ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories) Page 61

by Michelle Woodward

  I looked straight into Garret’s eyes and felt a warmth and kindness I had never seen before in a man. I tenderly grasped his engorged cock and led it to my pussy. He inched his large dick into me and I felt my pussy stretching to accommodate his size. He moved slowly and he kissed my breasts while our bodies found their synch and rhythm. I felt my juices starting to gush as Garret quickened his pace. We moved as one with our bodies and our breath. With Garret, I felt beautiful and safe. I felt as though I had arrived home, exactly where I was supposed to be.

  Garret motioned for me to turn over, and so I did without hesitation . He quickly found my drenched slit and again slid his dick deep inside, fucking me from behind. He reached one hand around to massage my breasts and I reached down to rub my clit. With my eyes closed and our bodies moving as one unit, I felt myself completely let go. I felt our energies merge and transcend this earthly plain. With our breath heaving and moving in unison I felt his manliness grow even harder and stronger within me. I started letting out animalistic screams as I was taken to the limit on every level of my being. Together we climaxed, with an explosion of sensation through every cell in my body. My awareness was heightened, and I could feel his cum meeting my most inner places. We both collapsed onto the cool, soft forest floor as we melted into the oneness of all existence.


  I made my way to my home alone. Garret had insisted he would walk with me, but I didn’t want to take that risk. I was lucky though. When I got home, Vince had just woken up and had not even realized I had left my room at all.

  An hour later, I heard my brothers arriving home. Guile was lugging a duffel bag that he was handling with careful delicateness. Henry was walking around with a grin.

  “We have to do this father. For Nico’s sake and for Jenna’s too.” Henry pleaded with their father.

  “I know.” My father said almost sounding unsure. “This is the only way can get justice for what that monster did to Nico.”

  “Tonight is going to be a long one.” Guile muttered as he opened his bag.

  My mouth dropped as I saw the contents.

  A few bullet cartridges, a bunch of shotguns and hand grenades – these weren’t things you used to hunt. These were things used in waging war. I felt my stomach curl as Guiles counted the stash. Vince had spread out a map of the northern woods on the coffee table. I lurched closer to try to listen to what they were saying.

  “We really gonna do this?” Vince said, obviously anxious and nervous.

  “Yes.” Henry replied. “We have to do this and we have to do this tonight.”

  That was all I needed to hear. Tonight - they were attacking Garret’s tonight. I rushed to my room, locked the door shut. I needed them to think I was still here. I needed to buy myself time to warn him.

  I slid open my window and pushed my way through. I’ve done this a few times, but that was when I was younger and slimmer. Tree branches scattered everywhere made the task easy. When I propped myself down on the ground I spied Nico’s old bike. I jumped on it and started peddling along the shore up to where I first met Garret.

  I hopped off the bike when I reached that small clearing where I first saw Garret turn. I called his name as I battled tears from coming out. Soon after, a young woman, about my age, ran towards me. She had the same dark hair and soft eyes as Garret.

  “Are you Jenna?” She asked.

  “Yes. Do you know where Garret is?” I answered back.

  “Of course, he’s at home. I was just picking herbs when I heard you call my brother’s name.” She answered still confused. “Garret has told everyone about you. You really are beautiful.”

  “Thank you, but we don’t have much time. Please, take me to your home.” I said in a hurried voice.

  “Yes. Of course.” She dropped her basket and grabbed my hand as we ran towards a cabin not too far away.

  “Mama, Papa, Garret. Everyone!” She yelled as we neared the huge house.

  As we did, Garret came out to the porch, trying to discern who was coming with her sister. Behind him were men and women with the same dark and burly hair and kind faces.

  “Jenna?” Garret asked astonished. He ran towards me to catch me as I collapsed in his arms. I was exhausted from the rush.

  “My brothers. They’re coming to get you and your family. They have guns and grenades. You need to hurry and protect yourselves.” I pleaded. His family had heard me. They gasped and started clutching each other.

  “But we can’t!” Garret exclaimed.

  “What do you mean you can’t?” I asked.

  “It’s impossible. We can’t protect ourselves against guns and grenades Jenna.” He said in a defeated voice. “We are kind people. We don’t hunt with those things. We are completely without weapons except for a few knives and bows.”

  “What?” I asked stunned.

  “We’ve never needed to. We have always been at peace. Now, just because of a misunderstanding that your brother caused, we are all gonna die.” He barked angrily.

  Nico was innocent!” I answered feeling a bit taken aback.

  “I didn’t mean Nico!” Garret consoled me. “It’s Henry. We did a little investigation of our own. We found out that the trap that Henry set up was faulty. That’s why an ordinary bear was able to just break it. That’s why your brother died.”

  He held me in his arms. “None of our kind was anywhere near that place.”

  “Henry?” I asked.

  “Yes. It was Henry.” He answered.

  “What do we do now?” I looked to his people.

  “We’ll do the only thing we can do. We will run away.” His father an old man with a cane answered me. He turned to his people and muttered a few words before everyone went into the house in a flurry.


