Pride and Consequence

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Pride and Consequence Page 14

by Altonya Washington

  Of course, Eddie had no doubts what he meant. She began to back away, her eyes darting from left to right as she struggled to find something to say.

  Tree, however, had wanted the sweet, dark chocolate beauty too long not to give it his best try.

  “I don’t think this is the right time,” Eddie whispered, hating the shaky quality of her voice.

  A crooked smile caused the corners of Tree’s smoldering midnight eyes to crinkle adoringly. “Edwina…”

  “I just think maybe we should hold off a while, you know?” she reasoned, wringing her hands nervously. “Just until we know each other better.”

  “Can you honestly tell me that you don’t want this?” he asked, the deep mellow sound of his voice resembling a low growl.

  Eddie’s lashes fluttered over her eyes, as she tried to block out the image of Tree’s powerful form filling her view. Oh how she wanted him, but…


  “All right, all right!” she admitted in nervous anticipation. “I do want this. I want you. But I just—”

  Tree didn’t give her the chance to finish. He took her hand and pulled her toward him. Edwina gasped at the smooth, easy movement. Tree crushed his mouth against hers and kissed her deeply.

  Her hands curled into small fists and she pounded them weakly against his unyielding chest. “Wait,” she pleaded beneath the masterful kiss.

  “I can’t” was his tortured response. He loosened his grip on her hand and slid both his arms around her slim frame.

  Eddie’s fists slowly uncurled and she softened in the protective embrace. Then slowly, with just a hint of uncertainty, she kissed him back. The force of the kiss subsided just a little when he felt her tongue gently caress his but his embrace tightened as he sought to bring her closer.

  Eddie surrendered to the intense attraction she had for the man who held her so passionately. Her lips, swollen from the pressure of the kiss, trailed the strong wide column of Tree’s neck. She inhaled the clean, masculine scent of his cologne as her fingers sank into his black, wavy hair. All of her inhibitions fell away to leave a shocking passion she desperately needed Tree to satisfy. Wanting to feel more of him, her fingers went to work on the buttons of his shirt.

  Tree’s large hands covered hers and stopped her. Edwina’s hazel gaze snapped to his handsome face and, for a moment, she memorized his dark, deep-set eyes, the long black brows, the angle of his nose and the sensuous wide mouth. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a warning bell sounded. It told her to think about this and to remember all the times she had been hurt. This time, however, Eddie wouldn’t let the more sensible side of her nature take over. She wanted this man too much not to take what he was offering.

  Slowly, possessively, Tree’s massive hands spanned Eddie’s waist before they curled around her hips. Easily, he lifted her before him and buried his handsome face in the crook of her neck. As his lips nibbled at the soft skin there, Eddie threw her head back and eased her arms about his neck. She kicked off her chocolate pumps and locked her hips around his lean waist. A delighted cry escaped her when she felt the incredible bulge against the front of his trousers.

  Tree smiled and continued to ravish her throat with tiny, erotic kisses. The need to have her naked beneath him became unbearable and he carried her upstairs.

  Tree took only a few long strides into the darkened bedroom, before he set Eddie down next to the bed.

  “Would you take this off for me?” he asked. His hand gently touched her dress and his dark eyes narrowed as they watched her.

  Eddie almost swooned beneath the rush of sensation she experienced. Her pulse beat over every inch of her body as her hands moved to the nape of her neck, and she fumbled with the gold zipper there.

  Tree pulled her to him and turned her around. Slowly and very gently, he tugged the zipper down the length of her back. The cashmere parted to reveal her flawless, dark skin. He couldn’t resist trailing one finger down her spine and caressing the skin hidden from his view by the thin satin bra straps.

  Eddie tilted her head back and was about to lose herself beneath the simple caress. Before that could happen, Tree pushed her away. It was evident by the coolly expectant look in his dark eyes that he expected her to finish undressing. He stood back on his long legs and pushed his hands into the deep pockets of his trousers.

