Wild Ones

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Wild Ones Page 3

by Cassie Black

  "Hurry up, Atticus. She's trying to bite me here."

  Atticus chuckled, and I felt the fabric of the robe being pulled up to expose my naked buttocks. I squealed in indignation, and tried to wriggle away from the hands that parted them. I felt something cold and thin slide into me, and I wriggled even more. A nozzle was depressed and then suddenly I was released. I stood up and bounded to the opposite side of the bed from those two psychos, who were both completely naked and watching me with interest. Atticus held what looked like a small spray can with a long nozzle, and I felt as its contents oozed out of me, wet and slippery.

  "It's for your own good," Atticus grinned at me, exposing more of his fangs than I wanted to see.

  Seriously? For my own good? I'd heard a lot of lame for-your-own-good stories but this one blew the rest right out of the water, and then some.

  "It will help your tissues to relax, and it will lubricate them too. Human females aren't built to accommodate vampires. We're too big."

  I looked down. Well, that was pretty bloody obvious. Wait, did he say vampires?

  "Unfortunately there are no female vampires, so we have to breed with humans. That's probably why our reputation is so sexualised. We tend to make something of an impact." Julius smirked. "We don't want to damage your tissues any more than we absolutely have to, though. Scarring can lead to a difficult childbirth. Also, if we hurt you too much internally you won't be able to conceive."

  What. The. Fuck.

  This was getting weirder and weirder. Childbirth? Seriously, where did these two fruitcakes come from? I stayed on the opposite side of the bed and tried my best menacing stare. I needed to get out of here before these two weirdoes lost it completely. I thought about trying to reason with them, like they did on TV. There was the fang thing though. Were they really vampires? If those were prosthetic teeth, they were damn good. And there was the other issue of how, er, well endowed they both were. I looked down again. Jesus. No human male ever had anything like that between his legs.

  "Any minute now, brother," Julius said, sniffing the air.

  "Any minute what?" I wanted to know, panic seizing me as Atticus grinned hungrily.

  "You're going to ovulate," he told me huskily.


  Ten seconds later I found myself flat on my back on the bed, with Julius pinning my wrists above my head and Atticus leaning over me, supporting his weight on his hands, his knees either side of my hips. He closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose, his nostrils flaring. Then he opened his eyes and gazed down at me, his pupils dilated, his gaze intense.

  "It is time," he said slowly. Then he reached down and untied the belt of my robe, and pulled it open like he was unwrapping a goddamn gift. I kicked up at him, but he dodged easily, and next thing he was between my legs, his hands on my bent knees forcing them open. God, he was strong. I tried to move, but I couldn't, not in a million years. So I screamed.

  Julius clamped his hand over my mouth.

  "Do we need to gag you?" he leaned over my face and stared down at me. I thought about that for a second while I tried to bite his hand. He cupped his hand, evading my teeth, and laughed at me.

  Oh Jesus. A hot tongue was wrapping itself around my clitoris, probing and pressing. I felt a corresponding tug deep inside my lower belly, and gasped at my body's traitorous response. Julius heard it and chuckled.

  "You thought we were just going to tear into you," he said conversationally as waves of pleasure started darting through my body. "It's always better if we can get you to orgasm," he continued in the same tone. "Your body will be a lot more accepting of Atticus then. Plus the uterus contracts down, stimulating blood flow, and increasing the odds of conception."

  What was this, some sort of biology lesson?

  I groaned slightly as the waves built, despite my trying desperately to resist it. I made my body go limp in an effort to stop the mounting tension, but it made no difference. That incredibly skilled tongue flicked and licked in a perfect rhythm, and I cried out as the orgasm hit, washing over me, and making my legs feel as if they were made of hot lead.

  "She's ready. Need any help, brother?"

  I looked up at Atticus, and he gazed down at my exposed body, his eyes black with hunger. I saw the hugeness of his cock as it jutted out from between his legs, and I tried to wriggle away. I suddenly felt terrified again.

