Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6)

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Keeping Meg (Devil's Knights #6) Page 6

by Winter Travers

  “I guess you’ll just have to wait and see,” she giggled, grabbing my hand, leading me into the kitchen and pushing me up against the counter. Sitting or leaning was probably my best bet at the moment. “You stay there and help me figure out what to make for dinner.”

  “You know I’ll eat whatever you make, babe.”

  She opened the freezer, sticking her head in, “You’re half drunk. I’m betting something greasy and beyond fattening is right up your alley right now. My stomach growled at her words. She peeked her head out and laughed. “I’m going to take that as a yes.” She pulled out a package of hamburger buns, tossing them on the counter and pulled out a pound of hamburger meat. “Juicy, greasy, messy, fall apart in your hand, burgers it is.”

  After pulling all the fixings out, Meg pulled out a beer and handed it to me. “You trying to keep me drunk?”

  “Maybe I have plans to take advantage of you later.” She winked at me and turned back to the counter, pattying up the burgers. “You feel like talking about your mom anymore?”

  No, not really. I wish I didn’t ever have to think about her and cancer again, but I knew that was reality. “What do you want to know?”

  “How long has she known?”

  “A month.”

  “What! She’s known for over a month, and she didn’t think that was something she should tell anyone?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and took a swig of beer, “I don’t know. Gravel said she didn’t even tell him until the day of her first chemo appointment. To say that he was pissed is an understatement.”

  “What the hell, did she plan on keeping it from everyone the whole time?”

  “I think so. It was almost like she was pissed when I found out. I don’t believe she wants to be a burden to anyone or some shit like that. The woman took care of me all my life, now it’s my turn to help take care of her. My only problem is she doesn’t fucking tell me when she needs help.” Damn woman was one of the most stubborn women I knew. I had to basically force her to tell me when her next chemo appointment was. After fifteen minutes of insisting knowing when it was, she finally told me. I planned to be at every appointment that I could make.

  “Did you tell anyone?”

  “No, she asked me not to. She said the only one I could tell was you.”

  “Well, that sucks. She does realize this whole clubhouse treats her like she’s their mother, right?” Meg slid the burger patties onto a grill pan she had heating on the stove and grabbed an onion. She sliced it open, her knife slamming down on the board.

  “I know, babe. I’m sure eventually she’ll say something, but as of right now, she’s asked we don’t tell anyone.”

  She mumbled under her breath, working on the burgers and toasting the buns in the oven. I loved watching Meg cook. It was incredible how she could take something so simple as a burger and turn it into the best thing I had ever eaten. “Homemade potato chips OK?” she asked, grabbing four potatoes from the pantry. I nodded my head, tempted to tell her again I would eat anything, but I knew she heard that all the time.

  “She’s going to beat it. I know she will, Lo.”

  “She said she wasn’t going to let this get her. The doctor said if she did all her treatments and shit, she should go into remission. He thinks they caught it soon enough that they can beat it.”

  Meg set the knife down she was using to slice the potatoes and walked over to me, resting her hands on my shoulders. “She’s going to be OK. She has to be. Your mom is the person who brought us together.”

  “I’d like to think I would have found you eventually, but my mother finding you for me worked, too.” I reached up and brushed the hair out of her face. “I did make you pretty fucking tongue tied that day.” I still think back on that day, remembering Meg tripping over her words and the way her eyes had roamed over my body.

  “The second I laid an eye on you, my brain stopped working, and all I could think of was where those tattoos on your chest started and ended.” She tugged on the hem of my shirt and pulled it up, her hands gliding over my stomach. “I liked what I saw,” she looked down where her hands were, “still like what I see.”

  “You need to figure out how hungry you are, babe. You keep doing what you’re doing, we won’t be eating dinner for hours.”

  “Hmm,” she hummed, her fingertips grazing over my nipples. “I’m hungry for both food,” she glanced over her shoulder at the burgers cooking away, “and you,” she purred, looking back at me. She pressed her lips to mine, teasing me with what I wanted, but slipped away before I could take it.

