Death on Pilot Hill (an inspector harold sohlberg mystery)

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Death on Pilot Hill (an inspector harold sohlberg mystery) Page 19

by Jens Amundsen

  “So the old man’s not inventing this. Did the old man or young mother see the driver or any passengers the second time at two in the morning?”

  “No Chief. . the tree shadows fell right over that spot.”

  “Too bad. These two incidents at the dead end on Orreveien confirm our theory that the entire kidnaping was carefully planned down to the last detail.”

  “Did you notice something interesting Chief?. . It’s Agnes Haugen who drives her husband’s pickup on the day Karl vanishes.”

  “I want this Danica Knutsen put under round-the-clock surveillance. The same goes for the stepmother Agnes Haugen. I want to know exactly what these two women are up to because they’ll soon find out that Gunnar Haugen has been arrested in the kidnaping of his son. So please focus on putting together a minute-by-minute timeline showing the whereabouts of both women that day.”

  “I’ll go and look at the binders. I think someone in the force interviewed Danica Knutsen because she repeatedly kept showing up at the Haugen home during the days after the kidnaping. Anything else?”

  “No. . but the timeline is urgent. Haugen will be out of jail in two days or less. We have forty-eight hours or less to prepare for our interrogation of Agnes Haugen and her friend Danica Knutsen. Get as many people as you need to help you. If you have to- ”

  “I know Chief. . if I have to I’ll work on it all night long.”

  “Thank you. Please call me anytime as soon as you finish. . even if that’s at four in the morning.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Ja. I doubt if I’ll be getting much sleep anyway. . the case is always on mind.”

  Sohlberg spent the next two days at home. Fru Sohlberg knew better than to engage in any conversation with her husband. He spent most of his time reading binders on the case down at the guest cottage by the beach. Their conversations consisted mostly of him saying “Ja. . of course dear. . ” and “Oh?”

  A few months later Sohlberg found out that Fru Sohlberg had wisely cancelled her parents’ visit because she knew that they’d probably feel ignored if not slightly insulted by her husband’s mental and physical absence during the investigation.

  Chapter 14




  A media firestorm broke out during the two days after the arrest of Gunnar Haugen. The headlines said it all: IS IT MURDER? ARRESTED FATHER WILL NOT SPEAK ON KARL HAUGEN CASE SAYS DEFENSE LAWYER.

  Most of the tram’s passengers in the 7:15 AM commute on Line 18 into downtown Oslo were reading newspapers with the latest about the Karl Haugen case. Those who were not reading about the arrest managed to steal a glance at the man who got on the tram and walked straight into a pole near the compartment’s middle doors. He bounced off the pole and kept on walking as if in a trance.

  “Drunk at this hour in the morning,” said an elderly woman loudly. “Imagine that at his age.”

  But the man was not drunk. It was Sohlberg lost in thought and oblivious to his surroundings. He always got that way at the end of every investigation when all the loose ends had to be tied down and fully explained. Sohlberg was legendary for his absent-mindedness when thinking about how to wrap up an investigation.

  One question after the other swirled in Sohlberg’s mind.

  How much did Gunnar Haugen know about the facts leading to his son’s kidnaping?

  How much did the man know about the kidnaping itself?

  Why did Karl’s father refuse to make any statements against his wife Agnes Haugen with respect to the disappearance of his son?

  Most other parents would have cooperated with the police when confronted with evidence that their spouse is likely to be involved in a crime against a stepchild. But not Gunnar Haugen.

  Why didn’t Gunnar Haugen implicate Agnes Haugen after he was arrested and given plenty of chances to finger her as the main suspect in his son’s disappearance?

  Did the father and stepmother act together in the boy’s disappearance?

  Was one of them perhaps an after-the-fact accessory?

  Why did Gunnar Haugen have an acid disposal barrel that was more the right size for a large adult body than for a small child’s body?

