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Holly's Wishes

Page 12

by Karen Pokras

  “Love you, too.”

  Chapter 32

  “Happy Birthday, Ms. Haines!”

  “What’s this?” Holly walked into her classroom Friday morning to see all of her fifth grade students crammed together.

  Dan stood by her desk with a huge box from Jake’s Bakery. “Cupcakes!” he proudly announced.

  “You didn’t have to buy me cupcakes,” she said to him, grinning. She was a bit embarrassed. He never made a big deal out of any of the other teacher’s birthdays. No doubt she’d be the subject of staff lunchroom gossip today.

  “I didn’t,” he said.

  “Oh, well then.” She laughed, feeling relieved. “Never mind.”

  “But they did.” He pointed to her students. “And they made you cards. What can I say, Ms. Haines, your students adore you.”

  “Oh my! What a wonderful surprise!” She clapped her hands together, beaming. “Thank you all so much! I do have the best students.” Holly looked at the stack of cards on her desk. “Should I open these now or wait until tomorrow when it’s my actual birthday?”

  “Now!” her class screamed out.

  “Wow,” Dan said, “and they haven’t even had any sugar yet!”

  “Speaking of, I suppose you’re here because you want one of these, eh?” She motioned to the box of cupcakes with her head.

  “Well, since you asked,” he said. He opened the box, took out a cupcake, and shoved the entire thing in his mouth in one bite.

  “Hey!” the kids all shouted, laughing.

  Holly burst out giggling as well.

  “Mr. Harper?” Elaine Fairview called out.

  The entire room continued to laugh, not noticing Mrs. Fairview in the room.

  “Dan!” she shouted at full blast.


  “Wef?” he mumbled, trying to chew and swallow at the same time without choking. He had green icing completely covering his lips and most of his chin. He looked like an overgrown toddler who was waiting for his mommy to wipe his mouth.

  “A word please,” Elaine said stoically.

  Holly could swear she heard Dan groan. “Certainly, Mrs. Fairview. Enjoy the celebration, kids and happy birthday again, Ms. Haines.” He grabbed a napkin off the desk and tried to clean up, but really all he did was smear the green frosting even further across his face.

  “Thank you, Mr. Harper,” Holly said, doing her best not to laugh as he left the room.


  “You’re in a good mood, Tessa said as she pulled up a couple of stools to the ledge in the back corner of Farrell’s Pub. Holly hadn’t been back since the night she and Jared went out with Ben and Michelle. That had been a disaster, although it had resulted in Ben and his lovely girlfriend breaking up, so that evening wasn’t all bad. “I figured tonight would be one big sob fest. You know, It’s my birthday, and my boyfriend’s out of town, wah, wah, wah.”

  Holly looked at her sister with a strange expression. “Uh, if I was thirteen maybe, but I’m not. Besides, my birthday is tomorrow.”

  “Trust me, I know,” Tessa said. “I have to get up at the crack of dawn to come over. Apparently Mom’s cooking you a big breakfast. I hope that wasn’t a surprise.”

  Laughing, Holly took a sip of her beer. “No, it wasn’t. And by crack of dawn, do you mean ten o’clock?” She smiled. “I’m the one picking you up. Breakfast is at ten-thirty.”

  “It is a Saturday.” The corners of her mouth turned up, letting Holly know she was teasing.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re willing to give up your precious sleep to hang out with your big sis. It means a lot to me.” Sitting up in her chair, she put her hands over Tessa’s. “Family is so important,” she said.

  Her sister cocked her head. “You’re not doing that weird meditation thing again, are you?”

  “No! I’m just really happy. Do you know what I did today?” she asked.

  “Taught math?”

  “I didn’t actually.”

  “But you’re a math teacher.”

  “True, but today my students and I ate cupcakes and laughed, really laughed. We spent our math time getting silly. It was the most fun I’ve had in I don’t know how long. Yes, we missed a day of math. Big deal. They wanted to help me celebrate my birthday, and that’s what we did. It taught me to appreciate the good and throw out the bad.”

