The Tibetan Book of the Dead

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The Tibetan Book of the Dead Page 38

by Dorje, Gyurme

It will confer natural liberation by subduing the beguiling force of ‘deva’s son’,

  While [externally] a bright white rainbow will appear.

  To let go of mental objects,

  [There is the mantra]: RAMĀKALASAMIKHYE.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will confer natural liberation by subduing the beguiling force of the ‘lord of death’,

  While [externally] a bright green rainbow will appear.

  To sever past sensations, right where they are,

  [There is the mantra]: MATAMPHAPHERAMITI.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will naturally liberate the ground-of-all [consciousness] in primordial purity,

  While [externally] a bright blue rainbow will appear.

  To recognise the appearance of compounded aggregations,

  [There is the mantra]: KHAṬAREKṢASA MIG RLUNG.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will spontaneously liberate naturally manifesting appearances in primordial purity,

  While [externally] a phenomenon like the unfolding of dazzling brocade will appear.

  To enter the stronghold of awareness,

  [There is the mantra]: EKARANABHECAKṢA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will induce the attainment of the ‘irreversible level’,7

  While [externally] śarīraṃ relics will appear [following the cremation].

  To eradicate the continuum of bewilderment,

  [There is the mantra]: YARIMUTRASAGHULI.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will naturally liberate the three world-systems in primordial purity,

  While [externally] churiraṃ relics will appear [following the cremation].

  To successively liberate the six classes of living beings,

  [There is the mantra]: YASIRAṂ RLUNG PALAYA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will naturally liberate beings of the six classes in primordial purity,

  While [externally] nyariraṃ relics will appear [following the cremation].

  To purge cyclic existence from its depths,

  [There is the mantra]: MAMAKOLINAṂ SAMANTA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will churn the depths of all lower existences,

  While [externally] pañcaraṃ relics will appear [following the cremation].

  To suppress apparitional reality,

  [There is the mantra]: GHARILAṂBARIMAṂTI.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will guide [the deceased] to the genuine reality,

  While [externally] serriraṃ relics will appear [following the cremation].

  To let go of the ‘source of the play [of phenomena]’,

  [There is the mantra]: BUGASIṄHAPHAṄGALA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will liberate the phenomena that arise, right where they are,

  While [externally] manifold shimmering rainbows will appear.

  To sever the tethers of attachment,

  [There is the mantra]: RAMISIPIKHETAPA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will liberate objects of attachment in the expanse [of reality],

  While [externally] a clear and bright sky will appear.

  To focus on the chains [of light],

  [There is the mantra]: BHIKHUMALABATAṂKE.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will induce the ‘visionary appearance of increasing contemplative experience’,8

  While [externally] patterns will arise from the rainbow colours in the sky.

  To view the seal of the deity,

  [There is the mantra]: SAMANYIVADHERABA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will induce the ‘visionary appearance of reaching the limit of awareness’,9

  While [externally] the forms of the deities will appear.

  To purify mistaken views and meditations,

  [There is the mantra]: VAJRA SATTVA ṬIDHOME.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  Awareness will be naturally perfected,

  While [externally] white rainbow lights will appear.

  To simultaneously reach the levels and the paths,

  [There is the mantra]: GHEPASUGHARNAMYE.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  The levels and paths will be simultaneously perfected,

  While [externally] the natural sound of reality will resound.

  To sever the basis of views which indulge in mental activity,

  [There is the mantra]: DHARMAPATISAGHULI.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  Digressions will be liberated, right where they occur,

  While [externally] white rays of light will appear.

  To cause the three buddha-bodies to manifest as the path,

  [There is the mantra]: RASMISAMAKHARGAD TSHE.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  The three buddha-bodies will arise as the path,

  While [externally] perceptions of light will appear.

  To cause the visionary appearances to genuinely arise,

  [There is the mantra]: RŪPASAMIMITALI.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  A simultaneous, naked liberation will occur,

  While [externally] winds and breezes will arise in the atmosphere.

  To terminate attachment to sound,

  [There is the mantra]: ṄATIBALAGILISA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  Liberation will occur in the inexpressible, ineffable state,

  While [externally] the number of rainbow lights that are seen will transcend recollection.