  Sohlberg was jolted back into reality when the tram braked to a complete stop at the Oslo Sentralstasjon or Central S Station. He stepped out into downtown Oslo’s loveliest boulevard the Karl Johans gate and walked towards its northern end. Tree leaves shimmered in the gentle end-of-summer sunlight. Strollers cast wary looks at the man with a pinched face and narrow eyes and an enormous flopping raincoat. His mind churned over the case facts. He tried to connect all the facts together to make sense of the kidnaping of Karl Haugen.

  How could someone as smart and educated as Gunnar Haugen have made so many obvious and dumb mistakes in marrying and staying married to Agnes Haugen?

  Sohlberg was surprised at the immense pity he felt for Gunnar Haugen. The man reminded him of so many others who mistakenly think that their education and their income and their titles and their success outside the home would render them immune to failure inside the home.

  What wise man had once said, No success outside the home can compensate for failure in the home?

  Was it David O. McKay from Utah?

  Sohlberg wondered if the man had instead perhaps said, No other success can compensate for failure in the home.

  Regardless of the exact words the underlying thought bothered Sohlberg.

  Had he been too quick to seek success at the expense of his first wife Karoline?

  Sohlberg remembered the many many evenings and nights and weekends and holidays that he had abandoned Karoline to stay working at the law firm. He then remembered how often he had also abandoned Emma and their now-dead son when he investigated crimes.

  After bumping into a group of tourists Sohlberg looked up and was shocked to see Det kongelige slott or the Royal Palace up on the hill. Sohlberg muttered a curse when he realized that he had missed his turn and was now far off course. Even more embarrassing he got lost in thought again and took several wrong turns as he tried to find his way back to the police offices at 12 Hammersborggata.

  The increasingly agitated Sohlberg walked up and down the narrow and odd-angled and confusing streets for almost 30 minutes before someone kindly pointed him to the corner of Hammersborggata and Torggata.

  As soon as he got out of the elevator the receptionist pointed Sohlberg to Ivar Thorsen’s office.

  Commissioner Thorsen sat behind his desk smug and preening. He said in the most patronizing way possible:

  “Sohlberg you’ve done good. An arrest so soon! Excellent. Excellent. I knew you’d pull the proverbial rabbit out of the old hat. Good job. Good job.”

  “Not so fast.”

  “What?. . Oh you’re always so. . so. . how shall I say it?. . Nitpicky?. . Crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s. Alright. Go ahead. You deserve it in this case. Besides. . we’d like to get a rock solid conviction on the father.”

  “Look Thorsen. . we may have found bottles of acid. . and a large barrel to store acid waste at the barn. . all plastered with Gunnar Haugen’s fingerprints. But that doesn’t prove by a long shot that Gunnar Haugen kidnaped or killed his own son. Why would he need such a large barrel for such a little boy?”

  “Well. . ”

  “We also found from Nokia’s records that several mysterious telephone calls were placed to and from Agnes Haugen’s cell phone on the day of the boy’s disappearance. The calls to and from her phone started at around twelve-thirty and ended at about one-thirty in the afternoon.

  “Nokia traced the calls from pings on cell phone towers and their records show that all of the calls took place along Sorkedalsveien near Ring 3. . there’s a bunch of stores and businesses down there in Smestad.

  “Several calls were placed in or near a furniture store. . Hus and Hage. . where Gunnar and Agnes Haugen did a lot of shopp

  Thorsen scratched his head and then his groin and said, “Aha. . these calls would support the stepmother’s afternoon alibi. . that she was driving around in the afternoon trying to calm her baby down after she went to the gym.”

  “Maybe. Seems that way.”

  “Alright then. It’s obvious that the father did it.”

  “I don’t know that for sure. Look Thorsen. . you need to let me finish the investigation. . let me nitpick. Seems to me that the father only needed a barrel that was a quarter as large to dispose of Karl Haugen’s little body.

  “It looks more to me like he had plans to dispose of an adult body. . but even if that’s what he planned on doing you have to ask yourself. . where’s the body he wanted to put in the large barrel?. . And even more important. . where’s Karl’s body?”

