At the Billionaire's Pleasure 3: For Love or Lust? (BDSM Billionaire Series)

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At the Billionaire's Pleasure 3: For Love or Lust? (BDSM Billionaire Series) Page 1

by Morgan, M. G.

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 3

  For Love or Lust?

  BDSM Billionaire Series

  By M.G. Morgan

  Copyright 2012 M.G. Morgan

  Other Titles in this Series

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 2: Bound By Him

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 3: For Love or Lust?

  To learn more about this and upcoming titles by this author contact her on [email protected]

  Kindle Edition

  Opening my eyes I stared at my strange surroundings? Where the hell was I? Memories flooded back to me slowly, of the night before. The club and the beautiful red head. Richard and what he had done. And of course David. The way he had saved me. He had told Richard that he thought I was beautiful, that I belonged to him...

  Carefully I turned in the bed but there was no sign of David. Infact it looked as though he had never come back to bed. A pang of sadness washed over me. Although this would make it easier to just get up and leave. Part of me it seemed had hoped that he would be asleep beside me.

  Was I really so stupid and naive? It was sex, nothing more and nothing less. The simple fact that he had mentioned some type of business proposal last night proved that. Pushing back the covers I climbed out of the large bed. The remains of my clothes from the night before lay shredded on the floor.

  As quietly as I could I opened his closet and rifled through it for something I could wear in order to return to my own apartment. The only thing that seemed in the least bit suitable was a large heavy raincoat. I dragged it from the hanger and wrapped it around my plump frame. I knew by looking at his shirts and trouser suits that none of them would fit me. I was curvy and my feminine figure was not something that would be easily restrained by such clothes.

  Closing the buttons as quickly as my shaking fingers would allow I fastened the belt around my middle. At least no one would know I was naked underneath. If I got a cab I could be back at my own apartment in no time. It hit me then. I had no shoes. The shoes I had worn the night before were still in my own apartment.

  Glancing down at David’s shoes I quickly dismissed them. No this was something I would have to do in my feet.

  Making my way to the bedroom door I opened it and peeked outside. The room beyond appeared empty. It was my only chance. Without hesitation I dashed across the wide expanse of the lush room.

  “What is it with you and always trying to sneak away?” The sound of his commanding voice halted me in my tracks. Fear trembled down my spine. Would he be mad that I had stolen his coat?

  “Carrie, what are you wearing?” His voice had dropped several octaves as I turned to face him. Something simmered beneath the surface of his blue eyes. He was still wearing the robe from the night before and his hair was tousled. Clearly he had slept somewhere but it wasn’t with me.

  “I-I borrowed your coat. I told you last night I have no clothes here...”

  “So you thought you’d what? Slip away without me noticing? Did you not enjoy last night?” The tone of his voice changed. It sounded to my inexperienced ears as though insecurity had slipped into his voice. But that was impossible. David Ashcroft had nothing to be insecure about when it came to me. Here was a man who could have any woman he desired.

  “Last night was...” I stuttered unsure of what words could adequately describe what had happened. What we had shared had changed me. He made me feel special, desired, and beautiful. No other man had ever come remotely close to making me feel that. But it was wrong. He was my boss. What would happen once he grew bored of me? How could I possibly work with him when I felt...

  The word almost popped into my head but I squashed it down. I didn’t love him. That was impossible. Lust perhaps. Infact lust was entirely plausible. The man was a walking advertisement for sex and debauchery. Knowing the pleasure he could give me, in his presence he made me want to strip off the coat and beg him to take me.

  You could do that, chalk it up to one final fling with him before you walk away. The little voice of temptation urged me on. Of course I could do it. But if I was honest with myself I didn’t have the guts. Deliberately stripping in front of a man like David, in front of any man, was beyond my capabilities. What if he rejected me? The intelligent part of my brain knew this was improbable. He had already seen me naked. He had been the one to cut my clothes off me. He had told me he wanted me naked. He wanted access to my body.

  But the stupid insecure side of my head won as it always did. He would see how desperate I was, he would find me repulsive.

  “Carrie, what happens to you? I watch you disappear off into your head. Your face fills with doubt. Is it something I’ve done?”

  There it was again that note of insecurity. Was I imagining it?

  “Did you enjoy last night?” His voice was stronger now. The commanding tone had returned and I was compelled to answer.

  “Yes...” A blush spread across my cheeks.

  He took a step closer to me. His masculine scent invaded my head. I wanted to reach out and pull him against my body. As though he read my mind he reached out to me. His hand closing around the end of the belt on his coat that I wore.

  “I’ve never seen this coat look so appealing before...” His voice was husky.

  My mouth had gone dry and all my words had fled. I had no defence against this man and I had a feeling the more time I spent in his arms the harder it would be when he pushed me away.

  His fingers worked quickly, undoing the belt and opening the buttons. As each one popped open I felt his eyes hungrily devouring every inch of my naked skin.

  “Why did you try and leave? Why sneak away?” His voice was threaded with authority. My body shook softly as he pushed the coat open and revealed my exposed flesh.

