The Master

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The Master Page 2

by Kailin Gow

  “Are you going to come without me?” His questioning eyes followed the movement of her lips over his cock.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” she groaned with difficulty. “I’m enjoying this and don’t really… want… to…” Her orgasm was so close to exploding, she had to stop a moment… had to take a breath… had to stave off the… but she’d already gone too far. The momentum was there and it was too late to turn back. “Yes,” she groaned as it came over her, heavy and warm and delicious. She pressed hard against him, riding every wave of her pounding orgasm.

  As the throbbing ceased, she looked down at Sebastian. “I hope that wasn’t too painful.”

  “You’re being rather selfish with a man who’s injured and incapable of much activity.”

  “You're right,” she said with a throaty chuckle. “It is pretty selfish of me. I guess I thought I could control myself better.”

  “Want to try again?”

  “I’m not sure. I thought I might let you rest.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m rested. I’m restless, I’m so rested. And after the show you just put on, believe me, sleep is not what I need.”

  She snuggled her heated and wet lips over his hard shaft. “I see what you mean. Not easy to get any sleep when you have that in the way.”

  “I’ll say.”

  “So what do you propose I do?” she asked in mock innocence.

  “Let me in.”

  Shaking her head, she brought her finger to her lips and delicately nibbled on the digit as she considered her options. After a moment’s thought, she peeled her negligee off.

  “That’s a good start.”

  With a wicked gleam in her eyes, she lifted her weight off him and shifted down to sit on his legs.

  “Hey, where are you going?”

  “I was just wondering how much you wanted it.” She leaned forward and dangled her breasts along his cock.

  “Shit, Serena.” He looked down at her in frustrated amazement. “You're going to bust a stitch if you keep up like this.”

  “I thought you liked it.”

  Throwing his head back into his pillow, he let out a lust filled cry. “You're torturing me.”

  “Yes, and I’ll admit, I’m enjoying being on the other end for once. I like seeing the arousal in your eyes and the frustration that sets on your lips.” She swung her breasts from side to side, brushing her nipples against his taut and sensitive skin.

  He lifted his head once more, his eyes dark with animal lust as he caught sight of her. Once again he tried to bring a bandaged hand to her.

  “If you touch me again, I’ll have to tie you up. You need to learn to obey, Mr. Sorensen.”

  He pulled his hand away and looked at her with questioning eyes. “I think I might like being tied up.”

  “Someday, but for now I’ll be mindful of your injuries and go easy on you.” She grabbed his erection and pumped it a few times between her breasts.

  “Holy shit,” he hissed as his fingers clenched the sheets. “I like your idea of easy.”

  “Then I think you're going to like this.” She shifted back up to him and brushed a light kiss on his lips as she crushed her bare breasts against his chest, careful to keep her weight light on his ribs. He let out a hungry groan and she guided his eager cock inside her. With a slow and gentle push, she sat on him, burying him deep inside her.

  Her rocking motion remained slow, building up the anticipation, her own as well as his. Already she knew she’d have another orgasm, and it wouldn’t be long. She was too ramped up.

  Sitting up, she arched her back and pumped a bit harder, a bit faster, a bit deeper.

  “You’re my beautiful Serena,” Sebastian murmured. “My beautiful Serena.”

  She stopped just short of her orgasm, and just barely held the tip of his cock inside her.

  “Finish me off before you kill me,” he groaned, and she knew he was right there, ready to explode with her.

  She straightened up to look at him, to watch the rapture in his eyes and the play of eroticism on his lips as their orgasm took over them. Their cries of ecstasy were subtle and private, not meant to arouse the house guest who might hear them.

  Breathless and sweating, he held her, his bandaged hand playing through her hair. “You amaze me,” he said in a gentle murmur. “Every day that I’m with you, you amaze me. I can’t believe how much I love you.”

  “Easily said when you're still riding the wave of an orgasm. You know you can never trust what a man says just before, during and right after an orgasm. His brain simply isn’t functioning properly and he’ll say whatever gibberish that comes to his tongue.”

  He pulled her tighter to him, hugging her as best as he could with his bandaged hand. “In that case, I’ll tell you again this afternoon, without the hint of a lustful notion in my head, how much I love you.”

  She chuckled. “We’ll see.”

  “And I’m really proud of you, you know?”

  “For having brought you one of the best orgasms of your life?”

  He chuckled. “I’m pleased with that, yes, but I was actually referring to your resistance to Price. I know how hard it must be for you. After all, he had such a strong hold on you for so long.”

  “I think I’ve come to see the situation for what it really was. Price did help me by taking me off the streets, but he also helped himself. He knew how to manipulate me and get me psychologically addicted to him, to be dependent on him. Now that I know I can take care of myself, that I’m worth something outside of his bed, outside of his grasp, there’s no going back. I’ll never be submissive the way I was with him; so totally and utterly submissive in every way.”

  “You certainly proved tonight how you’ve broken free of that submissive frame of mind. But once I’m better, I’m going to want…”

  “Don’t worry.” She sat up on him. “I’ve broken free of Price, but I’m not completely against being submissive in the right context.”

