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Tic Tac Love

Page 15

by A. M. Willard

  “Say it again, Belle.”

  “I’m having your baby.”

  With those four words released into the world, I feel the weight fall from my shoulders. No longer am I hiding this from my best friend. No longer am I keeping this from my child’s father. Paxton knows, and he’s not pulling away from me. I slow my breathing, waiting for his reaction.

  “Belle, I know and I’ve been waiting for you to say those words.”

  I pull back glaring at him, trying to gauge what I just heard.

  “You knew?”

  “Well, I suspected, but I have to say when I first returned I thought it was Jace’s,” he says, which brings the loudest laugh from my chest that I’ve ever heard. At this point I’m leaning over, holding my stomach as I continue to laugh.

  “Come on, let’s get you inside before they think hyenas have invaded the city.”

  “Oh my God, Pax, you thought Jace was straight.”

  “I did,” he says right before he lifts me up into his arms and we enter our building.

  “Pax, put me down.”

  “Nope,” he says as he approaches the elevator.

  “Seriously, I can walk.”

  “I know this, but that takes all the fun out of claiming my girl finally.”

  “Claiming me?”

  “Yes, claiming you, Belle. You’ve always been mine and it’s time that I show the world just who you belong to.”

  “For the record, no one has been trying to steal me away.”

  “And for the record, yes they have.”

  “You, Paxton West, have problems.”

  “This is also true, but we’ll figure them all out with each other.”

  As we enter the elevator, he sets me down but doesn’t let go of me as he pushes the button for our floor. I stay close to him, my arms wrapped around his waist.

  I’m not sure what’s happening next, but I followed through tonight. I finally told him what I’ve been holding back from all this time. Now, I just wonder where this leaves us. Will we date? Will he be as active in the baby's life that I want him to be?

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “Nothing,” I murmur against his chest.

  “You can’t lie to me, Belle,” he says as we enter the apartment.

  “I’m just curious as to where this leaves us? I know this wasn’t ever in the cards for you and this changes a few things, don’t you think?”

  “It does, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve loved you from the first day I laid eyes on you.”

  “Why haven’t you ever said anything?”

  “I was scared. I didn’t want to mess things up and push you away. Which, when I think about it, that’s what I did for years.”

  “Yes, but I’m just as guilty. I hid behind my feelings just as much as you did.”

  “What are those feelings, Belle? I need to hear you say it.”

  “Only if you promise to not run away from us again.”

  “I promise that I’ll never run again. You have me completely.”

  “I love you, Paxton West. I have since the first day you beat me at my favorite game. From the moment you said your name, I knew that you’d be the one that I’d marry one day.”

  “Ditto, Belle. Ditto.”

  I back away a little from him, bending down to unzip my shoes. Okay, in my head I thought this was going to be a lot sexier than it’s folding out to be. Seems that I’m not as flexible as I was a few weeks ago. I manage to get my shoes off as I brace myself against the counter. Straightening myself upright, I grab the hem of my dress and slide it up and down to the floor. In nothing but my not-so-fancy bra and panties, I hold eye contact with Pax.

  In the sultriest voice that I can muster up, I say, “I think it’s time you fully claim what’s yours, don’t you?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” his deep husky voice says before he steps toward me. In one swift move, he has me up and in his arms walking backward to my bedroom. That last time we were blitzed with tequila, but this time it’s full of hunger and desire wrapped so tightly that I might combust just from the feel of his body against mine.

  Gently, Pax lays me down on the bed. Standing back he unbuttons his shirt slowly, causing me to lick my lips in hunger. My eyes travel down his chiseled chest to where his hands rest on the button of his slacks. Afraid to blink, as I might miss something, I keep my eyes trained on his hands. Pax watches me as I maneuver my panties down over my hips. Leaning forward he grabs them, sliding them the rest of the way down and to the floor. Still in his briefs, he leans forward and joins me on the bed.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you over the last few months, Belle. It’s taken everything in me to fight this, to fight the need I have for you. You walking around this damn house in nothing but your short shorts and tank; do you know how many cold showers you’ve caused me to take?”