  They packed their three trucks up with supplies that could last months; tents, pots and even a crib for the baby.

  Garret and I took his motor bike. We agreed to rendezvous somewhere deep inside the woods. His father said that this path was only known by them so they would be safe. They slowly moved out, one by one, taking different routes. We locked the doors and kept the lights lit to let my brothers think the Fields were still inside.

  “Garret, look!” I pointed to south where two headlights had slowly emerged. I think they saw us right away since they revved up the vehicle which was now careening towards us.

  “Hold on tight.” He yelled over the sound of the motor bike swerving around away from the truck.

  They fired. Its sound of the gunshot echoed through the forest. My heart raced, as I grabbed tighter to his body.

  It was so dark, but Garret had been able to manage to drive his way around the thicket. Our luck soon ran out as we hit something sharp that sent our wheels in a flat run. We decided to walk on foot, which was a decision we soon regretted.

  “Freaks!” They called out. My brothers must have not known it was me.

  We ran faster as we hear d the truck come to a stop. Maybe the same thing that busted our bike busted the truck. Next thing I knew, the sound of heavy footsteps started to gain on us.

  Garret was getting really nervous. He was getting indecisive as to which paths to take. I started to worry that it was true; their people weren’t made for these things. They were docile and highly social were creatures. They didn’t know how to fight. This worried me and I didn’t want to lose him. I was determined to do all I could to not lose him.

  Our luck then took a turn for the worst. We had reached a dead end as we accidentally ran into the foot of a cliff. There was no way we could just claw ourselves up it. So we decided to just stop.

  The stampede of footsteps got closer, as I saw my figures racing toward us. “It’s me!” I yelled to them.

  “What the hell Jenna!” Guiles exclaimed!

  I turned to the other man in the distance and realized it was my father. “Father! Please stop this; they had nothing to do with what had happened to Nico!”

  “Jenna, you’re confused
! They’ve tricked you.” My Father called back. “Please leave that man and we can be a family again. Come back to us!”

  “No.” I said with a heavy voice. Garret decided not to say anything so as not to aggravate the situation.

  “Please put down your guns,” I beckoned to the both of them. “Where are Henry and Vince?”

  “Trailing behind.” Guiles replied. “Please stop this Jenna. Just come with us.”

  I finally snapped. “I said no!” I ran to Garret and embraced him to prove to my family what I had felt for him was real. I wasn’t deceived; I wasn’t brain-washed. They had to know this. They were my family.

  Suddenly, heavy footsteps came rushing towards us.

  “What the fuck are you all doing!” Henry. It was Henry. We had no time to react, and Henry quickly raised his gun and fired haphazardly in our direction.

  “No!” Father screamed and Guiles tackled him to the ground. Vince was confused. He ran to were the figures he saw were and found me, bloodied in Garrets embrace.

  “Jenna!” Vince screamed.

  “I didn’t know!” Henry froze. “I swear father! I didn’t know it was her!” But my father had stopped listening to him as he and Guiles ran towards us.

  Garret was sobbing. He explained what had really happened to Nico. That it was just an ordinary bear that broke a trap that was set-up wrong by Henry.

  “Is this true?” Vince turned to Henry.

  “I… I… I didn’t think it mattered.” Henry said as he fell to his knees. “It was a werebear father! We know it was.”

  “Stop talking Henry.” My father said in an angry whisper.

  “We need to take her to the hospital!” Garrett shouted to them who were all too stunned to do anything. I was in shock and felt very cold, as blood ran from my shoulder.

  Garrett lifted me up and swiftly ran towards our truck. Guiles snapped out of his confused state as he ran alongside Garret towards the truck. He proper himself into the driver’s seat and Garret carried me to the back. Father came along with us while Vince helped putting pressure on my wounds. We left Henry there in the woods. He didn’t move. He was just sitting there on his knees crying and muttering to himself.

  They raced me to the nearest hospital. When I got there, the doctors did all they could. They were able to patch up all my wounds and take the shrapnel out of my body, but I had lost so much blood that they worried I wouldn’t make it through the night.

  Fear gripped my family as they waited beside me trying to search for the slightest signs of life. But I was lying there, lifeless. Garret had stayed there too, mostly not talking to my family, but he stayed there anyway.

  Henry had arrived. Vince had brought him. But it was obvious he was not well. If it were anyone else, for sure they wouldn’t be well too. When he found out he had shot me, his mind collapsed into a deep state of confusion, but when Garret told them about what really happened to Nico, Henry snapped. Father decided to admit him in a mental health care facility, two towns over. As for myself, I was still in that bed, deciding whether to finally just wake up or go on sleeping.

  It was a week into my coma when my father had decided to go home with my brothers. Garret stayed though. It was the first time he got to be alone with me there lying, maybe even dying, on that bed. He propped himself beside me holding my hand as he started praying. He prayed with so many tears that flooded onto my hands. He wailed in a strained voice asking God to just bring me back to him.

