Bossing My Fake Fiance: A Brothers' Competition Romance (Irresistible Bosses Book 4)

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Bossing My Fake Fiance: A Brothers' Competition Romance (Irresistible Bosses Book 4) Page 13

by Suzanne Hart

  I watched as she picked up her bags. She was still in that dress I’d stripped off her in the car not long ago. She was still stunningly beautiful, and I still had feelings for her. But maybe this was for the best.

  She was right. It was unfair and cruel on my part to involve her in all this. Tessa was nothing more than an innocent bystander, and now she was hurt.

  “Tell Alfie I’ll be thinking of him. I wish you the best of luck, Clark,” she said as she strode to the door.

  I said nothing, I couldn’t.

  Nothing had hurt me as much as watching Tessa walk out of that door. But I couldn’t stop her. Leaving now was probably the best decision she could make.

  I heard her heels clicking down the hallway, then the front door opened and shut. In the living room, the TV was still on and I was beginning to boil with rage. Celine needed to go before I did something stupid.



  I had tears streaking down my cheeks by the time I reached my apartment. It was over. He didn’t even try and stop me. He had made it so obvious that he wanted me to leave. Was he thanking his stars now, that I’d finally left him and released him of his burden?

  As I stood there at my door, trying to get it to open, I kept imagining Clark and Celine together now. She was waiting for him, wasn’t she? Were they hugging and kissing and crying out with relief that they’d found their way back to each other?

  I felt like I was going to be sick.

  I pushed open the bedroom door and staggered in. I hadn’t been in my apartment for several days. All the lights were turned off and I sighed. How had I managed to do this to myself? How had I fallen in Clark’s trap?

  Gordon was right. I had done all this for a job. Because I thought I could handle myself.

  I threw my keys on the floor and took off my shoes. Dragging myself down through the living room, I went to my bedroom.

  I’d already zipped down my dress and I flipped the light on and shrieked.

  Gordon was sitting on my bed, with his legs stretched out, with his arms crossed behind his head on my pillows.

  “Hello, Tessa,” he said. I was clutching my heart from fright.

  “Oh my God! You scared me. What are you doing here?” I shrieked.

  “You never changed the locks, Tess. It’s quite the compliment you know,” he remarked with a smirk on his face.

  I struggled to pull the zip on my dress back up again. Suddenly, I felt very naked and very insecure in my own home, even though I had shared this apartment with him for so many months.

  “Why are you here, Gordon? You shouldn’t be here. You need to leave!” I hissed.

  “The question is, why are you here, Tess? Shouldn’t you be back in my brother’s million-dollar penthouse, in bed with him or something?” Gordon asked. He swung his legs over the side of my bed and stood up. He was casual, unthreatening, but I didn’t feel comfortable with the fact that he was here.

  “And more importantly, why have you been crying?” He added.

  I wiped my cheeks frantically.

  “It is none of your business. You need to go, now. You’re breaking and entering! I could call the cops,” I shouted at him but Gordon smiled.

  “But you won’t do that, will you, sweet Tessa? Because you still care about me and secretly, you’re glad we get to have some alone time together,” he said.

  He was walking towards me and I backed away.

  “Gordon, you’re frightening me. I don’t want you here. Please leave!” I said and wrapped my arms around myself.

  I had backed into the door, but Gordon shut it now, reaching out over my shoulder.

  “I just want to talk to you, sweetness. I want to explain,” he said. He’d brought his face up close to me and I ducked away from him.

  “Fine. Explain to me, Gordon, why you lied about everything! You said you didn’t have a family, that you were a wildlife photographer. For eight months, you lied to me consistently!” I hissed.

  Gordon sucked in his gut and shook his head.

  “I had to say something to impress you, Tess. You were bright and ambitious and making your way in the world. I was a spoiled younger brother of a billionaire, and going nowhere in my life. I was tired of living in Clark’s shadow. I wanted a taste of what it would be like to just be normal.”