  “I’m sorry,” comes from my mouth in a voice that I didn’t even know I had.

  “Don’t be, but just know that when I want you from here on out, I’m not taking a shower. This is mine,” he says, placing a kiss on the edge of my shoulder. He travels down the length of my body, stopping every so often to remind me that I’m his. When he reaches my inner thighs, I can’t help but fall back further into the mattress, lost in the way his mouth trails against my skin. The way his hands caress my breasts.

  “Paxton, I need you and I need you now.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “I’m going to show you exactly how I want you, Belle,” I say as I grab her hands, placing them above her head. Spreading her legs apart, I check to make sure she’s ready for me. I should take this slow, but I can’t. I need to be inside her. The next time I’ll take my time, I’ll love her body the way it should be. “You ready?” I ask as I watch her face. Belle gives me a nod as her breath hitches in her throat.

  “You’re always ready for me, did you know that?” I let out as I thrust inside her. Gripping her hands tighter, I move in and out, letting her body control my soul. My hands let go of hers as I lean back and grab her hips. The second I change my tempo; I know what’s coming next.

  “Paxton…” she breathes. “Don’t stop.” And I don’t. She bucks underneath me, fueling my need to give her more. “Paxton, I’m going to…” And just like that, I let go with her. We’re in sync like we’ve done this a million times. It’s powerful. The slight shake of her body underneath mine has me leaning forward and kissing the side of her neck.

  “Fuck, Belle… I’ll never tire of the way your body fits mine so perfectly.”

  “We do fit together well, huh?”

  “Yes, we do. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No, but I have to warn you that my sexual appetite has been something else here lately.”

  “What do you mean? Have you had sex with someone else?”

  “Calm down… no, I haven’t! What I mean is that my drive has picked up in this trimester and I swear there have been times I’ve been close to having an orgasm just watching you do something.”

  I roll over, pulling her on top of me.

  “Is that so,” I say, running my hands up the length of her body.

  “It is.”

  “Give me an example so I know to keep doing it.”

  “When you’d sneak from the bathroom to your room after a shower. The tiny droplets of water that were still running down your body, I wanted to be the one to lick you dry. The way you move in the kitchen. The way you’d look at me like you were undressing me with your eyes.”

  “Hate to break it to you, Belle. I was undressing you with my eyes. Every time I look at you, I’ve been holding back.”

  “Don’t hold back with me anymore, Pax, please.”

  “I promise,” I say before taking her mouth into mine. It doesn’t take long before Belle is rocking against me, bringing me to my knees as she climaxes again. Watching her let go with her head flung back is the best thing I’ve ever seen. It’s a v
ision that’s forever ingrained in me now. No longer are we two young adults with no experience. No longer are we scratching an itch that we had. No, this time it’s two people exploring the likes of each other. Getting to know each other’s body—what makes them scream, what brings them to ecstasy. It’s the new us. A new start with plenty of firsts to come.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  It’s been a few weeks since I told Paxton about the baby. Which, to my surprise, like always—he already knew. I thought it would change us. Change the dynamic of our friendship. But it hasn’t. It’s made us stronger, but still living apart for the most part. Tonight we’re having Jace, his boyfriend, Brodie, Julie, Brooke, and Miranda over for dinner. Totally Paxton’s idea as I’d be happy eating my dinner in bed off him. Pretty sure he’s planned this dinner just to give himself a break from me attacking him. Yesterday I tried to talk him into calling in sick, but I lost that battle. Later that night, Pax made it up to me more than just once. I’m close to thirty weeks, and my feet have disappeared.

  About a week after I told Paxton, I finally broke down and asked him if he was moving back in with me or staying with Jace. His response was, “Let’s play it by ear, Belle.” I didn’t like that answer much. Which is also the reason that I took off today. I’m tired of him sleeping here with me, only to get up and sneak over to his place. The only thing he does is shower and change there. It’s time that I claim what I want.

