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J.O.Y Page 10

by Yalu Taylors

  “No! I don’t want her seeing shit like this.” Zayne yells at Braydon as he goes to hand me a stack of paper. Zayne tries to snatch the pages and some of them rip, sending a handful fluttering to the floor. I jump up and grabs the closest ones.

  “Hunter?” His name is all I can get out through my shock. I’m staring at a printout of the picture he took of the twins last night, but someone has photo shopped it, so their heads have evil masks on them. The words “Don’t touch her again!” Written in loopy hand writing. I flip to the next one and Braydon is standing on a ladder hanging lights on the gazebo. His face has been masked and the same words scrawled along the bottom.

  The next one is of all of us from the back as we walked back to the house last night. The guys all have daggers photo shopped on their backs. The same words across the bottom. I flick through a few more and notice pretty much the same thing. “Give me your phone Hunter.” I hold my hand out impatiently. He stands up and fishes around in his pocket for a moment then turns around searching through the couch.

  “It’s not here.” He growls.

  “You had it last night. I watched you put it into your shirt pocket right before we sat on the couch.” I drop the photos and help search through the couch and on the floor. I’m on my arms and knees, butt in the air, looking under the couch. I turn my head when out the corner of my eye, I see Zack walking back into the room carrying another stack of pictures.

  “Damn! Where’s a camera when you need one?” I spin around looking at him with one eyebrow raised in question. “Too soon?” He asks.

  “Ya think?” I snap at the same time Zayne slaps him across the back of the head.

  “These were in the printer in Uncle’s office.” He tosses Hunter's phone to him. “That, was plugged into the computer.” Zack sits on the end of the sofa bed and starts flicking through the pictures. I kneel on the bed behind him looking over his shoulder. The pictures all have the same alterations. The guys faces have devil masks and the hand-written message. The pictures of me are all untouched. Zack gets to the last one and quickly crumples it up but it's too late, I saw what he is trying to hide.

  “Hand it over Zack.” He passes me the crumpled page and the others come closer to see. “It's a picture of me asleep in Braydon's bed with only my underwear on.” I'm too angry to be embarrassed. “Did you take a picture of me while I was sleeping?” My voice sounds really calm but inside I'm extremely pissed off. I look Hunter in the eyes as he answers.

  “I didn't. I swear.” His eyes don't waver from my own, I know he's telling the truth. “Please, Tessa, I would never do that to you.” He's pleading desperately.

  “Calm down. I believe you. Now the question is, who did all this?” I wave my hand around at all the pictures. “And why?”

  “My guess is, it's the same person who's been texting you.” Hunter sits down and pulls me into a side hug. After questioning him, I feel bad at what I'm about to do but I hate being touched when I'm angry. I shrug off his arm but grab his hand to soften the rejection. I give it a squeeze then climb off the bed, putting some distance between me and the guys.

  Pacing back and forth I think about all the times I received the texts. “Okay so the texts all warned me about not letting anyone touch me. Well except the first one.” I pull my phone out and toss it to Hunter. I continue pacing. “The first text I got was at school, telling me the person was sorry they couldn’t protect me from Peter, the next one was when we were at the bowling alley, then again at school, threatening you guys. Then there was that voice mail, thanking me for listening to him. The texts stopped after you guys cloned my phone.” I stop pacing and glare at them.

  “Thanks for that by the way, talk about invasion of my privacy. How the fuck, do you guys even know how to do something like that? Ugh not the point.” I run my hands through my hair tangling my fingers in the knotted curls. Braydon steps up behind me and untangles my hands. “Thanks.” I mumble to him.

  I start pacing again. “Peter was arguing with someone at Tori’s house, but I can’t remember who it was. It was right before you guys came to get killed by Peter.” I know I’m being a bit of a bitch but I’m getting increasingly frustrated. I can see the image in my mind, Peter standing on the stairs yelling at someone, but I can’t see the guys face. I stop pacing and shake my head. “Can you two help me remember?” I direct the question at Zack and Zayne but Hunter answers.