  “I don’t know...”

  “Not good enough.” He pinched my nipple hard. The sensitive bud sprang to life. A small sound escaped my lips, a combination of pleasure and pain.

  “Now tell me. Why did you try and leave? What are you trying to escape?”

  “I-I...” Words failed me. How could I tell him? He wouldn’t understand.

  He pressed his body against mine, manoeuvring me backwards until my ass hit the kitchen counter. He lifted his hands and carefully cupped my face. His head dipped low. His tongue trailed a path of fire from my neck down to my chest.

  He whispered against my skin. “Why were you running from me? What are you afraid of?”

  My eyes were closed and my head thrown back. The feel of his lips and hands on my body was too much. I couldn’t fight him and the words tumbled out of me before I could even think to stop them.

  “I’m afraid of getting hurt.”

  The words hung between us. David froze. His breath the only indication that he was still there, that he was alive. He pulled away from me. The look in his blue eyes made me cringe.

  “You’re afraid of me? Afraid I’ll hurt you?”

  “Yes.” I met his gaze with a searching one of my own.

  “Carrie, I thought you were enjoying what we had? What we shared?”

  His words stung. Although I knew that for him this was little more than sex; I was rapidly starting to realise for me it was a little more.

  “I do. I mean I am... But...”

  “But what?”

  He moved away from me and pushed his hand back through his hair. He puffed out h
is cheeks and exhaled heavily.

  “I’ve never done this sort of thing before. Its always been more than just sex.”

  “So you’re telling me that you and Richard was more than just sex? It might have been more than that for you but for him it was definitely all about what he could get from you.”

  I slowly began to close up the coat I was wearing. My stupid brain had once more gotten in the way. I could have had David. He made me feel special and beautiful and I could have had it for as long as I wanted. But no, I had to over think everything. I swallowed back my tears and pushed the hurt deep down inside myself. I wasn’t going to let him see how much it hurt.

  “Where are you going?” He growled at me. The words trickling from between his lips. I could feel the anger rolling from his body in waves. “Carrie, I want you. I’ve already told you that. Why is that so hard for you to believe? I WANT YOU.”

  He spoke the words loudly placing emphasis on each letter as though I was a child who couldn’t understand what he was saying. He moved back towards me and wrapped me in his arms. His hands slid inside the coat slowly, pressing in against my skin and dragging me in tight against his body.

  When he kissed me, a frisson of desire passed between us. It surprised me and I moaned softly, my mouth opening to him. He nibbled along my lips before tangling his tongue with mine. I melted against him, my body limp in his arms.

  I broke the kiss. My arms pushing against his chest. The little voice of reason screamed at me. What was I doing? Was I crazy?

  David looked at me with a surprised expression. “Carrie?”

  “I have to go. I’m sorry I need time to think. After everything that’s happened with Richard and now you. I just need some time to get my head straight.”

  David sighed and released me from his grip. I could see the disappointment in his eyes, as though I had just failed some sort of test. But I couldn’t help it. I did need time to think. I needed to get as far away from David as I possibly could and sort things out in my head.

  “Fine. But I won’t wait very long for you. If you don’t come back by tomorrow morning then that is it. My offer is off the table.”

  “Offer?” Was this the business proposal he had spoken of?

  “When you return. If you return then I have a proposition for you. But not until you return. I need you to be sure, Carrie. I don’t want someone who will flake out on me at the last moment or when they’re a little unsure about something. I need someone who wants to be here. Who wants what I can give them. I thought that was you. But we’ll see.” He turned his back on me and moved away.

  I had failed some sort of test and now here I was caught up in another one. How did I get myself into these predicaments?

  Once more I closed my coat and headed for the door. His voice made me pause.

  “I’ll have my car bring you home.” His voice was cold and he never looked at me as he spoke. It was as though he was mentally withdrawing from me already. I turned and opened the door but he was there first. His hand closing over mine. He wrapped his arms around my body and lifted me from the floor.

  “I haven’t forgotten that you have no shoes.” He carried me from his apartment and down to the elevator.


  He shot me a cold look before I could get the rest of my sentence out. I sealed my lips together and he held me in silence as the lift travelled down. Upon reaching the ground floor I expected to be shamed as people coming in and out of the apartment building saw me in my dishevelled state. But when the doors opened I was relieved to discover we were in the underground car park.

  David carried me to the car. The engine was already idling and the driver didn’t seem fazed by David carrying me out of the building only hours before he had carried me in. The driver held the door and David slid me in across the seat.

  I looked up into his eyes but he was completely shut down. I couldn’t see any flicker of emotion as he fixed the coat around my thighs. I was his secretary once again. No more and no less.

  He closed the door and watched as the driver got in behind the wheel.

  “I’m going to...”

  “I know, ma’am.” The driver cut me off before I could share my address. Colour mounted my cheeks as I sat back against the cold leather. No doubt he thought I was some type of one night stand that David had picked up.