  "She's going to need some distraction," he growled huskily, noting my reaction.

  Julius adjusted his position so he was just to the left of me, and still holding my wrists above my head with his right hand, he leaned in and started licking and sucking my nipples, gently at first, but then with greater urgency. Oh, God. The darts of pleasure started shooting through me again, and I hardly noticed it when Atticus reared above me, intense concentration on his face.

  Then I felt him part my wet folds with his fingers, and I tensed up as he started easing himself inside me. I felt myself stretch and then stretch some more, and I started to panic, anticipating the pain. I tried to pull away but his hands were clamped like iron on my hips.

  "Relax, baby. Let him in." Julius murmured as his left hand found my clitoris and he started massaging it slowly and gently.

  "Please, no. Let me go," I pleaded with them in a half-groan, trying to somehow remove my body from the vicinity of all those hands.

  "We can't. This has to happen. The more you fight it the more it will hurt. Let him in." His fingers continued their practised massaging action and I felt myself loosening, distracted by those waves again. My body went limp, and Atticus pushed himself inside me, slowly, until there was nothing in my world apart from what impaled me between my legs.

  There was agony, and a terrible tightness. I was afraid to move in case something ripped, or exploded. I held my breath as I tried to fight the shock of it.

  "Breathe, baby" said Julius from above me, his voice low and soothing. I glanced at Atticus' face, his eyes were shut tight, a grimace of either pain or pleasure distorting his features.

  "Breathe," said Julius again. I let my breath out slowly and felt some of the tension between my legs ease. Atticus must have felt it too, because he opened his black eyes and looked down at me and his lips curled in a smile around those fangs.

  "Good girl," he whispered.

  Then he started to move, withdrawing ever so slightly, then pushing back in, slowly at first, then faster, building up an ever more urgent rhythm. The pain receded as the movement started stimulating every single nerve ending in my body, and I felt a terrible wave of ecstasy building, and suddenly I was desperately afraid that he was going to stop that awful, wonderful motion. The tension tightened every single muscle in my body and my breath started coming in short gasps. I screamed when it broke, riding the ecstasy down, my eyes wild and unseeing.

  Atticus shuddered then and roared, and I felt his orgasm deep inside me, the rhythmic surging as his cock contracted over and over. He collapsed onto me, partially supporting his weight on his elbows.

  I lay there beneath him, sweating and panting, and trying not to think about my treacherous body's reaction to the very thorough violation it had just endured. Atticus lifted the left half of his body slightly, and looked down at my face, a slow smile spreading across his features.

  "That was lovely," he told me.

  "Get off me," I glared at him. What was he going to do next, thank me? As if I had had any choice at all in what had just happened.

  "Not yet, sweetheart."

  "Get off!" I insisted, louder this time, and I tried to wriggle out from under him. I was not in the least successful - Julius still held my wrists, and Atticus casually allowed all his weight to press me down onto the bed. I was going nowhere fast. I struggled some more anyway, trying to prove a point.

  "We should tell her about the spikes," suggested Julius from above my head. I froze. What spikes?

  Atticus lifted himself up slightly as he had before, and grinned at me. "There are spikes along the sides of my penis, sweetheart. Th
ey appear after orgasm and can take up to thirty minutes to flatten out, depending on the level of stimulation. Your delicious wriggling is not helping them go down," he said wryly.

  "Are you fucking kidding me? Spikes?" I demanded. Seriously, this was getting more and more bizarre.

  "We kid you not. If I were to try and pull out of you now, you would be ripped up inside, and you would haemorrhage quite badly, possibly even fatally."

  "Why do you think there are so few vampires around?" Julius added. "It's really difficult for us to breed successfully. For some reason, nature decided that we would live for centuries and be strong and fast, then she decided to make our replication something of an Achilles heel. Otherwise we would have been the dominant race by now."

  Yeah, whatever. Cry me a river. Spikes?

