ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories) Page 108

by Michelle Woodward

  “Sir... I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  George grabbed Manon by her slender shoulders. “Start talking wench.” He held her against the wall. “I said talk.” With one hand around her neck, his free one held the necklace so he could inspect it. “Just as I thought.” He then ripped the necklace from Manon’s neck.

  “I took it from a regular.”


  “What does it matter to you?”

  George’s anger was replaced by sadness. His hand eventually released Manon’s neck “It’s... it’s my fiancée’s necklace.”

  “He is a married man.”

  “Is his name, Edward?”

  Manon felt her neck. “He tells me that his name is Duffy?”

  “Tall, dark hair?”

  “Blond waves. Smokes a pipe.”

  “Blond waves..?”

  “He did have two friends with him.”

  “Of course!” George let out a laugh. “Take me to him”

  Manon watched George march towards the door. “You will have to reward me first.”

  “I have business to attend to. I’ll come back and saddle up once you take me to Duffy.”


  Duffy operated the pulley system on the derrick crane, slowly lowering the crate into the ships hold while always noting the stevedore’s signals. A job he had done since leaving school, it was just a regular day. As the stevedore signalled the release of the crate, Duffy flinched as he heard the whisper of George’s voice.

  “Frogs... never to be trusted, Duffy.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “You’ve been a naughty boy.”

  “I don’t follow?”

  George gave an unnerving smile. “Manon.”

  “ know her?”

  “She’s just an acquaintance... a friend of a friend.”

  “Ah.” Duffy swallowed his fear. “I tell the wife the same thing.” He asked, “You look pissed off. What do you want?”

  “Edward Picton. Where is the bastard?”

  “I don’t know. Did he not come to work today?”

  “Of course he didn’t.” George closed the door of cabin of the crane. “Stop acting daft.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Manon told me you two are as thick as thieves.”

  Duffy’s felt his pulse rise. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not pulling your plonker, Boy. But I’ll cut it off. Now start talking?”

  “I really don’t know where Edward is.”

  George pulled the necklace out of his breast pocket. “Then explain to me where did you get this?”

  “Never seen it before.”

  “It belongs to my fiancée. Manon says she lifted it from you, last night. She also saw you with a man and a woman. So... which ship are Edward and Isabel on?”

  “I wasn’t with them. I promise. I... I couldn’t sleep and went for a walk with my wife and son... he looks mature for his age. Manon was mistaken.”

  “I don’t know why you’re defending a kidnapper. He has taken my fiancée. You’re putting our own life on the line for a criminal.”

  “I’m not putting my life on the line for no one.”

  “Yes you are.” George pulled out his pistol pushed the nozzle onto Duffy’s chest. “Tell me what you know... everything.”


  “1... 2...”

  Duffy closed his eyes as he heard George remove the pistol’s safety catch. “They’re on the Caledonia. The necklace was a backup bribe which I forgot to return.”

  “Cheating on your friends... not even the rats would eat your putrid corpse.”


  Sat on a bench inside a bustling Canadian immigration office, Isabelle rested her head on Edwards shoulder. The large hall was filled with hundreds of exhausted people carrying their lives in tired cases and trunks. She felt drained and could only whisper, “What do you think will happen? Stowaways aren’t welcome.”

  “I don’t know... but I fear they may send us back.”

  “Promise that you’ll stay with me... whatever happens”

  “Of course.” Edward stroked the dark waves on Isabel’s head. “I wouldn’t have come this far just to suddenly leave you.” His eyes were then drawn to a tall uniformed man who had approached him with several other officers.”

  “Please follow me, Sir.”

  Isabel clung onto Edward’s arm and glared at the officer. “My lover goes nowhere without me.”

  “Immigrants are interviewed separately.”


  ”It’s the way we do things here. Now, we can cause a scene or we can do things in a civilized way.”

  “I’m not letting him go without me.”

  Edward noticed the lack of sympathy on the officer’s face. He then turned to face Isabel. “Don’t worry, Isabel. I’ll be fine.”

  “No. What if they lead you away... how will I find you?”

  “I will be OK.”


  Edward pulled himself free of Isabel. “Please. Don’t worry. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “I won’t rest until you return.”

  “Neither will I.”

  Isabel began to weep as Edward was led away. The pain of being forced apart from Edward in an alien environment proved overpowering as she broke into tears. A female officer remained at her side then asked, “Madame, please follow me.”


  “There is someone who I think will be excited to see you.”

  Isabel felt a deep fear inside. “Who?”


  Edward walked into the small interview room. The blinds were drawn and the room was lit by daylight from a small desk lamp.


  “I’d rather stand, thank you.”

  Two burly officers stood behind Edward then forced Edward by his shoulder’s to sit.

  “Edward Picton, I’m arresting you on the suspicion of kidnap and attempted entry to Canada under false alias.”

  “I...” Edward arms were forced behind his back as he was put in handcuffs. Suddenly the door opened and in stepped a familiar face which filled Edward with dread. “George?”

  “Fine job gentleman. Can you leave us alone for a few moments? Edward and I need to be reacquainted.”

