At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA

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At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA Page 58

by George Tenet;Bill Harlow

  Office of the Vice President, and postwar Iraq

  Offutt Air Force Base

  oil, in Iraq

  Oil-for-Food program

  Oklahoma, University of

  Old Angler’s Inn

  Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)

  Omar, Mullah

  Mahmood’s meeting with

  O’Neill, John

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert

  Oruzgan province

  Osmani, Mullah

  Ottoman Empire

  Padilla, José


  Afghanistan border of

  al-Qa’ida operatives captured in

  al-Qa’ida operatives in

  al-Qa’ida safehouses in

  Atomic Energy Commission

  CIA in

  in fight against terrorism

  Iran border of

  ISI agency of

  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed captured by

  1999 coup in

  North Waziristan province of

  nuclear tests of

  Pakistan (cont.)

  South Waziristan province of

  Taliban aided by

  Tenet’s trip to

  in U.S. war plans

  Zubaydah’s capture in

  Pakistani Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology

  Palestinian Authority

  security services of

  Palestinian General Intelligence Service


  Pan Am

  Panjshir Valley



  2004 meeting in

  terror threat in


  Pavitt, James


  “peace dividend”

  Peacemakers summit

  Pearl, Daniel

  Penkovsky, Oleg


  9/11 attack on

  Peres, Shimon

  “Perfect Storm, The: Planning for Negative Consequences of Invading Iraq”

  Perle, Richard


  Peshawar, UBL funded guest house in

  Petraeus, Peter

  PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine)


  Phoenix memo

  Pickard, Tom

  Pillar, Paul

  Pincus, Walter

  Pirro, George

  “Plan, The”

  Plan of Attack (Woodward)

  Podesta, John

  Pollard, Jonathan

  Popalzai tribe

  “Pope” (head of Iraqi religious sect)

  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)

  Port Angeles, Washington

  Potomac River

  Powell, Colin L.

  on day of 9/11 attacks

  Libya and

  on postwar Iraq

  “smart sanctions” recommended by

  UN authorization desired by

  UN speech of

  Powers, Gary

  Prague, Atta in

  Praha Restaurant

  Predator drone

  Presidential Daily Briefs (PDBs)

  Principals Committee

  Project Bojinka

  “Project for the New American Century, The”

  “Proliferation Security Initiative”


  Putin, Vladimir

  Qala-i-Jangi fortress



  R., Phil

  Rabi’a, Hamza

  Rabin, Yitzhak

  Rajoub, Jabril

  Ralston, Joe



  Rangers, U.S.

  Rania, Queen of Jordan

  Reagan, Ronald

  Red Cross

  Reid, Richard

  Reno, Janet

  “reports officers”

  Republican Guard, Iraqi

  Ressam, Ahmad

  Restore Hope, Operation


  Rhode, Harold

  Rice, Condoleezza

  African uranium claims and

  at al-Qa’ida intelligence meeting

  CIA briefing of

  on day of 9/11 attacks

  Dearlove’s meeting with

  on de-Ba’athification program

  Iraq and

  on Iraq War

  Ledeen and

  Powell’s UN speech and

  at Principals Committee

  Rolf’s meeting with

  Sunni outreach and

  at Tenet’s briefing on al-Qa’ida and WMD

  Tenet’s meetings with

  Richer, Rob

  Ridge, Tom


  bombings in

  Roberts, Pat

  Rockefeller, Jay

  Romilly, George

  Rose, Charlie

  Rosini, Mark

  Ross, Dennis

  Rove, Karl

  Rowley, Coleen

  Rumsfeld, Donald H.

  on day of 9/11 attacks

  DIA paper circulated by

  and disbanding of Iraqi army

  at November, 2003 White House meeting

  Tenet’s meetings with

  Russack, John

  Russert, Tim


  in Afghanistan

  Chechnya terrorist attacks and

  CIA counterterrorist relationship with

  S., Charlie

  Sadat, Anwar

  Sagger anti-tank missiles

  Saleh, Ali Abdullah

  Samit, Harry

  Sanaa, Yemen

  Sanchez, Ricardo

  SAS Radisson hotel

  satellite reconnaissance photos

  Saturday Night Live

  Saud al-Faisal, Prince

  Saudi Arabia

  al-Qa’ida assassination plot in

  al-Qa’ida operatives captured or killed in

  al-Qa’ida operatives leaving

  al-Qa’ida’s negotiations to buy nuclear components in

  explosives smuggled into

  Gore’s visit to

  9/11 attacks and

  terror threats in

  UBL’s return to

  U.S. special relationship with

  Wahabism in

  see also Riyadh, bombings in

  Saving Private Ryan (film)

  Sawtooth City, Idaho

  Scheuer, Michael

  Schroen, Gary

  Schwartz, Jonathan


  Scowcroft, Brent

  Second Intifada

  Secret Service, U.S.

  Sembler, Melvin

  Senate, U.S.

