At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA

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At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA Page 55

by George Tenet;Bill Harlow


  Arlington National Cemetery


  Armitage, Richard

  Army, U.S., National Ground Intelligence Center of

  Ashcroft, John

  Associated Press

  Atef, Mohammed

  Atta, Mohammed

  Attash, Khallad bin

  Aum Shinrikyo


  Ayalon, Ami

  Azdi, Abu Bakr al

  Aznar, José Maria

  Azzawi, Rihab Taha al

  B., Rich

  al-Qa’ida intelligence meeting and

  Ba’ath Party

  Badr Corps


  Chemical Souk in

  Green Zone in

  Baghdad International Airport


  Bakr, Abu

  Bali, 257


  terrorists in

  Baluchistan, Pakistan

  Bamiyan, Afghanistan

  Bandar, Prince of Saudi Arabia


  Barak, Ehud

  Barry (ombudsman)

  Bartlett, Dan


  Battikhi, Samih

  Bayazid, Muhammed

  Beghal, Djamel



  Bennett, Lansing

  Berger, Samuel “Sandy”

  Bethany Beach, Del.

  Bettman, Gary

  bin Ladin, Shafiq

  bin Ladin, Usama

  in Afghan-Soviet war

  assassination considered for

  background of

  businesses opened in Sudan by

  CIA operations against

  “Declaration of War” of

  as defender of Islam

  early terrorist funding by

  election-time attack contemplated by

  European terrorist operations planned by

  fatwas by

  Hussein’s differences with

  Hussein’s relationship with

  indictments of

  infrastructure of

  in intelligence summaries

  Iran and

  Jordan attack planned by

  Khattab and

  McLaughlin’s proposed threat against

  Mahmood’s meeting with

  MBC interview with

  millennium attacks planned by

  Mousa and

  Moussaoui and

  New York trial of

  9/11 attacks and

  1998 attacks on

  Peshawar guest house funded by

  proposed actions against

  reconnaissance video of

  rumors of CIA contact with

  Saudi Arabian attacks desired by

  Saudi citizenship stripped from

  in Sudan

  surface to air missiles bought by

  Taliban sheltering of

  in Tenet’s letters to Clinton

  threats by

  in Tora Bora

  UTN and

  wives of

  worldwide presence of

  see also al-Qa’ida

  “Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in the US”

  “Bin Ladin issue station,” see Alec Station

  “Bin Ladin Preparing to Hijack US Aircraft and Other Attacks”

  biological weapons

  in Iraq

  Kay on

  Saddam Hussein and

  Black, Cofer

  at al-Qa’ida intelligence meeting

  on day of 9/11 attacks

  on war on terror plans

  Black Collegian, The

  Blackwill, Robert

  Blair, Tony

  Blue Sky paper

  Boes, Helge

  Bojinka terrorist plot


  Bolton, John

  Bonk, Ben

  Boren, David

  Boren, Molly


  Bowers, Charity

  Bowers, James

  Bowers, Veronica


  Bremer, L. Paul “Jerry”

  on CIA Aardvark reports

  de-Ba’athification order of

  Feith and

  Iraqi army disbanded by

  on Iraqi insurgency

  Medal of Freedom awarded to

  at November, 2003 White House meeting

  Sunni outreach opposed by

  Brennan, John O.

  Brokaw, Tom

  Buddha, Bamiyan statues of

  Buffalo, New York

  Burns, William

  Bush, Barbara

  Bush, George H. W.

  CIA headquarters renamed for

  Bush, George W.

  Afghan War and

  al-Hawali’s open letter to

  at Camp David war on terror briefing

  at CIA headquarters

  Cincinnati speech of

  Cohen’s Iraq briefing to

  concerns about Chalabi of

  on day of 9/11 attacks

  DCI position downgraded by

  Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board

  intelligence briefings given to

  on Iraq’s WMD

  and Kay’s WMD report

  Libyan WMD and

  on McLaughlin’s briefing

  Medals of Freedom awarded by

  “Mission Accomplished” speech of

  National Security Team of

  at November, 2003 White House meeting

  NSA surveillance program authorized by

  NSPD 24 signed by

  “Proliferation Security Initiative”

  Bush, George W. (cont.)