  I lay dead still as the minutes passed, and the sweat dried on my skin. Julius stood up and left the room for a while, and returned with a tall glass of iced water, which he placed on the bedside table. He had replaced the towel around his waist, for which I was extremely grateful. I didn't need a reminder of what remained inside me. I could feel how it still filled me, thick and heavy. Spikes or no spikes. I declined the water, not wanting to move even the tiniest amount it would take to drink it. Atticus continued to gaze down at me with heavy lidded eyes and a lazy smile. I glared back at him, and then closed my eyes tight, trying to ignore the whole situation. Fat chance of that.

  "I think I want to keep this one, Julius," he said casually.

  "I can see that brother. It's been forty minutes already. How are the spikes?"

  "Long gone." He chuckled.

  "What!" I was indignant.

  "Relax, love, I'm coming out now." He lifted himself up onto his powerful arms and started to withdraw, ever so slowly. Even now it was a excruciatingly tight fit, and I could feel my swollen tissues objecting to the movement. I groaned with the new discomfort, and he stopped immediately, his expression concerned.

  "She'll be fine, Atticus. You need to come out now, because she's going to swell up even more as her body reacts to the trauma." Julius encouraged his brother, and I lay there wanting him out but dreading the withdrawal. Atticus nodded and started easing himself out again. I closed my eyes tight shut and gritted my teeth. Eventually he was out and I looked at him as he stood up, his cock glistening and slick. Jesus. Even at half the size it was way too big.

  I tried to move but I couldn't. My entire lower body felt numb, and I was afraid of the pain I knew would rip through me if I tried to get up. I lay there, battered and defeated, while they looked down at me, Atticus with remorse in his eyes, Julius with mild concern.

  "We hurt her, Julius."

  "But it looks like she'll recover. You did a good job, Atticus," he added as he pulled my unresisting legs apart again. "Look, there's a lot of bruising and swelling, but there's no blood. You know that's a good sign." He closed his eyes and inhaled though his nose. "Smells good."

  "Tastes even better," Atticus said, and Julius chuckled.

  "I can only imagine."

  I closed my eyes and tried to pretend they had left. I wanted this madness to be over. I wanted to be back at work, grinding beans and pouring coffee and chatting to customers. I might even exchange a word or two with Norman. I wanted to be at home in my flat, talking crap with Maddie. I wanted to be visiting my parents, listening to their crazy theories about anything and everything under the sun. I wanted to be anywhere else but where I lay now, used and broken.


  I must have fainted or fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes, the middle aged woman was back, along with another younger woman. Muscle Man was nowhere to be seen, thank God. I lay in the same position, my legs sprawled, feeling too heavy to move, while they both fussed with a trolley they'd brought in with them.

  "Oh you poor thing!" the younger woman exclaimed, sympathy in her eyes. I felt tears filling my eyes as the sympathy did what it always does for me - made me feel even more sorry for myself.

  "She'll be fine," the older woman spoke reassuringly as she lay an icy cold wet towel on the brutalised flesh between my legs. I winced at the contact, and made as if to move away.

  "Lie still, honey. This will make it feel better. I brought you some painkillers too. I see the boys left you some water. Drink these." She lifted my head, one arm supporting my shoulders, and place two plain white tablets in my open mouth, and held the glass for me as I drank the water. It was cool and delicious, so I drank it all.

  "Good girl. We're going to get you cleaned up and comfortable so you can have a nice long sleep, and then tomorrow you can have a shower. Stephanie here will change the sheets while I sponge you down."

  I suddenly was very aware of how soaked the sheet was under my butt and legs.

  "I think I wet myself," I whispered apologetically, coming to the obvious conclusion.

  "I don't think you did, honey. Vampires ejaculate a lot of semen, up to a pint sometimes, so that's probably what's soaked the sheets."


  "What do you think?" she looked me straight in the eye.

  Honestly, I didn't know what to think. Those two - vampires?

  "I don't know what to think," I told her, deciding in favour of honesty.

  "Take it from me, honey, they're vampires. You'll see." I didn't know what to make of that remark, so I said nothing. I'd already seen plenty, and wasn't at all keen on seeing any more.

