18 Ultra Short Erotic Tales

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by Carl East

  18 Ultra Short Erotic Tales

  Published by Carl East

  At draft2Digital

  Copyright 2013 - Carl East

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  Edited by Bev Harrison


  **All Characters depicted in this book are Eighteen years of age or older**

  Table of Contents

  Story 1 – Beautiful Surprise

  Story 2 – The Exchange Student

  Story 3 – The Bus Ride

  Story 4 – The Hero

  Story 5 – Just another Day

  Story 6 – Rosebud

  Story 7 – The Sex Machine

  Story 8 – The Sex Virus

  Story 9 – The Angel

  Story 10 – Kim's Gift

  Story 11 – Foster Investigations

  Story 12 – The Succubus

  Story 13 – Three Wishes

  Story 14 – The Gang Bang Expose

  Story 15 – A Voyeur's Dream

  Story 16 – Train Encounter

  Story 17 – Three is not a Crowd

  Story 18 – The Mailman's Tale

  Beautiful Surprise

  Since the age of eighteen, I've had a strong sexual appetite, with thoughts of sex never far from my mind wherever I found myself. It came from being brought up with three stepsisters and a stepmother that was once a model of note. Not that I desired them you understand, but you couldn't help but notice things from time to time; it's just that I was being subjected on various occasions to see things—which I wasn't supposed to see, such as my stepmother leaving the bathroom, unaware that I had arrived home early. She was casually drying her hair—whilst being completely naked—standing with her back to me.

  Now, at the age of nineteen, the sexual thoughts I always thought I controlled, were taking a disturbing turn. I masturbated often and usually my mind conjured up images of perfect females doing erotic things with me. As most young men would testify, these scenarios were quite normal. Now however, I couldn't get the image of my stepmother out of my mind every time I started to stroke my cock.

  The reason is simple; I'd seen something a few days before which I couldn't get out of my mind. I'd been in the lounge drinking a cup of tea when my stepmother came in with her usual coffee and took a seat opposite me. She was still wearing her nightgown and as she sat down, one side of it fell away revealing a long slender leg. She sat forward at that point bringing the two halves back together, but the act of sitting forward gave me an unbelievable view.

  You see, her nightgown barely reached her knees and in this position, I could see her womanhood in all its glory. I noticed several things at once—firstly, she wasn't wearing any panties— secondly, she shaved. I also noticed she had opened her legs slightly, making me think she was giving me a brief show. I dismissed that notion straight away. She'd never done such a thing in the past.

  Time seemed to stand still as I stared at the forbidden, until my sister Janet entered the room and interrupted the moment. Feeling myself flushing and not wanting to explain why, I stood up ready to leave the room. That, it turned out, was a mistake. I had an erection that was clearly visible to all, and Janet, being the stepsister she was, was quick to embarrass me by pointing at it and laughing.

  My face reddened further, but to my surprise, my stepmother seemed to look at my embarrassment for far longer than was needed. I also heard her berate my sister for teasing me, but with my sister's reply, I was left wondering—long and hard.

  "Well, you're the one who caused it," she had said, making my stepmother go quiet.

  I stood just outside the open lounge door listening for my stepmother's reply, but none came. Therefore, I went upstairs to get ready for work and tried my best to get it all out of my mind. Now of course, each time I try to think of something other than my stepmother's beautiful bare pussy, I can't seem to get aroused enough to do anything. Yet, as soon as I start thinking of that morning, my cock springs to attention and when I cum, I cum a great deal.

  I even found myself wanting to see more than I should, by sneaking up to the bathroom door whenever she took a bath in the hopes of catching a glimpse or two. In fact, I became so obsessed it began to worry me, until finally my stepmother noticed a difference in me and asked me straight out—what was wrong. Now, being nineteen, I figured I could and should be able to get over something like this without turning to an adult for advice. However, the more she insisted on knowing what was wrong the weaker I became, until finally I confessed as to what was happening to me.

  I'd always been able to talk with my stepmother, as she'd always been there for me. My father had left us when I was ten, so sex was never discussed back then. So there I was, about to open up to a problem that I knew was wrong and looking for answers.

  "Mom, I've never had problems where sex is concerned. In fact I've always thought I had a good sex drive, but ever since the morning I saw your private parts, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it," I said, watching her reaction.

  "Oh...I see. Well son, it is a normal part of life to have some kind of voyeuristic interest in the opposite sex, although I'll admit it shouldn't be about one's stepmother. Having said that, it shows that you notice things that are inherently forbidden, and we all desire things like that in some parts of our life."

  "I know, but since that day, I can't even get hard without thinking of you and it bothers me," I replied, with almost a plea for help in my voice.

  "What exactly are you thinking when you try to masturbate?" she asked openly with more than a little interest.

  "At first I try to think of a sexual encounter with someone like Lucy, you know that girl down the road. You one you caught me talking to the other day," I replied.

  "Oh yes, I remember her, a very nice young woman."

