Read My Heart
Page 54
on climate of England 307
criticisms of 316
and peace with the Dutch 319, 332
lack of legitimate heir 327
character of 331, 343
agrees to marriage between Mary and William of Orange 335
attempt to set up Privy Council 348–9
death of 363
Cheke, Elizabeth 139–40
Cheke, Sir John 19 and note
Chesterfield, Earl of 238
Chesterfield, Lady see Butler, Elizabeth, Lady Chesterfield
Chevreuse, Duc de 332
Chicksands Priory (Bedfordshire) 2, 19, 20, 26, 27 and note, 31, 34, 41, 78, 82, 88, 92, 98, 102, 104, 106, 107, 112, 114–15, 138, 140, 144, 151, 156, 158, 164, 166–7, 170, 306, 416
civil wars xxi–xxii, 1–3, 6, 25, 37–8, 40–6, 49, 63, 68, 78, 81–2, 118, 135, 154–5, 194–5
Clare Hall (Cambridge) 65
Clarendon, 1st Earl of see Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon
Clifford, Thomas, 1st Baron Clifford 281 and note
Condé, Prince of see Louis II de Bourbon, 4th Prince of Condé Confucius 161
Cooke, Sir Anthony 31
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury 359 and note
Cooper, Samuel 106 and note
Coote, Sir Charles, 1st Earl of Mountrath 231
Cork, 1st Earl of see Broghill, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork
Corneille, Pierre, La Mort de Pompée 214 and note
Cosimo II de’Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany 341 and note
Courtenay, Peregrine xix
Coventry, Henry 330, 340
Cowley, Abraham 110 and note, 396–7
Davideis 110–11
Cromwell, Betty 223
Cromwell, Bridget 202n
Cromwell, Dorothy 223
Cromwell, Elizabeth 156, 212, 223
Cromwell, Henry 100 and note, 123, 212–13, 223, 224, 225
Cromwell, Oliver 39, 50, 68, 81, 82, 100, 118, 120, 122–3, 125, 131, 144, 153–4, 155–6, 195, 199, 201–3, 222–4
Cromwell, Oliver (grandson of Oliver Cromwell) 212
Cromwell, Richard 223 and note, 224
Crowne, John 333 and note
Cudworth, Ralph 64–5 and note, 66
A Discourse concerning the true Notion of the Lord’s Supper 65
True Intellectual System of the Universe 66
Danby, 1st Earl of see Osborne, Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Danby, 1st Marquis of Carmarthen
Danby, Lady 321
Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia 384
Danvers, Sir Charles (DO’s uncle) 22–3, 24n
Danvers, Dorothy see Osborne, Lady Dorothy (DO’s mother)
Danvers, Lady Elizabeth (DO’s maternal grandmother) 21 and note, 22, 23, 26
Danvers, Sir Henry, Earl of Danby (DO’s uncle) 3, 20, 22, 23–4 and note
Danvers, Sir John (DO’s maternal grandfather) 21, 23
Danvers, Sir John (DO’s maternal uncle) 24–6 and notes, 70, 82, 186n
Danvers, Katherine see Gargrave, Lady Katherine (DO’s aunt)
Danvers, Magdalen (DO’s aunt by marriage) 25 and note
Davenant, Sir William 177n
Denny, Sir Edmund 134
Derby, Countess of 41
Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex 48 and note
d’Ewes, Lady Anne 30
Dhona, Count Christopher Delphicus von 277 and note
Dineley, Thomas 204
Dingley, Sir John 7
Dingley, Rebecca 404
Dixwell, Sir Basil 414
Donne, John 185n, 186 and note
Dortmund 252–3
Douglas, Captain 271–2
Dover, Treaty of (1670) 295, 314, 354
Downing, Sir George 274 and note
Drogheda (Ireland) 201
Dublin 199, 200, 204, 211, 212, 213, 225, 322, 391
Dublin Castle 225
Dudley, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester 189n
Dungeness 122
Dunottar Castle (Aberdeenshire) 118
Düsseldorf 255 and note
Dutch East India Company 272 and note, 274, 297, 306, 311–12
Easton Maudit (Northamptonshire) 170–1
Edward VI 19
Elizabeth, Countess of Essex 218 and note, 352, 386
Elizabeth I 22, 23, 29, 31, 48, 189n
Emmanuel College (Cambridge) 64–5, 67, 69, 163
‘Epistles of Phalaris’ 403 and note
