Bossing My Fake Fiance: A Brothers' Competition Romance (Irresistible Bosses Book 4)

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Bossing My Fake Fiance: A Brothers' Competition Romance (Irresistible Bosses Book 4) Page 4

by Suzanne Hart

  Which was why Alfie had never developed much of an attachment towards her. Gordon though, was another story.

  Alfie loved hanging out with his uncle. In fact, Gordon could have very easily been his favorite person in the world. Which was why this betrayal was so much worse—because Alfie was involved.

  Now that Celine had told me she was going to bring Gordon with her, I had no idea how to explain the situation to Alfie. We were just going to have to pretend like they were both visiting us, but separately. My only hope was that they behaved themselves in front of Alfie. I knew they were not going to bother sparing my feelings.

  If Celine could, she would push a knife in my back herself.

  Back in the penthouse, I watched while Penny ran after Alfie, trying to get him to eat his dinner.

  I’d poured myself a glass of whiskey and turned the TV on. Penny complained that she’d been running after Alfie to get him to eat for over an hour. Eventually, I’d had enough of the commotion. I just needed some peace and quiet so I could think about Tessa and the mess I’d gotten her involved in.

  Putting down my glass, I stood up and caught Alfie by his shoulders and lifted him up. He was kicking and screaming till I started tickling him. Then he was giggling and was out of breath, trying to tickle me back.

  “All right, enough. It’s dinner time and then off to bed. You need to listen to Penny, young man!” I told him, putting him down at the dining table.

  Penny had re-heated his dinner and Alfie pouted his mouth in protest.

  “Okay, look, I’ll eat with you,” I said and picked some broccoli off his plate.

  “When are we going to go exploring the city, like you promised, Daddy?” He asked while I chewed.

  “This weekend, you know I can’t do any other day,” I replied and reached over to shuffle his hair.

  Alfie seemed pleased with that response for a change, and he picked at his food.

  “And how would you feel about someone else joining us?” I asked him. Alfie looked at me, confused. Ever since he could remember, it had just been the two of us. Even my social life was effectively ruined since the divorce. All I’d been able to focus on was work and my son.

  “Someone else? Like who?” Alfie asked.

  “A friend of mine, from work,” I tried.

  “What kind of friend?” Alfie was curious. Maybe he could sense I was nervous about this subject.

  “A woman, she works with me, at the agency. We’re friends and I thought you would like to meet her,” I said.

  Alfie tilted his head to the side.

  “A woman friend? Like how you and mummy are friends?” He asked and I cleared my throat. This was turning out to be more complicated than I expected.

  “Something like that, yes, maybe a bit more friendly. We like each other a lot and we like to spend time together,” I explained.

  It was strange talking about Tessa this way, since I didn’t know her at all.

  But after I’d met her, I had a good idea why Gordon was so enamored by her when he returned to London. I still couldn’t work out why he would have broken up with her. But then again, I didn’t understand Gordon at all.

  Nothing was good enough for him. Not even a woman like Tessa, who any man would have been lucky to have.

  And soon he was going to leave Celine too, and that would create a host of complications in my life.

  “You like her a lot? Like the kissing kind of like?” Alfie asked.

  His eyes were wide with curiosity and I could feel myself growing hot under my collar.

  “Maybe we don’t have to talk about it now. I just thought you should know I might bring a friend on our little weekend fun,” I told him.

  Alfie was still eyeing me curiously and I smiled at him, feeling nervous.

  I’d never pictured myself in a serious relationship after Celine, so I wasn’t prepared for a conversation like this with my son.

  The truth was, that even though I had a plan about how to get back at Gordon—I didn’t actually expect it to work out. I wasn’t expecting Tessa to agree to this. Now that she had, I wasn’t sure what the next step was supposed to be.

  I’d asked her to move in with us already!

  I’d offered her the job.

  Most importantly, I’d told her we were going to pretend to be sleeping together. What were we going to do to create that illusion?

  While Alfie ate his dinner, my thoughts turned to Tessa again—the woman who my brother was sleeping with for eight months. Could I actually touch her? Would she want me to touch her? Or did she still have feelings for Gordon?

  I could picture her now, her long chestnut curls, those curious green eyes and that delicate pink mouth. I wanted her to ride me. I fantasized about her breasts bouncing as she rode me. My cock driving into her and the moaning sounds escaping her lips.

  “What is her name, Daddy?” Alfie’s voice interrupted my thoughts. I stared at him, guilty about the thoughts I’d been having.


  “Your woman friend’s name,” he clarified.

  “Tessa. Tessa Munro. I think you’ll like her,” I said.



  As expected, nobody at my old agency threw a fuss the next day when I handed in my resignation. I wondered if they even noticed. I didn’t tell them which agency I was joining next and they didn’t ask—so everything seemed to be going smoothly for now.

  I went to the Soar offices, and Michelle was ready to greet me there. Apparently, Clark had already filled her in. According to her, the plan was that I was going to be here at the Chicago offices initially, for a few weeks; till I was ready to move to their new offices in New York.

  For a few hours, while Michelle showed me around and introduced me to the team I was going to work with—I was able to forget the little arrangement I had with their boss.