  "Since that morning though, she just doesn't do it for me anymore. Therefore, I start to remember watching you and seeing your beautiful pussy lips for the very first time. I then imagine you opening your legs wider and inviting me over to the chair, where I spread them wider still and start to lick your pussy vigorously," I said, suddenly realizing that she was hanging on my every word.

  "Um...perhaps," she said, looking towards my crotch, "perhaps we should do something about this; I mean I don't wish to be an obstacle in your natural development."

  "Like what?" I said open to suggestions.

  "Well, perhaps if I helped you, you could get back to a normal life and get me out of your mind," she said, taking me totally by surprise as her hand stroked my cock through my trousers.

  I don't think my cock has ever become harder or grown quicker than that moment and my stepmother seemed to appreciate that fact as it made her look down. I looked down at the same time and could see the outline of my hardness passing through her hand. As I looked back up, she placed a finger from her free hand onto her lips in a gesture of being quiet. I then felt her unzipping my trousers and pulling them down. As she did so, she got to her knees and helped me pull my feet from each of my trouser legs. I stood looking down on her and my cock throbbed. At first, she stared at the outline of my shaft through my underwear and then gently stroked it through the fabric.

  I was bursting with excitement and relished her seeing it for the first time in my adulthood. Still she teased it through my briefs and tugged slightly to reveal the
head as it popped out from under the rim. Her fingers gently stroked my bell end as her hands reached inside my underwear and pulled downwards, slowly revealing my aching cock. It was then that I felt her tongue licking the tip of it, as she reached up with her right hand and cupped my balls at the same time.

  She was deliberate and quite good at what she was doing and never once tried to rush the moment. As she licked the end of my cock, I watched with a longing I'd never known before. I then felt my manhood sliding slowly into her mouth and felt her tongue trying to encircle it as it moved deeper. As she sucked and held it up parallel with her mouth, she unbuttoned her blouse with her free hand and allowed it to slip onto the floor. I reached down, unfastened her bra from behind and let go.

  After straightening up, I could see her breasts drooping ever so slightly with clearly defined and erect nipples. Throughout all of this though, she never once stopped sucking my cock. I had thought I wouldn't last long, but each time I got close to coming, she would squeeze the base of my cock tightly and use her tongue on the tip for a minute or so. Until now, she'd only taken a third of my rigid member into her mouth, but now she titled her head back slightly and I could feel my cock brushing the back of her throat.

  She started to massage my balls at that point, and I soon realized she was allowing me to come to an end of this pleasurable torment. Once that realization dawned on me, I started to feel it welling up in my every being and suddenly I exploded into her mouth. She almost gagged on the first ejaculation, but swallowed quickly and greeted the second spurt with relish. My knees threatened to give way as she sucked harder and as I came for the final time, she allowed my cock to fall from her dripping wet lips.

  When she stood up, for the first time I could take in her beautiful figure. My cock was as hard as before and still she didn't say a word. Instead, she unzipped her skirt and pulled down her panties. She then discarded both onto the floor before lying down onto the soft rug behind her and mouthing the words...Fuck me, as she spread her legs a little further.

  Kneeling between her open legs, I positioned myself slowly not wanting to rush this beautiful moment. Once in position, I placed the head of my cock against her clearly damp pussy lips and pushed forward. It moved her delicate skin to either side and I felt a slight resistance until finally it slid in. My stepmother let out a moan of pleasure as the length of my cock slowly embedded itself into her womanhood. When I drew it back out, I made my position a little more comfortable before thrusting it back inside her.

  Mom's eyes were closed as I began to build up speed, and for me the best moment was looking down between our bodies to watch my cock appear and then disappear. I had my arms stretched out on either side of her body and with each thrust I made her moan some more. Until finally, she began throwing her head back and screaming for me not to stop. I knew her moment had come and it gave me the urge to try a little harder. Now with each thrust forward, I could feel her pussy muscles tightening around my shaft.

  When she came, she was gripping my arms tightly on each side and running her tongue around her lips. Looking down I saw how hard her nipples had become and so wanted to suck on them. I then started to cum myself for the second time and as it reached the end of my cock, I thrust forward and stayed deep inside her for what seemed like ages. Almost collapsing on top of her, I then rolled over onto the rug taking in great gulps of air and feeling great.

  We must have stayed like that for quite some time, until she decided to get up and redress. I followed suit, not saying anything as I did so. When she left the room, I waited and a few minutes later, she reappeared fully dressed.

  "What has happened here today, son, will remain between you and I and I want your word that you will never reveal to anyone what just happened," she said, taking hold of my arm firmly and sitting me down on the sofa.

  "You have my word," I replied, not wanting to disappoint her.

  From that day on, we didn't talk about it unless we were alone and I slowly learned how that day had made her feel. She revealed that she'd wanted to do what we had done for some time, after inadvertently catching me masturbating once by means of the bathroom mirror, which was adjacent to the door. Apparently, I'd left the door open slightly and she watched the entire episode, something I'd been completely oblivious to.