  “If they go messing around in your head, there’s no way of knowing what could happen.” His voice is full of concern but there’s an edge to his voice that almost sounds like anger.

  “Sorry Babe, if it was removing a memory, that’s easy but trying to recover one is beyond what we can do.” Zayne hangs his head.

  “Shit! What’s today?” I ask the room.

  “Saturday.” The twins say together. I rush out of the room and run up the stairs, shouting over my shoulder.

  “I have to get ready for work.” I run into Braydon’s room and grab my overnight bag, quickly shower, and get dressed. As I’m walking out of the bathroom, Braydon walks into the room.

  “Tessie, do you really think it’s a good idea to be going into work after everything that has happened?” I know he’s being logical and thinking of what would be safest, but I have to work, or I won’t have any money.

  “I have to work, or I won’t be able to buy the things I need. You guys might be rich enough to only work when you want to, but I have nothing to my name and need my job.” I pull on my shoes and socks and stand up, smoothing down my black slacks. Braydon hands me my phone and my small backpack. I smile as I take them from him and put my phone inside the side pocket of my bag.

  “It's true we have a lot of money but only because Uncle left it to us. All of us, you included. You don't need to work.”

  “It's more than just the money. I need the normalcy of it. It's a way for me to control something in my life. Especially since everything’s so crazy right now.” I don't know if I'm explaining it right, but Braydon says he understands. I pull on my ugly red blazer and exit the bedroom. Braydon's footsteps are loud on the wooden floor, so I know he's following.

  “Will you at least let one of us go with you?” I know Braydon's just trying to look out for me but it's not like they can stand at the counter with me. I tell him as much but by this time we've joined the others in the kitchen and they all protest as well.

  “I'm going to work and that's final. Besides no one’s going to hurt me, not in a crowded mall full of people.”

  “Will you at least let us drive you and pick you up?” Doesn't really make sense to me how that'll help but it's a compromise, so I don't see the harm in indulging them. Just this once.

  Chapter 9

  The ride to work isn't a long one but with all the speculations about the unknown texter, it feels like it's taking forever. I had hoped going to work would take my mind off all that but with them talking about, it's now all I can think about. I look over at Braydon, his messy brown hair is sticking up all over the place, like he's been constantly running his hands through it, he's wearing casual jeans and a plain green t-shirt that stretches over his muscles as he parks the car and unbuckles his seat belt.

  Hunter and Braydon both turn in their seats to face me and the twins. Hunter's purple-black hair is down today, giving him a dark Fabio look. Especially with his muscles showing from his tight jeans and black muscle shirt. The twins are dressed identically in blue muscle tanks and dark wash jeans. They are all looking mouth-watering in their own ways.

  I shake my head to clear those thoughts and unclip my belt. Reaching for the door handle as the guys continue to stare without saying anything. I huff out a sigh.

  “What?” I grit my teeth as I wait for someone to speak. They all look at each other, then seem to come to some silent agreement.

  “We're walking you inside.” Braydon says as he opens the driver’s door. Zack hops out on his side and comes round to my door while his brother gets out. Hunter just sits there staring
at me from the passenger seat.

  “Can I seriously not go to work without an entourage?” I ask Hunter as I take Zack's proffered hand.

  “Sorry T but until we know that creep isn't another Peter, we will be staying close by.” Wait what? Are they seriously going to hang out at the mall my entire shift?

  “You guys do realize it's an eight-hour shift, right? Why don't you just go repaint my car or something?” I say it sarcastically but the gleam in the twin’s eyes has me wondering if maybe I should let them play around with my car. They've hinted at wanting to tinker with it quite a few times.

  “Nah, it's too windy for painting.” Zayne says deadpan.

  “Okay I may not be the expert when it comes to painting cars but even I know that it doesn't matter what the weather is like, when you paint in a sealed room, specifically designed for painting vehicles.” I glare at Zayne and I swear I hear Hunter say “Dumbass.” But he spoke too softly for me to be sure.