Erbury, William 127 and note
Essex Plot 22n, 23
Evelyn, John 46, 121–2 and note, 155, 180, 223–5, 246, 262, 264–5 and note, 270, 291, 292n, 300, 301 and note, 310, 315, 364
A Character of England 127
Eyles, Sir John 184n
Fanshawe, Lady Anne 32 and note, 209–10, 230
Fanshawe, Sir Richard 32n, 209–10
Fell, Dr John, Bishop of Oxford 53, 59, 229 and note
Fifth Monarchists 154 and note
Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchilsea 85 and note, 87
Fleetwood, Charles 202–3 and note, 212
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de 402 and note
Digression sur les anciens et les modernes 402
Franklin, Elizabeth 182, 306
Franklin, Sir Richard 114 and note, 140, 182, 306
Fysshe, Humphrey 165 and note
Galway 118
Gargrave, Lady Katherine (DO’s aunt) 22, 44, 95, 97, 144, 170
Gargrave, Sir Richard 26
Gerbillon, Jean-François 312 and note
Ghent, Baron Wilhelm Joseph van 302 and note
Gibson, Mr 142–3 and note
Giffard, Lady see Temple, Martha (WT’s sister)
Giffard, Sir Thomas 234
Gilbert, William 108n
Gilbertine Order 27 and note
Giorgione 291
Glorious Revolution 32n, 377, 379–80, 405n
Godolphin, Sir William 256 and note, 320
Goldsmith, Mrs 165
Gramont, Armand de, Comte de Guiche 367 and note
Grand Tour 69, 70–1
Gray, Thomas xx
Grenville, Sir Bevil 176
Grenville, Joanna 176
Grey de Ruthin, Lady 170–1
Guernsey 2–3, 20, 24, 28–9, 38–40
Castle Cornet 3, 21, 28, 29, 40–6, 226, 238
Gwyn, Eleanor ‘Nell’ 300 and note, 354
The Hague 274–5, 276, 279, 283, 286–8, 290, 298, 300, 306, 319, 322, 326, 338, 340, 364
Halifax, Lord 190–1, 280, 342
Halkett, Lady Anne 5 and note, 33, 84, 110, 172
Halley, Edmund 360–1 and notes
Hamilton, General 381–2
Hammond, Elizabeth 194, 195
Hammond, Dr Henry (WT’s uncle) 68, 160, 192, 306
character and looks 51–3, 56
takes over education of WT 52, 55, 56, 57–8, 59–60, 62
as successful parish priest 53
A Practical Catechism 55
love of music 60
and convocation of divines 62
death of 62, 227–9
as personal chaplain to Charles I 62
Hammond, John (WT’s maternal grandfather) 51
Hammond, John (WT’s maternal great grandfather) 51
Hammond, Mary (wife of Robert Hammond) 194
Hammond, Mary (WT’s maternal grandmother) 53, 55
Hammond, Mary (WT’s mother) see Temple, Lady Mary
Hammond, Colonel Robert (WT’s cousin) 7 and note, 9, 51, 194
Hammond, Thomas (WT’s uncle) 51
Harington, Lucy, Countess of Bedford 184–5 and note, 186 and note
Hartland 37
Havilland, de, commissioner of Guernsey 40
Hawnes 20
Henri IV 22
Henrietta Maria, Queen 32n, 37, 45, 81
Henriette-Anne, Duchess of Orléans ‘Madame’ 295, 324
Henry II 27
Henry VIII 19, 27
Herbert, George 25 and note, 186n
Herbert, Magdalen see Danvers, Magdalen (DO’s aunt by marrige)
Herbert, Richard 25
Herm 9–10, 157
Hoeft, burgomaster 293 and note
Holbein, Hans 256 and note, 291
Hollingsworth, Mr 137
Honslaerdyke 327
Horace 248–9, 347
Hoskins, John 106 and note
Howard, Thomas 110
Hutchinson, Colonel John 78, 154 and note
Hutchinson, Lucy 78, 86, 154, 155, 223, 225
Huygens, Christian 356 and note
Huygens de Zulichem, Constantijn 356 and note
Huygens the elder, Sir Constantijn 356 and note
Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon 128 and note, 155–6, 234, 239, 240, 257
History of the Great Rebellion 234
Hyde, Laurence, 4th Earl of Rochester 72 and note, 193
Immortal Seven 377
Ireton, Henry 202 and note, 212
Irish rebellions 63, 82, 132, 198–204, 382 and note
Isham, Sir Justinian 95–6, 115
Isle of Wight 26, 51, 77, 194, 314
Carisbrooke Castle 6, 7, 62, 78
James I 19, 23, 25, 51, 250
James II (James, Duke of York) 238, 266, 327, 328, 333, 336, 341, 344, 358, 367, 368–9, 376–7, 379–80, 388