  The moment I know he arrived at work—thanks to Julie—I sneak into Jace’s apartment. To only get an eyeful of him and his boyfriend, Brodie, naked in the kitchen, drinking coffee.

  “Morning, Annabelle,” Jace says as he brings the edge of his mug to his lips. I swear if he moves it away, I’ll see a shit-eating grin like the Joker.

  “Do you two ever wear clothes?”

  “Sometimes,” Brodie snickers.

  “What’s got you breaking in this early when you should be at work?”

  “Not breaking and entering,” I say, holding up the key. “I need to steal a few things, and I took the day off.”

  “What are we stealing?” Brodie asks, turning his body toward me so I get the perfect view of his appendage.

  “Can I just say it should be against the law to have that thing,” I say, fumbling my hands before me as I can’t think straight. Or rather, I should be thinking straight.

  “We’ll go get dressed,” Jace says, sounding like I just asked him to take a flu shot or something.

  “Thank you, because I can’t think straight,” I state as it’s the truth. I’ve walked in on Jace naked back before Paxton returned home. It was the day I realized that Jace hates clothes and should live in a nudist camp. Then again, he’d get kicked out for having a perfect body. I’d never tell Paxton this, but Jace could give him a run for his money with the abs that he carries around.

  I make my way to Paxton’s room and look around. His bed is tightly made as it’s not been slept in for some time now; there’s a basket of clothes that needs to be washed which I’ll handle later. On the edge of his nightstand is a picture of the two of us. It’s always been my favorite which is why I framed it and gave it to him before he left me at college. We’d gone to a U2 concert with friends. The sky had opened up like floodgates that afternoon. We were soaked from head to toe, my hair a matted mess around my face. But neither of us cared. We smiled and cheesed for the camera like we were walking the red carpet. It’s the only picture I see in his room, and I grab it from its home placing it on the edge of the bed. Its new home will rest next to his side of our bed. Moving to the closet, I grab his suitcase from the floor, opening it up once I have it resting on the mattress. One by one I pull his clothes from the shelf and place them inside his luggage.

  “Need help?” Jace asks from the doorway.

  “Sure,” I respond as I continue on my mission.

  “Does he know you’re kidnapping him?”

  “Nope, and don’t you say a word,” I say, pointing my finger at him.

  “Mum is the word from me.”

  “Good. You two still coming for dinner tonight?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  Brodie joins in on our fun, and before I know it we have everything packed and ready to be transferred to my place.

  “No, you don’t. You just lead the way. Paxton would have my ass if I allow you to carry this shit,” Jace blares, and I don’t bother to fight back. It helps that I’m already tired from just packing. The last week I feel like I’m back in the first trimester where sleep doesn’t come soon enough. I could sleep for the better part of the day and night, only allowing time to eat, shower, and have sex as my dessert with Paxton.

  Inside my bedroom, I lean back against the headboard watching Jace and Brodie bring in boxes and the few suitcases filled with Paxton’s clothes.

  Jace opens my closet door, quickly turning his head back in my direction.

  “Where do you think we’re going to put his clothes? This closet is packed.”

  “Just shove it in, I’ll worry with it later.”

  “No, we’re going to help. You just instruct us on what you need us to do.”

  “Coats can be transferred into the baby’s closet. There’s room and that’ll clear some space,” I say and watch them move effortlessly about between both bedrooms.

  “When’s your shower again? That nursery needs stuff,” Jace booms as he re-enters my room.

  “This weekend, and I’ve been ordering stuff. It’s so hard to buy when you don’t know the sex.”

  “Why don’t you ask to find out now?”

  “Because I want it to be a surprise.”

  “My money’s on a girl,” Jace announces while Brodie claims it’s a boy. I suspect a boy myself as Paxton swears we’re having a girl. Which he follows up with the next will be a boy. Usually, I laugh him off as I’ve not thought that far. Sure, I’d love to have another child, but I’d like to do it in a few years.