  For a while, I got caught up in the excitement of working at Soar, at finally having the opportunity of a lifetime.

  It was only when I had a break during lunch hour that the thought struck me again. This was very real. My conversation with Clark the day before was totally true.

  I wasn’t sure when I would see him again, he hadn’t called for me yet. So, I had no idea what I was supposed to do next.

  I went to a nearby cafe for my lunch, still giddy with excitement about the work that I could potentially do.

  I took a corner table and ordered myself a salad and a coffee. A few minutes later, Clark walked into the cafe and headed straight for my table—like this was a prearranged meeting and I should have expected him to show up.

  He sat down across from me. Today he was in a navy suit, with chunky silver cufflinks and a silver tie. His dark hair was brushed back again, clean shaven; showing off his handsome square jaw.

  “Settled in?” He asked me. That was it. No greeting, no hellos…not even a smile in my direction.

  “It’s been a few hours, I’m as settled as I can be. It’s a great office, I think I’ll love it here,” I told him.

  Clark nodded, looking around sheepishly for a few moments.

  “I hope you haven’t changed your mind about our plan. I’ve told my son about you,” he said. My throat went dry again, but I tried not to look away from him. Or display any signs of weakness.

  “No, I haven’t changed my mind. And what have you told him about me?” I asked.

  Clark’s blue eyes glittered as he stared at me. I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to. He was gorgeous…I tried to remember back to when I met Gordon. Was that how I’d felt about him too?

  I couldn’t help it. I was constantly comparing the two brothers.

  “I told him you’re a friend, who works with me at the agency. And that we like each other. He’s five, I’m not sure exactly how to explain a relationship to him,” he replied, and despite myself, I smiled.

  I couldn’t quite imagine this man as a father. He was big and strong and sexy. What did a five-year-old boy look like in his arms? Did he re
ad to him? Play with him? Had he changed his diapers when he was a baby?

  I shifted in my chair, trying not to blush. Why had his ex-wife left him? I couldn’t imagine why a woman would willingly give up a man like him—but then again, I didn’t know Clark at all.

  “And I also told him you will be joining us for a day out this Sunday,” he continued.

  I blushed this time, I couldn’t help it.

  “This Sunday?” I asked and Clark nodded.

  “It’ll just be Alfie and me, and you if you come. We might go around Chicago, take in the sights. Maybe catch lunch somewhere nice. It would give you a chance to get comfortable with us. If we want Gordon and Celine to believe we are in a real relationship, we have to act like it,” he said.

  I knew what he was saying made sense, but the idea of me spending an entire day with Clark and his son, sounded strange to me. Were we supposed to do ‘happy-family’ things together? Even though I wasn’t family?

  “You should know, I’m not a good liar,” I blurted.

  Clark sat back in his chair and looked at me intently.

  “I mean, I might not be able to pretend very well. I just wanted to warn you,” I said.

  A soft smile was stretching on Clark’s lips now.

  “Well, then we will just have to make sure you don’t have to pretend,” he replied.

  I crossed my brows, confused by what he’d just said. How were we supposed to do this? How were we going to pull this off?

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Clark stood up. His eyes traveled down my face, down the front of my blouse, till he finally looked away.

  “Leave your address with Michelle. I’ll pick you up from your apartment on Sunday morning at ten,” he said.

  Before I could add anything else, Clark had turned and walked away. I watched him leave the cafe, crossing the street and rushing into the office building.

  His tie flapped in the breeze, it ruffled his perfectly brushed hair too. His hands were in the pockets of his tailored pants, and as he walked, he loomed tall over most of the people around him. Even from where I was sitting in the cafe, I could see several female and some male heads turn as he walked past.

  There was no denying that Clark Webber left an impression wherever he went; he’d already made an impact on me. But there was no way I was letting myself fall for another Webber.



  Alfie and I arrived at Tessa’s apartment building at ten sharp on Sunday. I was driving and he was in the backseat, bubbling with excitement about the day we were going to have.

  “Stay in the car, I’m going to get Tessa,” I told him. I turned the radio on loud for him and left the car. According to the address she’d left with Michelle, her apartment was on the second floor.

  I found it easily and knocked on the door. She opened, her face bright and fresh and her eyes twinkling.

  “Clark!” She exclaimed as I stood in front of her, trying not to stare at how lovely she looked.

  She was in a yellow floral dress, perfect for the sunny weather outside. She’d left her long hair open and it fell like a curtain around her delicate shoulders. She was wearing tan ankle boots and had a tan messenger bag on her shoulders. Pink feathery earrings were dangling from her ears.

  “I’m ready if you are!” She exclaimed, snapping me out of my intent admiration of her.

  “Let’s go, Alfie’s waiting,” I said and we left the apartment together. Down the stairs, she followed me.

  “Clark!” She called out and I stopped in my tracks, turning to look at her.

  “What do I say to him?” She asked.

  “Nothing specific. Like I said, he knows we’re friends…that we’re good friends. In his words, we’re the kissing kind of friends,” I told her. She was smiling now. The tops of her cheeks had turned red.

  We came out of the building and approached the car.