  “It’s there Sohlberg. It’s there. Sooner or later we’ll find the boy’s body. I have no doubts he’s somewhere in that farm. Right now we’ve got forty-two police officers and crime scene investigators out there at the grandfather’s farm. We’ve dug up the barn. We already found the boy’s lunch pack. . a key item that you noticed was missing from the boy’s backpack. Really. . what more do we need?”

  “Anyone could have put the boy’s lunch box out there. . matter of fact we have cell phone records showing that the stepmother Agnes Haugen was there at the barn one month before the boy’s disappearance. Seems she forgot to turn off her cell phone. . it rang and sent a ping off a cell tower near the barn.”

  “Her husband could’ve gotten the call at the farm with her phone.”

  “Nope. At the time he was traveling on a long business trip with another Nokia manager.”

  Thorsen frowned. “Well then why in the world did you arrest the father if you haven’t finished the investigation?”

  “Because the arrest is part of the investigation. . the father’s arrest will set off a chain reaction on the part of the other suspects. . especially the stepmother. . as I told Constable Wangelin. . to get a cold case to full boil you need to turn up the heat and concentrate it where it’ll get results.”

  “The arrest of the father is more like a blowtorch.”

  “You said I could use any means. . do whatever it took to solve this case. . right?”

  “Ja. But be careful Sohlberg. . because if you fail. . you’re on your own.”

  “I see that nothing has changed.”

  “Obviously not when I see that you’re playing with fire again Sohlberg.”

  Constable Wangelin drove Sohlberg straight to the residence of Agnes and Gunnar Haugen on Ryghs vei. A short distance from the Haugen house Constable Wangelin stopped the car at the corner of Ankerveien and Ryghs vei to review one more time with Sohlberg the phone records of Agnes Haugen and the timeline for Agnes Haugen and Danica Knutsen on that fateful June fourth. They also went over reams of other information that Wangelin had mined from the massive amounts of material in the binders at the Karl Haugen room back at headquarters.

  “One more thing Chief Inspector.”


  “You asked me to look into Agnes Haugen’s statement that she used her husband’s pickup on June fourth because Karl’s science project would not fit in her Audi sports car. I measured the car. . and it turns out that his exhibit could have fit in the back with room to spare.”

  “Ja. How interesting,” said Sohlberg slowly as his eyes got that misty far-away look that he was famous for when he was about to tackle and try to solve the most complicated aspects of a crime. “Ja. I think we’re ready to pay Agnes Haugen a visit.”

  Secluded and surrounded by trees and pasture at the end of a long private driveway the massive Haugen home could have just as easily have been in the middle of a remote rural area. Sohlberg noted that Karl’s school was less that 2,500 feet northwest of the Haugen household.

  Constable Wangelin pointed and said, “Ah look there she is. . ”

  Agnes Haugen sat on the grass in her bikini bottom and she read a celebrity magazine while sunbathing topless by the side of her enormous two-story home. Wangelin was sure that Sohlberg had not noticed the woman’s exposed breasts so Wangelin scooted ahead of him and warned Agnes Haugen to put on her bikini top which came on the implanted Vesuviuses one second before Sohlberg came upon them.

  Frowning Sohlberg said rather sternly:

  “Fru Haugen. . since we’re not here for a picnic shall we move inside your house where we can all sit down in more formal surroundings?”

  “Why of course. Whatever you say.”

  Sohlberg was not surprised that the expensive home was decorated with gaudy furniture and tasteless accessories which all shouted one thing: “Look at how rich we the Haugens are and you’re not.”

  They sat in on an enormous oversize sofa covered with a faux tiger-stripe fabric.

  “I’m glad I’m meeting you at last Fru Haugen. I’m Chief Inspector Sohlberg and this is Constable Wangelin whom you’ve met before.”

  “Where’s Nilsen? Isn’t he in charge of the case anymore?”

  “No. He’s been permanently removed.” Sohlberg was disappointed that her face showed no expression at that bit of news. “I’m in charge now and I’ve been assigned to bring this case to a close. . to a final resolution. In other words to an arrest and a conviction. . ending in a prison cell for the monster who took Karl Kaugen.”

  “Is that so?”