  “Good to hear.”

  “So what are you going to do about Price? We can’t keep him locked up here forever.”

  “I don’t know. What he said about my father complicates things. I haven’t really figured out what to do with that information yet. I could confront my father with the accusation, but I’d be surprised if he admitted to anything.”

  “But if what Price said is true, if your father really is responsible for his parents’ death… You have to do something to set that straight.”

  “Yeah, but what?” he said in a hushed tone. “No matter what I choose to do, my father will be dead set against it. Like it or not, though, I going to have to bring closure to this… if what Price says is true.”

  “You doubt his word?”

  “It certainly wouldn’t be the first time he fabricated a story.”

  Serena couldn’t argue with that. Price knew how to spin a story, how to pull people’s heartstrings, how to get them to think and do what he wanted. He was a great manipulator.

  “You still have a while to consider your options. In the meantime, put Price out of your mind. You need to get your rest.”

  “I’m rested enough and ready for another round.”

  She ran a gentle hand down his cheek. “Let’s not push our luck. You’ll need to be fit and strong to deal with the whole Price situation, and the sooner you're out of bed, the better. I’ll be back to see you after the sun’s come up.”

  “Why don’t you stay?” he said as she got out of bed.

  “You’ll sleep better if I’m not there to crush your arm or rib, or anything else.”

  She pulled her negligee over her head and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Now try to sleep for what’s left of the night.”

  “Serena,” he called before she could open the door.

  She turned to him.

  “Don’t let your guard down with Price. He’ll try every trick in the book to get you on his side.”

  “Don’t worry. I have everything under control where he’s conce

  Sebastian put on a tight and unconvinced grin. Though he claimed to be proud of her ability to remain out of Price’s arms, he seemed concerned. And as Serena left the room and closed the door behind her, she understood his concern. Price was charming, but more importantly, he was cunning and knew exactly what to do with that charm.

  Chapter 3

  Well past noon Sebastian still slept soundly. Her late night rendezvous with him must have left him exhausted. Every hour Serena checked in on him and while he stirred as he sensed her, he wasn’t strong enough to open his eyes.

  With the house quiet and nothing much to do, she took the few sheets of music she’d been working on and headed to the piano to put some finishing touches to the piece. She knew there were some nuances she wanted to bring to it, but couldn’t quite find what was missing. Her fingers to the keys, she put herself in the mood she’d been when she initially started composing it; a little angry with her past, considerably proud of her present and very optimistic for her future.

  She smiled and thought of Sebastian as she marched her fingers up and down the keys.

  It was a strong piece, with strong base notes that evoked the victory and power of her present and future. Several sharp chords brought forth the anger and hunger of her past. The piece was in contrast to the music she’d written before.

  Her previous pieces had been soft, lovely, maybe even a little insipid, as if she’d been afraid to really put her emotions to the notes she wrote. But she hadn’t held back on this one. She’d spilled everything she had and it showed in every note. This piece brought out such strong feelings every time she played it.

  Reaching the end, her fingers gingerly tapped out the last few notes over and over again before she finally silenced them.

  She made only a few minor changes, and played the piece again. Pounding the keys, she lost herself in the melody and marveled at her ability to create such a piece. While it still lacked some of the nuances Sebastian could bring to the piece, it was so much more than she would have thought herself capable of.

  Impressed and surprised by the composing talent that was emerging in her, she sat and stared at the sheet music with her pencil aloft, ready to make more adjustments.

  “I don’t know what more I can do to make it better,” she murmured to herself.


  Price’s strained voice came from the guest room to the far right of the house, as far from Sebastian’s room as could be. Hopefully Sebastian wasn’t awakened by their captive’s cry.

  “What is it?” Serena said as she opened the door to his room.

  “I’ve finished the toast and coffee you brought me earlier.” He held out the empty plate. “A little jam or honey would have been nice.”

  She glared at him and ignored the fact that he stood beside the bed, completely in the nude. Focusing on the plate, she approached him and took it from his extended hand. “I’ll take that into consideration when I prepare your breakfast tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? How many days are you guys thinking of keeping me locked up here?”

  “We haven’t decided yet. Your accusation against Kaiser Sorensen is very serious.”

  “You better believe it’s serious. That’s my life the old man ruined.”

  “Sebastian isn’t taking it lightly and he needs to consider a lot of factors. Confronting his father about this isn’t going to be easy.”

  “I don’t see how keeping me here is going to make it easier.”

  “He wants to deal with this without your interference. He wants to see Kaiser before you do anything.”

  “I’m not going to do anything.”


  “Well, in that case, think you could get me a change of clothes? I’ve been sleeping in those for the past few days.” He gestured to the pile of clothes at his feet. “They’re so filthy, they’re practically staying upright.”

  “Fine. I’ll go find you something.”

  “Sorensen’s wardrobe? Please. The man has the fashion sense of an earthworm. Dark, gloomy and might as well be blind.”

  At the door, she turned to shoot him a stony stare. “Would you prefer I go through my wardrobe?”

