Christmas With the Cooper Twins

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Christmas With the Cooper Twins Page 2

by Alexandria Hunt

  I gasped lightly to myself and felt a rippling shockwave jolt through my body. I snapped my eyelids open and my lips fell apart, my mouth gaping.

  I’d just had a tiny little orgasm riding the quad between my two stepbrothers.

  How the hell was I going to stand being around them for another ten days, and how the hell was I going to explain this one to myself?

  I felt Jesse shift behind me as we hit a bump, and squeaked when I felt his hard cock pressing against me through his jeans.

  He moved closer to me, laid his chin on my shoulder and said, “Sorry sis, I guess it comes with the territory. I haven’t had much exposure to women while I was away, especially one like you.”

  “Oh god, did she give you a boner?” Jordan groaned from up ahead. “I’m sorry for my brother’s ill manners, dear sister, he’s a bit of an animal at times.”

  “Fuck that,” Jesse growled. “Reach around and see if he’s sporting one himself, I dare you.”

  “She doesn’t need to, I’m a refined gentleman who would never think of sporting wood at the mere touch of a family member… no matter how unbelievably attractive she happens to be,” Jordan chuckled.

  “Come on, test that theory, Natty,” Jesse said in a low voice in my ear. “I’ll bet you ten dollars he’s as hard as a rock with your body pressed so hard against him.”

  “I don’t think…” I let my voice trail off, hoping to trick Jordan before he could deflate his erection by thinking of Margaret Thatcher on a rainy day or whatever it was that men used to keep themselves from getting hard.

  I slipped my hand ahead, grabbed at Jordan’s lap, and sure enough, I found another massive, hard dick squeezed in under his jeans.

  “You win,” I laughed and pulled my hand back as if I had been burned.

  “I knew it!” Jesse chortled. “You’re just as much as a pig as I am!”

  “That doesn’t make me feel any better, and I’m sure Natasha is mortified,” Jordan said, staring straight ahead with his hands gripped on the handles of the quad.

  I didn’t reply, but I had to admit, I wasn’t exactly mortified by what I had found.

  Horny, hot, turned on, intrigued…but definitely not mortified.

  Chapter Four

  “We’ll take care of the tree and you can head to work,” Jordan said, his face bright red and his eyes unable to meet mine when we got back to the barn.

  I slid off the quad after Jesse jumped off and turned to face both of them, looking them up and down and biting my lower lip.

  I still couldn’t believe these two huge hunks of muscle were my gangly annoying stepbrothers. The very guys I’d spent the better part of my life avoiding or hating. Or both at the same time.

  “That’s awful nice of you,” I said. “I guess it’s payment for giving you both a free thrill?”

  Jesse’s face split into a broad grin and Jordan looked mortified.

  “I’m sorry,” he stuttered.

  “I’m not,” Jesse said, his eyes locked on mine. “In fact, I’ll bet you another ten bucks if I were to slide my finger down the front of those jeans, I’d find you as soaked as a river in a rain storm.”

  I stuttered and backed away, putting my hands up. “Don’t be a jerk, I have to go.”

  “I was joking,” Jesse laughed loudly. “But by that reaction, I think I’m a little more than close to the truth.”

  “I’d say so,” Jordan added and let his eyes finally rake up and down my body. Both of them did, and I had to suppress a gasp at the heat I felt in their eyes.

  “I’ll be back later to decorate,” I replied and rushed off to the old pick-up truck. I had a horse to check in on at the Wilson’s and needed to restock my medical kit beforehand.

  The clinic was busy, and the other vet was going strong seeing small animals and household pets. Doctor Roy had been practicing in town for decades and had only recently turned the large animal portion of his clinic over to me.

  “Natasha,” he said as I walked through the back room. “You’re handling the Wilson mare today?”

  “That I am, and I’m on call tonight. Have you thought about getting somebody else for the clinic like I suggested?”

  “I haven’t had time, ironically,” he laughed. “I promise I’ll go over the budget on the weekend to see if we have some wiggle room.”

