Tic Tac Love

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Tic Tac Love Page 16

by A. M. Willard

  “Was that the baby?”

  “It was, apparently it approves of Mommy being happy and sexually sedated.”

  “Wow, does it hurt?”

  “No, it gets a little uncomfortable,” she says as I move my hand around more on her flesh. She’s been feeling the kicks for some time. For that matter, everyone except for me has felt my child move. The moment Belle will place my hand there, it stops. When I say stops, I mean for hours it will not flutter, kick, or even hiccup.

  “I need to go shower before we start cooking,” I say as I don’t want to move from this position.

  “Okay,” Belle snickers, causing me to stop in my tracks. She’s been up to something; I just don’t know what yet. A part of me is glad that she’s in a good mood, because later when I break my news to her she’s not going to be. It’s the reason I went to her office today after lunch looking for her. “I’ll be back in a few,” I say before walking away from her, and I hear a soft, “Yes, you will.”

  The moment I walk in through the front door where I share space with Jace, I regret leaving her like I just did.

  “Hey, man, you find Belle?”

  “I did, going to shower really quick and if you want we can all go over and start cooking.”

  “I already prepped the patties, and for the life of me, I don’t understand how she can still crave them. Have you told her what’s in them?”

  “Nope, and I don’t plan on it. You’ll ruin the time she has left.”

  I can’t help but laugh at the fact that if Belle knew what was in them, she might not enjoy them as much. It’s not bad, it’s just a little on the healthy side for her. Jace tries to be vegan at times, but not a hundred percent devoted. His famous burgers consist of hamburger meat, garbanzo beans, brown rice, and salt and pepper. When you hear the ingredients you instantly turn your nose up. It all changes when you take that first bite. I’ll give it to him, I’m pretty addicted to them too. He’s figured out the perfect amount of each ingredient to make it seem gourmet.

  “True, but I can’t wait to see her face when I tell her.”

  “Just make sure I’m around for that, okay,” I say, stepping inside my room. I notice it’s bare. I mean my bed’s there and made, but everything else is gone.

  “Jace, where’s my shit, man?”

  “Don’t know,” he yells back, but I can hear Brodie laugh from the living room. I walk back out and again ask, “What happened to my shit?”

  “It’s next door at Belle’s. She highjacked your shit and ran. Well, actually, she instructed the two of us, and we played along with her plan.”

  “She moved me in?” I say this like I’m surprised, but in reality, I’m not. Belle was never fond of me living two doors down. Not that I really slept here, but my stuff was here.

  “Sure did, now can I have my key back? One of you having it is enough for me.”

  “Sure, yeah… Okay,” I say, running my hands through my hair before digging my set of keys back out of my pocket. I roll the brass around the ring, getting it off, and toss it toward Jace who catches it in mid-air.

  “I’m going to go shower and see you two in a few, alright?”

  “Sounds good, we’re starving.”

  Just like that, I’m back inside Belle’s apartment where I find her smiling up at me from the sofa.

  “Back so soon, Mr. West?”

  “Seems that way. Apparently, someone took all my clothes and soap. I’ve been robbed.”

  “Oh no, we might need to call the cops. You just can’t trust people like we used to. Sticky fingers they have.”

  “Sticky something is right.” I grab her around the waist, pulling her to me while I look down at her.

  “Is this your way of asking me to live with you?”

  “You’ve always lived here with me, I just had to nudge you back.”

  “I like your nudge,” I say, giving her a kiss but break apart before it can get out of hand.

  “Jace and Brodie will be here soon to help.”

  “Go, get ready and I’ll entertain myself I guess.”

  I notice that she’s been surfing the internet as I walk by the back of the sofa and see her laptop open to a baby store. In a few days, she’ll have her shower, and afterward, I plan to take her shopping for anything she wants. Whatever we don’t get at the shower, I’ll order it and have it shipped from Japan if I have to. The only problem is I might not be here to do that with her. Rubbing the back of my neck I feel the knot forming at the base, and I try to release the tension that’s building up, but it’s stuck. The imploding news that could have Belle changing her mind about moving me back in has to be revealed tonight.

  * * *

  It’s not long before our guests arrive. Jace and Brodie are in the kitchen explaining how to do a catwalk. Brooke and Miranda are watching with eyes wide as they do their best impression of it. Julie slides up next to me. “My sister seems happy this evening, I take it you haven’t told her yet.”

  “Nope, I’ve been trying to since this afternoon.”

  “She’s going to kill you, you know this.”

  “I do, but what choice do I have, Julie?”

  “You don’t; hell, neither of us do.”

  “You might want to tell her soon as my mother plans to call this evening. I had to break it to her that I won’t be at the baby shower this weekend. As you know our mother finds out everything once you let the cat out of the bag.”

  “This I’m very aware of.”

  “You know if you rip that bandage off now, we’re all here to protect you.”

  “I don’t think that’s the best way to go about this. I’ll tell her once you guys all leave.”

  “What are you two over here talking about?” Belle questions as she wraps her arms around my waist.