  Edward watched in horror as he was left in the room alone with George. “How did you get here before us?”

  “First class tickets on an ocean liner... beats the pants off the tramp steamer you sailed in on. I’m sure my voyage was a little more comfortable that yours.”

  “It wasn’t exactly luxury... but, as they say, it’s the company that counts.”

  “You’ve caused me lots of sleepless nights, Edward.”

  “Not got a lot of sleep myself.”

  George stood opposite, and then peered down at Edward. “What possessed you to think that you can steal Isabel from me?”

  “I did not steal her.”

  “Yes you did.”

  “I did not! You lost her. She came with me willingly.

  “She did not!” George slapped Edward across his face with the back of his hands. “Why would Isabel want a mere commoner like you, when she could have a gentleman of wealth, status and power?”

  “She wanted love.”

  “Love..?” George laughed dismissively, and then struck him a second time across the face for a second time. “Love..?”

  “Ask her yourself, she’ll tell you?”

  “I don’t know how, but you’ve corrupted her. Isabel loved me.”

  Edward felt blood trickling from his nose. “You didn’t treat her right.”

  “I treated her no different than how a woman should be treated. I asked for nothing more than what she ought to give me.”

  “I did not imagine what happened in carriage. I saw with my own eyes.”

  “The only thing that was wrong was you.” George clenched his fist then hit Edward across the face with so much force that he fe
ll from the chair onto the stone floor. “All you are is a bloody peeping Tom.”

  “Hitting me will solve nothing. Killing me won’t either. Do you think she’ll come back to you after all this?”

  “Probably not. But as long as you don’t have her...I’ll live the rest of my life in peace.”

  “You’ll never find peace.”

  George kicked Edward, who yelped before curling into a protective ball as if he was a threatened hedgehog. “Look at you... just look at you. I’m going to leave you so disfigured not even your mother will recognise you.”

  “She’s in heaven.”

  “Good... that’s where I’m sending you.”


  “They’re in my pocket... or rather, Albert’s. “

  “If you’re such an honourable gentleman... then how could you kill a man in cuffs? At least give me a fighting chance.”

  “There’s nothing honourable about me.”


  Albert stepped into the small interview where the sight of his daughter brought a sense of relief and a huge smile to his face. “Isabel... Oh Isabel. I’ve been so worried.”

  “Not as worried as I am now.”

  “What do you mean? You’re ordeal is over.” Albert tightly embraced Isabel but felt little in return from his daughter. “Daddy has come to rescue.”

  “Rescue from what?”


  “From a dream..?” Isabel stepped from the embrace then frowned at Albert. “From the arms of a good man..? From true love?” She scowled at him through fiery eyes. “Which one is it, Father?”

  “How come you speak with such a tongue? Just look at you, it doesn’t look like you’ve been living a dream. You look terrible and you... smell even worse.”

  “You and Geor...” Isabel held her head in her hands while she cried, “I don’t even want to mention his name. He put me through hell.”

  “How can you accuse him of this? We tracked you down to save you from Edward.”

  “I was running from George, Father. Edward saved me. He is the gentleman to George’s monster.”

  “George? A monster? How so? The poor man... he has been worried to death! Edward left him to die in a field drain.”

  “All George was worried about was the truth.”

  “The truth? If you mean the argument between the both of you. He told me he had got a little drunk and perhaps his tongue was loose.”

  “George forced himself upon me when we were travelling to his parents. Edward saved me.”

  “Ah... but still. I’m sure you can talk things through. You do love each other, after all.”

  “Father? Does the fact he forced himself, not mean anything to you?”

  “Men are men. Have a few whiskies and we become like rutting stags. If we’re not fighting with one another we’re mounting anything that presents itself.”


  “Sorry. I had a sip while waiting to see you.”

  “For God’s sake.” Isabel shook her head. “I’m surrounded with drunkards.”

  “I know George is a good man.”

  “He is not. I never wish to see him again. Now, I demand to see Edward at once.”

  The door opened and in walked George, wiping blood from his hands with a cloth. “Sorry, I’m afraid that isn’t possible.”

  “What have you done to him?”

  “What has he done to you? I’m sure I overheard you defending the brute. He is nothing but a lowlife scum.”

  “He is of higher morals than you. I can assure you.”

  George shrugged his shoulders. “Anyway, he has been handed over to the police. I’m sure he’ll be among his own company once he is in jail.”

  “What for?”

  “Kidnap of course.”

  “I went willingly.” Isabel ran for the door. “I must tell them quick.” But George blocked her path.

  “Now stop it. Pull yourself together, Woman. I’ve missed you, and glad to have you back. You can at least show the same respect.”

  “Respect? Respect? You lost my respect because you never showed me any. Not to mention tried to shoot Edward. Now get out of the way.”

  “No. I can’t until you regain control of yourself. You’re acting like an emotional little girl.”

  “Move out the way, you beast.”

  Albert tried to step in between the warring pair. “Come on Isabel... stop making a scene. I’m sure you can both work it out. We’re all adults.”

  “No. I demand to see Edward. At once.”

  George placed a hand on each of Isabel’s shoulders. “I demand that you forget that man at once.”