  “Did you just choose food over me?” I chuckled.

  “Not really, I mean sort of. Although, it’s not like the option was only food or only Lo. I just decided food now, Lo all night,” she purred, glancing at me over her shoulder.

  Son of a bitch, I loved this woman.


  Chapter 12


  “I don’t know how you did it, babe, but that was the best fucking burger I’ve ever had.” Lo fell face first on the bed, his arms and legs sprawled out.

  “Seasoning and don’t pack your meat too hard.”

  Lo flipped over, a grin spread across his lips. “So that’s your secret, you know how to handle the meat.”

  “Shh, don’t tell anyone,” I winked, walking into the bathroom. “I’m gonna shower quick, try not to pass out before I get out. I’ve got plans for you.”

  “Hmm, I’ll be right here.” I closed the door and leaned against it. I reached over, flipping on the light switch, and finally breathed.

  When Lo had told me about his mom, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. Except I couldn’t do that, because Lo needed me to be strong for him. From what he had told me, Ethel was going to be OK, but it was still terrifying. The word cancer was terrifying by itself. When the name of someone you loved was tacked on to it, it took on a whole new meaning.

  “Babe, let me in.”

  I spun around, ripping open the door, fearful that Lo was about to be sick. During dinner, he had managed to drink three more beers. “Are you OK?”

  He was leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. “I think I’m about as good as you are.”

  “Well, if you’re going to puke, I think I’m a little better than you are.”

  “I can’t remember the last time I puked from drinking. I can hold my own. I meant are you OK.”

  God dammit, I was supposed to be the strong one for Lo, and here he was, making sure I was OK. This man was amazing, and I was unworthy of him. “I’m fine. I think it’s kind of sinking in that your mom is sick.”

  “I know how you feel.” He reached out and wrapped his arms around me. “Turn on the shower. I need one, too.”

  I turned around and walked over to the tub and turned on the water, adjusting the temperature till it was just right. “You know, I should be the one comforting you, not the other way around.” I turned around, and my jaw dropped. In the time it had taken me to get the water just right, Lo had managed to strip all his clothes off and was standing there naked as the day he was born. Well, and also sporting a huge hard on.

  “I think I know of a way you could comfort me.” He reached down and stroked his cock, and I swear I came right then and there. He slid his hand up and down his hard shaft, and my desire pooled in my panties.

  “Um, I think you might be thinking of a different kind of comfort.”

  “Take your clothes off, Meg.”

  “Do you really think this is the best time for this. You just found out about your mom and maybe you should… just, you know, try…” My words trailed off, and all thought left my brain as Lo squeezed a drop of precum from his ever growing dick. I licked my lips as my gaze stayed glued to his hand that was stroking his cock.

  “Right now, all I want to do is forget about this whole day and lose myself in you.” He stepped forward, closing the door behind him. “Clothes.
Off, now.”

  “Lo, I really think you should think about your mom and-”

  “Stop! Mention my mom one more time in the next two hours, babe, and you’ll have a one-way ticket to spending the night over my knee. I’m a grown fucking man who has had the shittiest day I can remember in a long time, and all I want is you. Just give me that. Please.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Lo was right. Maybe we both just needed to let go for the moment and just lose ourselves in each other. Our problems will still be there tomorrow.

  I grabbed the hem of my shirt and tugged it over my head, tossing it in the corner. I reached behind me, fumbling with the clasp of my bra, managing to unhook it and sailed it over Lo’s head. “I only get two hours?”

  Lo growled low. “I’ll take all fucking night if I have to.”

  “Hmm,” I unbuttoned my jeans and shimmied them down my legs. “You’re so demanding tonight,” I purred, sliding my underwear down and flipped them away with my foot.

  “I know what I want,” he growled, stroking his cock faster and harder.