  He looked her up and down, taking in the flowing print dress that was just as shapeless as it was transparent.

  “It would be a little more stylish than Sorensen, but the fit might be a little too tight.”

  She closed the door without comment and headed to Sebastian’s master bedroom upstairs. As quietly as possible, she tiptoed into the large walk in closet and pulled out a nice pair of slacks, a beautiful blue shirt and a stylish tie.

  Dark and gloomy… Price had no idea what he was talking about. Sebastian had beautiful clothes.

  “Here we go,” she said as she returned to the room she kept Price in. “Sebastian’s style is somber and moody, so I don’t know if you’ll be able to pull it off, but it’s better than nothing.”

  Price chuckled. “Can you give me a hand? My wrists are sore from the cuffs.”

  “It’s your fault for pulling them apart.” She tossed the clothes on the foot of the bed.

  He smiled, warm and charming, and oh so cunning. “Guess I can’t get dressed. Admit it. You just like seeing me in the nude.”

  Determination burned in her eyes as she looked directly at him. “I’ll leave you to get dressed.” She turned and walked away.

  “Serena. Wait.”

  She stopped at the door, but didn’t turn to him.

  “All right, fine. I’ll drop the charm and be honest. I did hurt my wrists yesterday, a little more than I thought. I was so eager to get out of those cuffs that I might have exerted too much force and it’s my wrist that took the brunt of it. I’m also freezing here. Please, just a little helping hand and I won’t ask anything more of you all day.”

  Biting her lip, she faced him. “No games.”

  “No games.”

  Her jaw tight and her eyes hard, she marched back to him and grabbed the shirt off the foot of the bed. “Hold up your arm,” she commanded.

  He obeyed and she slipped the sleeve on. “In the old days I would be asking you to bend over for a quick fuck right about now.”

  “Those were the old days.”

  “The good old days.”

  She said nothing as she pulled the sleeve up to his shoulder.

  “Was that you I heard playing the piano?”

  “You nearly broke Sebastian’s arm. What do you think?”

  He cocked a surprised brow. “You don’t have to bite my head off.”

  “And you didn’t have to be so rough.”

  “I didn’t really mean to hurt him, you know.”

  She shrugged.

  “It sounded really good… the music you were playing.”

  “I do the best I can.”

  “Was it your composition?”

  “Yes. Pull your other arm back for the other sleeve.”

  She leaned into him to get the other sleeve on him. His scent immediately worked to get her brain thinking back to all the times she’d had that scent in her nostrils; all the times she’d been aroused by the mere scent of him.

  “I never realized how much talent you have.”

  “You never gave me a chance.”

  “I know, and that was my mistake.”

  There was something so sad and forlorn in his words, she couldn’t help but look into his eyes.

  “I realize now that I held you back. I didn’t allow you to flourish… and you have such beautiful talent. I could feel your emotions all the way from here; feel how strong you’ve become.”

  “You never wanted me to be strong.”

  “I was afraid. I was afraid that if you became strong enough, you’d leave me. I know that’s childish and selfish, but you were all I had and I couldn’t bear the thought of living without you.”

  “You’ve never even acknowledged that I could compose. You completely stifled my love of music, like I had no right.”
r />   “And that’s my greatest lost. Just hearing you now, I see all that I’ve missed these years. You could have filled our home with music, beautiful music. You could have composed beautiful love songs meant for me, instead of such an angry piece, as beautiful as it was.”

  “It’s not angry. It’s hopeful.”

  He nodded. “Hopeful for your future without me?” As he spoke he laid his hand on her hip.

  For the moment the touch was innocent enough, but it still stirred something deep inside her. She swallowed the hard clump of arousal that worked its way up her throat and tried to concentrate on buttoning his shirt. Her fingers brushed against the heated skin of his smooth chest and after only two buttons she was too flushed to go on. She turned her attention to the buttons at the cuffs.

  “We’re not through, are we, Serena?” Price asked in a heartbreaking whisper. His eyes were heavy with longing and his heated breath a strong reminder of all the scorching nights they’d spent together. “Tell me we’re not through.”

  There was something so sincere, so genuine in his words, in his voice, something that tugged at her heart and pierced her soul.

  Flashes of her nights with him sped through her thoughts, arousing a dormant side of her she’d kept quiet the past months. A quick glance down and she noticed he was already hard. She returned her focus to his cuffs.

  “Old habits die hard,” he whispered. “I want you now just as much as I wanted you the very first time I saw you. You still have that effect on me.”

  “You’ll have to forget about those days, Price.” Her voice was suddenly soft and unconvincing. “I’m not yours anymore.”

  She buttoned the cuff of one sleeve and he brought his free hand up to caress her cheek. Her eyes closed and she instinctively leaned into his hand before backing away with a start.

  “Why back away, Serena?”

  “You’re out of line. You have no right, Price. None.”

  “But you feel something, don’t you? They’re still there, all the feelings you’ve always had for me. Why are you denying it? Why can’t you just set them free and we could move on together. I’ve learned so much about you. Things would be dif…”


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