  “Alfie, say hi to Tessa,” I instructed him as I held the door open for her.

  Tessa got in the passenger seat of the car and then turned to smile at my son.

  I watched them together, looking at each other…and for a few moments, I was worried that Alfie wouldn’t warm to her. But then he smiled at her. Tessa held her hand out to him and he shook it.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Alfie,” she said.

  “Are you Daddy’s friend?” He asked her and she blushed even harder.

  “I am. Have you made any new friends in Chicago yet?” She asked him and Alfie shook his head.

  “Well, we’ll have to change that, won’t we?” Tessa continued.

  “How?” He asked, suddenly very enthusiastic.

  “We could go to the park?” She suggested and he nodded his head.

  “When nanny takes me to the park, she doesn’t let me speak to anyone,” Alfie complained.

  Tessa looked over at me and I shrugged.

  “I guess she has a point,” I interjected and Tessa rolled her eyes.

  “Maybe you should talk to other kids, make friends,” she said.

  “Will you take me? Or are you always busy like Daddy?” Alfie asked her.

  “Slow down there, Alfie. You only just met her!” I said with a laugh.

  “A real go-getter, this one!” Tessa exclaimed, smiling at him. “Of course, I’ll take you. I’m not as busy as your daddy is.”

  I shut her door, then walked around the car and sat down in my seat. Alfie and Tessa were chatting away already. If what she said was true—that she wasn't good at pretending; then it seemed like she and Alfie had connected very quickly.

  For starters, Tessa was a good listener.

  “Where are we going, Daddy?” Alfie asked, clapping his hands with excitement from the back seat.

  “I thought maybe Tessa could suggest some places,” I said.

  “We could go to the Aquarium, or the Children’s Museum,” Tessa replied, which set Alfie on another clapping spree.

  As I started the car, I sensed Tessa turning to look at me.

  “Daddy, can we get ice cream today?” Alfie continued.

  “Yes,” I told him and glanced at Tessa who was smiling at me.

  I looked away from her, but I was smiling too. Seeing her and Alfie together had done something strange to me. It was what I’d always pictured for my son—to have a woman, someone other than his nanny, someone like his mother. And Celine had never been capable of that.

  Alfie was never as excited to see his mother, as he was with Tessa right now. They had an instant connection, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she and I had that connection too.

  We were driving to the Aquarium first, and even being stuck in traffic didn’t seem so bad anymore. Tessa and Alfie talking in the background seemed to calm me. It stopped my brain from drifting to meaner thoughts about Gordon and Celine.

  Suddenly, with Alfie and Tessa being noisy, I’d found an oasis here in this car—something I’d been searching for since Alfie’s birth. Since the divorce. No matter how deeply I plunged myself into my work, I hadn’t been able to find the subtle joy I felt right now.

  I didn’t know what it was—was it because I wanted Tessa? Because Alfie looked happy? Because my plan was working out?

  I couldn’t tell yet. It seemed too complicated.

  We arrived at the Aquarium, and I realized that Tessa and I had barely talked to each other. Alfie had completely stolen the show.

  When we got out of the car, Alfie rushed to her and she took his hand. Finally, she looked at me, with a smile, even her eyes were dancing with that smile.

  I wanted to tell her she was doing a good job. That she was a natural at this—but it wasn’t my place. We weren’t friends. We didn’t even know each other.

  I watched them queue up. Alfie was pointing at things and Tessa laughed at what he said. I trailed behind them, still feeling that warmth in the pit of my stomach.

  How was it possible that this complete stranger had managed to steal Alfie’s heart, in a way that his own mother hadn’t bee
n able to?

  There was definitely something about Tessa.



  Alfie was adorable, and a big talker. It seemed like while we were at the Aquarium, he seemed to have forgotten about the presence of his father. Clark trailed behind us, walking with his hands in the pockets of his casual khaki chinos.

  I’d never seen him in anything other than a suit, so I tried to steal glances at him. His hair was less stylized today, and it even seemed like he hadn’t shaved this morning. Even though Alfie might have forgotten the presence of his father, I couldn’t ignore it.

  I could sense him watching me, scrutinizing me…and I liked being watched by him. I wanted to know what he thought of me. If he wanted me the way I wanted him.

  It wasn’t until much later, when Alfie engrossed himself in a short presentation about jellyfish, that we finally had a chance to talk to each other.

  Clark was standing behind me, while I stood behind Alfie.

  “I see my son has captured your attention today,” I heard him say. His mouth was near my ear and suddenly, hearing his deep voice made me reel. I could feel his warmth all around me, I wanted him to touch me. Our bodies were inches apart. He could have touched me if he wanted to, my butt lightly grazed his thighs and he moved away.

  I wanted to turn to him and tell him he didn’t have to move away. That I liked being touched by him.

  “He’s a good kid,” I told him.

  “He’s very fond of you, I can see that,” he added and I turned my head to the side so I was looking up at him.

  Clark was looking down at me, with his blue eyes deep and narrowed. He searched my face, almost like he knew I had so much more to say.

  “If Alfie likes you, this is going to work,” he said, interrupting my daydreams about him. It was a quick reminder that all this was just a farce. A gimmick.


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