The Master

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The Master Page 4

by Kailin Gow

  She pulled him into her mouth, sucking hard until he was stiff and solid in her mouth. Her tongue ran up and down his shaft, bringing him close to another orgasm.

  Shutting his eyes, he lost himself in the pleasure, in the warmth of her mouth and the play of her fingers along his ass. For a few moments, all that mattered was her mouth and his cock. All he felt were the sensations she brought him, exquisite and erotic.

  She moaned and groaned her pleasure as he reached for her breasts, but suddenly the sounds and the rhythm changed. He initially ignored it, too wrapped up in the movements of her lips and tongue over his cock, but when he heard Price’s distinctive grunts, his eyes flew open.

  Taking advantage of the fact that Serena was bent over to suck on Sebastian, Price had positioned himself behind her and was dipping his fingers into her cunt. He waited for Sebastian to make full eye contact before driving his hard shaft deep inside her.

  Serena moaned with heightened pleasure, obviously enjoying being sandwiched between the two lovers. Infuriated by Price’s move, Sebastian almost pulled away from Serena, wanting to stop the craziness, but she sucked harder, insisting he stay with her, insisting he remain in her mouth.

  Price gripped her hips and pumped harder and harder, each pump pushing her into Sebastian’s cock.

  “Let me hear you come, you bitch,” Price said.

  Still pumping Sebastian’s cock with her hand, she leaned up slightly and guided his cock between her breasts that bobbed up and down with every pump Price gave her.

  The sight was more arousing than he could have imagined and his orgasm sped through him, squirting all over Serena’s breasts. Her own orgasm quickly followed as she panted and cried out her pleasure. Price let out a victorious shout as his orgasm took over.

  Angry at Price and Serena for the absurd scenario, Sebastian was angriest with himself for having taken part in it. Not only had he taken part in it, but he’d enjoyed it, enjoyed the spectacle, enjoyed how completely wanton Serena could be. He’d enjoyed how she had gotten pleasure from two men… from both ends.

  “Bravo, Bash.” Price slapped Serena’s ass prompting her to straighten up. “I honestly didn’t think you had it in you. You surprise me. You handle her pretty well. Almost like an old pro. Not many men can stand to watch the woman they love get fucked by another man.”

  “First off, I don’t ‘handle’ Serena,” Sebastian argued, his jaw tight with anger. “I make love to her. That’s the difference between how you and I see things. Just now, we both had sex with her, but in addition to the physical pleasure I derived from it, I felt the love I have for her.”

  “Bullshit. You were horny just like any other man would be in this position.”

  “I’m not denying I was horny. I’m just saying that the love I have for her is a major factor, too.”

  “And you don’t think it is for me? You don’t think I love her?” He strained against his collar and unsuccessfully lashed out at Sebastian. “I knew her when she was nothing, when she knew nothing. She’d never held a cock in her hand before she met me, never mind sucked on one. But as naïve and inexperienced as she was, I loved her. I took her in. I was patient with her. I taught her everything she can do today and more. That is love. I showed her love my way. I provided the pain, the control and the ability to find intense release from the pain of the past. What have you given her?”

  Sebastian stared blankly at him a moment.

  “You found her fully educated, fully capable of pleasing you in every way imaginable. It’s easy to love a woman who just jumps right in and does everything your heart desires, without hesitation, without prompting and without teaching.”

  “That had nothing to do with it. I fell in love with her for more than what she can provide me in bed. I fell in love with her…”

  “Right… over the love of music,” Price said in a condescending tone. “Spare me your artistic twist on the situation. You enjoyed fucking her, just like I did.”

  “You guys know that I’m right here, don’t you?” Serena said. “I’d appreciate it if you’d stop talking about me like I was some blue ribbon dog or something.”

  Sebastian pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “If you had ever loved her, you wouldn’t have used her to bait all your rich billionaire friends.”

  Price scoffed.

  “Like the invitations you sent out for that party on your yacht in Newport Beach.”

  Taken aback, Price eyed him with suspicion. “You know about that?”

  “You sent me an invitation to it.”

  “Oops. I think that might have been meant for Mr. Sorensen Sr., not little Jr…”

  Sebastian’s eyes narrowed with fury. How dare he insinuate such a thing… that his father would attend one of Price’s sordid soirees.

  “Why, Bash. Don’t look so shocked. Your father has been to more than one of my parties, and I must say, he enjoys them immensely. He’s particularly taken with Serena.”

  Sebastian gagged and had to put his hand to the bedpost to keep from falling.

  His father?

  “Yes, Bash. Men your father’s age seem to be quite fond of the shows Serena and I put on. It’s quite a spectacle, especially when I introduce some toys we’ve invented to heighten pleasure. I guess it’s an escape from the dull ache their own home lives have become. I mean, your mother is a beautiful woman, considering her age, but can you imagine having to fuck her?”

  “You bastard.” Sebastian pulled his hand back, but this time it was a fist that landed on Price’s jaw instead of a sissy slap.

  Price laughed as he wiped the trickle of blood oozing from his cut lip. “No offense, Bash. Look, I just do what pleases the audience.”

  “You're exploiting Serena.”