  “Well, do you want my mouth right now?” I licked my lips again as another drop oozed out. I could never forget what he tasted like on my tongue, and right now I craved him. I slowly fell to my knees, cupping my breasts together.

  “Fucking perfect,” he growled, taking the three steps toward me, his dick bobbing in front of my lips. I opened my mouth, kissing the tip of his cock. His breathing became labored as I reached up, grabbing the base of his cock, and slowly worked him down my throat. He threaded his fingers through my hair and held onto my head. He moaned deep when he hit the back of my throat, and I swallowed, “Son of a bitch.” My body hummed at his gruff words, and I knew I was driving him crazy, helping him forget his shitty day. “Stand up,” he gently tugged on my hair and helped me up off my knees.

  “Hmm, why’d you stop me?” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  “Because if I had let you go thirty more seconds, I would have gone off like a rocket. Your mouth drives me insane.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me flush against his body. “Your whole body drives me crazy. I can barely keep my hands off you. You’re like a drug I can’t get enough of.”

  I tilted my head back, his eyes were looking down at me. “You sure do know the right words to say, Lo,” I whispered.

  “It’s the truth, babe. I can’t live without you. I don’t even want to try it.”

  I stood on my tiptoes, pressing my lips to his, knowing I had finally found what I was always looking for. “Come on, handsome.” I grabbed his hand and tugged him to the tub. “I think a shower is just what we need right now.”

  I tossed the curtain back and stepped in, Lo following close behind. His hands roamed over my body as the water poured over us. He grabbed the soap, lathering it between his hands and spread it all over my breasts, teasing and taunting me with every touch. “I missed you today, Meg.” His hands glided over my arms leaving a soapy trail as they wrapped around me, lathering up my back.

  “I missed you, too,” I whispered, closing my eyes, feeling his rough yet gentle hands claim my body.

  He pushed me against the wall, his arms caging me in. He cupped my chin, his thumb stroking my jaw. “Thank you for being there for me today, babe.”

  “You’re welcome, hunny.” I had never met a man so sweet that he makes me want to cry and in the next second he steals my breath away, demanding my body in every way I’ll give to him.

  He pressed his lips to mine, slowly assaulting all my senses. One hand cradled my face, while the other slid between our bodies, one finger separating the lips of my pussy. I gasped as he flicked my clit and one finger pumped inside me, already building my desire. “So responsive,” he moaned against my lips. “Only for me.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, closing my eyes, tucking my face into his neck.

  “I’m gonna make you cum, and as soon as you do, I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you until you’re screaming my name, cumming again.” A small tremor rocked through my body, and I knew it wouldn’t be long. He flicked my clit while two fingers now pumped in and out while he assaulted my lips, taking and giving. I tossed my head back as he sped up, driving me to the brink then backing off, over and over. “You’re my greedy girl, aren’t you?”

  I moaned at his words, knowing I should be ashamed, but I needed his touch more than my next breath. “Please,” I begged.

  “You’re mine.” He leaned in his lips on my ear. “No one gets this but me.” His teeth tugged on the shell of my ear as his fingers pinched my clit and I fell over the edge, tossing my head back. He kept working me over, wringing every last tremor and moan from my lips. “Mine,” he growled in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held on, fearful my legs wouldn’t hold me up anymore.

  “One down, one more to go,” I smirked.

  “So greedy.” Lo shook his head and grabbed my ass. “Climb up, babe. Time for you to go for a ride.” I managed to wrap my legs around his waist, his cock nudged between the lips of my pussy while he pinned me against the wall.

  His fingers dug into my ass as he pulled away and slowly entered me. “I love when you fuck me like this,” I gasped.

  “I love any way you let me fuck you. Your body was made for me.” I bit my lip as he pulled in and out, my desire already building again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on as he sped up, my breathing labored as I fought against the slow burn he was building.

  “Lo,” I moaned over and over. I threaded my fingers through his hair and leaned forward, resting my forehead against his forehead.