  Gordon had a hint of sincerity in his voice. When I looked into his eyes, I almost felt sorry for him. But then I reminded myself that I couldn’t trust him. I couldn’t believe a word of what he was saying.

  “And normal with you felt good, my love,” he continued and walked towards me. I was backing away from him. I was shuddering—from fear and anger, both.

  “I experienced the joys of life with you, which I’ve never experienced before.”

  Gordon’s piercing blue eyes were intense and I felt like he had me mesmerized.

  “But then you left,” I murmured as he drew closer.

  “Yes, and that was a mistake. I’ve regretted it every day,” he replied.

  “You could have just come back. Instead, you started sleeping with Celine!” I snapped.

  “I knew you’re jealous. You needn’t worry, beautiful. Celine means nothing to me. I just wanted to shag her because I wanted Clark to know I can get anything I want,” he said. There was a smile on his face as he drew closer and closer to me.

  “I don’t want you anymore, Gordon. I was foolish to fall for all your lies and your illusions. I have no feelings for you and I want you to leave. Please, just go. Please.”

  I tried speaking calmly to him, but Gordon continued to draw closer and closer towards me.

  “I don’t think you know what you want, my sweetness. Look at you now, you’re trembling with desire. You know I can love you right. The way my brother doesn’t even know how.”

  Gordon was looming over me now. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. The back of my knees were knocking against the side of the bed. If he leaned one more inch closer to me, I would fall backward.

  “Please, go. I don’t want you. Leave now!” I snapped and Gordon shook his head.

  “I’m going nowhere, Tessa, till you admit that you still love me. You still want me, don’t you, sweet love?” He murmured, in a deep guttural growl.

  Despite everything that happened, right now I wanted nothing more than Clark.



  I came out of the bedroom, several minutes after Tessa left. Celine was still sitting with her legs up on the coffee table. The TV was switched on.

  “Penny’s back,” she called out to me as I entered the living room.

  “Get up,” I barked at her. She threw me a look over her shoulder like she couldn’t believe what I was telling her to do.

  “Excuse me?” She groaned and I rushed towards her.

  “I asked you to get up. Need I remind you that this isn’t your home?” I growled.

  Celine swung her legs off the coffee table and dusted her lap.

  “I am quite aware this isn’t my home, Clark. But I was hoping that you might treat the mother of your child with some respect,” she said. Finally, she began to stand up.

  “That was exactly what I was trying to do, till you turned Tessa against me. I’d forgotten the things you were capable of. Now I remember, and I want you out of my home,” I said. I’d crossed my arms over my chest and I was glaring at her with a narrowed intense glare.

  “Turned Tessa against you? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she faked, but I was accustomed to this.

  “Spare me, Celine. I know what you’ve done. You told her something while I was putting Alfie to bed,” I said and she sighed and shook her head.

  “How typical of you, Clark. The moment something goes on, you don’t hesitate to blame me. As though all the world’s problems are my fault alone. If Tessa left you, maybe it’s because of something you did. Or maybe she just never wanted you in the first place!”

  Celine could be convincing when she wanted to be, and fo
r a moment; I did buy what she was saying. It was highly possible that Tessa didn’t feel what I felt for her. And now, at the hint of something serious happening—she decided to call it quits. I couldn’t blame her for that either.

  But then I remembered feeling what I did when I was inside her tonight. That was real. That was something.

  I knew she’d felt it too. Why would she run away from it? For no reason?

  “I’m not going to stand here listening to anything you have to say, Celine. I want you both gone. First flight tomorrow. You and Gordon can pack up and leave. And if you want to put up a fight, contest me in court,” I snapped at her.

  Celine tilted her head to one side and licked her lips.

  “What is it, Clark? Why are you like this? I made a mistake by asking for a divorce. I thought I was unhappy, but I wasn't. I see that now,” she said. I glared into her eyes.