  Tree’s casual stance belied the pulsing wave of desire that threatened to drive him mad. Patiently, he waited. His eyes never left Edwina as her slender hands went to her shoulders. Damn, she’s unbelievable, he thought, watching as the cashmere peeled away. Greedily, his gaze sought and clung to every new inch of exposed skin. Though he had seen the loveliness of her body before, knowing she would be his that night made the experience completely new.

  The dress finally pooled around Eddie’s ankles. She stood before Tree wearing nothing but a wispy pair of black panties and matching bra.

  A wicked smirk crossed his mouth and he stepped closer to her. All he wanted was to pull her to him and quickly satisfy the arousal raging within him. He controlled himself, though. Eddie was far too special, and he cared too much about her to rush anything that night.

  Eddie raised her eyes and her breath stopped in her throat when she looked into the smoldering gaze that followed her. She caught her lower lip between her teeth, when the back of Tree’s hand brushed her bare stomach. The caress was soothing, slow and possessive.

  He lowered his mouth to the side of her neck and traced the length of her collarbone with his tongue. Meanwhile, his hands massaged her back before cupping her bottom.

  Eddie’s own hands stroked the firm, muscled length of his arms and marveled at the unleashed power.

  When his fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her panties, he found the part of her that was moist with need for him.

  “Tree…” she moaned, her legs shifting farther apart to allow more room for his fingers to explore. Sliding her hands over his abdomen, rigid with muscles, she raised her lips to his.

  He didn’t disappoint her, but smiled and kissed her. The pressure increased as his tongue nuzzled within the sweetness of her mouth. The intimate treat pushed her desire to a fevered pitch and increased the moisture Tree felt against his fingertips.

  Edwina helped him unbutton his shirt. The crisp material fell away to reveal his chest, chiseled and smooth as a marble statue. Her eyes widened slightly, then narrowed as they traced each toned inch of his torso. Her hands cupped and caressed him as though she were sculpting his incredible frame.

  After a while, Tree could stand no more of the teasing. He moved forward, forcing her closer to his bed.

  A surprised cry escaped her when she tumbled back against the magnificent king-sized bed. Tree followed her down, his mouth blazing a possessive trail down her neck. Eddie arched her body in response, moaning when he caressed her breast and covered the hardened tip with his mouth.

  “Tree…” Eddie breathed, her legs shifting apart for him.

  Tree was in no condition to respond to her weak cry. His hands were everywhere and finally reached the waistband of her panties again. Her hips rose from the bed as the wispy lingerie was pulled away. When she was totally nude, Tree stood and removed the rest of his own clothes. While doing so, his black stare glided across the seductive picture she made lying there in his bed. A low groan sounded in his throat as he covered her supple, slender body with his heavy, smooth one.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve needed this from you,” he whispered in her ear, before his teeth nipped at the lobe. His body shuddered in response to Eddie’s nails raking his back. Unable to wait any longer, he reached for protection on the nightstand and put it in place, then lowered his hands to her thighs and pulled them apart. His hips lunged forward, thrusting his length deep within her.

  The instant erotic pleasure Eddie experienced weakened her so that she couldn’t even cry out. Her body immediately began to move to meet each of Tree’s powerful strokes. The increased sensation was overwhel

  Eddie closed her eyes and Tree watched as she grasped her full lower lip between her teeth. A smile of pure male confidence touched his mouth as he watched her enjoy the feel of him inside her. She was everything he wanted. He had no intention of stopping until he took complete possession—until she was his…body and soul.

  Chapter 9

  “Chanel, can you just take messages for me over the next two hours? I need to finish going over these furniture books if I’m ever gonna get started redecorating this office.”

  Chanel nodded and smiled at Zakira. “No problem. I may step out for lunch in a little while, though. I’ll let the machine pick up, if that’s okay?”

  Zakira waved her hand, already turning toward the office. “That’s fine,” she called over her shoulder.

  Once the door closed behind her, Zakira headed right to the massive, polished mahogany desk. She picked up the thick furniture catalog, filled with stunning office ensembles. Leaning back in the brown suede chair, she studied the pages intently.