  “Nothing, other than I need to practice this catwalk thing they’re doing,” Julie says as she walks over to join the others. My arms wrap around Belle a little tighter, bringing her closer to my body. In this moment, I want to memorize everything about her. The way her forest-green eyes light up when they stare back at mine. The way the crease above her brows deepens when she laughs. The way her heart loves me and our friends.

  The buzzer from the oven beeps at the same moment Belle’s phone rings. Before I can stop her, she’s answering as she holds up a finger and heads to our room. My eyes lock with Julie’s. We both know what’s coming next.

  Do I run to her?

  Do I stand here and wait for what’s to come?

  I’m begging Julie to give me a sign on what to do. The exact moment she does, out walks a crying Belle.

  “Shit,” I mumble as I head over to her.

  “Don’t you dare. When were you going to tell me?”

  “Tell you what?” I hear come from Brooke. I turn and notice that Julie is telling the others as I try to get Belle to listen to me.

  “Come on, Belle, let’s go talk.”

  “No, this is our family and friends and since I already know, why don’t you tell them how you’re leaving again. How long have you known?”

  “We found out this morning. I’ve been trying to tell you all day, but someone stayed home without telling me. Not to mention, when I got here things happened and I was hoping to get the chance to explain before your mother called.” I cut my eyes in Julie’s direction, wishing she would have given me time to tell Belle first.

  “Why can’t someone else go? Howard knows you need to be here.”

  “He does, and there’s no one else to do this. Not to mention, we can’t send Julie out alone. I swear, Belle, I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “That’s what you always say. Then one week turns into two, and before I know it it’ll be months before I see you again.”

  “Come here.” I open my arms to her and wait for her to come to me. She drags her teeth over her bottom lip, debating if she wants to enter my embrace. Finally, she gives in and comes to me. “Pax, what if you’re not back before the baby comes?” She cries in
to my chest, causing my heart to break a little more.

  “I promise I’ll be back before then. I’m not going to miss this.”

  “I hope so, I can’t do this without you.”

  “You won’t. I promise we’ll talk as much as we can. I’m going to show Julie how it works, get the shots, and back home I come. Howard knows that this is it.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

  I’m not sure how Belle pulled herself together after that, but she did. Everyone offered to give us time alone and to take a raincheck on dinner. I left that ball in her corner. Belle being herself blew their comments off and marched forward with our evening plans. The atmosphere shifted after that call. There was no way of going back. All I could do at this point was complete the job and pray I was back sooner rather than later.

  With Belle curled into my side, I rub my hands along the length of her arm. Trying my best to soothe her. She’s not spoken much since dinner, but neither have I. With us leaving in a few hours, I don’t want to sleep, but she needs her rest. Her body against mine, I’m capturing it so I don’t forget what it feels like while I’m away. This is us… This is our luck, and the only way we’ve known life to be for so long. Howard understands that I’m gone if something happens or the baby comes early. I spoke with Jace, Brooke, and Miranda before leaving, and each one of them has agreed to watch her. She’ll start out sulking, moving to being more pissed off than she is right now, and before she can reach the I’m really pissed mode I should be back. Well, that’s what I’m praying for at least. We’ve made it this far, what’s a few more weeks apart going to hurt?

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  With Paxton and Julie gone, Jace, Brooke, and Miranda are the only ones accompanying me to my parents' house. Today’s my baby shower, a day I should be happy to celebrate. Except I’m not overly excited. I asked my mother to do a Jack and Jill shower, hoping that Paxton would be here to celebrate. Paxton’s only been gone for a few days, but it feels like a month. It could be that I’m miserable, grumpy, and tired. There’s so much pressure in my hips that I don’t want to move. Yesterday before leaving work, I went to talk to David about starting my maternity leave a week earlier than I’d planned. We both agreed that I can do some of my work from home, allowing me to still be in the mix. Thankful for his gesture, I snagged up the opportunity. On Monday, I’ll start working from home in the comfort of my lounge pants. Okay, my leggings and an oversized shirt with no bra. That’s what I tried to wear today, but was shut down by Brooke and Miranda. Jace walked away holding his hands up in the air mumbling something about not fighting with the hormonal one. Poor Jace. This week’s been the roughest on him and Brodie as they’ve been checking in on me at all times of the day and into the evening.

  Brodie was a little sad that he was going to miss the shower, but we promised to bring him cake and pictures. This seemed to satisfy him as he pushed us out the door this morning. My mother has gone through the guest list with me about a million times. I’m shocked that Frank West, Paxton’s father, RSVP’d. I didn’t even know that Paxton had told him about the baby. Maybe our communication needs to be worked on. Since the night I told him, everything’s happened so fast.

  “Belle, you’re quiet,” Brooke says from the driver seat.

  “Just thinking.” My voice is flat with no sign of emotion as I stare out at the passing cars.


  “Stuff, life, Paxton, the baby. Do I need to go on?”

  “No, but you need to snap out of this. Get over it. I know it sucks, but what was he supposed to do?” Brooke lashes out.