  Well isn’t that what you are? The little voice in my mind piped up. I couldn’t deny it. It was right. I was little more than a one night stand but it was my fault it had gone this way. If I had just kept my mouth shut. If I had crushed my doubts and fears down inside me then this wouldn’t be happening. I could have enjoyed what he was willing to offer me and been happy. For once in my life I could have had what I wanted and been happy. But my stupid insecurities had to get in the way.

  I stared out the window as the city passed by. I needed to decide what I wanted. And if I wanted any hope of having anything with David then I needed to do it before tomorrow morning.


  The car pulled up to the curb and the driver hurried around to my door. Gingerly I put my bare feet on the ground. It was cold but at least it looked kinda clean.

  “Thank you...” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper.

  “Just doing my job.” The drivers voice was cold and aloof. No doubt he saw plenty of women come and go from David’s apartment.

  I hurried inside and up the stairs. Once I reached my own apartment and discovered it to be safely locked just as it had been left I was relieved. Entering the apartment I scanned each room. It seemed Richard had not returned.

  I peeled the coat off and immediately climbed into the shower. The warm water ran down over my skin washing David’s scent from my body. My thighs were sticky and I scrubbed at them with soap. David had been the first man to ever cum inside me. He had said he was marking me. Marking me as his. Luckily I didn’t have to worry about any unplanned side effects. The little pill I took every evening saw to that.

  But still it had to mean something. Or was it something he told every woman he took to bed? Tears ran down my face and mingled with the water. Even the shower reminded me of him. The way he had held me. Cuffed my hands before pushing into me.

  And then when it was over. The way he had spun me around and kissed me. My lips tingled at the thought of his kiss. Everything about him screamed that he was wrong for me and yet there was a part of me that felt differently. If I ignored my better judgement and went to him. If I let him own me was I really making such a huge mistake? I had never once had these sorts of thoughts or feelings were Richard was concerned, or any other guy for that matter. What made David Ashcroft so damned special?

  Climbing out of the shower my apartment buzzer made me jump. The shrill sound grated against my building headache. Who the hell was here at this time of the morning?

  Grabbing my robe I pulled it tight around my body and ran to the door. I pressed the answer button, “Who is it?” My voice was breathless. I used the towel I was holding to dry off the wettest areas of my hair before they dripped all over the floor.

  “I’m not sure if you remember me from last night. I didn’t get to give you my name. I’m Robert. Robert Hatcher. I helped you leave the club and find a cab?”

  My heart sped up. How the hell had he found me? And what was he doing here?

  “Yeah...” I wasn’t sure what to say. What did you say to some guy you had a fleeting conversation with who turned up on your doorstep.

  “Look, I don’t mean to be weird or anything. It’s just you seemed really upset last night and I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

  He sounded kind and very genuine and when I thought about the smile he had t softened my initial reaction.

  “Give me five minutes. Um, I need to finish getting dressed.” The moment the words left my mouth I cursed my stupidity. He didn’t need to know I was nak
ed or even semi-naked. Infact the less he knew about my nakedness the better. I had enough men to worry about without adding another.

  “Oh.” Was all he replied, but that one word held enough lust to create a tight band around my chest.

  I moved away from the buzzer and ran for my room. Clothes flew as I scrambled to find something suitable. Obviously I wasn’t going to let him in. I would simply pretend I was on my way out. Then there would be none of the usual awkwardness that usually accompanied these types of meetings.

  There was something about his name though that struck a chord with me. I recognised the name Hatcher but I wasn’t sure from where. Dragging on a pair of jeans and a blouse I attempted to arrange my hair into some sort of respectable style. It was impossible and it refused to cooperate in any way.

  With a sigh I left it and grabbed my jacket and purse. I locked the door carefully behind me. The last thing I wanted was a repeat of the night before. Although if Richard hadn’t returned my key then locking the door wasn’t going to stop him from getting in. Mentally I planned and decided that calling a locksmith was probably the safer idea.

  I hurried down the stairs and paused on the final step. Just a few hours ago I was leaving my apartment with David. It was strange how in such a short space of time things could change. I shook myself mentally. If I had made up my mind that he was bad for me then why was I still thinking of him. Why were all of my thoughts consumed by him?

  I could make out what I presumed was Robert’s silhouette outside the doors. He was tall and broad shouldered. If I remembered correctly then he was everything that a woman could possibly want in a man.

  I pushed open the door and stepped out into the sunshine. The look he gave me would have made another woman weak at the knees but not me. He was far too happy and had a shiny new feel to him. He reminded me of what I had always thought a playboy might be like. Handsome, far too much money and very sleek. I couldn’t imagine Robert having any trouble charming a woman into his bed.

  “Carrie?” He asked, his boyish grin lighting up his face. It was then I noticed it. Although his smile was disarming and no doubt used to put people at ease. The smile didn’t reach his eyes. Oh they sparkled and lit up in the same way that his smile lit up his face but there was no happiness in his eyes. They were cold and for the first time since I had met him I was intrigued about this man. If he was so carefree and had time to chase down women he had met for just a few moments, why were his eyes so cold?


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