Waiting For Mr. Ashwell

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Waiting For Mr. Ashwell Page 7

by K. Sterling

  “Why?” Ned’s eyes were heavy as they searched his. Ash spread the halves of Ned’s robe and ran his hand down Ned’s chest.

  “I never needed it when I wasn’t here. You used to make me so crazy that I had to use it.” Ash admitted as he pulled at the sash and flicked the robe open. Ned’s cock was hard and it made Ash ache with need. Ned reached over and untied Ash’s robe. Ned’s eyes flicked to his and he licked his lips.

  “You’re never going to need it again.” Ned promised.

  Ash felt the familiar tingling in his ass and he knew what to do. He took the wooden cock from Ned and leaned across him as he set it on the table. His hand closed around the oil as his lips fell on Ned’s. Ned opened for him and Ash angled his head and let the kiss become deep and urgent as lust rushed through him. He pressed the bottle of oil into Ned’s hand. Ash slid his hand into Ned’s hair and clasped his head as he fell back onto the bed, taking Ned with him. Ned lifted his head and looked down at Ash. Ned’s eyes searched his. Ash guided Ned’s hands, on the bottle, opening it.

  “I want you to use it on me, the way I did when I was alone, needing you. This time, instead of imagining that you’re taking me, you’ll really be here.” Ash saw Ned’s eyes flash with desire. He nodded as looked down at the oil.

  “What would you do first?” Ned whispered. Ash suppressed a shudder. God, Ned knew what to say to make his cock hurt.

  “Pour it on your fingers and the palm of your hand. You don’t need much.” He watched as Ned poured it slowly. Ned looked up at him to see if it was enough and Ash nodded. “Rub it on me.” Ash commanded softly. Ned’s eyes were heavy and dark as he wrapped his hand around Ash’s erection. Ash hissed. “That’s it. Get me really hard.” Ash shut his eyes and let his head fall back as Ned stroked him. Ned gripped him firmly and tugged slowly. Ash waited until he felt desperate and his hips started lifting from the mattress. He raised his leg, letting his foot slide up the mattress. “Touch my ass, Ned. Rub the oil on my hole.” Ash whispered. He held his breath and waited. Ash groaned when he felt Ned’s slick fingers pressing against his tight bud. Ned’s touch was gentle, rubbing back and forth, then in circles. Ash felt his muscles clench in anticipation and he threw his arm over his eyes. He was afraid he’d come soon, it was all too good.

  “What would you do now?” Ned’s voice was thick with lust. Ash felt it in his balls. He drew in a ragged breath.

  “One finger. Slowly.” Ash whispered shakily. He took another deep breath and relaxed as he felt Ned’s finger pressing against his hole. He pushed gently and slid in slowly. It stung as he pushed past the tight ring and Ash held still and waited. Ned’s finger slipped in deeper and Ash exhaled and shivered as a delicious tingling radiated from his hole. Ned gasped.

  “You’re so tight and hot, Ash.” Ned groaned. Ash nodded and fisted his hand in the bedding. His eyes were still covered. He couldn’t look at Ned, he was afraid he’d start to come if he saw what Ned was doing to him.

  “Fuck me with your finger, Ned. Get me ready for your cock.” Ash moaned as he felt Ned’s finger sliding out. It slid back in and heat flooded Ash’s groin and his erection started to throb. Ned was breathing hard.

  “I’m starting to understand why you were so worried.” Ned panted as he started stroking in and out faster. “And why we need the oil. I don’t know how I’m going to fit.” He hissed as Ash clenched around him. “Jesus, Ash!”

  “Another finger.” Ash gasped as the pressure started to build. Please, not until he’s inside of me! He begged silently. Ash clenched his jaw as he felt a second finger slide in. The pleasure was so intense, it rippled from around Ned’s fingers, through Ash’s body. “Christ, I can feel it in my teeth.” Ash moaned. Ned’s fingers stopped.

  “What?” Ned laughed softly. Ash shook his head.

  “Keep going!” Ash begged. Ned’s fingers started sliding in and out again and Ash knew he was almost ready. Ash waited until Ned’s fingers were gliding easily and he was almost hysterical. “Stop. More oil. Get your cock really slick, Ned.” Ash gasped. Ned slid his fingers out slowly and Ash had to clench his jaw. He had almost lost it. Ash focused on his breath and tried to tamp down the pressure that had built in his balls and the base of his cock as he felt Ned moving between his thighs. Ash felt Ned’s erection press against his puckered hole and he forced all the air from his lungs as Ned pushed forward. Ash’s shoulders came off of the bed as searing pain washed through his groin. Ash fisted his hand in the sheets and pulled them to his mouth as he breathed rapidly though his nose.