  "I'm Annie, by the way, and I work for the boys. That's Steph, my daughter. She helps out around the place."

  "I'm Milla," I told her automatically. "Everyone calls me Millie."

  "Well Millie, I'm going to sponge you down now, and towel you dry. Let me know if it hurts anywhere."

  "Seriously?" I looked at her as if she were mad.

  "Apart from the obvious," she said dryly. "Andronicus will come by and see you a bit later, make sure there's no internal damage or bleeding. He's our doctor, an he's very, very good. He's already saved the lives of at least four women when the boys were learning how to do this without killing the girl. They've come a long way."

  I was speechless. Great. Vampires. Brutal serial rapists. And she calls them the boys. Jesus. Annie must have sensed my antipathy, because she said nothing more, just wiped my skin down and dried me. I tried to move to help her, but flinched with the pain the effort caused, so she scolded me gently and told me to just lie still and let her do it all. I was only too happy to oblige. Steph changed the sheets efficiently, tucking the new edges under me and then rolling me slightly to pull them through. Within a short time I was curled up on my side with clean bedding tucked in around me and a pillow between my knees. If it weren't for the excruciating throbbing between my legs, I would have been very comfortable.

  "Rest now," Annie said. "The doctor will be here soon, and if he's happy you can have something to eat."

  The painkillers helped after a while. I must have dozed off again, because the next thing I remember is a tall strong looking man gently shaking me awake, and Annie there helping to roll me onto my back. I remember looking into the man's face and thinking that he looked too young to be a doctor. He placed his hand on my belly and pressed softly, then slightly harder, occasionally releasing the pressure. I felt my eyes closing again as he continued his examination, and I didn't even think to object when he opened my legs and I felt a gloved finger gently sliding inside me. He was done within a few minutes. I heard murmuring, and felt a cool hand on my forehead, and then I was rolled onto my other side where I fell asleep almost instantly.


  I woke up desperately needing to pee. Steph was sitting in an armchair next to the bed, reading a vampire romance, of all things. I could have made a sarcastic remark about that, but I knew she had seen the state I was in yesterday, so I let it slide. She squealed with delight when she saw that I was awake, and ran to the door to call her mother. Annie came in, carrying a couple of thick fluffy towels, and a terrycloth bathrobe.

  "I need to pee
," I told her urgently.

  "Come on then. We can give you a shower afterwards. It's just next door."

  She helped me to stand on rubbery legs, and slipped my arms into the sleeves of the robe. We walked together, her arm around my waist and mine over her shoulder, leaning on her more than I would like to admit. The bathroom was just next door, and I sank gratefully onto the cold wooden seat of the toilet. I shrieked as the first drops of urine came into contact with the surrounding tissues. Damn, that burned like blazes. I emptied my bladder, and then draped the bathrobe over a handy rail and stepped into a hot shower and closed my eyes as the jets of water pummelled my skin.

  Next thing somebody else had stepped into the shower with me. I looked up, expecting to see Annie or Steph offering to scrub my back. Instead, Atticus stared back at me intently. I shrieked again, and looked for an alternative exit to the one behind his broad and very naked shoulders, but there was none. So I did what any rational human being would do under the circumstances - I backed as far away from him as I could and ended up slipping on the soap I had forgotten that I had dropped. I felt myself start to fall, and then two strong hands reached out and grabbed me under my armpits. I was lifted back onto my feet, and I stood trembling as he bent down to retrieve the soap. I knew that he was naked, but I refused to look down.

  "I came to see how you were," he smiled at me carefully, concern in his eyes.

  "I'm fine and dandy. You can go now." I gazed at a point just above his left shoulder, refusing to look him in the eye, afraid of the hunger I might see there, and its consequences for my already brutalised body.

  "I'm not here to hurt you again, Millie. I'm here to wash your back."

  I looked up at his face, and saw the truth of his words in the absence of that black-eyed lust.


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