Alien Mine (Zerconian Warriors Book 7)

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Alien Mine (Zerconian Warriors Book 7) Page 2

by Sadie Carter

  “You should pay more attention to your surroundings. You are obsessed by her. I’ve noticed you watching her.”

  Thor wanted to argue. To snap back. But Rye spoke the truth. He was obsessed by her. Although he had not been as circumspect as he thought.

  “What is your interest in her?”

  Thor’s temper flared, surprising him. Normally, he was very even-tempered. Surprisingly so. Zerconian males tended to be aggressive. Yet he was an anomaly. However, once riled he could hold a grudge for years.

  “That is none of your business. You are not her guardian or minder.”

  “Oh, but I am,” Rye drawled. He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to appear relaxed. But Thor could see the tension in his body. “And I will not let you hurt her.”

  “You seek to claim her?” Thor would fight for her. He would kill if necessary.

  Rye narrowed his gaze. “Claim her? No. But I would defend her. Lucy deserves some peace. She deserves to feel safe.”

  Thor longed to ask him what had happened to make her so afraid. But he would not ask this man a favor. Not when he was clearly close to the woman Thor considered his.

  “She is mine.”

  Rye raised his eyebrows. “Yours?”

  “My mate.”

  Rye sucked in a sharp breath. “You are her mate? Does she know?”

  Thor shook her head. “I know she fears me. I have not told her. I have deliberately refrained from touching her so as not to start the mating process until she is ready.”

  Rye was silent as he frowned. “Lucy isn’t like other women. It’s going to take her a lot to trust you and I will not allow you to force her.”

  Fury filled him. “I would never force her.”

  “I didn’t mean rape. But Lucy will fight any claim on her and I know how relentless and stubborn you damn Zerconians can be. If you are her mate—and that’s a big if as I have seen no proof—you will need to go slow.”

  “I had already determined that.” He would not be dictated to by this male.

  “Good. See that you do. I will be watching.”

  Thor snarled as the other man strode away. Towards Lucy. She had paused to speak to someone and turned back with a smile as Rye called out to her. Every ounce of control he possessed was utilized to keep from storming after the smug male and pounding on him until he felt better.

  The only thing holding him back was the knowledge that Rye only looked out for Lucy’s best interests. It was good she had someone to care for her when he could not be with her.

  But once she was his then she would have need of the other male.

  He would be everything to her, just as she would be to him.

  Chapter Two

  Thor stared over at his best friend and cousin worriedly, unable to process the news he had just heard.

  The Emperor was dead.

  “I cannot believe it,” Thor whispered, looking around the war room which was filled with angry warriors.

  The devastating news of his uncle’s death barely registered. How could he be dead? It was unfathomable. Thor knew that his grief couldn’t even touch what Dex must be feeling. His father was dead and they had no idea if his mother survived. Often when one mate died, the other would follow them.

  The ship they had been travelling on had been attacked by Coizils. The only communication they had received before the ship’s occupants had evacuated via escape pods was that Coizils had attacked them so they were initiating emergency evacuation. And that the Emperor had died from wounds sustained during battle fire.

  Now, they had nearly eighty warriors to retrieve. Including Koran and his mate, Mila who had been on the same ship. They had been returning from a trip to Newsdale to negotiate an alliance with Earth. It had been a successful negotiation and they’d been due to arrive back on Zerconia in three days.

  “The Coizils will pay for this,” Darac grumbled. “We will have our revenge. For the Emperor.”

  Around him, warriors yelled their agreement, raising their fists in the air, their eyes glowing red with fury.

  Dex did not move. He had broken the terrible news to his mate, Zoey, who was still recovering from the birth of their sweet baby girl just days ago. Thor had to admire Zoey, who had rallied quickly. He knew she often doubted her ability to be a proper leader to their people. But he had no doubts she would make an amazing Empress. He swallowed back the lump of sorrow as he realized she was now the Empress.

  Dex had called of his commanders, as well as Thor, to the war room to discuss their next move. But once they’d arrived, Dex had fallen silent. Around them, warriors quietened, watching. Just as Thor thought he might have to intervene, Dex stood.

  “Our Emperor is dead. Murdered by an enemy that we have placated for too long. We have fought back only when they instigated an attack. No more. This cannot go unanswered. My father’s death will be avenged!”

  The warriors roared.

  “We will win! We will destroy! This is war!” Dex threw his arm into the air as a chill raced down Thor’s spine. They had been at war with the Coizils for years, but most of that had been small fights, of which they usually came out the victors.

  It seemed the Coizils had tired of being the losing party.

  Now Dex had declared war. This could change their lives forever.

  As the cheering died down, Thor leaned forward. “Our people? Koran, Mila and the Empress?” Technically, Zoey was now the Empress. Although he did not think she would mind his mistake.

  Dex nodded. “You are right, cousin. First, we must concentrate on getting our people back. So we can be at full strength for the coming war. Darac?”

  Darac stepped forward with a nod. “Yes, Your Majesty?

  “You will lead the mission to retrieve our warriors, as well as my mother and Mila. Take three ships. Thor, you will accompany him.”

