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Uncertainty Page 5

by David Lindley

  Bohr had difficulty with English manners. He left a manuscript for J.J. to look at and, on discovering it undisturbed some days later, decided to bring the matter up directly. This was not the done thing. J.J.’s reaction, when it eventually came, was to suggest that a young man such as Bohr could not possibly know as much about electrons as he did. It didn’t help, Bohr concluded, that he was a foreigner. He went to formal dinner at Trinity, J.J.’s college, but weeks passed before anyone spoke to him. J.J. responded to Bohr’s unmannerly desire to debate physics by retreating the other way whenever he saw Bohr coming. “Very interesting…absolutely useless” was how Bohr later described his brief stay in Cambridge. Very interesting became his trademark way of politely closing the conversation when presented with dubious hypotheses or fanciful scientific speculation.

  Bohr traveled to Manchester to visit a professor there, a friend of his recently deceased father’s. At dinner he met Ernest Rutherford, who had returned from Canada some years earlier to take up a post at Manchester and who happened to know the same man. Some weeks later, Rutherford visited Cambridge, and he and Bohr spoke again. Clearly it was Rutherford at Manchester, not Thomson at Cambridge, who was doing the most important physics in England. Rutherford, moreover, was not English, and Bohr found him friendly and encouraging. By March 1912, Bohr had managed to transfer himself to Manchester, ostensibly to learn how to do experiments in radioactivity. At this he proved, if not absolutely useless, indifferent at best.

  Rutherford had forged ahead with his scrutiny of the atom. Some years before, working with his young colleague Hans Geiger (of Geiger counter fame), he had finally pinned down the identity of radioactive alpha emanations. They were particles much heavier than electrons, carrying two positive units of electric charge. Trapped and allowed to become electrically neutral, alpha particles became indistinguishable in all respects, Rutherford and Geiger found, from atoms of helium. In alpha decay, evidently, a big atom turned into a somewhat smaller one by spitting out a chunk closely resembling the light helium atom.

  Of course, no one then knew what an atom was, but it occurred to Rutherford that alpha particles would make good heavy projectiles for shooting at other things, to see what they were made of. He and Geiger, along with a new student, Ernest Marsden, experimented with shooting alphas from a radioactive source toward thin gold foils. Geiger and Marsden sat in the dark for hours, letting their eyes grow sensitive to the tiny flashes of light that erupted when alpha particles smashed into phosphorescent screens surrounding the experiment.

  They weren’t sure what they expected to happen. Most of the time, the alphas sailed straight through the flimsy gold foil as if it wasn’t there. Sometimes they changed direction a little as they passed through, coming out on the far side at a modest angle. What took the experimenters wholly by surprise was that very rarely an alpha wouldn’t make it through the foil but would bounce back off it altogether. This, Rutherford famously said later, was “quite the most incredible event in my life…as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you.”

  The tissue paper was the sheet of gold foil—an array, therefore, of gold atoms. Those atoms might contain electrons, but an alpha particle could no more bounce backward off an electron than a cannonball can rebound off a Ping-Pong ball. What, then, were the alphas running into?

  Most likely, Rutherford already had a pretty good idea what the answer was, but it was a couple of years before he felt confident enough to announce his conclusion. Alpha particles deflected through large angles can only be bouncing off something much heavier than themselves. That something, Rutherford declared in 1911, was the atom’s tiny, dense nucleus (a word he introduced the following year).

  As with so many great moments in science, this announcement—the birth of nuclear physics—drew little immediate reaction. At an international meeting in 1911 Rutherford said next to nothing, while J.J. described, to no strong interest, a further elaboration of his old plum pudding atom. Rutherford was not a theorist, but he knew that his proposal of the existence of the nucleus left a great deal unsaid. In particular, Rutherford had nothing to say about the atom’s complement of electrons. Where were they, in relation to the nucleus, and what might they be doing?