  Sohlberg studied her demeanor and saw nothing but the fading looks of an unhappy 40-year old suburban housewife whose stone-cold poker face betrayed absolutely no worry or fear.

  “Ja. . I will arrest the shameless monster who killed Karl Haugen. . that innocent little boy.”

  Sohlberg’s last sentence sent a shadow of worry across her face.

  Or was it anger?

  Or sorrow?

  If she had sorrow then for whom?

  Sohlberg waited for the next move from Agnes Haugen. He desperately wanted to see if she would open the door he had just presented to her. If she went along with him and did not object to his stating that Karl Haugen had been killed then she was the culprit or she knew who had killed the boy.

  “Did you say killed?. . Is he dead?” Agnes Haugen spoke barely above a whisper. Then she got louder as she firmly rejected the trap offered by Sohlberg. “Did you find a body?. . I can’t believe he’s dead. No. It can’t be.”

  “Karl is dead.”

  “How. . when?” Tears welled up in her enormous blue eyes.

  “We’ll get to that later,” said Sohlberg who was fuming and at the same time admiring the brilliant ease with which Agnes Haugen had cleverly evaded his first trap.

  “How can this be?” said Agnes Haugen. “How can Karl be dead?”

  Sohlberg offered Agnes Haugen his second trap. He invited her to open the door that would lead to her husband’s conviction. He said:

  “Fru Haugen. . I’m here to gather evidence to convict your husband in the kidnaping and murder of his son. . the minor Karl Haugen.”

  “You’ve already decided it’s Gunnar?”

  Agnes Haugen reminded him of a mouse sniffing the bait on the trap. Sniffing but not nibbling. “I don’t decide anything Fru Haugen. . the evidence decides for me.”

  “What’s the evidence?”

  Sohlberg almost smiled. He was surprised at her cleverness and boldness. Parry and thrust.

  “That’s not a matter for your consideration Fru Haugen. . is it?. . Unless of course you yourself have. . ”

  Sohlberg said nothing more. He threw a blank look at Agnes Haugen and then he set up his third trap — the silent treatment.

  Seventeen very uncomfortable minutes passed by in complete silence. Sohlberg had used this silent treatment quite effectively over the years. More than 2/3rds of all homicide suspects had started talking to Sohlberg out of nervousness and guilt when he gave them the silent treatment. Talkative suspects soon progressed from small talk to asking questions or making comments and their questions or comments alwa
ys led to damaging admissions or confessions of the full or partial variety.

  Agnes Haugen fidgeted when minutes 18 and then 19 and 20 came and went by. She could stand it no longer and suddenly blurted out:

  “Well. . what’s this all about?. . What do you want?”

  “Fru Haugen. . don’t you know what this is all about?. . This is all about a little boy. . your stepson. Remember him?”

  “Ja. Of course.”

  “Then why ask me what this is all about?. . Don’t you know Fru Haugen that it’s all about Karl Haugen and not about you?. . Can you. . for a minute. . stop thinking about yourself?. . Don’t you see?. .

  “It’s all about an innocent and defenseless boy who did not deserve to have his life cut so short. It’s all about a little seven-year-old boy who became an inconvenience to his father and his mother and then to you the stepmother.”

  Agnes Haugen looked away but only to stare impassively out the window as impassively as if Sohlberg had been boring her with a dull sales pitch for a new Electrolux vacuum cleaner. Sohlberg’s anger exploded. He even surprised himself when he yelled:

  “Fru Haugen!. . This case is all about a shy little boy who changed his science fair project to the red-eye tree frog just to please you.”

  “Wait just a minute. . both my husband and I made that decision. It was not just to please me.”

  “That’s not what your husband says.” Sohlberg studied her reaction to his fourth trap — creating conflict between the spouses. “He says that you forced Karl to abandon his project on icebergs. The little boy loved icebergs and he wanted to report on them at the science fair. But you did not let him. Why would you do that Fru Haugen?”

  Agnes Haugen sat poker-faced and said nothing to the seemingly trivial question that had been increasingly bothering Sohlberg for reasons that he could not describe.


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