  During the last two weeks, there had been a gradual change in Zakira’s demeanor. She spent the majority of her time at the restaurant. Days off were nonexistent. Not that she minded, since home was the very last place she wanted to be. Of course, she was in the process of changing that. She knew that the main reason she spent so much time at the office was because she saw Malik in every corner of the house. She was, however, about to rectify that. Besides redecorating her home, she had also started remodeling Badu’s. At the restaurant, Zakira’s business sense and savvy was turning a lot of heads. Unfortunately, because of her dedication to the business, her social life had suffered. She rarely, if ever, got together with friends. It was as though she didn’t notice…or care.

  “Well, well, this is something I don’t see very often,” Eddie called across the office when she caught Zakira indulging in a rare moment of relaxation.

  Smiling, Zakira set the furniture catalog aside and stood. “Eddie,” she greeted, moving from behind the desk and enveloping her sister in a tight hug. “What’s up, girl?”

  “A lot and I don’t have a soul to talk to about it.” Eddie admitted in a sarcastic tone.

  Zakira’s bright smile faded just a little, before she turned away. “Well, I’m glad you decided to stop by. I need your help deciding on this furniture.”

  “Z, why don’t you cut the act?”

  Zakira whirled around, her large brown eyes widening. “You don’t approve of helping me find new furniture?”

  Eddie folded her arms across her chest. “You know what I mean.”

  “No, I think you better explain it to me,” Zakira insisted, tossing her thick hair over her shoulders.

  Eddie smoothed her hands over her wool sweater and stepped closer to Zakira. “This act you’re putting on. Pretending not to miss Malik. Shutting yourself away from your family and friends. Hiding behind the restaurant. You can stop me anytime.”

  Zakira laughed, disbelief in her warm, brown eyes. “You know, as a psychologist, I thought you’d agree with me moving on with my life.”

  Eddie leaned her hip against the desk. “I would, if you were moving on in a healthy way.”


  “Z, it’s not healthy trying to wipe out all evidence of the man’s existence or shutting out the friends who know you both,” Eddie cautioned.

  Zakira bolted away from the desk. “That’s not what I’m trying to do.”

  “From where I stand, it is.”

  “Well, you’re not standing in my shoes!”

  Eddie followed Zakira across the room. “I don’t have to be in your shoes to see you trying to forget Malik was ever in your life! Redecorating the house, this office, the restaurant.”

  “Eddie, please,” Zakira hissed, her voice suddenly soft.

  Edwina walked closer to Zakira, enveloping her stepsister in a hug and pulling her back against her. “It’s okay.”

  “Lord, Eddie, he’s hurting me so bad,” Zakira admitted, bowing her head as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Honey, he thought what he did was for the best.”

  Zakira shook her head. “But shouldn’t he be able to see we should be together?”

  Eddie pressed a kiss against the back of Zakira’s head and remained silent.

  “You know, if I didn’t still love him and miss him so much…”

  “What, Z?”

  “I could actually hate him,” she replied and walked away from Eddie.

  “Sweetie, you know he was only trying to prevent you from having to see him at his worst.”

  Zakira leaned her head back and stared up at the ceiling. “That’s what marriage is about, Ed. Malik was just being thoughtless and selfish. As usual.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “Because I know him.”

  Eddie shook her head, her clear hazel gaze full of sympathy for her stepsister. “Have you heard anything from him?”

  Zakira shrugged and rolled her eyes. “He hasn’t tried to call. I think the only person he’s interested in talking to is Tree.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true,” Eddie disagreed, instantly rushing to Tree’s defense.

  “I am. It’s just as well. I mean, if Malik wants to keep secrets, Tree’s the perfect one to help.”

  “He’s in your corner, Z,” Eddie said, trying to sound reassuring.

  Zakira’s expression was doubtful. “Well, Eddie, unfortunately he’s in Malik’s corner, too. This isn’t a situation where a person can play both sides against the middle.”

  Sadly, the more Eddie tried to change her sister’s opinions, the more aggravated Zakira became.

