Invitation to Passion: Open Invitation, Book 3

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Invitation to Passion: Open Invitation, Book 3 Page 4

by Jennifer Skully

  She squeezed his balls and felt his orgasm build against her throat. When the first wave of come filled her mouth, heat shot from deep inside her. With one last stroke across her clitoris, she came as hard as he did, flying off in an out of body experience where all that existed was the salt of his come in her mouth and the pulse of her pleasure sweeping through her limbs. Where the only person that existed for her was Jud.

  * * * * *

  Jud came to himself with his back against the bed and Stacy in his arms, wrapped around him, her skirt up around her hips and her naked ass screaming for his touch.

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then lifted her chin. “So, was that proper?” she asked, something he couldn’t quite gauge flickering in her gaze.

  “I don’t think I need to tell you. You already know.”

  “It was very proper.” The words were right, but she gave him a smile he didn’t believe.

  Then she eased away from him, stretching, her breasts rippling beneath her bodice. Straightening her dress, she turned and fluffed her hair in the mirror. She smoothed two fingers beneath her eyes, fixing the mascara that had smudged.

  “Look at that, my lipstick’s all mussed.”

  He pulled her back against him. Reeling her in with a kiss, he tasted her tongue, still piquant with his essence, sucked at her mouth, then finally licked along her lower lip.

  He rubbed a thumb over the lush jewel he’d just tasted. “Now it’s gone, and you don’t need to worry about fixing it.”

  Once more slipping from his grasp, she came to her hands and knees and arched like a cat. His cock leapt, and he wanted to take her in that position, with his balls slapping her ass and his cock reaching to her womb.

  She grabbed her panties and slipped into them, her movements unconsciously graceful and seductive in the aftermath of a powerful orgasm, yet somehow...detached. “You were right, Jud, I’m going to sleep like a baby. Thanks.” Even her words were uninvolved, something she’d give to any man.

  He wasn’t just any man. As his cock claimed her mouth, he’d claimed her. She just wasn’t ready to admit it yet.

  She flipped her skirt back into place. “My sincere apologies for doubting you.” She raised a brow. “Though I did touch myself. Wasn’t I supposed to come without touching?”

  “Not necessarily.” Jud rose, his pants undone, but his dick back in place. Instead of zipping, he shrugged out of the tux jacket and threw it on the nearby sofa.

  “You had your finger on your sweet little button,” he went on, “because you so enjoyed what you were doing to me, you had to touch yourself.” He paused a moment to let that sink in. “And we’re only just getting started.”

  “But”—she spread her hands—“we both had an orgasm. What more is there?”

  He smiled like the predator she made him. “A lot more.”

  She backed up. “It’s late. I need to get going.”

  He wasn’t about to let her brush him off like a pesky gnat. He was more than one of her club trysts. He took a step toward her, his hand out.

  “Jud.” It had the tone of a warning.

  He gave her own name back to her. “Stacy.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re supposed to call me Serena.”

  “In here, you’re Stacy. Whatever I do, I’ll do it to Stacy. Serena is just a figment of your imagination.”

  His gut tightened, and God help him, for a moment he wanted to beg. But begging wouldn’t gain him anything. He knew just how to get to her.

  “I’ve got another challenge for you.”

  She narrowed her eyes, but she didn’t head for the door. “What?”

  “Every time I give you a better orgasm than the one before, you give me another night.”

  “Hmm.” She tipped her head from one side to the other, her mind obviously working overtime on how she could possibly lose. Because she knew him well enough to figure out there was a catch. “That sounds reasonable. But...?”

  “But you don’t take anyone else in between.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You mean...” She trailed off as if the idea was too horrific to put into words.

  “We’ll be exclusive. Monogamous. Just the two of us. I won’t take another. And neither will you.”

  “If I consider exclusivity,” she said after a brief pause, “I’ll do it after you prove yourself, not before.”