  “Open your eyes. I wanna watch you cum.” I bit my lip and opened my eyes, drowning in Lo’s dark green eyes that were filled with desire and lust.

  “Logan,” I called as he slammed into me, teetering on the edge of oblivion. “I… I love… Logan… Logan,” I chanted over and over. He grabbed my hair and gently tugged my head back and rained kisses down my neck, sucking and nibbling. “Logan!” I screamed as my orgasm slammed into me as he bit my neck.

  “You’re mine. All mine.” He pounded into me, taking everything I was giving, my heart included. “I love you, only you. Forever.”

  I pressed a kiss to his lips, gently sucking on his bottom lip and he groaned low as his release came, filling me full. “Son of a bitch,” he groaned, wrapping his arms around me, holding me close. “Every time better than the last,” he whispered.

  I rested my head on his shoulders and closed my eyes. This was what I always wanted. No matter the problem or obstacles we face, Lo and I were going to be there for each other. I had finally found a love that wasn’t going to fade.


  Chapter 13


  “Why the hell am I always the one you send over there when this kid fucks up? Why can’t you send Demon, or hell, anyone else? I’m sick of dealing with this fucking kid.”

  We were all gathered around the table, church winding down as I took care of the final little piece of business we needed to take care of. Leo’s nephew had been causing problems again, and it was time that shit got nipped in the butt. “You’re the only one I have available right now, Slider. Everyone is either working in the shop or dealing with Assassin bullshit.”

  “Fucking bullshit.”

  “Hey, just think of it this way. King made me watch out for Gwen, and now her ass is mine.” Gambler sat back in his chair, a smug look on his face.

  “Trust me, I don’t fucking want this kid’s mom. She is the complete opposite of me. It’s amazing that Leo and she are related.”

  “He’s fucking right. She’s got nerd written all over her. I mean, she works at the library. How much more of a nerd could she be?” Hammer laughed.

  “You’re just pissed she’s smarter than you, Ham, although that don’t take much,” Gravel grumbled, walking through the door. It was about time he showed up to church. The only reason he decided to sh
ow up today was because Meg had insisted taking Ethel to chemo and locked Gravel out of the house.

  “She’s not geeky, it’s just… fuck, I don’t know what the hell it is. I’ve barely spoken two words to her, and she treats me like I’m the fucking plague.”

  “Ah, so now we know what the problem is. Slider has finally found the one woman who can resist his charm. It’s about fucking time you have to work for something in your life.” Rigid stood up and grabbed his keys off the table.

  “I don’t want her, so I don’t need to work for shit. She can hate me all she wants.”

  “Well, just get over there and straighten out this fucking kid. He’s running around spouting shit that needs to be shut down.” Leo’s nephew was running around, acting like he was the drug runner in town, getting his ass into shit that he couldn’t get out of. In the past three weeks, we had to get him out of four different binds that wouldn’t have happened if he had just kept his mouth shut. “This is the last time I want this shit happening. I’ve had a talk with Leo, and he agrees that something needs to be done.” Leo had been out of town more than here. Apparently his plan of opening up shop in Rockton had been put on hold since it seemed like everything in Chicago was self-imploding. “Squash it, Slider. I don’t fucking care what this chick does or doesn’t do to you. Your issue is the kid, not the mom.”

  “Well, that’s easy to say, but I’m pretty sure the kid’s mom is going to have an issue with how I want to pound this kid into the ground and break his legs so he fucking stops.” I had never seen Slider so irritated before. Especially over a kid and his mom.

  “Then you’re going to have to find a different way to handle this. Use your head, not your fists.”

  Slider stalked out of the room, mumbling about guns and where to hide a body. “Yo, Roam, I want you with Slider. Make sure he keeps his fucking head on straight.” Roam nodded, shoving his phone in his pocket and followed Slider without protest. I wish all the brothers were like Roam. The fucker barely talked and always did what I asked him. Although he did have a tendency to disappear for weeks at a time; hence his name, Roam.


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