  By the time Niels Bohr showed up in Manchester, Rutherford’s assistant was Charles Galton Darwin, a grandson of the pioneer of evolution. Darwin was pondering how alpha particles slowed down as they passed through some solid material. It’s a rare alpha that hits a nucleus and suffers a great reversal. Mostly, they straggle to a halt, their energy petering out. Darwin’s explanation was that they suffer repeated small collisions with the electrons in atoms, losing a little energy each time. By studying this process, he hoped to better understand how electrons arranged themselves in atoms.

  He vaguely imagined each atom as having a cloud of electrons that roamed loosely around within a volume representing the atom’s overall size. Rutherford’s nucleus sat in the middle, somehow keeping the whole thing together. But when Darwin tried to match his model to the measured rates at which alphas slowed in various materials, he came up with atomic dimensions unsatisfactorily different from atomic sizes deduced by more direct means.

  In his thesis work, Bohr had conjured up a similarly simpleminded picture of the conduction of electricity by electrons rambling around in metals. That model also did a poor job of explaining what it was supposed to explain. The common flaw, Bohr began to suspect, was that electrons perhaps were not able to move as freely as he and Darwin were assuming.

  Somehow, Bohr realized, the nucleus of an atom must keep its complement of electrons in hand, by means of some restraining force. So he imagined each electron not moving freely but held in place, vibrating back and forth, something like a ball on a spring. This was a picture only, a guide to the imagination, but it helped him think.

  Now came the momentous but profoundly bizarre step. The electrons, Bohr proposed, could not vibrate with any amount of energy you cared to specify. Instead, they could carry energy only in multiples of some basic “quantum.” Now, when alphas passed through some solid material, they could give up their energy to the electrons they encountered only in these quantum amounts. Remarkably, after a bit of fiddling, Bohr found that he could now give a much better account of how alphas slowed down. Puzzled but satisfied, he wrote up his sketchy theory, sent off a paper for publication, and headed back to Copenhagen to marry Margrethe Nørlund, the sister of friends he had made as an undergraduate.

  What remains murky even to this day is why Bohr made this curious suggestion. The idea of a quantum of energy, to be sure, was not new. It had come in 1900, from Max Planck—but in an utterly different context. For years, Planck had been wrestling with an irksome problem. It was well known that hot objects glowed through a series of characteristic colors—from the red glow of embers to the yellow of the sun to the eerie blue-white of molten steel—as their temperature increased. Experimental physicists had carefully measured the spectrum of emitted radiation—a graph of the amount of energy coming out at different wavelengths or frequencies. But theorists had been hopelessly stymied in their attempts to explain the shape of the spectra their experimental colleagues measured.

  Almost in desperation, Planck tried dividing the energy of radiation up into little units. It was intended as a mathematical trick, to simplify his calculations. If he could work out the desired form of the spectrum, he supposed, he would then be able to use standard mathematical techniques to shrink his little chunks of energy down to infinitesimal size while keeping his solution intact. His plan half worked. He was able to derive the correct spectrum, but only if he kept the units of energy at a specific size. To his everlasting chagrin, he could not make these quanta, as he called them, go away.

  Planck was a conservative sort. There was no reason in standard physics why the energy of electromagnetic waves should be restricted in this way. He refused to believe that electromagnetic energy, in some intrinsic
way, could only exist in small units. Rather, he thought, something about the way material bodies emitted energy caused radiation to pop out in discrete quanta. Other physicists mostly agreed with this rationale. Planck struggled mightily in the following years to find a satisfactory reason why energy should emerge in this chopped-up way. He didn’t succeed, but neither did he give up.

  More than a decade later, Planck’s idea remained mysterious and controversial. Still, as Bohr recalled, the idea of energy quanta was at least in the air. It didn’t seem extravagantly farfetched to apply a version of the same idea to electrons in atoms. He cheerfully admitted that he couldn’t offer any real justification for his proposal. But it seemed to help.

  Only some months later did the extraordinary fertility of this innovation begin to dawn. Back in Copenhagen, Bohr had accepted a junior position at the university, the main burden of which was teaching physics to medical students. One day a colleague asked him whether his strange picture of electrons in atoms might be of any help in explaining something called the Balmer series of spectroscopic lines in hydrogen. Sheepishly, Bohr confessed that he didn’t know what this Balmer series was, and went to the library to educate himself.