  Thor nodded. He had suspected as much. Although he hated the idea of leaving Lucy, he knew he could well be needed. Who knew how their people had fared in the escape pods. There could be masses of injured and his team would be in high demand. Hopefully, it would not take him away from her for more than a week.

  At least she would be safe here.

  “Willa will wish to accompany me,” Darac said. “And I imagine her brothers may insist on going as well.”

  Dex’s gaze narrowed. “Will they be a liability?”

  Darac shook his head. “They are good fighters and I will make certain Willa is not placed in danger.”

  Dex nodded. “It is up to you.”

  Orders given, Thor and Darac turned away, leaving the war room. They needed to get their teams ready quickly. They were on a tight deadline.

  But Thor had to ask his old friend something. “You wish Willa to accompany you? This could be dangerous.”

  They had no idea where the escape pods had landed. Escape pods were not designed for long distance space travel. They could be piloted or left on automatic, in which case they would search out the closest planet that would sustain life and then program in those co-ordinates.

  But just because those planets could sustain life, didn’t mean they were safe places to be.

  Darac nodded. “I know. Willa needs to be with me. She is all that keeps the madness at bay. Even then, I would seek to keep her here and safe. However, I know that would only make her miserable. Willa is strong. A fighter. And I have discovered that loving her means that I must let her be who she is. That does not mean I will allow her to be in danger. I intend to gain her promise to obey me before I let her take one step off this planet.”

  Thor nodded then sped off towards the medical centre to ready his team. He knew they would already anticipate what he required. But he would check in with them before returning home to pack some personal belongings.

  He did not know how Darac did it. There is no way he could contemplate allowing Lucy to go on such a dangerous mission with them.


  She was scared. Nope, make that terrified. She was pretty cer
tain if she had boots on she would be shaking in them. War was coming to Zerconia. She’d lived through a war already, and it wasn’t pretty. In the end, there might be a winner, but no one really won. Certainly not the women and children.

  She should just keep her head down. This wasn’t her war. She didn’t owe anyone anything.

  And yet… these people had given her a home. They’d protected her. Opened up their lives without expecting anything in exchange. They’d saved her and the others when the Coizils had attacked.

  How could she not help?

  The question was, would they believe what she had to tell them? And when they found out what she could do, would they use her for their own gain?

  She shouldn’t trust them.

  And yet…

  Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the door. She’d never been to his house before. She’d received a few strange looks when she’d asked for directions to get here. Taking a deep breath, she hit the buzzer.


  Nerves jangled. This was crazy. Why was she here?

  Because you can help. You should help. You cannot let fear govern your every move forever.

  They might use me. Like everyone else.

  This was a terrible idea. Why she was even coming to him instead of talking to Rye, she had no idea. Thor wanted nothing to do with her. He thought her fragile and ill.

  That thought straightened her backbone. She was not weak. Once, she had been. But never again.

  Suddenly the door opened, and there he stood. Shirtless, he was thick with muscle and so damn gorgeous her mouth dropped open a little in shock.

  “Lucy, are you okay? Is there something wrong? I was getting ready to leave. I’m leaving on one of the search ships, looking for Koran, Mila, and the others. But if there is a problem—”

  “I’ve come because of that.”

  “Are you afraid? You do not have to be. I know that war is a terrifying idea, but you will not be left unprotected. You are safe here.”

  “I am not worried about me. Thor, I’ve come because I can help. I can help you find them.”

  Puzzlement filled his gaze and she knew he didn’t understand. “This was a bad idea. I need to speak to Rye.”

  “Wait.” The hard demand in his voice had her pausing in her retreat. “What is a bad idea? What do you mean you can help find them?”

  “It’s kind of a long story.”

  “Then you should come inside.” He stepped back.

  “But you need to leave, you should get dressed, and I’m just taking up your time.” She took another step back.



  Damn, who knew he could be so commanding? And that she would actually like it?

  Stupid body. It heated in his presence, urging her to do things she never dreamed she would desire. Like stepping forward and placing her hand on his hard chest, running her fingers over his shoulders, reaching up to kiss his lush lips.

  Stupid Thor with his rippling muscles and silken skin. Was she drooling? Please don’t let her be drooling.

  “Why are you wiping at your chin? Is there something wrong?”

  She immediately pulled her hand down. “I’m fine. I just-I—”

  “Lucy, come inside. Now. If it makes you feel better, I will get dressed. Then we will talk.”

  Would it make her feel better? Nope, not particularly. Would it help clear the fog of arousal from her brain?

  God, she hoped so.

  Nodding, she stepped into his house nervously. What was she thinking? She shouldn’t be here alone with him. He was so much larger than she was.

  Stop being ridiculous, Lucy. Not every man will hurt you.

  Besides, she would never have come here if she believed he would harm her physically. Why had she come here? To show him that she wasn’t the weakling he seemed to think she was? She could have gone to Rye. Had him talk to Darac. That would have been the sensible idea.

  “Can I get you something to drink?”