  “Do you want me to stop?” Ned whispered through clenched teeth. Ash shook his head violently.

  “Just go slow, I need to get used to you.” Ash’s voice was tight and weak. He felt Ned’s hand caress his thigh gently before he started to push forward again. Pain streaked through Ash and he bit down on the sheets and clawed at the mattress above his head. All he could feel was stretching and burning as Ned pressed in deeper. Light and color burst behind his eyes and his heart was beating in his ears. Ash felt Ned stop and he unclenched his teeth and released the sheets. He hauled in a desperate breath and relaxed as the pain started to recede.

  “Are you all right?” Ned’s voice was hoarse. Ash nodded. The more he breathed, the less it hurt. Warmth started to replace the pain and Ash grabbed Ned’s hand. Ned was shaking. Ash opened his eyes and looked up at him. His head was thrown back and the muscles in his neck and shoulders were strained.

  “Ned?” Ash whispered. Ned swallowed and looked down at Ash.

  “Can I move?” His voice was full of pleading. Ash nodded. He felt the air leave Ned’s body in a pained gasp. “Thank God!” His voice cracked and he started to pull out slowly.

  There was no way Ash could close his eyes again. Ned’s face softened into an expression of pure bliss and he groaned softly. Ash relaxed before Ned started to push back in. The muscles in Ned’s stomach stretched and bunched as his hips flexed and Ash felt his cock getting hard again. Ned’s gaze was fixed on where he was slowly sliding into Ash. He rose on his elbows but couldn’t see where Ned’s cock slid into him. He could feel it though. There was a delicious, tight friction where Ash clung around Ned’s erection. Ash saw movement across the room and he saw them in the mirror. He saw Ned between his legs, the muscles of his ass and thighs squeezed and shifted as he flexed and Ash was mesmerized. Ash reached between his legs and felt where Ned’s length pushed into his body. There was still a lot more of Ned. Ash swore and Ned looked up at him.

  “Is it better?” Ned asked softly. Ash nodded.

  “It’s really good, Ned.” Ash sighed. Ned shut his eyes as he smiled.

  “Good is… good.” He murmured. “It’s so good, Ash. Goodgoodgoodgoodgoodgood…” Ned babbled as he continued to stroke in and out of Ash slowly. Ash let his head fall back and he stared at the canopy as he felt the tingling get more intense as he squeezed around Ned. Heat, pleasure and pressure started to build in his groin. His cock was starting to throb and he knew he couldn’t last much longer.

  “More, Ned!” Ash begged. “I need to feel all of you.” Ned nodded drunkenly.

  Ash felt him thrusting deeper, a little more at a time, slowly. His body stretched easily and the intense heat-pleasure-pressure wave crashed through Ash every time Ned rolled his hips. Then, Ned’s thighs pressed against the back of Ash’s thighs and he felt Ned’s balls press against his ass. He was so full, Ash felt tight around Ned and he was so hard inside of him. Ash moaned deliriously, he’d never felt anything so good. Ned withdrew and slid all the way in smoothly and Ash’s hand closed around his cock. He couldn't stop his hand from tugging. Ned’s eyes flared.

  “God, Ash! I can’t go slow any more.” Ned whimpered as he fell forward and his hands pressed on the bed outside of Ash’s chest. Ash raised his legs so Ned could thrust deeper.

  “Faster, Ned. I need you to go faster. And harder. Please, Ned!” Ash moaned. Ned let his head drop and he growled as he started thrusti
ng urgently. Ash grabbed Ned's arm with his free hand and begged for more as he started stroking his cock faster. Ned became mindless, driving hard and deep into Ash.

  “I’m inside of you, Ash!” Ned gasped as he pumped faster. “It’s so good…” He panted. “Inside of you.” He grunted as he rolled his hips. “I want to see you come, Ash. I want you to come with me inside of you.” Ned growled as he drove into him.

  Ash couldn’t speak. He tried to nod his head but his balls tightened painfully and his cock pulsed as lighting shot through his legs. He felt every nerve in his body contract then explode as pressure and heat surged through his cock. Ash arched beneath Ned as his seed erupted from him in a long, steady stream. Ned gasped and slammed forward hard. He held still for a moment then thrust hard three more times before he swallowed a roar and started to buck and shake violently. Ash felt heat burst deep within him, causing his body to tremble as a smaller wave of pleasure rolled through him. Ned convulsed again and laughed.