  “So you’re admitting math is bad,” Tessa noted.

  “You’re missing the point.”

  “I’m just playing with you. That one was too easy,” she said, smiling.

  “Today taught me to appreciate everything around me. My job, Ben, my awesome students—”

  “Don’t forget about your extraordinary family. They really should have been at the top of your list you know, especially one sister in particular. The cute one with the name that starts with a T.”

  “Yes, and I’m extremely grateful for my extra special family, my sister Tessa in particular,” Holly told her.

  “Cheers to that,” Tessa said, holding up her bottle. “And happy early birthday.”

  Chapter 33

  “What’s all this?” Holly asked.

  Ben picked her up for her romantic birthday dinner at six o’clock as promised, but instead of taking her to a restaurant, he took her back to his apartment. It smelled wonderful—as good as any five-star establishment.

  “I’m cooking for you,” he said. “I’ll bet you didn’t know I had mad culinary skills. It’s one of those mysteries about me you still have yet to unwrap … or was it unravel?

  He kissed her lips and neck as she tried to take off her coat. Slipping it off and onto the floor, she wrapped her arms around his back, pulling him in tighter. She could skip dinner entirely and kiss him all night long. She wanted to do other things to him as well, but they agreed to take things slow, at least where that was concerned. Holly had jumped right into bed with Jared and moved in with him too soon. As much as she was sexually attracted to Ben, she told him right from the start she wanted an old-fashioned romance this time around. Standing there in his arms, feeling the passion rise in her body, she was wondering if she made the wrong decision. She reluctantly, pushed him away.

  “Whoa,” was all she could manage to say as she tried to collect herself.

  “Whoa,” he repeated, obviously flustered as well. “Okay, so I’m going to go get dinner together and perhaps take a cold shower.”

  Holly giggled as she followed him into his kitchen. “So Chef Ben, what’s on the menu this evening?”

  Opening his oven, he pulled out a baking dish. “Chicken Marsala,” he proudly announced.

  “It looks and smells fabulous,” she said. “Let me get some—” As she walked toward the cabinets, something shiny in the trash bin caught her eye. Were those empty take-out containers? She grabbed two plates and turned back to the stove.

  “So, Ben,” she began, placing the dishes on the counter next to him, “I’ve always wanted to learn how to make Chicken Marsala. What type of wine do you use?”

  “Oh, you know,” he said, reaching for a serving spoon. “Any type of wine works, but I like a good quality wine. For this dish I used a …”

  She saw him glance at the unopened bottle by the sink.

  “… Merlot.”

  “Really?” she asked. “Wouldn’t you use, oh, I don’t know, a Marsala?” She put her hand up to her mouth to hold in her laughter.

  “Ok, you got me,” he said, chuckling along with her. “I didn’t actually make this. But I can cook—just nothing this fancy.”

  “I think it’s sweet,” Holly said, wrapping her arms around his waist. “But next time you need to do a better job of hiding the evidence. You almost got away with it.” She nodded toward the trash.

  “Wow,” he said, shaking his head, “I was so close. Hey, did you know I’m a master pastry chef, too? Just wait until you see what I made you for desert.”

  Holly laughed. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”


thing was wonderful, thank you,” Holly said, as she finished the slice of the birthday cake Ben made for her.

  “The flowers!” Jumping up, he raced into his bedroom, returning with a bouquet of roses and daisies already in a vase that had a big red bow around them. “I’m making a mess of this evening,” he said, shaking his head. “These are for you.”

  “They’re gorgeous, thank you.”

  Placing them on the table, she pulled out the card.

  For my beautiful Holly-

  Our first kiss at sixteen,

  and now we celebrate your twenty-sixth birthday.

  Ten years later, my life is finally complete.

  xoxo - Ben

  Sitting at the table, she stared at the man across from her. She couldn’t believe what a dramatic turn her life had taken in such a short period of time. A tear escaped the corner of her eye.