  Rolf’s meeting with

  State of the Union (2002)

  at Tenet’s briefing on al-Qa’ida and WMD

  Tenet’s meetings with

  Tenet’s resignation tendered to

  Tenet’s similarities to

  2002 State of the Union Speech of

  2003 State of the Union speech of

  2004 State of the Union speech of

  war on terror address of

  and WMD hunt

  Bush, Laura, on day of 9/11 attacks

  Bush administration

  African uranium claims and

  agenda of

  CIA’s relationship with

  Iraq focus of

  in Middle East peace process

  and 9/11 Commission

  Pakistan policy of

  Palestinian elections desired by

  and postwar Iraq government

  Tenet’s relationship with

  Zubaydah’s capture and

  Bush Doctrine

  Bush at War (Woodward)


  Calder, Dick

  Cambone, Stephen

  Campbell, John “Soup”

  Camp David

  Camp David summit


  Algerian terrorist cell in

  al-Qa’ida operatives arrested in

  “Can Iraq Ever Become a Democracy?”

  Capitol, U.S.

  rumor of 9/11 attack on

  Card, Andy

  Tenet and

  Carey, Dave

  Carlyle Group

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carter administration

  “Case Closed”

  “case officers”


  CBS Evening News

  Central Command (CENTCOM)

  ISG and

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Aardwolf reports of

  Accountability Board of

  in Afghan war

  Afghan warlords and

  Afghan war plan of

  African American employees of

  African uranium claims and

  afternoon meetings of

  al-Assaf and

  Alec Station of

  “all-source analysis” of

  al-Qa’ida cell in

  al-Qa’ida penetrated by

; al-Qa’ida’s anthrax networks disrupted by

  al-Qa’ida and WMD investigated by

  analysis functions at

  and Atta-in-Prague story

  Attash investigated by

  attrition rate at

  briefers of

  as “burning platform”

  Bush administration’s relationship with

  Bush Doctrine and

  Career Training Program of

  “case officers” of

  casualties of

  Chalabi and

  Cheney’s interest in and

  Chinese embassy bombing and

  clandestine services of

  clandestine training facility of

  compensation system at

  Congressional oversight and

  Counterproliferation Division (CPD) of

  Counterterrorism Operations Course of

  Curve Ball and

  as “data-free” zone

  DCI’s role in

  de-Ba’athification and

  Defense Department and

  Deputies Committee of

  Directorate of Intelligence of

  Directorate of Operations of

  and disbanding of Iraqi army

  diversity at

  effect of 9/11 on employees of

  episodic leadership of

  European Division of

  FBI’s relationship with

  Feith on

  field officers of

  funding losses of

  General Counsel’s Office of

  Global Response Center (GRC) of

  GWB at

  Haq and

  Hazmi investigated by

  headquarters of

  and hunt for WMD

  initial Afghan incursion by

  inspector general’s report on

  Intelligence Directorate of

  internal weaknesses of

  interrogation techniques of

  Iran and

  and Iraq–al-Qa’ida connection

  Iraq Operations Group (IOG)

  Iraq regime change and

  on Iraq’s desire for aluminum tubes

  on Iraq’s support for terrorism

  Iraq’s WMD and

  Iraq War and

  in Israeli-Palestinian peace process

  JFK on

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (cont.)

  Karzai supported by

  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed hunted by

  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed interrogated by

  Khan’s network investigated by

  Kuala Lumpur terrorist meeting and

  lack of strategy for

  Lake’s nomination as director of

  Ledeen and

  Libya’s WMD program and

  Mihdhar investigated by

  morale at

  Moussaoui investigated by

  Newsweek criticism of

  NIEs and

  Northern Alliance Liaison Teams (NALT) of

  Office of Public Affairs of

  Operation Center of

  operations against UBL by

  organizational problems of

  and Pakistan problem

  paramilitary teams of

  and plan to capture UBL

  politicization of

  post-9/11 actions of

  post-9/11 criticisms of

  postwar Iraq and

  Predator drone used by

  “prize money” paid by

  “professional liability” insurance bought by officials of

  proposed actions against UBL of

  PR strategy of

  recruiting at

  “Red Cell” in

  renaming of headquarters of

  resources lacked by

  response to millennium attacks by UBL of

  satellite collection capability of

  science and technology at

  Science and Technology Directorate of

  and “slam dunk” case for WMD

  at “small group” meeting

  sources for

  “Strategic Direction” document of

  Sunni outreach programs of

  Taliban contacted by

  Tenet’s leadership team for

  Tenet’s reforms of


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