  “Holy fuck, Ash!” Ned whispered as he slowly withdrew. Ash hissed as another current of searing pleasure streaked through him as the head slipped past his tight ring. Ned fell forward onto the bed next to Ash and groaned. “Please tell me that was good for you.” Ned said into the bedding. Ash laughed as he rose on his elbow and looked down at his chest. He’d never come so hard and so much.

  “You were there, right?” Ash teased. Ned raised his head and smiled drowsily.

  “I was there but I was quite out of my mind for a while.” He admitted as he pressed his lips to Ash’s shoulder. Ash turned and kissed Ned’s temple.

  “It was very good for me.” He said softly. Ned smiled against Ash’s skin.

  “Brilliant! I’d like a lot more of that, then.” He said as he let his head drop back onto the bed. Ash grinned as he carefully sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

  “We can do that whenever you’d like.” Ash said as he stood and moved toward the washstand on not quite solid legs.

  “Brilliant!” Ned’s voice was once again muffled by the bed.

  Ash didn't think his lips would ever stop smiling as he cleaned himself. Ned was sprawled across the middle of the bed and almost unconscious when Ash returned. He slapped Ned on the ass hard.

  “Pillows.” He commanded. Ned scowled up at Ash as he raised on his hands and knees and crawled toward the head of the bed. He crashed in the middle with a loud sigh. Ash shook his head as he slid in next to him.

  Ned rolled over and covered Ash’s body with his. He pressed his face into the corner of Ash’s neck as his body relaxed and became loose. Ned moaned in delight as Ash wrapped his arms around him and he slid a hand into Ash’s hair.

  “Can we just stay like this for a while?” Ned sighed. “I want to do more but I need to rest, I can’t keep my eyes open, Ash.” His laugh was low and soft and curled through Ash making him warm around his chest. He smiled drowsily.

  “I’ll wake you up later.” Ash promised as he brushed his lips against Ned’s shoulder.

  Tears stung Ash’s eyes. This moment, it was the most perfect moment of his whole life. He couldn’t think of anything that had happened before that didn’t feel like it was meant to lead him to this moment with Ned. He pulled Ned tighter and breathed him in. Ash knew he’d have to let Ned go one day. It was like a slow tear that had begun the moment their lips first touched. He didn’t know how long they had but it could never be forever. One day, Ned would have to find a woman to marry. He had responsibilities, he had obligations. Ash suspected that Ned believed they could continue, sneaking behind his wife’s back. Pain welled within Ash. He’d never be able to do it. Knowing that a woman was sleeping in the room next to Ned’s and that he was climbing into her bed to try to make an heir made his gut twist. That would be the end. He wouldn’t be able to stay. Seeing them together would eat him alive.

  Ash squeezed his eyes shut and forced the pain away. He would love Ned for as long as he could, then he would get as far away as he could and never look back. This night would be what he lived off of. This moment would soothe the pain. He could live off of the joy felt while holding Ned’s sated body for the rest of his life if he had to.

  Sleep tugged at Ash and he gave in. He dreamed of Ned. He laughed in Ash’s arms and teased him with slow, clinging kisses. In his dreams, Ned whispered words of love and promised he'd never leave. When Ash awoke, Ned was still in his arms. His breath huffed softly against his neck and his hand was pressed against Ash’s cheek. Ash sighed heavily as his eyes went to the window and saw that the sky was no longer black but a deep, inky blue. He would have given anything to keep Ned in his arms until the sun rose and then make love to him as he woke up.

  Instead, Ash found Ned’s ear with his lips and whispered his name. Ash felt Ned’s lips curve against his neck and Ned moaned his name groggily. It made Ash’s cock stir but he ignored it as he fisted his hands in Ned’s hair and raised his head.

  “You have to wake up, Ned. It’s almost morning.” Ash murmured against Ned’s lips. Ned frowned as his eyes started to flutter.

  “No.” He shook his head. “We’re supposed to have more time. We’re not done.” He complained drowsily. Ash bit Ned’s lip.

  “We’ll have time later. We have plenty of time.” Ash lied as he rolled them. He bit Ned’s shoulder and he felt Ned’s body start to tense as he came awake.

  “Ash, you were supposed to wake me up.” Ned grumbled as he raised his head and looked out the window. Ash pushed up on his hands and smiled down at Ned.