Jeffreys, Judge George 359 and note, 379
Jenkins, Sir Leoline 302 and note, 329
Jersey 38, 39, 41, 43–4, 45
Johnson, Esther 402
Johnson, Samuel xxi
Jonson, Ben 185n
Kent, William 312 and note, 313
Kentish Knock, Battle of (1652) 122
Kepler, Johann 360
Kéroualle, Louise de, Duchess of Portsmouth 300 and note
Killigrew, Thomas 177n
Knowlton Court (Kent) 174, 175–6, 177, 178
Lamb, Charles xxi
Lamport Hall 96
Lansdown, Battle of (1643) 176
Latham House (Lancashire) 41
Lawrence, Richard 199
Leeds, 1st Duke of see Osborne, Sir Thomas, 1st Earl of Danby, 1st Marquis of Carmarthen
Leicester, 1st Earl of see Dudley, Robert, 1st Earl of Leicester
Leicester, 2nd Earl of see Sidney, Robert, 2nd Earl of Leicester
Leicester, 3rd Earl of see Sidney, Philip, 3rd Earl of Leicester
Leicester family 189–90
Leigh, Lord 97
Leigh, Thomas (headmaster) 60–1
Lely, Sir Peter 144 and note
Leonardo da Vinci 291
Leopold, Emperor 248 and note
Leopold Wilhelm of Austria, Archduke 7 and note, 79
Les Iles de la Manche (Channel Islands) 9
Levellers 155 and note
Libertins 67, 80
Lilburne, John 155n
Lilly, William 119–21 and notes, 122
Lisle, Lord see Sidney, Philip, 3rd Earl of Leicester
Lisola, Holy Roman Empire ambassador 269, 283, 290
Great Fire xxii, 121 and note, 226n, 263–7, 270, 278, 339, 364
Great Plague xxii, 226n, 242–3, 245–7 and notes, 258, 260–1, 364
Chelsea 22, 24–5 and notes, 82
Chelsea Physic Garden 25
Goat Tavern (Covent Garden) 130 and note
Spring Garden 172
Honnybuns (Drury Lane) 178
St Giles in the Field 182
lodgings in St Martin’s Lane 214
St Paul’s 265, 266–7 and note
Greenwich hospital 292n
Royal Hospital Chelsea 292n
Pall Mall 346, 354 and note, 363, 413
Frost Fair (1684/5) 361–3
Westminster Abbey 397, 408
Long, Henry 23
Longleat (Wiltshire) 188
Louis II de Bourbon, 4th Prince of Condé 323 and note
Louis XIV 79 and note, 81, 269, 274, 275, 281, 287, 292n, 295, 312, 319, 335, 339, 358
Lovelace, Richard 86 and note
Lucas, Margaret see Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Lyttelton, Sir Charles 301 and note
Maastricht 288
Macaulay, Thomas Babington xix, 88, 345, 346, 406
Magdalene College (Oxford) 52
Maidston, John 156
Marriott, Richard 215
Mary of Modena 327, 334, 377
Mary, Princess (Mary II) 289n, 380, 395–6
and marriage to William of Orange 323–4, 327, 328–9, 333–7
character of 333, 336, 337
friendship with Dorothy 337
Mary Queen of Scots 80, 81, 333, 336–7
Mary Tudor 19, 29, 47
Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Nassau-Siegen 376 and note
Maw, Nicholas xxi
Mazarin, Cardinal 79 and notes
Meerman, John 275 and note
Merlin (royal yacht) 301–2
Milton, John 19n, 212
Molle, Henry 129 and note
Monck, George, 1st Duke of Albemarle 118, 226 and note, 227, 262
Monmouth, Duke of 184n, 359, 363–4, 376–7, 379
Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich 256, 315 and note
Montaigne, Michel de 80 and note, 130–1, 162
Apologie de Raimond Sebond 67
Essays 197–8
Moor Park (Farnham) 369–73, 385, 387, 391, 394n, 399, 402, 404, 408, 413, 414–15
Moor Park (Hertfordshire) 114, 140, 182, 184–6, 194, 306, 310, 311
More, Sir Thomas 19, 24n
Mothe le Vayer, François de la 80
Mountrath, 1st Earl of see Coote, Sir Charles, 1st Earl of Mountrath
Moura Cortereal, Francisco de, 3rd Marquis of Castel-Rodrigo 250 and note, 255
Münster, Bishop of 243–5, 247, 251–4, 255, 317
Münster, Treaty of 243–4, 251–5, 257
Muralt, Béat Louis de 394n
Murray, Anne see Lady Anne Halkett
Murray, Ciaran 311n
Naseby, Battle of (1645) 37, 41, 68, 120
Netscher, Gaspar 291 and note
Neuburg, Philipp Wilhelm, Duke of 252 and note, 254–5