  “They’ll more than pay for themselves if they’re taking any of my overtime,” I said. “And I might have a shot at a love life if I didn’t smell like cow every weekend.”

  “Any man who can’t see through the cowshit on your boots isn’t a man you need in your life,” he chuckled.

  I laughed and kept walking, he was close to retirement and I knew he was considering leaving the practice in my hands, but I was overwhelmed as it was. I needed other veterinarians to be set up for the moment Doctor Roy left us.

  I shoved a bunch of gauze, medicated pads, sterilizing ointments and other assorted items into my medical kit and headed back out to the truck.

  I was leaving the clinic when Doreen, our ditsy and adorable front desk clerk waved me over.

  “Nataaaaasha!” she said as I approached the counter.

  “What?” I asked, taken aback by her stern tone.

  “Why did you not tell me your drop-dead gorgeous brothers were coming to town for the holidays? I had to find out on Facebook?”

  “I didn’t know until the last minute,” I said. “And you’re friends with them on there?”

  “Oh god, yes,” she said and got a dreamy look on her face. “I think a few thousand other women are too. They’re so freaking good looking, how could you not stalk the heck out of them?”

  “I don’t know, they’ll always be my gross older brothers to me I guess,” I said and shrugged. I left her there scanning her phone, probably looking at pictures of Jesse and Jordan.

  It shouldn’t bother me, but it did. I felt a surge of jealousy at the thought of thousands of women wanting to ogle my hot twins. I felt my hands twitch as I thought about slapping those women and claiming Jesse and Jordan as my property.

  I gave my head a shake and jumped into the truck. It roared to life and I headed out to the Wilson farm, hoping to distract myself enough that I could get over what I’d felt on that quad.

  But I didn’t know if I could ever get those massive hard-ons out of my mind.

  And I couldn’t stop thinking about what they would feel like in my bare hand, flesh on flesh, throbbing and veined, hard and hot.

  I swear I almost drove off the road thinking about them taking me, two at a time, making me come until I couldn’t remember my own name.

  I didn’t know what had gotten into me, but I did know one thing: if they weren’t leaving in ten days, I would probably lose my freaking mind.

  Chapter Five

  The Wilson’s mare needed a little more help than I’d anticipated, so I was late getting home that night. I skipped dinner and half expected the house to be dark and my presence forgotten by the time I pulled up in front.

  I hopped out and walked up the front steps to be greeted by twinkling Christmas lights shining from every window.

  I opened the front door and smelled a wonderful scent of roasting meat and heard the bright sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I laughed and called out.

  “In here, Natty,” Jesse’s deep, rich voice replied. Its effect was immediate; I shivered hearing my name roll off his lips.

  I strolled in and couldn’t help the grin that broke my lips. My family looked cheerful and uplifted, Tina and Dad were at the table and Jesse and Jordan were busy moving here and there around the stove and counters.

  “What’s going on in here?” I asked and flopped down in a chair opposite my dad.

  “Your brothers are making us dinner,” Tina said. “I can’t believe it, but somewhere along the way they figured out how to get around the kitchen.”

  “So we’ve basically reversed roles?” I asked with a laugh. “I used
to be in the kitchen and they would be out with the animals.”

  “I guess we have,” Jordan replied and set a huge platter of chicken on the table, Jesse followed with side dishes and a bottle of wine.

  We enjoyed our dinner, I enjoyed it the most out of all of us I was sure. It had been so long since I felt like we were actually a family. Life had been so hectic lately, with Tina’s illness and Dad’s absence as he cared for her.

  They’d met at a grief support group after my mom died and the twins’ dad passed away.

  I couldn’t imagine how terrible Dad would feel if he lost another wife.

  Tina seemed to be doing so well with her sons home though, like their presence gave her strength.

  After dinner I volunteered to wash the dishes as they set up the tree. I made some tea and took it out to the living room where decorating was well underway. Dad and Tina were on the couch near the fireplace, which amazingly had a roaring fire in it, the first one in years, while the twins worked on the tree.