  He pulled her close, took her mouth, sucked her tongue until she trembled. “I don’t share.” His fingers fisting lightly in her hair, he pulled her head back. “And after tonight, you’re not going to want to share either.”

  “You’re way too sure of yourself.”

  “And you’re dying to know if I can deliver the goods.”

  She swallowed. Her lips glistened with the moisture he’d put there. Against him, her nipples were hard, needy beads.

  “Let me get this straight. As long as you give me the kind of orgasms I so clearly deserve, we’re exclusive. But if you fail to deliver, I’m free to find someone who will.”

  “That’s about it.”

  “Then I really can’t lose.”

  He let a corner of his mouth rise in an undeniably triumphant smile. “Deal, sweetheart?”

  She considered for half a heartbeat. “Deal.”

  Hooked. Neither of them was going to lose with this bet.

  Chapter Four

  She couldn’t lose, right? If he didn’t live up to his end of the bargain, it was adios. And really, how long could he keep it up? So to speak. The tediousness of being with one person would get to them both within...she gave it three sessions. Three sessions together, and he’d be as ready to call it quits as she was.

  But what did that mean for their friendship? She wasn’t sure. But most likely, that had been over the minute she took his cock in her mouth. No use crying over spilled milk, as her mother had been so fond of saying. She’d mourn the loss later.

  She raised an imperious brow and flicked her wrist. “You better get cracking. Because while that orgasm was exceptional, I gave it to myself.”

  Jud grinned. “You wouldn’t have had it if my cock wasn’t in your mouth.” She didn’t miss the slight emphasis on the pronoun. Since it was true, she didn’t bother to deny it.

  He removed his tie and cummerbund, tossing them on the sofa, then loosened the top buttons of his dress shirt. Dark hair sprang from the opening. She wanted to test its softness.

  “Your turn.”

  “I don’t have very much to take off.” She swept a hand down her cocktail dress. “Just panties and the dress.”

  “What about the shoes?” He pointed to her high heels.

  “Oh, I forgot about them.” She hadn’t been doing much thinking at all.

  “Do you know what it did to me looking down at you with my cock in your mouth and those shoes on your dainty feet?”

  “No.” But she wanted to hear.

  “It blew my mind to the point where I couldn’t think of anything else but having you swallow all of me. Over and over.”

  The deep timbre of his voice, the dark desire flashing in his eyes, and those words were nothing short of perfect. They left her speechless as he went on.

  “This is exactly where I want to be. Here. With you. Nowhere else. With no one else.”

  If he kept the monologue up, she’d be a puddle of mush at his feet.

  “Keep the high heels. Lose the panties and the dress.”

  The command made her heart beat faster. She didn’t like to be told what to do. She did the telling. Jud’s tone, however, with its edge of hunger, made her cream her thighs. She started with her thong, teasing him by revealing as little as possible when she reached for the waistband. Backing up, Jud watched with a long exhale as she tossed the flimsy garment.

  She undid the back zip of the dress, the straps sliding off her shoulders while she held the front in place. Watching her on her knees, he would have seen all of her right down the neckline, but playing the tease now gave her a thrill.

/>   He pointed. “Show me everything.”

  Dropping the dress, she kicked it aside and stood before him naked. An annoying question mark quivered in her belly.

  “You’re so beautiful you could make the sky weep.”

  She sucked in a breath. How did he know the perfect words to get her to do anything? “You’re all talk and no action.”

  He reached behind and lifted a glass from the round end table. Preoccupied with the room, she’d missed that he’d brought the champagne she’d left on the bar downstairs.

  After the few paces it took to reach her, he held the flute to her mouth. “Drink.”

  She sipped, then licked her lips, the champagne fizz going to her head. Holding her gaze, he raised the glass, taking from the very spot her mouth had rested. It was incredibly erotic, almost as if he were savoring her.

  “Another,” he murmured, “and don’t suck it off this time.”

  The sizzle once again filled her mouth. Jud wrapped his arm around her neck, pulling her close to lick the libation from her lips. The ruffles of his shirt tantalized her nipples. His erection rubbed her belly. Then he let her go.