  She jumped, turning as Thor entered the room, now dressed. Heart racing, she placed her hand on her chest. “You really need to work on making some noise.”

  “I apologize.”

  She nodded shakily, looking around. She was so nervous she hadn’t even taken the time to study his place. Not that there was much to look at. This was obviously the living area. There were two large chairs facing a big screen. That was it. Nothing else. No decoration. No mementos.

  “Have you just moved in?”

  “I have lived here for ten years. Why?”

  “Oh, no reason. Place looks good. Very tidy.”

  He nodded.

  Jeez, Lucy. Get on with it. “I know it seems strange for me to just turn up. I should have gone to Rye. He could have spoken to Darac. I can still do that. I don’t want to impose. You need to get ready. I—”

  “Lucy, stop.”

  She paused.

  “Breathe. In. Out. Again.”

  She followed his direction until her heartbeat slowed and the ringing in her ears died down. She hadn’t even realized she was on the verge of a panic attack. Her cheeks blushed bright red.

  “Thanks. Umm, I came over because I can help find Mila and the others.”

  “We will be able to pick up the emergency beacons from the escape pods once we are closer to where the last communication came through.” There was a small frown on his face.

  She wiped her sweaty palms against her thighs. Urgh, gross. Real attractive, Lucy.

  “But what if they’re no longer with the escape pods? What if something has happened and they had to leave the pods? You may not be able to find them easily.”

  “Protocol is to remain with the escape pods. Even if they did have to leave they would find a way to contact us.”

  “If they can.”

  “We will search until we find them all.”

  She nodded. “But I could find them much quicker.”

  “How?” Suspicion lit his gaze.

  This was it. Time to fess up.

  Maybe this is why she had come to him. To see first-hand how he would react to her secret. To see whether revulsion would cross his face. Or interest.

  She wasn’t sure which was worse.

  “Have you heard of the Vixxla race?”

  His forehead scrunched up into lines. Christ, he was even sexy when he was frowning. What was with that?

  “I have heard rumors. But that is all they are. They did not exist or if they did they were wiped out decades ago.”

  “Well, the rumors are true. They did exist. My grandmother was one of the last full-blooded Vixxla’s to be born. My father didn’t know her, she died giving birth to him. My mother is human, she left Earth to be with him. I was their only child.”

  “You are part-Vixxla?”

  “Yes. I don’t know if you’ve heard about their powers.”

  “It is said that they could track a person through time and space. That they could read minds. Manipulate others into doing as they wished. They were slaughtered because people were scared of what they could do.”

  “They were fools,” she said, angry that ignorance had wiped out nearly an entire race of people. My father said they were a very peaceful race. They would have been happy living a quiet existence away from everyone else. But fear and suspicion drove others to seek them out. Kill them or use them.”

  She glanced away, swallowing heavily.

  “You can do this? Manipulate minds?”

  She didn’t dare look at him. Couldn’t stand it if he looked at her with revulsion.

  “I’m only one-eighth Vixxla. Even my father couldn’t read or manipulate minds. But I can track. If I have something to anchor me to that person. Provided I have something that has been touched by each of the missing warriors, I will be able to track them. The stronger connection to the item the more accurate I can trace them.”

  There was a long moment of silence. Finally, she gathered the courage to look up at him. “Does this disgu
st you?”

  He blinked then shook his head. “Disgust me? No, of course not. But it is a lot to take in.”

  “I know. I don’t normally tell people about my abilities. Not usually.”

  “No one else knows this?”

  “Rye does. As far as I know he has not told anyone else.” If he had, they hadn’t let on. But Rye told her he would keep her secret and he’d never once asked her to use her powers. She would have, because she owed him.

  “So why are you telling me?” he asked.

  Sometimes she wished she did have the ability to read minds. She’d really like to know what Thor was thinking right now. His face was impassive, his thoughts carefully hidden.

  But it was too late to turn back now. If this turned out to be a bad decision, then she was certain Rye would take her somewhere else. He’d probably be happy to get rid of her.

  “Because your people took me in. I have nothing to offer. No real skills or abilities. I don’t plan to ever mate one of you. There is no reason for your people to feed and clothe me. I’m a burden and burdens become tiresome very quickly. This is the only thing I have to offer.”

  His eyes widened. “You believe that you must be useful or we will force you to leave?”

  He looked so shocked that she second-guessed herself for a moment. But no matter how generous the Zerconians appeared there was always an ulterior motive. In this case, they wanted mates for their males. Something she would never be.

  She could never trust someone enough to tie herself to them.

  “That would never happen.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. I’m all I have. I have to protect myself. So I’m going to make myself useful. It’s not the only reason. You helped all of us. Saved us. I feel that I owe a debt. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to be a pawn to be used. I won’t be forced to do anything I don’t agree with. That’s non-negotiable.”

  This was a big risk that she took. But she trusted Rye wouldn’t let anything terrible happen to her. Huh, maybe she wasn’t all alone. And she wasn’t the weak person she once was. She would stand up for herself. She would never go down without a fight.

  Thor rubbed his head, looking tired. His communicator beeped and he glanced down. “I am due on the ship.”


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