  I guess God was listening and responded to his pleas. I finally felt the strength to open my eyes and move my fingers.

  He didn’t notice it at first, but when I spoke, he jumped back.

  “Water?” I pleaded in a rough and strained voice

  “Jenna!” He screamed, alerting all the orderlies and nurses at the station to the miracle that was happening.

  “I love you.” He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

  The nurses rushed back and forth to get me water and to check my vital signs. Every now and then I heard one of them mention that this was a miracle. I guess it was.

  “Hey, big girls don’t die easy.” I told him.

  “Big beautiful women really don’t. Thank goodness!” He laughed as we stared lovingly into each other’s eyes.


  The doctors finally let me out of the hospital after a few more days of monitoring. I didn’t feel perfect, but I felt fine. When I got to the house, Henry was already gone. Father made sure to ship him off to the facility before I came home. I wasn’t really sure how to feel about that. On one end, I wanted to say I forgave him and that he should get better soon. But then there is other part of me that is afraid of him – of his rage.

  Father had let Garret come with us as they brought me home. He had always been there my side through this whole ordeal, and I think my father saw that and finally realized what we had between us was something really precious. It was true love.

  My father and brothers all went to Garret’s to apologize to the Fields. They explained the situation and that Henry had been sent away to get professional help. They fortified their pact of peace and started reconciling. We were lucky. The fields were werebears of the mild mannered kind. Garret had told me that werebears in Alaska were fiercer than those in California.

  “Do you know what’s the matter with you, my sexy bear man?” I asked him as we lay in my old bed together with the duvet and sheets beneath us.

  He turned to look at me with those kind eyes. He reached for my hand and pulled it to his face. I felt the friction of his stumble as he let my hand graze his cheek. He looked back to me and smiled.

  “What is ? What is a matter with me, my red headed siren?” He asked me.

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing” I stopped to pull his face closer to mine. I kissed him deep. I let his tongue invade my mouth sending my senses into fits of bliss and ecstasy. “Nothing is a matter with you.” I answered. He giggled and he kissed my cheek.

  “I love you.” He said.

  “I love you too. More than you could ever know.”

  “Well then tell me. Let me know exactly how much you love me.”

  “Oh Garret, it would take forever.”

  “Well, then, Jenna, won’t you please spend forever with me?”

  “Yes. I will.”

  A few months, later, right by the lake where he first saved me from the darkness that had tried to consume me, we vowed never ever to lose each other. We promised never to let each other’s hand go. He vowed to always love me in the most fantastic ways he could think of. He promised to always tell me I am beautiful because he knows for sure that I’d always be beautiful even when I’m ninety years old. He promised to always protect me. He vowed never to abandon me. He promised me the moon and the stars and sweet little kisses every single time I felt sad. He promised me a future with joy and contentment. He promised to make sure that I was always happy.

  I vowed never to forget how I felt that first time I held his face – that sheer joy I felt and the understanding I had that this man was going to be my love forever. I promised him peace of mind that I will always be his and he will always be mine. I promised to cook him eggs and bacon every morning and make him coffee just after lunch. I promised to give him all of me, every single bit of who I was, who I am, and who I will be in the future.

  I promised him my devotion – a never ending supply of affection. I promised to wrap him in a warm embrace when it gets too cold in this big scary world.

  I promised him everything he could ever ask of me. I promised him my world.

  When we said those vows, I turned to the people who had come and make this union possible: the Fields who never questioned my love for their son, and my family, who had changed for the better, even Henry. Every single person who made this dream comes true. I looked to them as tears slowly blotted my mascara. This time they were tears of utter joy.

  I do.


  In Bed With My Billionaire

  Retiring fr
om his life as a smart thief, Ted Wilkins decided that going back to Texas was the best thing for him. He had landed huge deal yielding a very large amount of money, and he intended to purchase a ranch there and begin his life again. He wondered how his brother, Alex, was doing. He had not seen Alex in almost ten years, although they had communicated quite a lot while he was in the Middle East thinking up ways of making money off the Arab oil lords. He had finally gotten his break when he had managed to convince one of the old oil don's to give him his inheritance before he died and he had finally achieved what he had been looking for his whole life. He was now one of the richest men in the state and he would finally gain the respect of those who had treated him as a loser. There was only one thing left missing in his life: love. Ted had never had time for relationships while in the Middle East, although when he had been back in Texas, he’d had several flings and even married.

  He had then gone out to the Middle East with the main aim of making enough money to make him and his wife live a comfortable life, but when he had been there he got wind that she had moved in with another man despite the fact that she had his child. He even began doubting if her son was his, and he decided that he would never give his heart to another woman again. Alex had already gotten married and even had a little daughter named Mia, a cute little girl who had the looks of her mother. They sent Ted photographs often and so he was kept up to date. Ted had lied to them, saying that he was in the military so that they would not have to worry about him. He even wore military tags around his neck to keep up this façade to people he knew. Now he was going back home and he wondered how things were going to be. Would they be the same as they always were?


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