
“Come home with me.” She breathed softly with her lips still touching mine.
I didn’t have to say a word; my body language said it all; it said that I wanted to taste even more of Tabitha. I grabbed my wallet and paid for dinner and leaving a hefty tip. Grabbing our coats we began to walk towards the exit, and then I spotted a familiar face.
“Santana, what are you doing here?” Jovanna asked as her and Asteria sat with Londyn eating dinner.
Trying to hide the desire in my eyes I smiled, “Hey guys, I-I was just out having dinner with my assistant.” I stammered as I tried to wipe Tabitha’s smeared lip gloss from my lips. I could feel Tabitha shift in annoyance when I introduced her as only my assistant.
Asteria eyed Tabitha as if she knew her before she spoke, “Well aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I stammered, “Tabitha these are my friends Jovanna and Asteria and Londyn.”
“Nice to meet you all.” Tabitha smiled.
“If would’ve known that you were here, we would’ve loved to join you.” I smiled, trying to keep my composure.
“How long have you been working with Santana?” Asteria asked.
Tabitha threw her long hair over her shoulder and licked her lips, “Just a few weeks.”
“Oh so you are another temp?” Asteria asked rather rudely.
That question made Tabitha uncomfortable, “No, I think that I’ll be around for a while.”
Sensing the growing tension between Tabitha and Asteria I told the girls that I had to get home and that I’d call them later. As Tabitha and I made our way out of the restaurant I couldn’t help but notice the way that Asteria looked at Tabitha as if she were a familiar and unwanted face.
I followed Tabitha’s yellow VW Bug to her apartment in the Central West End. I was beginning to have second thoughts and wanted to turn around and go the other direction. The thought of going home to another boring night with Mike and the kids I quickly changed my mind.
Tabitha’s apartment was exactly like I’d imagined it to be, small but very nicely decorated. I sat on soft, leather couch while Tabitha made us a drink. The scent of jasmine and vani
lla filled my nostrils and the sensual sounds of Trey Songz filled my ears.
Tabitha handed me a glass filled with Grey Goose and cranberry juice and sat down next to me. “This is the only drink that I know how to make.” She smiled as she sipped the drink.
“Your place is nice.” I said as I looked around the apartment.
“Thank you, but I bet that it is nothing compared to your house. I am only an assistant you know.” She replied. Tabitha took another swig from her glass and looked at me, “Let’s cut the shit Santana, I think that you are by far the sexiest woman that I’ve ever met and I can’t help but want you.”
I swiped my fallen bangs from my eyes and smiled at her, “Thank you Tabitha, but I’m married with children.”
“But you aren’t happy.” She answered pulling my face to hers as she softly kissed me running the tip of her tongue along my lips. She tasted so good. “Let me show you happiness.” She whispered taking my hand and leading me to her bedroom.
Trey’s sensual voice filled the room as Tabitha slid my silk shirt over my head, unzipping my trousers and letting them fall to my ankles she ran her hands along my body stopping to graze my hard nipples with the back of her fingertips. Kissing my neck Tabitha grasped my ass through the black briefs.
“Lay back.” She motioned, I did as I was told. I lay back on her soft bed as she removed her clothes. Tabitha’s body belonged on a billboard, with its soft curves and smooth skin.
“I’m nervous. I experimented with another woman in college, but it has been so long ago.” I confessed.
“Don’t worry baby, I got you.” She said as she kissed me from my neck to the top of my pubic bone. “You smell so good, but I wonder how you taste.” She purred as she ran her soft, moist tongue along my bare breast with one hand while massaging my clit with the other. I was surprised how my body responded to her every touch, kiss, caress and lick. Gripping the butter-soft sheets arching my back, I bit my bottom lip trying to stifle the moans that were seeping through my mouth as she slowly ravaged my pussy with her tongue and lips.
She moaned as she moved her fingers inside of my quivering body. “Hold back with Mike, but not with me.”
“Mike could never make me feel the way that you do.” I moaned softly.
Tabitha took that as a cue to send me overboard and covered my pussy with her mouth and sucked until my body was overcome with so much pleasure that I called out to God, Buddha and Krishna, tearing the sheets away from the bed while my legs quivered until they fell limp. Tabitha crawled her way towards my face with a mischievous smile on her face.
“Oh my God Tabitha,” I breathed, “I can’t believe that you made me come. Mike never makes me come.”
“You have been deprived for far too long Santana.” she smiled.
Tabitha as she worked her very own brand of magic on her pussy with her fingers. Removing her hand I licked my own fingers, reached down and found her spot while I ran my tongue around the soft mound of her perfect breasts until she was shuddering moans that were sure to have woken the neighbors. Crawling on top of my exotic mistress I kissed the softness of her body making my way down to her thighs which I nibbled while she squealed in delight. Before long I was returning her favor as she gripped the pillow, scratching the mattress and calling out to the heavens while my tongue played the harp on her juicy pussy as I strummed it with precision leaving Tabitha quivering on the bed with a look of pleasure written all over her face.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say that this isn’t your first time Santana.” She breathed as she ran her fingers through my sandy brown hair while I rested between her legs with my head on her flat stomach.
“I have a few skeletons in my closet that most people don’t know about.”