  Price eyed Serena with mischief in his evil eyes. “You enjoy it, don’t you, Serena? The power you have over these men. You enjoy the room full of hard ons, all aroused by the sight of you, all horny as they watch me fuck you, all wishing they could fuck you themselves.” He brought his gaze to Sebastian. “Of course, I never let them. I mean, they’re allowed a feel here and there, maybe tweak a nipple or slip her the finger, but only I get to drive my dick in.”

  Again, Sebastian punched him. “You sick bastard. And you have the audacity to say you love her?”

  “Like I said, I have my way of loving her. Showing her all the adulation she can get from men, it helps build her esteem, her confidence. Of course, it wasn’t part of the plan that your father took such a liking to her… I mean, how could I have known you’d end up with her?”

  His father had seen Serena, nude, in the midst of sexual acts. Was that why he’d snubbed her when Sebastian had first introduced her? It was one thing to go see such a torrid show, to salivate over a beautiful woman, but to have your son show up with that very same woman… what a scandal.

  “If I’d wanted to exploit her, I would have taken your father’s offer of a hefty sum just to have her for the night.”

  “You're a manipulative liar.”

  “How do you think we came to have such a tight bond?” Price openly laughed at Sebastian’s naiveté. “I didn’t let him have her for the night, but I did let him have a bit of fun.” He held up his hand, his thumb and index finger half an inch apart. “Just a little bit of fun.”

  “You're no more than a scumbag, Turnsby.”

  “Ah, yes, but a scumbag your father came to appreciate quite a bit. As you probably know yourself, you can’t be satisfied by having just a little bit of fun with a girl like Serena. You want more and more, and that’s what your father wanted; more. He has quite an insatiable appetite. But the lust he had… or rather has for Serena allowed us to build quite a partnership.” He snickered. “Funny what powerful men will do for a beautiful young girl, especially one who is so sexually agreeable.”

  Blinded by fury, Sebastian punched him once more, holding back none of the rage that boiled in his blood.

  Rage for Price’s complete lack of morality. Rag
e for tarnishing Serena’s reputation to such an obscene extent. Rage for his father, who had not only betrayed his mother’s trust and loyalty, but who had lent himself to such a degrading and despicable spectacle.

  All his rage, channeled into his fist, left Price unconscious on the bed.

  Chapter 5


  Serena stared at Sebastian as he washed his hand of Price’s blood in the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom. “I don’t know what to say, Sebastian. I know ‘sorry’ doesn’t begin to cover how much I regret all this.”

  “I’m not mad at you, Serena. I was right there and I participated as well. I should have pulled you away when I saw Price touch you, but I didn’t. I was too caught up in the pleasure of your mouth to make a move. If anything, I’m mad at myself for not having more control than that.”

  “I guess we’re all lacking control.” She bit her lip as she considered her next question. “Were you aroused by what Price did?”

  He hesitated and finally let out a long, tired sigh. “I’m disgusted by the thought now, but at the time, yeah, I guess you could say I was aroused. And you, getting fucked from both ends? Did it please you?”

  “Like you. Now that I think back on it, I’m repulsed, but while it was going on… it was the hottest thing I’ve ever lived through. It was so hot, Sebastian. It’s what many women would want…to have sex with two very handsome and desirable men. Maybe because it was so naughty and perverse.”

  “Speaking of perverse… You know my father? You knew him even before I introduced you to him?”

  She nodded.

  “Why didn’t you ever bother telling me about it?”

  “For one thing, it’s not exactly something that comes up easily in conversation. What was I supposed to say? ‘Oh, and by the way, your father’s a horny pig who’s touched me in ways you don’t want to know about’? Besides, Price usually fills me with champagne at these parties. He knows it loosens me up, but it also makes me forget a large chunk of the night.”

  She came up to lean against the wall beside the bathroom sink as Sebastian continued to run water over his busted up hand. “The men all look alike anyway. They’re all middle aged or older. Most are balding, or grey. The very first time you introduced me to your father, I had the vague feeling I’d seen him before, but it took a while before I realized where. By then I was madly in love with you and I couldn’t imagine telling you such a thing. I was afraid of what you’d think of me, but I was also afraid of how you’d see your father.”

  “It’s not as if I held my father in such great esteem to begin with, though this is low, even for him.” He turned off the water and wrapped his hand in a towel. “Then again, why wouldn’t he mention it to me? I mean, not even a warning of what I was getting myself into.”

  Serena frowned. “You would’ve heeded his warning?”

  He smiled for the first time and brushed the back of his good hand along her cheek. “No, I wouldn’t have, but my father is usually so uptight about these things, so caught up in appearances and social status, I don’t understand why he didn’t use this as a reason for me to stop seeing you.”

  “I guess he didn’t want to admit he’d been unfaithful to your mother.”

  Sebastian stared at her a long while and she could see the millions of questions going around in his head; questions she probably didn’t have the answer to.

  “I’m so sorry, Sebastian. I guess I could have been more up front with you. I was scared. I didn’t know what you’d think of me. And, I guess a part of me wanted so badly to put that part of my life behind me, that I deliberately pushed it aside, hardly thinking of it myself.”