  No doubt he knew what spectroscopy was. A century earlier the German astronomer Joseph von Fraunhofer had scrutinized the spectrum of light from the sun and noticed that the rainbow of colors, from red through green to violet, was marked by hundreds of thin dark lines. The spectra of bright stars, he later found, showed similar lines, some coinciding with what he had seen in sunlight, some differing. Over the following decades it was established that each chemical element absorbs and emits light not in a broad, continuous way, but at specific characteristic wavelengths: the harsh yellow of sodium; the companionable red of neon; the ghostly bluish tint of mercury light.

  To chemists especially, spectroscopy offered a marvelous diagnostic tool. By looking at the light from some heated sample, they could see what elements it contained. But physicists hadn’t come close to understanding why atoms emitted and absorbed only at these characteristic frequencies. It was just another job for the overworked atom to take on.

  The Balmer series was the only contribution to science of Johann Balmer, a Swiss schoolteacher. In 1885 he had devised a simple algebraic formula that reproduced with remarkable accuracy the frequencies of a prominent series of spectroscopic lines displayed by hydrogen. But this was pure numerology, devoid of any physical reasoning. In the twenty-seven years that had passed before Bohr became aware of it, no one had come close to explaining where Balmer’s formula came from.

  But that’s exactly what Bohr now did, in the space of just hours. With a mix of physical reasoning and inspired guesswork, he persuaded his sketchy atomic model to cough up the Balmer formula in a few lines of algebra. If Rutherford, a year or two earlier, had given birth to nuclear physics, Niels Bohr had now delivered atomic physics into the world.

  Instead of thinking of the electrons as vibrating in some generic way, Bohr now imagined specifically that they orbited the nucleus as the planets orbit the sun. Where gravity holds the solar system together, attraction between negatively charged electrons and a positive nucleus maintains order in the atom. But now Bohr imposed the crucial quantum condition: the orbiting electrons cannot have any energy they like, but can take on only a limited set of values.

  If this prescription holds, the single electron of a hydrogen atom must occupy one of a set of distinct orbits. The larger the orbit’s diameter, the greater the energy of the electron speeding around. Miraculously, Bohr now saw, his model explained spectroscopy. When an atom absorbs energy, an electron hops from a lower orbit to a higher one; if the electron falls back again, the atom throws back that same dollop of energy. These absorptions and emissions can come only in fixed amounts, dictated by the restricted set of electron orbits. And with appropriate adjustment, Bohr found, these orbits could be placed so as to reproduce precisely the Balmer series. It wasn’t merely that he was able to work out a theoretical basis for Balmer’s formula. His far greater achievement was that he had at last found the reason why there is a science of spectroscopy at all: it has to do with transitions of electrons from one orbit to another.

  Tempering his excitement was Bohr’s clear understanding that he could give his simple model no persuasive physical foundation. The electrons stayed in their allotted orbits only because Bohr wrote a rule saying that they must. For this restriction, he said plainly in his published paper, he would offer “no attempt at a mechanical foundation (as it seems hopeless).” The model worked beautifully, but where it came from not even Bohr would venture to guess.

  To many older scientists, Bohr’s atom did not even qualify as physics. Lord Rayleigh, a seventy-year-old mathematical physicist of wide-ranging accomplishment, told his son, “Yes, I have looked at it, but I saw it was no use to me. I do not say discoveries may not be made that sort of way. I think very likely they may be. But it does not suit me.” Rayleigh was a thoughtful, modest man, a wise old owl by this time. His opinion of the Bohr atom was not so much a condemnation as a melancholy acceptance that his day had passed.

  A shrewd early criticism came from Rutherford, to whom Bohr had sent a long early draft of his ideas. Rutherford tried to trim the manuscript, to encourage what he called an English habit of terseness in place of continental prolixity, and was surprised by Bohr’s stubborn insistence in trying to say everything as fully, carefully, and precisely—overprecisely, Rutherford thought—as he could. Among his comments Rutherford offered this thought: “There appears to me one grave difficulty,” he wrote to Bohr. “How does an electron decide with what frequency it is going to vibrate and when it passes from one stationary state to another? It seems to me that you would have to assume that the electron knows beforehand where it is going to stop.”