  I must’ve drifted off as Jace is nudging me and explaining that they're done. Wiping my eyes, I glance around the room that is now empty from the newly obtained boxes.

  “Thanks, guys. I appreciate the help, and sorry I fell asleep on you.”

  “No problem, but know that Paxton called looking for you. He’s headed home since you didn’t go to work and haven’t answered your phone.”

  “Great,” I say as I stand up and try to hurry to finish everything. Not that I have much to do. I just need to set his bathroom stuff up and his picture on the other side of the bed.

  “See ya in a few hours,” Brodie says as he drags Jace out of the apartment. I take it neither of them want to be around when Paxton comes home. Hell, if I think about it long enough this might be a good time for me to escape. Only problem with that is he’ll end up in another panic. Yes, Paxton panics now when I don’t answer my phone; if I’m late arriving home, or sneeze the wrong way—he freaks. It’s driving me mad, but I allow him to do this. He’s missed out on the start of this, and as he puts it, he’s playing catch-up. I let it slide as I just smile and reassure him that I’m fine. Depending on how long ago it was that he called, I figure I have about ten minutes before he rushes through the door.

  “Belle, where are you?” I hear his voice echo through the apartment.

  “Shower,” I scream as I poke my head out of the curtain.

  “Why are you home? Are you okay? Do I need to call the doctor?”



  “Take a moment, I’m fine.”

  “Then why are you home?”

  “Let me finish my shower, I’ll see you in a moment,” I say as calmly as I can as I try to calm his nerves. The sound of the door clicking alerts me that he’s listened, and I have a few more minutes before he comes back. I quickly go through my routine. Drying off, I go to my room and find Paxton laid out across the bed with his arms out wide as if he’s fixing to make a snow angel on my comforter.

  “How was your day?”
I ask.

  I can totally distract him to take his mind off all the questions he has on why I was home.

  Licking my lips, I march forward to the man I want more than I want strawberry cheesecake right now. Oh wait, could I have him and the cheesecake together? It might be messy, but it’ll extinguish two cravings.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “How was your day?” I ask.

  “Good, yours?”

  “Not the best,” I say, not looking up at her. She positions herself on my lap, letting the towel hang open. I open my eyes to watch her. Belle tosses the towel down, sneaking her hands up my chest under my shirt.

  “Belle,” I say sternly.

  “Paxton,” she comes back, lacing her words with pure need.

  “Belle, we need to get ready before company shows up.” I watch as her eyes glance over at the clock and back to me.

  Licking her lips, she says, “We’ve got time. Didn’t you miss me today?” cupping her breasts in her hands.

  I swallow before speaking. “I did, you know that.”

  “No, I don’t, but you could show me.”

  “You’re ruthless, you know that,” I say, gently rolling her off me and onto her back. She positions her legs wide for me. Waiting and ready for what she wants.

  “I do, but so are you.”

  “Oh really, and why do you say that.”

  “Because I know you resisted getting in that shower with me. I was hoping you’d take me the way you did last night.”

  I don’t respond to her. I know she’s trying to drive me nuts, and it’s working. With one look at her, my cock’s rock hard. We don’t have time for me to pleasure her first, not that I need to as she’s always ready and waiting for me. I turn her on her side, allowing her to get comfortable in this position as I lift her leg, opening her entrance for me. One swift move, I thrust in, earning an “Ahh...” from her lips. It’s not rough, as I don’t want to hurt her; it’s just enough to say get ready. Thrust after thrust Belle arches her back, giving me more of herself. Handing everything she has over to me. She grips my forearm as she calls out my name, riding out her orgasm. Satisfied that she’s reached hers I let go, not taking long to join in on the roller coaster that I call Belle. Sinking my weight into the mattress next to her, I reach around resting my hand on her stomach. It doesn’t take long before I’m amazed by the thump of the skin that hits my palm.


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