  “How long…” He cleared his throat. “How long have you been doing this?”

  “The shows?” She shrugged and gazed at the ceiling as she thought back. “I don’t know, since I was twenty.”

  “For years,” Sebastian muttered. “He’s been using you and exploiting you for years, using your body to get what he wants from the rich men around him. He’s no better than a back alley pimp.”

  “Sebastian, I played my part too.”

  “Did you know what he was up to? Did you know what he traded your ass for?

  She shook her head. “No, not really.”

  “No, because you were just a pawn in his stupid game.” He looked her straight in the eye, his lips set in a determined line. “I’ll make him pay for that. Go pack.”


  “It’s about time we see what Price is really all about. I want to know what he’s planning with all these rich men.”

  “There’s something else, too. It’s not just rich men.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s thrown several parties strictly for influential men in the music business. He’s made sure every man who could possibly have helped me with my career knew exactly who I am… what I am.”

  “Then I guess we’ll pay them all a visit. We’ll set this straight, because if they can hinder your career with what they saw of you, I can break theirs for having watched it.”

  Chapter 6


  Sebastian looked at Serena and tried to understand the extent of Price’s power over her. He’d severely underestimated it.

  “Should I pack for good or just the weekend?”

  “Not sure. Take what you think you’ll need for a few days. I’ll make arrangements if we don’t ever come back.”

  She nodded, but seemed hesitant.

  “I’ll go make sure the plane is ready in time.”

  “What about Price? You can’t just leave him tied up like that.”

  Sebastian considered her question a moment and smiled. “We could just leave a bowl of water and a platter of food nearby.”

  “Sebastian, that’s awful.”

  He laughed. “I’m kidding, but he hardly deserves better. I’ll make sure my bodyguard arrives before we leave. He’ll watch over Price.”

  Before leaving her he glanced into her suitcase. “Make sure you have plenty of pretty lingerie in there. You might need it.”

  She frowned which made him question all the more the plan he had in mind. It was ludicrous and crazy and virtually impossible to pull off, but he had to try.

  Leaving her to make the flight arrangements, he considered the other alternatives he had. There weren’t many, and he had to simply hope this one would work. He called his pilot then made sure his bodyguard was en route. Minutes later he returned to Serena, anxious and eager to get away.

  “Ready? My bodyguard is already coming up the drive and the plane will be ready by the time we get there.”

  She obediently followed him out to the car, though he couldn’t help but notice the furtive glance she shot at the window of Price’s room.

  The need to get her out of there and away from him was all the more urgent.

  But as they drove to the airstrip, boarded the plane and sat through the flight, images of Serena and Price continually played in his mind. He could see her face, enraptured and immeasurably aroused as Price fucked her. She wasn’t just doing the act, but she seemed willing and eager.

  That she could succumb to Price when alone and lonely, when Sebastian couldn’t fulfill her, he could potentially understand, but that she succumb to him right when Sebastian was there, ready to give her everything she needed and wanted… it was unbearable. It made his heart sink. Perhaps she truly loved that monster.

  “Are you all right?” Serena asked.

  Twenty minutes into the flight and he hadn’t said a word.

  How could he tell her he was torn apart by what had happened? How could he tell her he could barely trust her?

  “I never should have shared you with Price,” he said softly.

  She looked out the window a moment, her eyes dark and saddened. “And I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to refuse him.”

  And I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to break the hold he has on you, he wanted to say. Instead, “I guess we both weren’t s
trong enough.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I know.” He shrugged and tried to laugh at the situation. “It seems I’m a real masochist, torturing myself by parading you in front of you dominator and watching you succumb to him. I really underestimated Price and his ability to still control you. Now I’m paying for it.”

  “Sebastian, I’m afraid I may be more damaged than you can deal with. Price is, well…was a drug for me. I’m hopeless.”

  His eyes softened as he looked at her. “Don’t say that. I love you and I’ll deal with whatever comes.”

  She leaned into him for a kiss, but he could only bring himself to offer her a small peck. For now the wound was too fresh, the humiliation too deep.

  He leaned back into his seat and closed his eyes, hoping to put an end to the conversation. There was no point in going over it again. She had done what she’d done and he’d seen what he’d seen, and no amount of talk was going to erase that. No amount of apologies was going to help fade the vision of her ass slapping into Price as she pulled up and back against him, willing him to dig his cock in deeper. No amount of talk could make him forget how hungry she was when she pulled Price’s cock into her mouth and sucked like she’d been deprived of sex for weeks. It was extremely hot but because he loved her and hated Price, maddening at the same time. He was so turned on, especially by the competition, that he probably experienced one of the most mind-blowing climax he’d had in a while. God help him. He was just as perverse as that sick Price.

  And the whole mess with his father.

  How could he ever look at his father again without seeing him touching Serena? He would see his father’s hands and envision them on her breasts. He would forever see his father’s lips and imagine them around her nipples.

  His opinion of his father would forever be changed, but he could live with that. Even under the best of circumstances, they rarely spoke to one another. But Serena…

  He dug deep inside himself to find if his opinion of her hadn’t changed. Was she too damaged? Could he overcome it?


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