  In the days that followed, we enjoyed one another's company more and more. Yet for reasons that are hard to explain, I was content just to talk, and although there were times, I would gladly have fucked her again, I managed to restrain myself. That is until three months later, when she had a few of her office girlfriends around for some drinks. My stepsisters were out for the evening, and were not expected back until morning. I on the other hand had nowhere to go.

  "I'll just stay in my room playing computer games, you won't even know I'm here," I told her, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

  "Ok, I'd let you join us, but it'll be all girl talk...and well, you know how that goes," she replied, with a smirk.

  As it happened, I was quite content to stay away and play games, especially as I had a new game to keep me occupied.

  A little later and I heard the first of her work mates arriving and couldn't help but peek from the landing. Each one, and there were five in total, were every bit as stunning as my stepmother was. It left me wondering what they would be talking about. Anyway, I certainly wouldn't get to find out, so I locked myself in my bedroom and started to play my game.

  Two hours later, I heard my stepmother calling my name and immediately went to the top of the stairs.

  "Yes Mom?"

  "Could you come down for a while son, we are in need of a male perspective," she said, slurring a few of the words as she did so.

  I figured they'd all be tight, as I walked into the lounge and I wasn't wrong. I could see several empty wine bottles strewn around the table as I entered.

  "Here he is ladies, this is my stepson. I'm sure he'll be able to decide for us," she said, directing me to an empty chair.

  "What is it you want me to decide upon?" I asked curiously.

  "Candice here," she started, pointing at the young woman in question, "has kindly bought along the latest collection of 'Mavis and Brown,' undergarments. Now, half of us think that this little outfit is by far the sexiest," she carried on, as she held the said garment up for inspection, "and the other half think this is," holding the second one up.

  "So you want a man's point of view, as it's for a man that they are meant for anyway?" I confirmed.

  "Exactly," replied my stepmother.

  "Well, I can only see one problem, I like them both and it's not until you see them worn that you get the full effect as it were," I pointed out.

  With that, they all huddled together and soon my stepmother and Candice volunteered to wear them for me. Therefore, off they went into the next room leaving me with four giggling, but very attractive, young women. I was asked a few rather embarrassing questions and was very relieved when the two women finally returned.

  I think my mouth must have dropped open as I turned to see them for the first time; they looked stunning and very erotic. My stepmother wore a three-piece bra & panties, which were mostly see-through. In fact, the only parts they covered with any certainty were her nipples, which still stuck out through the fabric, and the thin black line that covered her pussy lips. Below that was a black garter belt, all of which were made of a silky material.

  Candice was wearing a one-piece, and wow what a look she had. It was all white, and around the edges was a fine lace, but what struck me the most was the fact that everyone could see her nipples through the sheer fabric. Together they made me feel incredibly horny, and it didn't surprise me when my cock started to grow inside my pants. It was then that they all asked what I thought and I simply had to play this one out for all it was worth. Standing up and feeling all their eyes on my obvious hardness, I walked around the two models pretending to inspect them more closely.

  "Well, I must admit Candice's outfit is quite ero
tic and very soft," I said, slowly brushing the tips of my finger around the hem of her butt.

  This must have excited her, for as I returned to the front, her nipples had visibly hardened.

  "As for my stepmother's outfit I have to admit it does turn me on. If my girlfriend or wife wore either one of these outfits, I'd be pleased," I said, running my fingers around the inside of my stepmother's bra and deliberately feeling her breasts with the back of my fingers.

  "I see it's had the desired effect on you anyway?" commented Candice, as she pointed to my hard-on, which received a few giggles from the other girls.

  "That just proves what I'm saying is true, they're both a very big turn-on and it's quite hard to decide, no pun intended," I hastily added.

  That got another laugh and still the game wasn't over. My stepmother decided to up the stakes at this point and slowly circled me in a provocative way. Like running her fingers around my body and purposely stroking my hard cock whenever she got around to the front.

  "How about when the girls are in action mode," she said, making the other girls applaud and egg her on.

  Candice at this point got the message and decided to play along as well.

  "Two can play that game," she said, bringing one arm out of her costume and allowing her right breast to be revealed as she too ran her hands over my body. "Now who is the sexiest?"

  I heard one of the other girls saying it wasn't fair that the two models were having all the fun, until someone said let's try on the other outfits then and join in. Suddenly, a gaggle of giggling girls were grabbing the remaining garments and running into the other room to change. I thrilled at how this was going and the two lovely women still hadn't stopped in their efforts to impress me.

  My stepmother was now pressing my cock harder with each pass and my hardness ached to be free of its confines. The others were then back on the scene, each with their own little favorite costumes. My eyes were like stalks as they all pawed at me, and then suddenly I felt a hand unzipping my fly and two more pulling down my trousers. I felt incredibly hot as several hands yanked my underwear down to my ankles, revealing a huge and solid rod of lust for them to ogle over.


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