  “It took you five years to figure that out?” I roared and Celine shrugged her shoulders.

  “I just want to be close to Alfie now. You understand that, don’t you? He’s such a precious boy,” she continued.

  “It’s not going to work on me, Celine. I don’t know what your agenda is this time, but I’ve had enough of you. And I’ve had enough of Gordon too. The two of you can live a long and happy life together for all I care. Just do it away from me and away from my son. He doesn’t need this toxic bullshit in his life!”

  I was growling at her, but Celine had always known how to maintain herself in a fight.

  She reached for my arm and I yanked myself away from her.

  “Pack your bags and go, Celine. I don’t care where. I’ll pay for a hotel for the night if you want. I want you out of here,” I raged.

  Celine’s eyes watered and I knew she could cry on cue.

  “Why are you treating me this way, Clark? Is it because of Gordon? You know he’s always wanted me. I decided to give in to him because he was the closest thing I could have, to you,” Celine whined.

  I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

  “Just go, Celine. You’re wasting your breath!”

  “I’m not going to go. I’m not going to just leave you again. I’m begging you to reconsider, Clark. You know we have a history together. We can try again. Wouldn’t Alfie want a happy family with his mummy and daddy?” Celine tried.

  “It’s over, Celine. I feel nothing for you. I don’t think I felt anything for you, ever. Our marriage was a sham, for Alfie’s sake. But now I see that he is much happier without you.”

  Celine sobbed. Covering her face with her hands.

  “How can you say that about my son?” She cried.

  “How could you fuck his uncle?” I growled and she snapped up her head to look at me. Within moments, Celine had stopped crying.

  “Fuck you, Clark. I hope you rot in Hell!” She screamed.

  “Where is Gordon?” I roared after her as she zoomed past me. She was headed to the room she was sharing with him.

  “How the hell am I supposed to know? He doesn’t tell me anything,” she snapped.

  “Where is he, Celine?” I charged towards her and she flared her nostrils and rolled her eyes.

  “He said something about going to Tessa’s apartment. Said that he needed closure or something. I don’t know. I don’t care what he does. That boy is completely messed up,” she said.

  “Fuck!” I growled and ran out to the elevator.

  “Penny!” I shouted as I banged on the elevator button. She appeared a few seconds later.

  “Mr. Webber?”

  “Keep an eye on Alfie. I’m not sure when I’ll be back,” I said. She nodded and looked shaken up.

  I took the elevator down to the parking lot and jumped in my car. I thought I could still smell Tessa’s perfume in there. I needed to make sure she was safe. From my own brother.



  When Gordon took another step towards me, I lost balance and propelled backward on the bed. I shrieked when Gordon hit on me, stretching himself over me.

  “I knew I’d get you in bed with me sooner or later,” he hissed. I couldn’t move, even though I tried to. I wriggled and struggled, but he had me pinned to the bed. His legs were intertwined with mine, his face too close to me. Enough for me to smell the stench of alcohol on his breath.

  “Let me go! Gordon! Please!” I screamed as much as I could, but his hands were all over me. He knew he had me under his control. Gordon was much stronger than me.

  I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as he fumbled with my dress for the zip. This was the man I thought I was in love with! This was the man who had broken my heart! A man who was capable of forcing himself on a woman.

  I kept struggling, pushing and gnawing at him till suddenly, he seemed to rise up from on top of me.

  I gasped as I saw that Clark had pulled him up by his collar. Gordon landed a punch on Clark’s stomach, but he didn’t stagger away. Instead, he pushed him right up to the wall, pinning him by the neck.

  “Fuck you, Clark! Fuck you!” Gordon sputtered.

  “You okay, Tessa?” Clark asked, looking at me over his shoulder. I sat up in bed, pulling the bedsheets up to my chest. I didn’t know what was going to happen. What Clark was going to do.