  “Here, catch!” Jesse said after I set the tea tray on the coffee table. He tossed something at me, I grabbed it out of mid air and turned it over.

  It was an ornament I had made in the eighth grade, a Christmas ball with my photo on it, with my big wide smile full of braces and my terrible hair cut.

  “Oh my god, I forgot about this, I was horrible looking!” I groaned and tossed it in a nearby box.

  “You were adorable, what are you talking about?” Jordan laughed and pulled it out of the box. He carefully placed it on the tree and said, “There’s no way this is hiding away, I love it.”

  “I was such a dork,” I moaned and rolled my eyes.

  “You were seriously cute,” Jesse agreed as he strung sparkly garlands over the tree.

  “You guys made fun of me constantly,” I said. “I remember having to get a ride to school in the mornings because you guys were so awful at the bus stop.”

  “That’s just because we had—” Jordan started to say, but was cut short by a dark look from Jesse.

  “Had what?” I asked. “Come on, you can’t leave me hanging.”

  “Never mind,” Jesse said. “Come on, help us with the rest of the tree.”

  I realized I wasn’t going to get anywhere with them so I joined them finishing up with the tree. So many ornaments held so many memories for me, I wondered why I hadn’t been putting up a tree every year. It had always felt like too much effort for just the three of us, but now I realized that no matter how much I hated the twins, without them our family didn’t feel complete.

  After the tree was done, we basked in the light of it and sipped our tea, we laughed over shared family memories.

  Dad and Tina didn’t last that long, they said their good nights and headed off to bed sometime around ten, leaving me alone with Jesse and Jordan.

  I was nervous being between them on the couch, and I didn’t know why.

  We looked through an old photo album from our teen years, laughing at how awful we all appeared.

  I flipped the page, Jesse was on one side and Jordan on the other, and they both leaned in to look at the photos. I felt engulfed by their presence, their bodies were massive and I felt tiny next to them.

  “There’s that picture again,” I laughed, pointing at my mouth full of braces.

  “You were seriously so cute, I can’t believe you didn’t see it,” Jordan told me.

  “You guys were awful to me, what was I supposed to think?” I asked.

  “You know why we were awful, don’t you?” Jesse replied.

  “No, I guess because you hated me?”

  “Not even close, what Jordan was about to say earlier was that we had crushes on you,” Jesse said with a grin.

  I looked at him, then Jordan and said, “What? No way!”

  “Jesse would kiss his pillow at night and call it Natasha,” Jordan chortled.

  “Asshole,” Jesse exclaimed. “Well Jordan here would talk about marrying you so much that the kids at school started calling him Beverly Hills.”

  “I remember that,” I said, “I always wondered what they meant.”

  “They meant he was a hillbilly, like the Beverly Hillbillies,” Jesse laughed. “Because he wanted to marry his sister.”

  “Well, we’re not really related,” Jordan grumped. “I don’t know why everybody made such a big goddamned deal about it.”

  “It was high school, we were all assholes back then,” I replied quietly, absorbing the information. “Why did you guys never tell me? Why did you treat me so bad?”

  “Because I never knew how to say anything,” Jesse said tenderly. “I was a kid, a really ugly kid.” He laughed and I smiled.

  “I was in the same boat, how the hell do you tell your kid stepsister that you’re fantasizing about making a life with her?” Jordan asked softly.

  I was truly speechless, I had never imagined they felt that way when we were kids. It made it tougher now, how could I have suddenly developed such an overwhelming sense of longing for both of them a decade too late?

  I tried to put into words how I felt, but I couldn’t. I looked from Jesse to Jordan and felt myself pulled into their gorgeous green eyes, falling and speechless.

  Jesse leaned towards me, the sound of the fireplace crackling was the only thing I heard other than the pounding of my heart and blood rushing through my ears.