  Spontaneity: that awkward notion crops up again. In Bohr’s atom, an electron in a high orbit seemed to have a choice of what lower orbit it would jump into, and therefore what spectral line it would produce. In radioactive decay, as Rutherford well knew, a particular unstable atom always disintegrated in the same way, even though the timing of the event was unpredictable. But Bohr’s jumping electrons seemed to choose not only the timing of their leap but the destination too. This Rutherford found disturbing.

  Nor was Rutherford the only skeptic. Einstein at first cast a wary eye on the new atom. But in 1916 he published a provocative analysis, deceptively simple yet powerfully revealing, which made him think harder about Bohr’s achievement. He imagined a single Bohr atom immersed in electromagnetic radiation and asked how the two would exchange energy back and forth. Specifically, he asked how this system would attain thermal equilibrium, with the atom giving out energy as often as taking it in and the spectrum of radiation maintaining a constant form, characteristic of some fixed temperature.

  From this simple setup Einstein drew some remarkable conclusions. To begin, the radiation spectrum in equilibrium must have precisely the form Planck had calculated in 1900, with his quantum hypothesis. Next, the atom could give up and take in energy only in units exactly equal to the energy difference between two orbits—meaning that it couldn’t, for example, simultaneously shoot out two quanta of lesser energy amounting to the same total.

  These conclusions not only bolstered the case that both Planck and Bohr had got their ideas right but also hinted at some deep connection between their proposals. But a third result made him uneasy. For the energy balance between atom and radiation to come out right, Einstein found, the atom’s emission of energy had to be governed by a simple law of probability. The chance of the atom shooting out a quantum of energy, he calculated, was constant in any given period of time. He had seen this before. “The statistical law,” he noted, “is nothing but the Rutherford law of radioactive decay.”

  These two processes, in other words—the radioactive decay of a nucleus and the hopping of an electron from one orbit to another—were not only both spontaneous, but spontaneous in the same wa
y. In neither case is there any special time when the change happens—it just happens, for no evident reason. Which appears to mean that these physical phenomena proceed without any identifiable cause.

  “That business about causality causes me a great deal of trouble,” Einstein wrote to a colleague some years later, when the puzzle still had found no adequate explanation. He was largely alone in his worries. Most physicists were too busy playing with the Bohr atom to spend time fretting over these metaphysical concerns. It would take them a little while to catch up.

  Chapter 5


  In July 1914 Bohr took his atom on the road. With his younger brother Harald, an up-and-coming mathematician, he traveled to Germany to present his ideas in Göttingen and Munich. The University of Göttingen, squarely in the middle of the country, was a formidable center of both pure mathematics and mathematical physics. Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the great mathematicians of all time and a noteworthy physicist, too, had taught there for many years until his death in 1855. But by the early twentieth century, Göttingen had succumbed to the stuffiness that often afflicts great institutions in the wake of a legend (think of Cambridge in the generation or two following Newton). It happened that Harald Bohr had been in Göttingen when his brother’s atomic model made its debut, and he reported back to his brother that most of the professors there found the proposal more “bold” and “fantastic” than plausible. One crusty senior mathematician, Harald wrote to Niels, said that “randomly chosen numbers could be made to agree just as well” with hydrogen’s spectral lines.

  Presenting his theory in person, Bohr made some headway. Not yet fluent in German, he spoke softly and tentatively, but with an unmistakable intensity. The general opinion among the Göttingen faculty, according to a junior physicist by the name of Alfred Landé, was that Bohr’s proposal was “all nonsense…just a cheap excuse for not knowing what is going on.” Max Born, a professor then in his early thirties, had found Bohr’s atomic model utterly incomprehensible when he first saw it in print, but after hearing Bohr speak so earnestly in its defense, he told Landé that “this Danish physicist looks so like an original genius that I cannot deny there must be something to it.” In just a few years, both Born and Landé would be making their own contributions to this modern theory of atoms.


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