  “I don’t know what you think I’m made of, but I needed more than a few hours to recover.” He lowered until their chests touched and pressed a kiss to Ned’s neck before he pushed back up and then rolled off of the bed. He scooped up Ned’s robe and tossed it at him. Ned said something under his breath before he sat up and swung the robe over his shoulders. He threw his legs over the side of the bed and went to Ash as he tied the sash around his waist.

  “If you were my valet, I’d fire you for letting me oversleep.” Ned said as he pressed his lips to Ash’s. Ash snorted and rolled his eyes as he pulled the door open. Ned narrowed his eyes at Ash as he stepped through.

  “If I was your valet you’d never leave your dressing room.” Ash said as he playfully slapped Ned on the ass. Ned pulled a face as Ash shut the door behind him.

  Chapter 11

  Despite having the largest and softest bed in the house, Ned couldn’t get comfortable. Ned rolled onto his side and punched the pillow, trying to make it softer before he slammed his head into it. He stared at the wall and scowled. It wasn’t working. Ned flopped onto his back and glared at the canopy. The glare faded as a smile pulled at his lips.

  Being inside of Ash had been the most erotically rapturous experience of Ned’s life. It had never felt like that with a woman. Ned snorted. If it had, he’d have an army of children by now. He’d have a wife and an army of mistresses. He shook his head. It had been mind numbingly blissful because it was Ash. He was perfect, it would only make sense for him to feel so perfect. Ned’s erection started to make its presence known. Ned brushed his hand against it and frowned. Normally, he’d pleasure himself. He never saw the point of denying himself something so simple that made him so happy. Now, it didn’t appeal. He wanted Ash’s hands upon him. Or his mouth. Or to be in Ash.

  Ned groaned and rolled out of the bed. He tugged on the bell pull and went to the window as he waited. His mind went right back to Ash’s room and he saw Ash handing him the wooden cock. Ned smiled. If it had been me, I would have made it bigger. Ned laughed softly. Knowing himself, he would have made it the size of his arm. Which then had him imagining how one would manage to carry such a monstrosity discreetly. Don’t mind that trunk. He was sure that there would be terrible consequences as well. He’d have to ask Ash. Ned laughed out loud. He probably shouldn’t have asked Ash so many questions the night before. He’d known what the oil was for but he couldn’t resist seeing Ash stammer an
d blush. He’d been adorable. And it had gotten him over his nerves. Ned shook his head as Garver came in. Ash and his nerves and his over thinking. Ned had to do something about all of that.

  “I think I’ll go for a ride this morning.” Ned said as he turned from the window.

  “I thought I’d join you, if you don’t mind waiting.” Ned waited until Ash was pulling himself up into his saddle to walk out. Ash’s hands slipped off the pommel and he slid back to the ground as he looked over his shoulder in shock. Ned smiled and slapped him on the back. “Need a hand?” He said under his breath as he leaned close for a moment. Ash narrowed his eyes at him.

  “Brat.” He grumbled as he pulled himself up successfully.

  They were off within a few minutes and Ned hung back so he could watch Ash. He was trying to think of how he’d word the note to Ash’s tailor, thanking him for his impeccable work as he watched the muscles in Ash’s ass and thighs slide and bunch as he urged Sleipnir on. Ned nearly went over his own mount’s head when he pulled up short to watch Ash rise from the saddle as he went over a wall. Ash wheeled around and frowned at him. Ned could only laugh.

  “Let’s go to the ruins. We haven’t been since we were boys.” Ned called. Ash shrugged.

  “I doubt they've changed.” He returned. Ned grinned slyly.

  “You’d be surprised.” He said as he kicked. The stallion sprang forward and thundered toward the ruins.

  Ash was on their heels, a length away until they got over the rise. Then, Sleipnir surged ahead. When Ned caught up to Ash at the ruins of the old abbey, he was resting with his hands crossed over the pommel. Ned swung his leg over and dropped to the ground.

  “Are you really going in there?” Ash asked. Ned turned and started walking backward, his smile boyish.

  “Come on, it’ll be fun!” Ned said as he turned and jogged to a pile of stones.

  He climbed on top and Ash sighed as he brought his leg over the saddle and slid down. Ned scanned the ruins and found what he was looking for. He jumped down and waved for Ash to follow. Most of the external walls were reduced to piles of rubble. Ned found what had once been a corner of an internal room. Sheltered by two large walls and obscured from outside view by rubble, Ned leaned and waited for Ash. When he wandered in and found Ned, Ash turned and inspected the area.


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