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Snowy Creek
Julie Pollitt
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Author Julie Pollitt
Copyright ©Julie Pollitt 2015
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, with the exception of brief quotations in printed reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. The characters in this story are the products of the author’s imagination and are completely fictitious.
Cover design by Julie Pollitt
Winter Portrait of Happy Couple by SolominViktor
Breckenridge Road by Welcomia
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
Grant Williams cleared his throat and watched Jennifer Tilman walk across the room. In life, she filled every bit of her role as a movie star, even when not on the set. She was as stylish as she was beautiful. Her long brown hair draped across her shoulders.
“I’m leaving, Grant,” Jennifer said, as she continued walking to the other side of the room.
“When do you return?” Grant slid his hands into his jean pockets and leaned against his kitchen counter.
Jennifer stopped and faced the window, with her back to him. The California desert sun was on its way down, casting an orange, dusty glow into the room. “In a few months. But…”
Grant knew what she wanted to say. However, he insisted on hearing it from her. “But what?”
“The tabloids are right this time. I am in love with someone else. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know how to tell you before the pictures showed up on all the covers.” Jennifer turned and faced him. Her face looked somber, but he wondered how sorry she really felt. She had been withdrawn for sometime.
Grant nodded. He wanted the relationship to work, even though he knew it would never last with Jennifer. After all, she was a movie star. For a while he thought they loved each other, but he was apparently just a passing phase for her. His heart sank, knowing he would never see her again. “When do you leave?”
“I’m leaving this evening. The movie starts filming in a couple days and they want me on the set as soon as possible.” Jennifer walked back over to Grant. She stared at him for a moment, lifted her hand, and ran her fingers through his amber brown hair.
He drew in a breath and exhaled. Grant threw his arms around her, holding her once more. Jennifer wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tight.
“I have to go,” she said. She released her arms and stepped back.
Grant nodded. He walked behind her and opened the front door to let her out. He watched her leave. As soon as she was out of sight, he pressed the door shut. He leaned his head against the door and felt the pain in his heart. How could he lose her? How could he go on?
Grant’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He lifted it out, knowing it would be a text from his mother.
Sure enough. He laughed. It was sure relief that he needed right now. His mother always had impeccable timing.
Grant read the text on his phone. Saw the tabloids. Is Jennifer with another man? Are you heartbroken? What can I do?
Grant debated putting the phone down and ignoring her text. But he knew better. She’d hound him until he answered. His mother was like that.
He tapped his fingers against the face of his phone. Yes. It’s true. She’s gone.
His mother replied again, Why don’t you come home for a vacation? Gary could use the help at the hardware store.
Grant stared at her text. For once, it made sense. It wasn’t crazy nonsense like her usual texts.
Hello? Another one of her texts popped up on the screen. Grant’s mother wasn’t known for her patience.
He stared at the phone again. Maybe she was right. A trip home couldn’t hurt. Maybe it would help to put things in perspective. Besides he hadn’t been home since his father’s funeral.
Okay Mom. I’ll text with the details of my arrival. Grant hadn’t even had time to put his phone down on the counter before another text came through.
Seriously?! I’M SO HAPPY, SON! I’ll find you a girl back home.
He laughed again. Grant knew her matchmaking skills were going to be in full swing. He ignored the last comment and set the phone down on his kitchen counter. He walked to the window and looked out at the city. Los Angeles was a sprawling metropolis, far too fast for his blood.
“Mom, you need to quit reading the tabloids. They are usually wrong, but in this case they got it right,” Grant Williams said. He smiled as he stood in the doorway of his mother’s Snowy Creek, Colorado house. He set his suitcase down in the foyer before hugging her. Although he was a stout, solid six-feet tall, his mother only came up to his chest.
“Why would you say that to your mother?” She said, squeezing him hard around the waist.
“Because you keep tweeting that I dumped Jennifer,” Grant unhooked her death grip of a hug and took a step back. He raised his eyebrows and stared at her for a second.
“The tabloids are how I find out all my information. Besides, no woman would dump my son. Not my movie star son,” Maryann Williams said as she shook her head. She lifted her hand to touch his cheek.
Grant put his hand on top of hers and said, “I hate to break it to you, Mom, but I’m not a movie star. And the tabloids are rarely on target.”
“But, you were on television every day. How can you not be a star?”
“I had a show remodeling houses. I think I’m a far cry from Hollywood,” Grant said.
“But you’re more handsome than that Brad Putt guy.”
“Pitt,” Grant corrected.
“Putt, Pitt, whatever. You had one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. You are a movie star,” Maryann said.
“I’m flattered you think so, but having a show on a remodeling channel does not create movie star status. And as for Jennifer, that was sheer luck. She is beautiful, and she is a movie star. But she’s really not the kind of girl a man settles down with.”