  I felt Jordan shift on the couch behind me, his arm reached out and touched my thigh sending heat shooting up through my body.

  I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what was about to happen, expectation and anticipation bubbling in my chest, making it hard to focus.

  I heard my phone buzz in my pocket and tried to ignore it, waiting for Jesse’s lips and for Jordan’s hand to move lower.

  I figured as long as they were here for just a few more days, I might as well see where this was going. It had been a long time since I’d even been kissed, and even longer since having sex.

  It was like my body was taking over and my mind was kicked in the backseat. I knew this was insane, what I wanted to happen, but I no longer cared.

  My phone kept buzzing and I remembered that I was on call tonight, the night the Turner’s horse was due to have her foal.

  I snapped back to reality, grabbed my phone and saw it was Mary Turner’s number calling over and over.

  “Shit, guys, I have to go,” I said and jumped up, looking at the surprised disappointment on both of their faces. “We’ll have to continue this later, right now there’s a baby to be born!”

  “We’ll come with you,” Jesse said and they jumped up, grabbed their coats and followed me out of the house.

  I could barely concentrate on the snowy road as we made our way to the Turner’s horse farm about ten miles away.

  How was I supposed to think about delivering that little horse when I had these two with me?

  How could I recover my mind and concentrate on anything at all other than the way I felt when I was sandwiched between the two of them?

  Chapter Six

  I was so hot and bothered when I fled the truck at the Turner farm that I forgot my medical kit.

  I skidded to a halt, turned on my heel and ran back to grab it.

  Jesse was holding it out with a grin, “Forgot something, doc?”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled and snatched it from his hand. How was I supposed to act around them after their big reveal? How could I ever look at them the same way knowing they’d wanted me, and had almost kissed me just a short time ago?

  My stomach felt like a brick and my chest was tight with nerves when the twins were around me. I forced a deep breath into my lungs, focused on the horse, and the things I could control. I exhaled and mentally cleared my head.

  I went into action immediately. It was amazing how my professional training kicked in and booted my uncertain heart to the side when there was an animal that needed me.

  “She’s in the foaling stall,” Mrs. Turner told me as we reached the barn. I’
d been here before and I knew exactly where it was. The Turners raised prize Thoroughbreds used for racing and show jumping, and had foaled eleven babies so far this year.

  What made this one special was that it was an unplanned breeding with an old mare. It was the wrong time of the year and she’d been retired two years ago. They needed me on hand to make sure it all went according to plan, and I didn’t mind at all.

  The mare was groaning and sweating furiously by the time we got there, the foal was partially out and the mare appeared to be straining against it.

  The Cooper twins hung back and watched me in action through the bars of the large box stall. Every time I looked over at them I had to refocus my attention on the horse to prevent my heart from fluttering madly.

  “Hold her steady,” I told Mrs. Turner. She grabbed the mare's head and I took hold of the foal’s legs and pulled as hard as I could.

  The baby was stuck and I wasn’t strong enough to pull it out on my own.

  “Guys, I need your help,” I said to the twins, thinking of them as merely assistants at this point. That was the safest thing for all involved tonight.

  “What do you want us to do?” Jordan asked as they joined us in the stall.

  “Grab a pair of gloves each and help me pull this baby out,” I ordered, “but be fast, this foal is going to die if we don’t get it out.”

  I’ll hand it to them, they were good at taking orders and they were good at handling stressful situations. Mrs. Turner was talking and wringing her hands together so much I had to tie the mare up, she couldn’t even hold the halter.

  Jordan and Jesse hopped to it though; they slid the latex gloves up their arms and grabbed a leg each. On my count, we all gave a mighty pull and nothing happened.

  “Keep it steady,” I said. “Don’t let up.”

  “Shit, it’s not going to—” Jesse’s grumbling was cut off by a loud popping sound and the foal finally made it past the mare’s pelvic bone, sliding free.

  Jordan dropped his leg and reached out to catch the little guy while Jesse helped him lower the baby to the ground.


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