  “I don’t know, and I do know he had to go. It’s just…” I stop, taking a moment before I reveal the truth about my feelings. “It’s just a part of me feels that things got rocky and he ran. I know in my heart that’s not the case, but my head tells me to protect myself.”

  “You have got to be kidding me,” comes from Jace’s mouth in the back seat.

  “I’m with him on this one,” Miranda states.

  My eyes drift over to where Brooke’s hands are gripping the steering wheel a little tighter than she should be.

  “Annabelle, get your head out of your ass. Paxton is so in this that he can’t focus on a thing. If you would just open your eyes and notice, you’d see it. Yes, he’s worried and scared like you are. But this is out of his control. He can’t help that his job requires him to travel. This isn’t new, and I’d bet a million dollars that this won’t be the last time either. He supports you, and you need to do the same to him. You have it in that pretty little head of yours that he’s going to walk away from all this. Not in any of the years that I’ve known you two has he ever given me that impression. Yes, it took him longer than I expected to wake up and realize that he loved you and vice versa, but give the guy a break.”

  “Wow, have you been rehearsing that?” I ask as I try to figure out where all that came from.

  “Honestly, yes, I have.”

  Miranda responds, “She’s right, and I agree with everything she said. We love you, Annabelle, and want you happy.”

  “Thanks, guys, and I am happy. I just hate he has to miss the shower.”

  “Oh and she hates the no sex until he’s back,” Jace spits out, causing us all to laugh. He might be right about that.

  Brooke turns in to my parents' neighborhood, and I brace myself. I’m not one who likes all the attention on her. Today will have to be the exception.

  * * *

  I mingle around the room, thanking everyone for coming as I make my way over to the drink table. Scooping up a glass of punch, I stop as soon as a hand lands on my shoulder and that familiar voice floats toward me.

  “Annabelle,” he says, causing me to turn around. When I do, I’m taken aback at how much Mr. West and Paxton resemble each other.

  “Mr. West, it’s good to see you,” I say as I wrap my arms around his waist. When he returns the gesture it almost feels as if Pax is here with me.

  “Please, I think it’s time you call me Frank.”

  “It’s good to see you, Frank.”

  “I wanted to see if I could steal you away for a brief moment?”

  “Sure, what’s going on?” I question as I notice how nervous he seems.

  “Nothing, sweetheart, I just need to do this before everything gets crazy. Come.” Frank motions for me to follow him out to the porch. When he opens the door, I step out and wait.

  “I’m sorry Paxton couldn’t be here today. I’m sure he’d have loved to see you.”

  “Yes, but I saw him before he left.”

  “Really?” My voice hits a new level as I question him. Paxton didn’t mention anything to me, which throws me off my game a little.

  “I was in the city, and we had lunch one afternoon. He’d already told me about the baby over the phone. I have to say I’m not surprised as I’ve been waiting for this day for some time now.”

  “I think everyone was.”

  “Annabelle, have a seat, will you.”

  I take the closest rocker and brace myself.

  “I wanted to give this to you here where we could have a moment alone. Your mother already knows what I have, and agreed that we need this.” I watch as he slides over a giant cradle that looks as old as I am. Turning my head to the side, I examine it. Taking in the way the workmanship is exquisite.

  “This was Paxton’s when he was a baby. I spent eight months building and carving this before he entered this world. I kept it all these years hoping that one day I could pass it along to his child. When the two of us had lunch, I told him about the cradle still being in the attic. He gladly accepted but made a point to let me know that it was up to you. I went over it and made sure it’s sturdy and still intact.” I cut him off by standing abruptly and engulf him with my arms wrapped around his chest.

  Mumbling into this shirt, “I love it and can’t wait to bring our baby home to sleep in it.”

  “You sure, Annabelle? Yo
u don’t have to if you have something else.”

  “No, this is perfect and I’m honored.”

  With a pat on my back, he squeezes me a little harder before speaking.

  “You know, that boy of mine has been head over heels in love with you since the day we moved here. He might not know how to show it all the time, but you’re all he talks about. You’ve always owned his heart.”

  “I’ve loved him for that long too.”

  “Give him the chance; he had it rough with me and his mom for a long time. But with your guidance, he’ll make you the happiest person in this world.”

  “He already does,” I reassure Frank as I pull away and walk over to his gift to us. My hand runs along the edge of the mahogany wood. Picturing a young Paxton lying in the middle sleeping, I smile. It’s not just a normal smile, it’s special. It’s meant just for Paxton as he did this for me… us. A little piece of the past has been given to the two of us as we celebrate the future. We might be miles apart once again but, like always, he’s here with me in spirit.

  Frank leads me back in. He’s a man of little words. I’ve learned over the years that when he does speak, you listen because they mean something. His emotions are usually masked and often not shared. Today on my parents' front porch, he’s shown me more than he ever has over the years. That was more of a gift than the cradle that once belonged to his son. I don’t know how Paxton did it, but I feel him with me here today. Maybe all I needed were the familiar eyes that match his to show me how special life is.


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