  To master the levels of exalted meditative concentration,

  [There is the mantra]: GHACCHAPAYAṂPA ETAṂ.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  The singular perfection of the levels and paths will be reached,

  While [externally] the number of rainbow lights that are seen will induce non-conceptuality.

  To extend buddha-activity to its limits,

  [There is the mantra]: KARMĀ EKANUSA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  Liberation will occur as essence, natural expression, and compassionate energy,10

  While [externally] manifold subtle relics will appear [following the cremation.]

  To avert expressed attachment to buddhahood,

  [There is the mantra]: SANTRIMAMAKARMĀTA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  The three buddha-bodies will be liberated in the space of primordial purity,

  While [externally] a clear sky and shimmering rainbow will appear.

  To discover the abodes of the Conquerors and their children,

  [There is the mantra]: ṄALAKHEPAKILISA.

  [When it is worn at the time of death]

  It will liberate all beings who wear it and are touched by its breath,11

  While [externally] rainbows and subtle relics will multiply.

  How wonderful!

  Since the unified enlightened intention of non-dual Samantabhadra and Samantabhadrῑ12 is naturally present,

  Each [of these individual mantras] has the capacity to confer liberation.

  Thus they are [known as] the twenty-five seminal points, or mantra lines,

  In which reality naturally resonates and naturally arises.



  How wonderful!

  Then the male and female consorts [Samantabhadra and Samantabhadrῑ], having entered into non-dual union,

  Emit multiple male and female emanations,

  From which arises the maṇḍala of the hundred enlightened families of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities.13

  Within the naturally arising diffusive expanse of the enlightened inten
tion of the Forty-two Peaceful Deities,

  Like the sun emerging from the clouds,

  This naturally arising enlightened intention then manifests as follows,

  Within the field of experience of fortunate beings:

  OṂ ĀḤ HŪṂ BODHICITTA MAHĀSUKHA JÑĀNADHĀTU ĀḤ is the unified enlightened intention of the Forty-two Peaceful Deities.

  Thus14 the mass of conceptual thoughts will be liberated in primordial purity,

  As an expanse of supreme pristine cognition,

  While [externally] the indestructible sound of these sixteen syllables

  And inestimable rainbow lights and relics will appear.

  How wonderful!

  Then the individual enlightened intentions of the Forty-two Peaceful Deities naturally arise:


  The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis15 arise

  In the form of these seed-syllables of the five male buddhas of the enlightened families.

  Thus, the five psycho-physical aggregates will be naturally liberated,

  And they will arise as the five pristine cognitions,

  While [externally] five kinds of bone relic will appear [following the cremation].


  The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise

  In the form of these seed-syllables of the five female buddhas of the enlightened families.

  Thus, the five elements will be naturally liberated,

  And they will arise inseparably from the five female buddhas,

  While [externally] five-coloured rainbows will appear.

  OṂ JINAJIK is the enlightened intention of Vairocana.

  Thus the aggregate of form will be liberated in the pristine cognition of reality’s expanse,

  While [externally] white rainbow lights will shine,

  And five-coloured pañcaraṃ relics, indicating attainment of the five buddha-bodies,

  Will be retrieved from the heart [following cremation],

  For which reason these are known as the ‘supreme bone relics of the Tathāgata family’.

  HŪṂ VAJRADHṚK is the enlightened intention of Vajrasattva.

  Thus the aggregate of consciousness will be liberated in the mirror-like pristine cognition,

  While [externally] blue rainbow lights will shine,

  And blue-coloured churiraṃ relics, indicating an increase in enlightened attributes,

  Will be retrieved from the blood [following cremation],

  For which reason these are known as the ‘supreme bone relics of the Vajra family’.

  SVĀ RATNADHṚK is the enlightened intention of Ratnasambhava.

  Thus the aggregate of feeling will be liberated in the pristine cognition of sameness,

  While [externally] yellow rainbow lights will shine,

  And yellow-coloured seriraṃ relics, indicating the fulfilment of all wishes,

  Will be retrieved from the serous fluid [following cremation],

  For which reason these are known as the ‘supreme bone relics of the Ratna family’.

  ĀṂ ĀROLIK is the enlightened intention of Amitābha.