  “Why are you crying?” Ben asked. “Did I do something wrong?” Getting out of his seat, he rushed around the table and knelt down beside her.

  “No,” she said, wiping it away. “I’m just so … happy. So truly happy.”

  Ben cupped her face and kissed her as her tears continued to fall. “I am, too,” he said, smiling. “More than I’ve ever been.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m reacting like this.” She pulled away slightly to meet his eyes. She could see it in the way he gazed at her, the way he kissed her, the way he held her. “I think it’s because I’m—”

  “—in love,” he said, finishing her sentence. “I’m in love with you, Holly. I have been for a while now.”

  “Yes,” she said, smiling a wobbly smile, “I’m in love with you, too.” Holly savored every taste and sensation of Ben’s lips as they kissed again, promising herself she would remember this moment forever.

  Chapter 34

  “What are you doing here?” Holly asked, surprised to see Ben as she opened the door. It was a rare quiet Saturday morning with her parents out doing some holiday shopping. She had decided to take advantage of the time to catch up on grading papers.

  “Oh, I was in the neighborhood, you know just driving around on this lovely morning” he said, with a mischievous expression on his face. “Can’t a fellow stop in to say hello to his love every now and again?” He reached across the doorway and kissed her. “Well, aren’t you going to let me in?”

  “Sure,” she said, matching his grin, “come in.” She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “You’re up to something, though. What is it?”

  “Oh, Holly, so suspicious, you are. I already told you. I was in the neighborhood … and I happened to notice your folks’ car wasn’t in the driveway.”

  “Ah,” she said, nodding. “Now I see your motivation. Feeling frisky are we?”

  “Who me?” he asked, pointing to himself. Hugging Holly tightly, he nipped at her earlobes. “You know I’m a perfect gentleman.”

  “And how do you know both my parents aren’t home? It is possible my mom is still here. She could walk in on us at any second you know.”

  “She could,” he agreed, moving on to her lips, “except I just saw them over at the diner finishing up breakfast.” He pulled back and smiled. “They told me they were headed to the mall.” He peered up at the ceiling as if deep in thought. “Going to the mall a week before Christmas—I’d say they’re going to be gone all day, don’t you think?” He raised his eyebrows and went back giving her playful kisses on her lips.

  “It’s possible,” Holly said, looking out the window at her father’s car pulling up the driveway. “Or knowing my dad, he’ll get frustrated he can’t find a parking space, turn around, and come home.” She motioned to her parents walking toward the door.

  Groaning, Ben let go of Holly as they entered.

  “Ben, hello,” Patricia said as they walked in. “Twice in one day, well, this is a treat.”

  “Nice to see you again, too.”

  “Damn traffic,” Bob grumbled as he shut the door behind him.

  “Tough morning, Dad?”

  He shook his head. “Next time I get that brilliant idea, somebody please knock some sense into me. He settled into his chair and picked up the newspaper.”

  Holly looked at Ben. With her Dad now sitting in the living room, they didn’t have many options.

  “Are you up for a game of pool?” Ben asked.

  Holly grinned. “Sure. I heard you’ve been getting lessons on the side. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Taking Ben’s hand, she led him down the basement steps. As soon as they reached the table, he grabbed her, resuming where he left off upstairs.

  “I thought you said you wanted to shoot pool,” Holly said, twisting around to place the triangle on the table. She tried to pull away from Ben long enough to set up the balls, but he wouldn’t let go of her waist.

  “I do,” he said, kissing the back of her neck.

  She sighed, letting go of the balls in surrender as he turned her toward him. He gently pushed her against the wall, his tongue tracing the edge of her lips before bringing his lips down on hers. She ran her hands across the breadth of his shoulders, and up to his cheeks, feeling his stubble along the tips of her fingers.

  Pulling back slowly, he whispered, “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “Ready?” she asked, trying to catch her breath.

  “Yes,” he responded with a sexy smile. “To play pool.”

  She tilted her head. “So you think by kissing me you’re going to throw my game off?”