  “Take your filthy hands of me.”

  “Isabel, please.”

  “I’ll never forget Edward”

  “You have no choice.”

  “I’ll never live with you, never be with you. I don’t want to. As far as I’m concerned... you can rot in hell.”

  Albert found the situation too distressing. “I think we all need to calm down here. There is no need for this behaviour from the both of you.” He gazed at George. “I think the wedding is off.”

  “I want the ring back.”

  “Isabel? Hand the ring back to George.”

  “How do you think I paid for the crossing?”

  George raised his arm as if to strike Isabel, “Why you ungrateful whore.”

  Albert stood in the way of George, and gripped his forearm. “I’ll reimburse the cost... just to see the back of you. I mean it. Go and work for Lord Craven. You’re suited for one another. Both slimy worthless toads. Now, be gone with you.”

  “Albert, Old Boy? Have you not seen how she just disrespected me?”

  “I have now realised that I was wrong to accept your proposal.”

  George appeared lost for words while staring at Albert. “You’ll regret those words.”

  “I mean it. It’s more than clear to me that you’re both not right for each other.”

  “I want to be fully compensated for the lost ring.”

  “I told you already. I shall pay back each and every penny.”

  “I’m glad it’s over... she’d as frigid as a penguin’s backside.” George shook his head before walking away. “Good riddance... To the both of you.”


  Isabel barged into the interview where Edward lay like a bloodied pulp. Tears streamed down her cheeks while she fell at his side. “Oh, Edward, what has he done to you?”

  “Nothing that can’t be put right.”

  “The beast.”

  “Where is he?”


  Albert peered around the door, and then winced at the sight of Edward. “I will go and find a doctor.”

  Chapter 14

  With the sound of wedding bells fresh in his ears, Edward took Isabel into his arms. “I think tradition calls for me to carry you over the threshold of the home.”

  “Absolutely.” The gathered crowd cheered as Isabel jumped into Edward’s arms. “I’ve been waiting for his moment... to be married to a man I love”


  Isabel drew the bedroom curtains closed before chuckling at the feeling of Edward hugging her from behind. She leaned back against his solid body while a sense of excitement flitted inside as his roaming hands began to explore.

  Her flimsy nightdress made her feel naked under his touch, driving her excitement. The moment his hands slipped under her garment Isabel breathed deeper with every breath, every brush of his hands. The feeling of his fingernails softly raking her naked stomach sent erotic sensations tingling through her body.

  Isabel felt disappointed when Edward withdrew his hands. Wanting to continue she turned to face her man. Resting her lips against his, feeling his excitement she pushed him towards the bed.

  Feeling Edward push the straps of the nightdress towards the end of her shoulder and suddenly stopping, Isabel nodded, and then let the nightdress fall to the floor.

  Despite her innocence
she felt confident in her undressed state and remained comfortable in Edward’s presence.

  Edward took Isabel by her hand and laid her gently onto the soft bed amongst the mass of velvet pillows and cushions. He then began to worship his love with his lips, tasting and tracing her body with his tongue.

  Isabel closed her eyes so she could focus on the bliss. She quietly groaned under touch and felt herself break free.

  Lying under Edward, Isabel guided him to what he longed for. She then wrapped herself around him never wanting to let go.

  In the darkness of the candlelit bedroom Isabel’s heart burned intensely. A wide smile adorned her face as she peered deeply into her lover’s affectionate eyes. She quivered to the touch of her husband while embraced in his arms. In silence she rested her head on his chest where she listened contently to his beating heart.


  To Love a Rake

  The sun of Assam was merciless. It beat the copper skin of the natives until it lay flat against the bones of their skulls and skeletons, burnished like the pots they used, the ones of the same hue. She watched as the long muscles of their arms worked the rakes, the shovels, the burdensome things they carried as they toiled in the fields. If they felt any envy for her leisurely pose on the veranda painted white, likely by their own hands, they did not show it. If they wanted the lemonade she sipped from a tall, cool glass, they did not even dignify it with a glance.

  Cornelia Augustina rose from the wicker chair that served as her throne over the tea plantation and draped her willowy frame around the carved white post by her side. She looked, for the entire world, like a painting—a fine English rose, blooming, sweating, ripening in the Indian sun. Who might have thought that the heart beating inside of the girl in the starched lace blouse and long blue cotton skirt was that of a woman? These were the questions that plagued her on a daily basis as she languished inside of the house with two floors. She might not have considered much of it at all, truth be told, had it not been for the reflection in the mirror on her vanity that she caught one night. Her Indian maid, her ama, had just finished helping her bathe. Cornelia fast discovered upon her arrival in Assam, one of the colonies of the British East India Company, on the board of which her father was a member, that she was not equipped to handle the humid climate of this foreign place. Her gowns were immediately and daily soaked with the kind of rancid sweat which was not ladylike anywhere, least of all in the place where the color of her skin was supposed to set her a sight higher than the natives. She took three baths a day, and could still not scrub the smell of her secret self, the self that was supposed to hide under a cool veneer of education and breeding, off of her skin.


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