As much as Grant missed Jennifer, he was tired of the high-maintenance that came along with her. They could never just run out to grab a bite to eat, or head to the beach for a relaxing afternoon without photographers following their every move. It wore on him.
“Well, I need some grandkids. And soon,” Maryann said.
“I need a wife first,” Grant said, laughing again. “And believe me, I’m not in any hurry to get one.” He’d hadn’t sworn off dating, but Grant planned on taking a break for a while. Finding a wife was certainly not high on his priority list.
“Famous last words.” Before walking toward the kitchen, Maryann said, “Leave your bags there, I’ll take them upstairs for you in a bit. Your room is ready for you. I’m glad you’re home for a while.”
“Thanks Mom. I need to get something out of my suitcase, so I’ll take them up in a few minutes.” Grant felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out to look at it.
Grant stared at the Tweet. “Mom, I’m right here. You don’t have to Tweet something if I’m standing right here,” he shouted into the other room. He looked down at the message scrolled across his screen.
Son home. Not a movie star anymore. How will he ever get a wife?
He shook his head and laughed as he read the next message that popped up.
Better yet, how will I ever get grandkids?
sp; Grant walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. It was an unspoken tradition to eat the minute someone walked into Maryann Williams’ home. She’d been known to make the mailman come in and eat a time or two. Even though Grant wasn’t a guest, eating was still first on the agenda.
Maryann sliced a piece of chocolate pie and set it on a small plate. She put a fork on the plate and slid it in front of him. Grant dug in, took a bite, and felt the comfort of home wash over him. He loved her pie.
“You know,” Maryann started, “Mrs. Ridgeway has a daughter that’s in real estate. Pretty girl.” She sat down at the table across from Grant.
“I think you might’ve set a record, Mom.” Grant took another bite of pie. “I’ve been in the house less than two minutes and you’re already trying to fix me up.”
“I don’t want you to have a broken heart for too long. Miss Tilman is a beautiful movie star, but we need to get down to this marrying business.”
Grant took another bite of pie and ignored his mother’s comment. “Do you think Gary’s going to have a problem with me helping out in the hardware store while I’m home?”
“Ever since your father died, Gary’s been a bit overwhelmed with the store,” Maryann said. “He’ll be glad to see you and get the extra help. To tell you the truth, I think he’d like to retire soon.”
“Glad I can help. I just hope I won’t be in the way while I’m home,” Grant said.
“You are never in the way, son,” Maryanne said. “This is home. This is where your heart should be.”
Grant turned the corner near Williams’ hardware store and took in the view. He breathed in the crisp, cool air. Main Street led straight up to the base of the ski slopes on the mountain in the distance. Although fall was in full swing, and the snow had yet to start falling, the ski runs were distinct. Grant loved the cool weather. Every year, growing up in Snowy Creek, he couldn’t wait until the temperatures dropped, the snow fell, and the slopes opened. As a teen, Grant refused to go home and finish his homework until he’d gotten in at least a few runs after school.
The sign on Williams’ Hardware Store dangled in the distance. The rickety old sign had become a landmark in its own right, after all the years hanging in the same place. Grant neared the store and pushed on the front door. The bell at the top jangled. The store wasn’t set to open for another thirty minutes, but it had been several years since he’d helped out in the store and he wanted to familiarize himself with where everything was now located.
As he stepped inside, memories came rushing in. Grant had spent so much time playing in the store as a child and working as a teen and young adult for his father. Grant ached to see his father standing behind the counter. He missed him so much. It had been a few years since his father passed away and Grant felt guilty he hadn’t taken over the store. He knew his father was proud of Grant’s new career, but he knew there was a part of his dad that had wanted him to take over the family business.
Grant had planned as a young man to take over one day, get married, and settle down. But one trip to Hollywood and a lucky break kept him there. He would do it all over again, but each time he came home, Grant realized just how much he missed his family and the small town of Snowy Creek.
“Gary?” Grant yelled across the aisles.
“He’s back here,” a female voice hollered.
Grant followed the voice to the back of the store. He stopped and stared at a tall, slender woman dressed in carpenter pants and a gray t-shirt. For a moment, she stole his breath. “Gary, either there’s something about you that’s changed, or we’ve replaced you with a woman.”
“I guess you’re looking for Gary,” she said laughing, standing near the back door of the store.
Grant stared at her for a moment and then laughed out loud along with her. She was covered with splotches of white paint. But underneath all the white was a tangled mess. A mismatched, dirt-covered, beautiful mess. He couldn’t look away. And there was something familiar about her.
“Do you speak?” She asked.
“I do.” Grant said. “Did you go swimming in a pool of white paint? I can’t even figure out what color your hair is.”
“I had a run-in with a paint bucket this morning. I guess you can see who won.” She crinkled her nose when she laughed, which to Grant made her all the more endearing.
“I haven’t even finished my cup of coffee and you’ve had a day,” Grant said, holding up his metal Starbucks mug.