  “Well, to be honest, those lessons your dad and sister gave me didn’t help a whole lot, so this is my plan B.”

  “I see,” Holly said, biting her lower lip. She grabbed the triangle and finished setting up. “Do you want to go first?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  He grabbed a stick from the rack on the wall and lined up the cue ball. Holly watched as he brought it back and slid it forward with a good amount of force. While he managed to hit the cue ball this time, he somehow missed all fifteen balls that were set up perfectly in the center.

  “Um, Ben? Just curious—What happens if plan B doesn’t work?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.”

  Ben laid his stick down, raised his eyebrows, and put two hands flat on the table. “Well, Ms. Holly Haines, then we move on to plan C.”

  He moved to his left and chased her in a playful manner as she shrieked, “Benjamin Oakes! Don’t you dare!”

  In a swift, single move, he lifted her up, one arm around the back of her waist, and the other under her knees. Lowering her down onto the section of the table that was ball-free, he gazed into her eyes. “Did you just dare me?”

  She threw her arms around his neck as he leaned down to kiss her once again.

  Chapter 35

  “What time is Ben coming?” Patricia asked as they finished cleaning the dishes from their Christmas dinner.

  “He texted me about twenty minutes ago. His family is still eating. His parents apologize again they can’t make it, but they always go to his mom’s sister’s house. Ben said he’s going to try to sneak out early, but he’s not sure he’ll make it in time for dessert.”

  “Come on now, we all know he’s not coming for dessert anyway,” Tessa said, winking. “Well, he is, but not the kind Mom’s putting out.”

  “Tessa!” her mother reprimanded. “That’s enough out of you. Honestly! I don’t know where that mouth came from.”

  “What? I didn’t say anything wrong. I’m just talking about dessert.” She smiled and winked at Holly again.

  “It’s a good thing Jenna is upstairs playing with her dolls,” Ava said shaking her head.

  “Speaking of,” Patricia said, “I’m going to go upstairs to see my little grandbaby. Call me when you’re all ready for pie.”

  “Okay, Mom,” Ava said. “No rush.”

  “Hey, Holly,” Tessa said, taking a seat on the couch, “Why don’t you show Ava and me the math rap you’re working on. I’m dying to see it.”

��Sorry. You’re going to have to wait two weeks like everyone else.”

  “That’s not fair! Alex gets to see it, and he’s not even related to you,” Tessa said, pouting.

  “Yeah, but he’s our stage manager.”

  “Um, excuse me? I think I need to see his credentials. I’m the one with the theater background, remember?”

  “And what about me?” Ava asked. “I won’t be here in two weeks. I’ll be back in California.”

  Holly sighed. “You two and your peer pressure. But I can’t. It’s a duet, and my partner isn’t here.” She shrugged her shoulders and smirked. “Sorry.”

  Tessa leaned over to Ava. “Don’t worry, you’ll get to see it when I post it on YouTube.”

  “I swear, if you—” A knock on the door interrupted her sentence. “I’ll get it.”

  She swung the door open expecting it to be a few of the neighbors caroling.

  “Ben?” she asked in surprise. “That was fast. I thought you were still eating.”

  “I need to talk to you.” He looked over at Ava and Tessa sitting on the couch. “Alone if you don’t mind.”

  “Let’s go see what the guys are doing downstairs, shall we?” Ava asked, heading to the steps.

  “Uh, sure,” Tessa said, following her sister. She stopped to glance back at Holly before going down. “Holler if you need us, okay?”

  “Yeah,” Holly said, feeling a knot forming in the pit of her stomach. “Ben, what’s the matter?”

  “Can we sit?” he asked.

  Holly nodded. “You’re scaring me,” she said as she sat down next to him.

  He took her hands in his own. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to. I just — After I texted you, I got a phone call.” He looked down and pulled his hands away to run them through his hair.

  Turning his head toward her, she could see he’d been crying. “From who? Is someone sick? Ben, please. Talk to me.” She slid closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

  “It was from Michelle. I don’t know how to tell you this.”


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