  “How you doin’, man?” Tree whispered as he and Malik shared a tight hug.

  Malik gave Tree’s shoulder a hearty clap before he pulled away. “I’m good. How’s Zaki?” he questioned, the gray-black depths of his eyes full of concern.

  “I guess she’s good,” Tree replied, raking one hand through his dark wavy hair. “I really don’t know, Mal. I’m concerned about how she’s pullin’ away from everybody. All she thinks about is the restaurant. Most of the time, she’s there working.”

  “Can’t Eddie help?” Malik asked, a frown causing his handsome dark features to appear fiercer.

  Tree sighed. “Z hasn’t made much effort to talk to her. Eddie wanted to give her some time, but now she’s worried. I think she was going to visit Zakira at the restaurant today.”

  Malik squeezed his eyes shut and tried to fight the wave of guilt that crept into his heart. Knowing that he was responsible for tearing Zakira’s world apart made him angry enough to hit something. “Listen, Tree, I’m going to have the surgery.”

  The worried expression on Tree’s face disappeared. “Man, that’s the best thing I’ve heard in a long time. So, are you gonna call Z, or tell her in person?”

  Malik shook his head as he walked away from Tree. “The procedure is high-risk.”

  Tree propped his chin on his fist and nodded. “Well then, the sooner you tell Zakira, the better.”

  A muscle jumped wickedly in Malik’s cheek as he gnawed the inside of his jaw. “I can’t do that,” he murmured.

  Tree tilted his head as his dark eyes narrowed. “You can’t do what?”

  Malik slammed his fist against his palm. “I can’t have her waiting like that.”

  Malik’s words slowly settled in. “Would you mind tellin’ me what the hell you mean?”

  “I mean, if this surgery isn’t successful, I could wind up in a coma or totally mentally incapacitated. If that happens…I want you to…to draw up divorce papers on my behalf and have them served to Zaki.” The look in Malik’s eyes added certainty to his words.

  Tree’s tall, huge frame visibly tensed. “No way in hell I’m doin’ that to her,” he growled.

  Malik looked away, but pointed a finger in Tree’s direction. “I know how this sounds, but if you think about it, you’ll see it’s the best thing to do.”

his cancer has totally eaten away your damn brain, hasn’t it?” Tree raged, glaring at his best friend.

  “Maybe it has,” Malik slowly agreed, closing his eyes in regret. “But Tree, man, it’s the only way I can face this surgery. I have to know that if I don’t come out of it one hundred percent, that Zaki won’t be hanging on, thinking I’m coming back or that things will be the same.”

  Tree was wholeheartedly against carrying out Malik’s wishes. However, with everything his friend was facing, he couldn’t see any choice but to grant what could easily be a final request.

  “Mr. Grisani, would you like a cup of coffee or something else while you wait?”

  Tree favored the nurse with a warm smile as he shook his head. “No thanks. I’m fine.”

  The nurse returned the smile and then headed back to her station.

  An entire week had passed. Tree found himself back in Maryland, this time for Malik’s surgery. He cursed the fact that during the last seven days, he had been unable to talk his friend out of going though an operation without the support of his wife. Still, Malik needed someone there rooting for him, and Tree refused to let Malik go through the ordeal alone.

  Again, Tree’s thoughts settled on Malik’s request to divorce Zakira if he slipped into a coma. Lord, things are already tense between me and Zakira, he silently noted. When he dropped this news on her, it would kill her.

  Even if Malik came through the operation with no complications, it would be discovered that Tree had kept the information from Zakira and he would be hated by her, not to mention Edwina.

  A hard look darkened Tree’s striking features, and he grimaced. He was determined not to lose Eddie, especially not due to someone else’s pride. Taking a deep breath, he scanned the waiting area for the phones.

  “Mr. Grisani?”

  Tree was on his way to call Zakira when he heard his name called. Turning, he saw Dr. McNeil walking toward him.

  “How is he?” Tree quickly asked, his heavy brows drawn together in worry.


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