  I open the employees rear door and walk inside, turning to say goodbye I slam into Hunter’s massive rock-hard chest. His arms wrap around me before I can protest, and I find myself being lifted up, level with his face. No words are needed as his eyes devour mine. I want kiss him so badly but now is not the time.

  “I don't like this, but I understand.” He whispers in my ear before putting me back on my feet. I look at the others all crowded into the tiny hallway behind the store and shake my head at their somber faces.

  “Guys it's just work. Quit acting like its goodbye.” I give each of them a hug. “Now leave before you get me fired.” They file out the door with sad faces and I slam the door a little too hard.

  My manager, Ms. Beaton, pokes her head out from her office at the end of the hall and I run my hand over the top of my ponytail. “That wind is awful today.” I say it with a straight face and she nods her head before going back into her office. I breathe a sigh of relief as I punch my card and go to the chart to see where I’ll be working today.

  Ms. Beaton pokes her head back out of her office and calls out, “You’ll have a shadow today, new guy, can’t remember his name. I’ll send him to you when he arrives.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I’m on register two for the first half of my shift and stocking shelves for the second so I remove my jacket and place it and my bag in my locker and head out to the front counters. After counting the cash in the register, I turn the light on and wait for the first customer. I do a double take when the person who stands in front of my counter is Shaun.

  “You look beautiful Tessa.” I frown at Shaun, why is he talking like that? He stares right into my eyes and begins speaking in a hypnotic voice.

  “You hate it when other people touch you, but you let me. Those O’Donnell and Jacobs boys are a nuisance and you can’t stand them. When I come back over here, you’ll forget everything personal about the O’Donnell and Jacobs boys. You have a huge crush on me but have been too shy to say anything.”

  I count the cash in the register and go to turn on the ‘open’ light but frown as it’s already on. My frown disappears as Shaun walks over.

  “Hi Tessa.” His voice is cheerful, and his body posture is relaxed. I notice his gorgeous thick dark hair is neatly combed and he’s dressed nicely in black slacks and a red button-up shirt. He really is very handsome. I blush at my thoughts.

  “Ready for your first shift?” He smiles at me and nods his head, his eyes never leaving mine, causing my blush to deepen.

  “Ms. Beaton said I had to shadow you, so you can show me the ropes.” I’m nervous so I take a deep breath and square my shoulders before motioning him to come around to my side of the counter. He stands right next to me, his arm brushing against mine as I move to pull the till drawer out.

  “Okay so the first thing you need to do each shift is count your drawer and take a note of how much you have. It should always be three fifty but there have been times when someone has stuffed up and there is more or less. We write it down so the till balances at the end of our shift.” I continue to explain everything to him and we laugh and have fun for the first half of our shift. but by the time we are due for a break, I’m enjoying his company so much that I invite him to grab a coffee with me.

  “I’ll meet you there in a few minutes just have to use the bathroom.” His smiling eyes make my heart beat a little faster. He’s always so sweet and kind to me. I seriously can’t figure out why he hasn’t asked me out yet. I wave to him as I grab my phone and jacket and head over to the eatery. Standing in line for a coffee I feel a hand drop onto my shoulder and I jump, turning around fast. Zack smirks at me and I have the sudden urge to slap him.

  “Hey Honey.” I turn back around and stare straight ahead waiting for my turn.

  “Honey? I didn’t mean to scare you.” He places his arms around my middle and I step back.

  “What do you think you are doing?” I snap at him. Zack frowns at me and takes a step back giving me the distance I need. I turn back to the front and again try to ignore him as I wait.

  “Hey Tessa, sorry I took so long.” I smile as Shaun stands next to me. We talk about work as we wait in line and I see Zack leaving out the corner of my eye. Shaun and I order our drinks and I get a small fries and gravy. Shaun puts his arm around my shoulders as he leads me to a booth in the back of the shop. We are almost finished when Zack and his friends come right up to our booth.

  “What do you lot want?” Shaun asks annoyed at their interruption. I glare at them as they stand there blocking our exit.