  “Now that I’ve taken it from your mouth, I’ll taste it everywhere else, just to discover how uniquely different each sample is.”

  He was a master at seduction. Owning a sex club, she was sure he’d had a wealth of experience at it. She pushed the thought of his other encounters aside.

  “Talk, talk, talk,” she whispered.

  “You’re a hard, demanding woman.”

  She palmed his cock. “I’d say you’re the one who’s hard.”

  “Uh-uh-uh.” He shook his head and pulled her hand to the dusting of hair in the opening of his shirt. “Your turn.”

  “But it works both ways, right? That a man’s pleasure enhances a woman’s pleasure?”

  He rubbed noses with her, the caress as intimate as his kisses. “You get the idea, but I want you mindless before you force me to come again.”

  “Force you?”

  “Oh yeah. I won’t be able to stop myself. Neither will you. Spontaneous combustion, baby.” He turned her, patting her butt before he whisked back the covers on the bed. “Get ready to combust.”

  She climbed the riser, landing first on her hands and knees to give a teasing view of her bare behind. Flopping down on her back, she propped a pillow beneath her head, turning slightly to see the line of her body in the mirror. She bent her knees, planting the heels of her stilettos firmly in the mattress.

  Jud toed off his shoes, and otherwise still fully clothed, climbed up beside her, blocking any reflection. His first act was to drizzle champagne into the hollow of her throat, then lick it away before it dripped onto the bed, sucking her flesh into his mouth.

  He looked at her. “Everything will taste like peaches.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. You’ve got a lot more to taste.”

  He tipped the glass to splatter her nipple. The cool liquid sent a jolt through her and made her realize how hot her skin was, how rosy and flushed.

  “You have gorgeous, perfect breasts,” he whispered, the warmth of his breath in sharp contrast to the cool champagne.

  Then he did his best to clean her up, licking like a cat at a bowl of cream before he pulled her nipple into his mouth. He drew hard on her, almost to the point of pain, but so good her hips rose from the bed and moisture spilled through her body.

  “Still peaches,” he murmured against her breast.

  “Try the other one.”

  He did, with the same result. This time her hands skimmed down her sides to meet the sensual roll of her hips.

  He poured champagne into her belly button. She turned to the mirror to admire the sight of his dark head bent over her.

  As if he felt her movement, he reached up to tap her cheek. “Close your eyes and just feel.”

  “But the mirror enhances everything.”

  He lapped at her belly button, then rested his chin lightly on her abdomen. “The brain is the biggest sex organ. Close your eyes and imagine the sight.”

  She did as he requested. Behind her eyelids, she visualized his long fingers lightly stroking her thigh, his sensuous mouth caressing her stomach, his tongue dipping into the crease of her belly. The sensations heightened with her imagination, a dual effect. Her tension soared, and her hips rotated against the bed. Almost as if she could anticipate his next move, her legs parted moments before his hand strolled to her curls.

  The first touch on her pussy was electric, a shock rushing through that had her pushing up against his fingers. Then his hand was gone, though the tickle of his dress shirt still tantalized her skin as he shifted. Cold liquid hit her mound, then sizzled down her center, only moments later to be heated by the warmth of his tongue and his fingers parting her folds. He lapped, sucked, teased, and she shot out of herself, close to coming in a matter of seconds.

  He read her body’s reactions and whispered, “Not yet.” Then he blew gently on her hot flesh.

  She writhed against the touch, which wasn’t really a touch at all. “More,” she moaned. “Please don’t stop.” Her ears buzzed, her blood pressure climbing. She wanted to come, she needed it so badly, nothing else mattered.

  He rose up above her, the rasp of his clothing against her like an electric current traveling her skin. Glass chinked on the side table, then the drawer slid in its track.

  “Keep your eyes closed and roll onto your stomach.”