“We all have skeletons.” She exhaled sleepily.
I knew that I was wrong but it felt so right falling asleep with my arms and legs entangled in the softness of Tabitha’s flesh as she lay next to me, our breathing in harmony with one another. It was well after midnight when I woke up and got dressed in the dark while my lady lover stayed asleep. I was amazed at how beautiful she was even as she was slumbering. I asked myself what could a woman this amazing who could get any man or woman that she wanted see in someone like me. I am far from ugly, but at the same time I was no longer in my prime, married with two children. What was it that drew Tabitha to me in the first place?
I tried sneaking into the house, but Mike was wide awake, lying in bed watching ESPN as usual. He looked at the digital disrespect on the clock that read one-forty-three in the morning then looked at me as if I were crazy.
“I’m sorry, I must have lost track of time.” I said as I undressed.
“That would be believable had it come from someone who didn’t make it a point at being punctual for every moment of her life.” He fussed. “I called you, but it went straight to voicemail. You never turn your phone off when you are out Santana. What if something were wrong with the kids?”
“My battery ran dead.” I lied.
Mike snorted, “As smart as you are, one would think that you could come up with a craftier lie than that!”
“Mike, it is late, the children are asleep and I really don’t feel like an argument with you tonight. I went to dinner with Tabitha then we went back to her place and just hung out. I apologize, but I did lose track of time and my phone did die.” I fussed. “If you don’t trust me then that is your own issue, but I am telling you the truth.” I walked into our bathroom and turned on the shower. I took my time showering not only trying to hold out for Mike to cool off and fall asleep, but also because I was not in a rush to wash Tabitha’s scent off of my body.
Ignoring the intensifying ache in my thighs I hit the plus button on the treadmill to set the incline to ten percent which made my heart pump harder and sent my heart rate soaring to the target of one hundered and ninety beats per minute. With the sounds of Busta Rhymes ringing through my ears I pounded harder and harder on the machine as if I were running from something, but like in reality I was running on a treadmill, but getting nowhere regardless of how fast I ran my problems only followed me.
Ignoring the sweat that poured down my face I picked up the pace a little; my breathing was harsh and I was beginning to lose my form which made my workout even harder. Feeling a light tap on my shoulder I looked over to find my workout partner, Asteria, looking at me with concern in her eyes.
Turning down my iPod and the pace on the treadmill I slowed down to a brisk jog and took the ear buds out of my ringing ears.
“Hey girl you are going hard over there; is everything okay?” she asked as she walked holding on to the rails.
“Yeah, I’m cool; just trying to shed a few pounds before the wedding.” I lied.
I didn’t want to tell her that Chad had called me three times in the past two days. I didn’t want to concern her with the fact that he not only threatened my life, but also the life of my soon to be husband. I wouldn’t dare tell my best friend about my past life as a stripper turned prostitute. So I lied.
“I have to be able to fit into that five-thousand-dollar Vera Wang gown by June.”
“Girl you are the last person that needs to lose some weight, your body is perfect.” Asteria complemented.
“My secrets are well hidden.” I winked.
After our workout, Asteria and I went to lunch at Noodles & Company, but I found it difficult to concentrate while she talked about her troubles with this anonymous man that she has been dealing with. I guess she mistook my silence for me not wanting to hear her whine about him not spending the night, but my mind was in another place.
“I think that I’m going to fire Keisha.” She said changing the subject.
“Really, I thought that she was doing better.”
Asteria shook her head, “Her work is great, but she is too unprofessional and I’m sick of dealing with it.”
“Wow that was sudden Asteria, being how all o
f this time when Pandia wanted to fire her, you were the one defending Keisha.” I said in between bites of my salad.
“I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but now I don’t see a change in things with her ghetto ass so she has got to go.”
The look on my friend’s face was undeniable, she wanted Keisha gone and she wanted her gone now.
“Well if you say so, but just let the girl down easy.”
“I have to talk to my sister about it first, but Keisha will be gone by this time next week for sure.”
Just then a familiar face walked into the restaurant; dressed flawlessly in an expensive peanut butter and tan three-piece suit with matching peanut butter fedora Chad strolled in with a Don Diego cigar perched between his thick lips.
“I’m sorry sir, but this is a non-smoking restaurant.” The hostess said as she seated him two tables away from us.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I am not going to light it?” his raspy Southern accent was undeniable.
I couldn’t believe my eyes as my antagonist sat only ten feet from me, I wanted to get up and run out of the door, but I didn’t want to raise suspicion in Asteria so I tried to keep my cool the best that I could.
“Wow look at that zoot suit!” Asteria joked. “He sure is clean.”
“Yeah that is a pretty nice suit.” I managed through the huge lump of fear that formed in my throat. “I’m finished, are you ready to go?”
Asteria couldn’t take her eyes off of Chad, he held the room’s attention with his good looks and Southern swagger, but I knew what kind of secrets that he had hidden in his closet. As I beckoned to the waitress to bring the check he turned towards our table and walked over, removing the fedora his devilish eyes pierced my skin sending a chill down my spine.“Good afternoon ladies.” His raspy southern drawl took Asteria by surprise.
Skeletons Page 8