“I tend to get started a little early,” she said. “Maybe I should’ve just stayed in bed this morning.”
“I’m Grant, by-the-way. I’d offer to shake your hand, but it would take me ten minutes to clean it up if I did,” he smiled.
“I know who you are—”
“From the television show, I guess,” Grant interrupted.
“No. I don’t watch much TV.” The woman smiled. “Sorry.”
“Oh,” Grant said, feeling a bit insecure about his assumption. “How do you know who I am?”
“You have quite a movie star status reputation around here.”
Grant exhaled at the thought of everyone thinking he was a movie star. It would be hard to get rid of that image. Some days he would just like to blend in, especially at home. “You look familiar to me,” Grant said.
“You don’t remember me do you?” She tipped her head to the side, apparently waiting for an answer.
“I’d think maybe you were a creepy fan with a comment like that, but since you’ve never watched the show, I’m at a loss here. I don’t remember you.” His interest piqued. He thought for a minute, but couldn’t place her.
“It’s me. Jackie Baldwin,” she said.
Grant shook his head back-and-forth. “Still not placing you.”
“I’m not sure if I should be offended or happy you can’t remember me,” Jackie said. She lifted her hand to her forehead to move a small patch of hair not covered with paint, smearing it in the process.
“Now you have my interest, ”Grant said. He lifted his hand to scratch his forehead. “Why can’t I place you?” He slid one of his hands into his jeans pocket.
“Humph. That’s a good question. But, I’ll leave you with that. I have some paint to wash off. Good to see you again.” Jackie turned and walked out of the back door of the store.
“See ya later.” As she walked away, Grant could hear her thanking Gary outside, behind the store, where contractors usually loaded their trucks with supplies.
Gary walked in through the back door of the hardware store. “Hey Grant, glad you’re here,” Gary stuck his hand out to shake Grant’s.
“Who’s that woman?” Grant asked. He pointed to the back door.
“Jackie. She’s a local builder. Gives the high school kids jobs, so they can get some experience before going out in the real world. Great gal,” Gary said. “I’m surprised your mom hasn’t already tried to set you up with her. When she heard you were coming back to help out in the store, she drew up her list of names of local women to fix you up with. Your mom’s been down here three times this week alone.”
Grant set his coffee cup on the desk. “I’m surprised she didn’t just Tweet the names.” Grant laughed when he thought about his mother and her new social media habits. “She needs a few etiquette lessons in that arena.”
“Ever since your dad died, it’s given her something to do,” Gary said. “I think she texts or tweets everything she has to tell. She even made me get a Twitter account. I only follow her, but I’ve somehow ended up with fifty followers and I’ve never chirped or tweeted—or whatever you call it—one time.”
Grant laughed. He had truly missed home. “So this Jackie. What’s her story?”
“Don’t let your mom get wind of your interest. She’ll be following Jackie all over town.”
“Jackie knows me, but I just can’t place her. She looks so familiar,” Grant said.
“It’ll come to ya. Just give it time,” Gary said. “In the meanti
me, why don’t ya get started helping me unload a truck out back? I’m glad you’re here.”
“I see you had a bit of trouble getting the last of the paint out of your hair,” the high school shop teacher, Colin Clark, said to Jackie. He laughed and walked behind his desk in the shop classroom. “How’d you manage to do that anyway?”
“Apparently one of the kids didn’t close the paint can well enough when they put it back on the top shelf. When I grabbed it, it all came pouring out on my head,” Jackie said. She ran her hands over the crusty paint still on her contractor pants.
“One day you’ll learn to go behind them and double check everything,” Colin said. He shook his head back-and-forth a couple of times and laughed again. “They’re good kids, but they’re in a hurry and they tend to leave a messy trail behind them.”
“It’s still a little crusty,” Jackie said, reaching up to run her hands through her still tangled hair. “It’ll eventually come out. It’s not the first time I’ve been in a sticky mess.” It also wasn’t the first time a high school student had wreaked havoc on her hair. Jackie thought about seeing Grant Williams the day before and couldn’t believe he didn’t remember her. Not only had they been in several classes together in high school, he was the one that caused her last hair quandary, when he poured honey all over her head at a football game. It was at least a decade ago, but she’d never forgotten how long it took to get the honey out of her hair.
Grant was a bit of trouble in high school, and she tried to steer clear or him and his bad-boy reputation, but she’d always thought he was good-looking. All these years later his looks were no exception. Grant had grown better looking with time. He kept a day’s worth of stubble on his face, and could knock her off her feet in a flash with his quick-wit and handsome smile. She hated that the one time she saw him, she was covered in paint. She’d obviously not left much of an impression in high school, although she hoped she was a lot more attractive now than when she wore inch-thick Coke-bottle glasses. When she first started wearing contacts, no one knew who she was.
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