  She did, the bedclothes strumming her overheated skin. Without sight, her body’s awareness of him enhanced each touch, each whisper of sound. She was beyond trying to figure out what he was doing, she only wanted it, whatever it was he planned.

  With a few well-placed taps, he got her to rise to her knees and tucked a pillow beneath her belly. His fingers circled her clit, shooting her to the orgasmic plane once more, then he eased back to her rear.

  “Open up for me.”

  The heat of his body melted her from the inside out. She pushed her ass higher and spread her legs. Warm lube caressed her anus. He smoothed it forward, teasing her clitoris only to slip away once more. She contracted deep inside, her body almost coming on its own.

  Then he gave her the more she asked for. He entered her pussy with the thick head of a toy, gliding easily in all her moisture. Another rubbery head probed her rear entrance with a slow, gentle, inexorable penetration. Oh God. Yes, yes. He’d watched her tonight, seen what she liked, and he was giving it to her all over again, his own special rendition. He eased out, then further in, expanding her, fitting her body to the tool.

  “More, baby,” he whispered, “you can take more.”

  And God, she wanted more. She pushed back, taking another micron of the dual dildo. She felt so full, one head storming her vagina, the other working its way deeper between her cheeks. She moaned and wrapped her arms around the pillow in front of her, giving him full rein of her ass and pussy.

  “Fuck me with it, please fuck me.”

  He increased the pace, forcing her to accept more, pulling out, then in again, going deeper with each gentle thrust. Her body started to move on its own, rocking against him. He held her hip, working the double-headed toy inside her, deep, deeper, until the heat was so great she rose to her elbows for leverage to take everything he gave her. In, out, faster, higher, enhancing the pleasure with the edge of pain. She should have been sore from her previous workout, but Jud had prepared her so well and stoked her fire until she was dripping with need.

  “Harder.” She panted, and then she was actually ramming herself back on the thing. So good. So hard. Mindless. Filled. More. Please. She wasn’t sure if the pleas were in her mind or if they actually fell from her lips.

  Then he covered her body with his, rocked with her, his hard cock straining against his clothes, found her aching clitoris, and took the nub in rhythm to his dual penetration. His body, his touch, his voice was everywhere. She screamed his name and exploded into the stars behind her eyelids, losing herself,
losing awareness to everything but this man’s touch, his passion for her, and the cry of his own release.

  * * * * *

  She was magnificent in her passion. He’d never brought another woman to this room, but regardless, he kept it well stocked. The toy had come to him in a moment of genius when his head was between her thighs. Definitely one of his better ideas.

  “Oh my God.” She sighed deeply.

  “The best? Or shall we try again?” He knew it was the best, far better than that earlier bout with her two studs. She’d screamed louder, longer, and he’d come when his name burst from her lips. He disposed of the dildo and pulled her snugly against him.

  She drew in a breath, squirmed into the pillow, and let out a long exhale. “I never thought I’d say one orgasm was enough.” Then she smiled, closed her eyes, and hummed her satisfaction.

  “So I win the bet.” He felt like a rooster ready to crow.

  “I don’t remember what you were supposed to win.” She nestled again. Her skin was soft against his fingertips.

  “I won the enjoyment of giving you pleasure.” He would win more in the future. He would win her, the ultimate reward.

  “I am going to sleep like a baby,” she murmured. “That was better than tonight.”

  He knew exactly what she meant. “Better than your young, virile playthings. That’s high praise indeed.”

  She opened one eye. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Which one?” He skimmed the front of his pants.

  She laughed, yawned, then rolled, hugging the pillow. “Did I hear the unmistakable grunt of male orgasm when I came, or was that my imagination?”

  He smiled. Now she was the one who wanted to crow. And he’d let her, all she wanted. “I came in my pants like a schoolboy.” He tucked a curl behind her ear. “I warned you that your pleasure would force my pleasure.”

  “You’re just saying that to make me feel good.” Jud could hear sleep claiming her voice. She didn’t move as he slipped off her heels and pulled the covers to her shoulders.


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