  “Tessie? Are you alright?” Braydon studies me openly and I frown at him.

  “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be? Excuse us, we have to get back to work.” I’m trying to be polite because I’m still in my work clothes and any wrong word could get me fired. These assholes are just the type to cause trouble. I get out of the booth and try to move passed them but the big guy, Hunter grabs my arm. I hate when people touch me and the nerve to grab me like that has my temper flaring.

  “Don’t fucking touch me.” I growl at him. He lets go immediately and I push past him, heading back to work. Shaun enters the employee area a few moments later and I breathe a sigh as I watch him approach.

  “Are you alright Tessa? I’m sorry, I should have done something to stop them from harassing us.” He looks so disappointed in himself, on impulse I give him a quick hug and step back.

  “It’s alright.” I say kindly. We walk together out to the stock room and load up our carts. The list of items needing restocked is huge and we’ll be busy for the rest of our shift which doesn’t leave much room for talk, so we work quietly together. As we are placing the last of the stock I stretch out my back and smile over at Shaun. I’m checking out his ass when he catches me looking, I blush bright red and avert my eyes.

  “Did you want to maybe, go out to dinner with me tonight?” He asks nervously, I bite my lip as I nod my answer. Grabbing my hand, he leads me back to the staffroom and we gather our stuff.

  “Did you end up finding a place to stay yet?” I frown confused, why would I need a different place to stay, my mum’s place is nice enough. A vision of me staying with Hunter, Braydon and the twins, flashes through my mind. I blink rapidly as I come out of the vision.

  “I? Somethings not right here.” My head starts pounding as more images swarm my mind. The twins lying on either side of me, standing under a gazebo with them all looking at me with smiles on their faces. My head pounds harder and I grab it between my hands. Shaun’s face appears before me and I stare at him confused.

  “You don’t remember them. They are nothing to you. I am all you want. You’re mum kicked you out and you have nothing and nowhere to go.” I shake my head as the headache begins to ease.

  “What were you asking?” My head is spinning, so I close my eyes.

  “Are you alright Tessa?” Shaun’s voice sounds agitated but when I open my eyes he’s looking at me with a concerned expression.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just a bit of a dizzy spell, I gues
s I didn’t drink enough water today.” His smile returns, and he asks me again if I found anywhere to stay. “No, I haven’t yet. I guess I’ll just get a hotel for the night and hope mum gets over her issues soon.” I pull on my jacket and grab my bag. My head still a little dizzy as I walk outside to my usual parking spot.

  “Where the fuck is my car?” I shout, staring at the empty parking spot. My mind flashes with an image of me riding in a car with the O’Donnell and Jacobs guys. Shaun steps in front of me, his eyes boring into mine.

  “I drove you, because your car was in the shop getting repaired.” Memories of riding in the car with him replace the vision in my mind.

  “Oh yeah! sorry, I’m not really with it today.” I frown again as I stare out at the almost empty carpark. Why do I keep thinking about those guys?

  “Come on Tessa, it’s been a long day, how about I take you to my place and we’ll order in and watch some mindless movies.” I smile, that sounds really good.

  “Sure, sounds like a plan.” He leads me over to a big yellow and black jeep. Climbing in the passenger seat, I settle myself and buckle up. I glance at the mirror and see the O’Donnell and Jacobs guys running towards us.

  “Ugh they don’t fucking give up.” Shaun snarls the words making me jump.

  “What’s going on? Why are they coming over here?” Shaun growls low in his throat and starts the jeep. He quickly pulls out and drives off, going faster than the recommended speed limit.

  “Could you slow down a bit? You’re freaking me out.” I stare at Shaun confused. Why is he acting like he has done something wrong? Why were those guys chasing after us? As I think this I glance into the side mirror again. A black escalade is getting closer to us, the driver is really gunning it.

  “Fucking bastards!” Shaun shouts and hits the steering wheel. His violent outburst has me shrinking back into my seat, gripping the seatbelt as he speeds up.

  My whole body begins to shake as he yells and takes the corner too fast.


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