Nevill, Elizabeth see Danvers, Elizabeth (DO’s maternal grandmother)
Nevill, John, 4th Lord Latymer 21n
New Model Army 41, 64, 68, 78
New York 271 and note, 318, 320, 415
Newcastle, Duchess of see Cavendish, Margaret
Newmarket 333, 358
Nijmegen 329, 330
Nijmegen, Treaty of (1679) 338, 339–40
Oates, Titus 338 and note, 339
O’Brien, Lady 209
Ormonde, 12th Earl and 1st Duke of see Butler, James, 12th Earl and 1st Duke of Ormonde
Orrery, 1st Earl of see Boyle, Roger, Lord Broghill
Osborn, Sir Algernon, 7th baronet 416
Osborne, Charles (DO’s brother) 37, 41
Osborn, Sir Danvers, 3rd baronet 415
Osborne, Diana (WT and DO’s daughter) 243, 245, 258–9
Osborne, Dorothy
letters written by xvii–xxi, 6, 88–92, 94–7, 104–5, 134, 137, 145–6, 214, 215, 236–7, 385–6, 393, 397–9, 409
character of xix, 3–4, 12, 18, 31, 75, 87, 159–60, 164–5, 190
journey to France 2–6, 9
saves herself and brother Robin from imprisonment 8–9
meets and falls in love with William 9–13
enforced separation from William 11–14, 16–17
birth and childhood 18, 26, 28, 30
education of 31–3
religious and moral beliefs 33–4, 84, 85, 351–2, 353
pattern of her daily life 35–7
effect of civil war on 41–3, 45, 46
concern for her reputation 76, 84, 135, 158–9, 385
and filial duty 78, 141
return to Chicksands after the war 82–4
William’s courtship of 88–94, 116–17, 157
suitors for her hand 94–8, 99–102
, 106, 120, 163–4
health of 98–9, 129–30
and William’s request for a miniature of 105–6
strained relationship with her brother Henry 106–8, 111–13, 115, 116
on love and marriage 109–11, 134, 138, 139–40, 145, 146–7, 162, 177–8, 188–91, 197, 290
sense of familial and societal isolation 113–14
on fate 117
interest in politics 123–4
on civility and manners of the young 124
cares for ailing father 128–9, 132–3
anxieties and fears 147–52
reunions with William 147, 156–8
attempts to break off secret engagement 148–52
requests a gold ring from William 158 and note
Valentine’s game 165–6
forced to leave Chicksands 166–7, 170–1
peripatetic life 170–2, 174
enforced social life 171–2, 175–7, 178
marriage negotiations 173–4, 181
falls ill with smallpox 178–81
marriage to William 182–3
honeymoon 184–6
sues brother Henry for her inheritance 187–8
first pregnancy and birth 188, 193, 196 and note
in Ireland 199, 204–14, 217, 220–3
on personal contentment 206
deaths of children 217–19, 220, 238–9, 268, 269, 349–51
pregnancy and birth of eighth child 243, 245, 258–9
domestic life 257–8
pursues payments owing to William 263, 281–2, 286–7, 328
Dutch respect and affection for 288, 290
as art collector 290–1
forced to remain in The Hague 298, 300
return to Sheen 300–3
match – making mission 328–9
moves to Moor Park (Farnham) 369–73
anxiety at William’s illness 392–4
epistolary relationship with Queen Mary 395–6
death of 396–7, 398, 399–400
Osborne, Lady Dorothy (DO’s mother) 3, 20, 21, 22, 24, 29, 41–3, 44–6, 82–3, 95
Osborne, Dorothy (DO’s paternal grandmother) 26
Osborne, Elizabeth (DO’s sister) 26, 100
Osborn(e) family 2–3, 82, 415–16
lineage 18–26
home of 19, 20, 26–8, 34–6
effect of civil war on 37–8, 41–6
and sale of art collection 291 and note
and loss of ‘e’ from surname 415
Osborne, Francis (DO’s uncle) 19, 20, 31, 193
Advice to a Son 19, 69–73, 76, 139
Osborne, Henry (DO’s brother) 37, 41, 68, 149
attitude toward his sister’s marriage 97, 106, 107
concern for Dorothy’s mental health 98–9
relationship with Dorothy 106–8, 111–13, 115, 116, 133
possible homosexuality of 112–13 and note
as a bully 140
accompanies Dorothy to London 147
discovers William at Chicksands 158