  Thus the aggregate of perception will be liberated in the pristine cognition of discernment,

  While [externally] red rainbow lights will shine,

  And red-coloured śarῑraṃ relics, indicating attainment of the unborn reality,

  Will be retrieved from the flesh [following cremation],

  For which reason these are known as the ‘supreme bone relics of the Padma family’.

  HĀ PRAJÑĀDHṚK is the enlightened intention of Amoghasiddhi.

  Thus the aggregate of motivational tendencies will be liberated in the pristine cognition of accomplishment,

  While [externally] green rainbow lights will shine,

  And green-coloured nyariraṃ relics, indicating the attainment of the emanational body,

  Will be retrieved from the marrow [following cremation],

  For which reason these are known as the ‘supreme bone relics of the Karma family’.

  MŪṂ DHĀTVĪŚVARĪ is the enlightened intention of [Ākāśa]dhātvῑśvarῑ.

  Thus the appearances of the space [element] will be naturally liberated,

  While [externally] piercing white16 rainbow lights will shine in the sky.

  LĀṂ DVEṢARATI is the enlightened intention of Buddhalocanā.

  Thus the earth element will be naturally liberated,

  While [externally] piercing yellow rainbow lights will shine in the sky.

  MĀṂ MOHARATI is the enlightened intention of Māmakῑ.

  Thus the water element will be naturally liberated,

  While [externally] piercing blue rainbow lights will shine in the sky.

  PĀṂ RĀGARATI is the enlightened intention of Pāṇḍaravāsinῑ.

  Thus the fire element will be naturally liberated,

  While [externally] piercing red rainbow lights will shine in the sky.

  TĀṂ VAJRARATI is the enlightened intention of Samayatārā.

  Thus the wind element will be naturally liberated,

  While [externally] piercing green rainbow lights will shine in the sky.


  The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise

  In the form of these seed-syllables of the Eight Male Bodhisattvas.

  Thus the eight classes of consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from the eight male bodhisattvas,

  While [externally] many subtle relics will appear [following the cremation].

  KṢIṂ HI RĀJĀYA SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha].

  Thus visual consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Kṣitigarbha.

  MAI DHARAṆĪ SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Maitreya].

  Thus auditory consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Maitreya.

  HŪṂ SARĀJĀYA SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Samantabhadra].

  Thus olfactory consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Samantabhadra.

  TRĀṂ Ā GARBHAYAḤ SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Akāśagarbha].

  Thus gustatory consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Akāśagarbha.

  HRĪḤ HA HŪṂ PADMĀBHATAMAḤ SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara].

  Thus tactile consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Avalokiteśvara.

  MŪṂ ŚRĪ ĀṂ RĀGĀYA SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Mañjuśrῑ].17

  Thus mental consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Mañjuśrῑ.

  THLĪṂ NISĀRAMBHĀYA SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Nivāraṇaviṣkambhin].

  Thus the ground-of-all consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Nivāraṇaviṣkambhin.

  JIṂ KURUPĀṆI HRĪḤ SVĀHĀ [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Vajrapāṇi].

  Thus the dissonant consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Vajrapāṇi.

  Through these enlightened intentions of the Eight Male Bodhisattvas

  The eight classes of consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  And diverse, shimmering rainbow lights will appear.18


  The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise

  In the fo
rm of these seed-syllables of the Eight Female Bodhisattvas.

  Thus mental constructs associated with the eight objects of consciousness will be naturally liberated,

  [And arise inseparably from the eight female bodhisattvas],

  While [externally], a shower of flowers will fall.

  HŪṂ LĀSYE SAMAYAS TVAṂ [is the enlightened intention of Lāsyā].

  Thus mental constructs associated with physical form will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Lāsyā.

  HŪṂ PUṢPE ĀVEŚĀ [is the enlightened intention of Puṣpā].

  Thus mental constructs associated with past events will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Puṣpā.

  TRĀṂ MĀLYE SAMAYA HOḤ [is the enlightened intention of Mālyā].

  Thus mental constructs associated with apparent phenomena will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Mālyā.

  JAḤ DHŪPE PRAVEŚAYAS TVAṂ [is the enlightened intention of Dhūpā].

  Thus mental constructs associated with objects of smell will be naturally liberated,

  And arise inseparably from Dhūpā.

  HRĪḤ GĪTI RĀGO’HAṂ [is the enlightened intention of Gῑtā].


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