  “What do you think you’re doing, little brother?” Clark growled at Gordon now. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Two brothers at each other’s throats like this. But what I did feel was an immense sense of relief. Clark was here, he had saved me. What would have happened if he hadn’t arrived when he did? There was nothing to stop Gordon from taking the next step. Now I knew he was capable of anything.

  “This is between my girlfriend and me. Get the fuck out of here!” Gordon growled. Clark had finally taken his hand off his neck and Gordon covered his throat with his palms and gasped for air.

  “She’s not your girlfriend anymore, Gordon,” Clark said and despite the bloodshot eyes and his difficulty in breathing; Gordon smiled.

  “And you think she is yours? Who are you kidding, Brother? The two of you were never a couple. It was all done for my sake. So, you could get back at me for shagging your ex-wife. Well, it didn’t work. Here I am and ready to claim what’s mine.”

  Gordon looked over at me on the bed and I shuddered. Just the thought of him touching me again made me feel sick. Clark clenched his palms. I could sense he was struggling to hold back the violence coursing through his veins.

  “Do you realize what you just did here, Gordon? If we call the police right now, you will go to prison. You could face some serious jail time. Do you hear what I’m saying?” Clark asked. His eyes were narrowed, he was trying to figure out his brother.

  The more I looked at Gordon, the clearer it became to me—he needed help. He had lost his mind. Or had he always been like this?

  “You won’t do that, will you, big brother? How could you possibly call the police on me?” Gordon asked, laughing now.

  “Don’t tempt me,” Clark growled and Gordon laughed some more.

  “Just leave, Gordon. Just get out of here!” I screamed.

  I didn’t want Clark to call the police. I was still shaking, and a few minutes ago; yes, I was afraid for my safety. But I didn’t want Gordon in prison.

  I wanted to give him another chance.

  “Tell him, Tessa. Tell him yourself! Tell him you love me and you want me!” Gordon howled. I shook my head.

  “You’re not thinking straight, Gordon. Please leave me alone. I don’t want you,” I said, as softly as I could.

  Gordon took a step towards me, but Clark put his hand out, stopping him in his tracks.

  “You take one more step towards her and I’m calling the police. I’ve given you a lifetime worth of second chances, Gordon. I’m all tapped out.”

  Gordon glared at his brother, then at me and then at his brother again.

  “You think you’re so great, don’t you, Clark?” He hissed.

  “That is not how I view myself, Brother,
” Clark said, but Gordon was shaking his head.

  “Someday, one of these days…maybe not today, but soon. You’ll see what it feels like to be treated as a worthless loser. Everyone looks at you like you’re some sort of star and they look at me like I’m a rich spoilt kid. Capable of nothing!”

  Gordon was barking but also close to tears.

  “All I wanted to do, Gordon, was help you. I would have given you space, I would have helped you in whatever way you needed it. But this, this I cannot forgive.”

  Clark was speaking through gritted teeth and Gordon’s whole body was seeming to shake.

  “If it wasn’t for you, if I wasn’t so obsessed with proving myself to you! I would have stayed here, with her!” Gordon pointed at me. “And we would have lived happily ever after!”

  “Just get out of here, Gordon, before I change my mind about the police,” Clark said, dejectedly now. I could see he was suffering too. Not too long ago, he had genuinely loved his brother.

  Gordon threw me a parting look before slowly, he dragged himself out of the room. Clark followed him and suddenly, I was alone in my bedroom.

  I covered myself in the bedsheets and sat huddled there, waiting for Clark to come back.



  I made sure Gordon left the apartment. He was still shooting daggers at me with his eyes but I stood firm.

  “You’re going to regret this, Clark,” he hissed at me when we reached the door.

  “Don’t make me physically kick you out, Gordon, because that is what I will do. The only reason I’m not calling the police is because Tessa doesn’t want me to. For whatever reason, she wants to give you another chance,” I said.

  “Fuck you and fuck her. Fuck both of you!” Gordon growled and I held the door open for him.

  “Get out of here, Brother.” I tried to remain calm.


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