  Armed Services Committee of

  Foreign Relations Committee of

  Oppenheimer’s testimony to

  Select Committee on Intelligence of

  Tenet’s testimony on UBL to

  Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)

  September 11, 2001, terrorists attacks of

  airline safety rules in wake of

  CIA warnings about

  intelligence budget in aftermath of

  as intelligence failure

  international condolences expressed for

  Iraq and

  Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in planning of

  opportunities to prevent

  planning of

  rumors concerning

  Saudi Arabia and

  Shaikot Valley

  Sha’ir, Abu Hazim al


  Shanksville, Pennsylvania

  Sharif, Nawaz

  Sharm el-Sheikh

  Sharon, Ariel

  Shawani, Mohammed Abdullah

  Shelby, Richard C.

  Shelton, Hugh, on day of 9/11 attacks

  Shelton, Tina

  Shia Arabs

  Shibh, Ramzi bin al-

  Shihata, Thirwat

  Shin Bet

  Shinseki, Rick

  Shomali Plains

/>   signals intelligence

  Silberman-Robb Commission

  Siltni, Fouad

  “sixteen words,” in 2003 State of the Union speech

  see also African uranium affair 60 Minutes

  Smiley Creek Lodge


  South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation program of

  South Korea

  Soviet Union

  in Afghanistan

  fall of


  Aznar government in

  terrorist plot disrupted in

  Spann, Johnny Michael

  Spann, Shannon

  Special Forces, Iraqi

  Special Forces, U.S.:

  in Afghan war

  in Iraq War

  Special Operations Command, U.S.

  Special Republican Guards (SRG)

  Special Security Organization

  Speisman, Bob

  State Department, U.S.

  African uranium claims and

  Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR)

  9/11 evacuation of

  postwar Iraq and

  stateless armies

  Statue of Liberty

  Stern, David

  Stevenson, Adlai

  Strategic Command, U.S.

  Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

  “Strategy for Eliminating the Threat from Jihadist Networks of al Qida: Status and Prospects,”

  Study of Revenge: Saddam Hussein’s Unfinished War Against America (Mylroie)


  terrorists in

  UBL in

  Suez Canal

  Sufaat, Yazid

  suicide bombings

  Sulayman, Umar


  Sunni Arabs

  CIA and

  extremists in

  as insurgents

  Sunni Triangle

  Sun Valley, Idaho

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  2000 elections and

  Suri, Abu Rida al-



  Tahir, B. S. A.



  Tajiks, in Afghanistan


  in Afghan War

  al-Qa’ida protected by

  Bamiyan statues destroyed by

  CIA contact with

  CIA’s operations against

  Karzai’s father assassinated by

  Khandahar Corps of

  McLaughlin’s proposed threat against

  Pakistan and

  in Qala-i-Jangi fortress

  technological penetration of

  U.S. airstrikes against

  U.S. war plans against

  WMD and


  Tarin Kowt

  Tarnak Farms

  Temple Mount

  Tenet, Bill

  Tenet, Evangelia

  Tenet, George

  as acting, DCI

  and African uranium claims

  Allawi’s meeting with

  Boren’s breakfast with

  briefing on al-Qa’ida and WMD by

  Bush administration’s relationship with

  Bush, George W. and

  Bush’s meetings with

  Bush’s similarities to

  at Camp David peace summit

  at Camp David war on terror briefing

  Card and

  Cheney and

  Church of the Nativity standoff and

  Clinton and

  congressional testimony of

  at Crawford ranch

  on de-Ba’athification program

  as Deputy CIA Director

  foreign intelligence services meetings with

  Freeh’s relationship with

  Hanning’s meeting with

  horizontal management encouraged by

  house of

  increased funding sought by

  in Iraq

  on ISG mission

  and Israeli-Palestinian peace process

  Kay’s criticism of

  Lake’s meeting with

  leadership style of

  leadership team built by

  letters on terrorism to Clinton of

  London trip of

  “lucky seat” of

  on McLaughlin letter

  Medal of Freedom awarded to

  media impressions of

  meetings with Arafat of

  in meeting with Crown Prince Abdullah

  Middle East trip of

  Musharraf’s meetings with

  Naif’s meeting with

  9/11 Commission testimony of

  at 9/11 White House meetings

  nomination of

  at November, 2003 White House meeting

  overseas meetings of

  overseas trips by

  Pakistan trip of

  post-9/11 emotions of

  presidential briefing of

  reform of CIA by

  resignation contemplated by

  resignation tendered by

  Rice’s meetings with

  Rumsfeld’s meetings with

  security detail of

  as Senate staffer

  Senate testimony of

  “slam dunk” remark of

  Sun Valley speaking engagement of

  vacations of

  views on Iraq’s WMD pursuit

  “We’re at War” memo of

  and WMD hunt

  workday of

  see also Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Tenet, John (father)

  Tenet, John Michael (son)

  Tenet Security Work Plan


  in Chechnya

  intelligence summaries on; see also threat matrix

  Iran and

  Iraq and

  NSA intelligence on


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