Dirty Lovely Broken

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Dirty Lovely Broken Page 8

by Emmy Chandler

  “You’re dismissed,” Orlann said at last, without even glancing at Annah. “Close the door on your way out.”

  Annah did as she was told, and now there was no one else to deflect Orlann’s attention. His unnerving, single-minded focus on her.

  “Lie down on the bed.”

  Heart pounding, Maari obeyed, leaning back with her head on the pillow, her ankles crossed. Orlann didn’t seem to have any special interest in her. If she were lucky, perhaps he viewed her merely as an obligation the council had foisted upon him. An unskilled virgin must be disappointing, when he was used to whores paid to do whatever he wanted.

  Maybe he would make it fast. Maybe he would just do his duty, then go.

  Maybe this would be easy.

  “Open for me. I want to look at you.”

  The order felt so vulgar that her face burned again, yet she dared not refuse. So Maari uncrossed her ankles and slowly slid them a foot apart.

  Orlann growled at her hesitance. “Grip yourself behind your knees and spread your legs wide. Hold them up for me.”

  Humiliated, Maari complied, her jaw clenched as she pulled her knees toward her shoulders and held them there, because if she couldn’t be angry, she would surely cry.

  “You are beautiful. My brothers are right about that.” The bed sank beneath Orlann’s weight as he sat next to her, and she closed her eyes, unwilling to look at him while he admired her exposed sex. “They may see inexperience as innocence and be turned on by it, but I have no use for a virgin.”

  “I’m not a virgin,” Maari whispered, eyes still squeezed shut.

  “You may as well be.”

  “If you don’t want me, why are you here?”

  “You know why. The council told me to breed you. And I never said I didn’t want you. But I don’t want you like my brothers do.” A large, warm hand landed on her left breast, and Maari’s eyes flew open for a second before clenching shut again. Orlann caressed her, squeezing gently at first. Then he began to knead her breast with firm fingers, and Maari winced when the pressure became unpleasant.

  When it began to hurt, she let go of her legs and tried to inch away from him.

  Orlann’s other hand landed on her hip, holding her in place. “Grasp your legs again.”

  Slowly, Maari obeyed, opening herself to his invasive gaze once again.

  “Pleasure can come through pain, Maari. I think you’ll find it much easier for that to happen if you just embrace the experience.” Before she could figure out how to respond, his hand slid toward the peak of her breast, and he pinched her nipple. Hard.

  Maari gasped.

  “That’s it. Look at me,” he said. And when she refused, he pinched harder.

  “Ow!” Maari cried, her eyes flying open, and his hand swatted her exposed backside. The sting was light, but startling.

  “If something hurts, you’re allowed to whine. Softly. That’s it. Understood?”

  Maari gasped again as she nodded, trying to breathe through the vicious throbbing in her nipple, still trapped in his grasp.

  “Good girl.” He pinched harder, and Maari gritted her teeth, refusing to admit her pain. “Come on. Show me you understand. I know that must hurt.” He increased the pressure, and a whine leaked from Maari’s throat, of its own accord.


  Another slap landed on her ass, harder this time, and her teeth snapped shut. And she began to whine, a pathetic sound that led to an immediate hitch in his breath.

  Her pain turned him on. And as his arousal increased, Maari found that his scent deepened, triggering a sudden awareness of her own lower parts. Something between an ache and throb—a sensation that demanded attention. Friction.

  “That’s beautiful.” Orlann released her nipple, but rather than easing her pain, that compounded it, as blood rushed back into the abused flesh. “Maybe we can make this a little easier for you. Would you like that?”

  Maari nodded, unsure whether she was allowed to speak. And when Orlann leaned down to nibble lightly on her ear, his scent overwhelmed her. Fluid gathered in the exposed hollow between her legs, and she groaned as she started to understand what “easier” meant. As she began to ache to be filled. To ache for release.

  “Easier” meant he would make her like it. Even when it hurt.

  He licked her neck and nibbled her ear, caressing her stomach and breasts until she was panting with need. Until juices ran down from her exposed core. Orlann sat up and shifted so that he knelt between her legs. “Beautiful,” he repeated, his voice huskier now. “We’re going to have a lot of fun, Maari.”

  “You’re going to hurt me?”

  “Just a little bit, tonight. And you’re going to like it.”

  Her heart began to race. “Hurting me won’t ‘put a prince’ in me,” she pointed out, throwing the king’s words at his brother. Reminding him of his duty.

  Orlann shrugged. “Jude said we could take you however we like, as long as at least one of us filled you with seed tonight. I don’t have to be that one.”

  Maari groaned, then she froze when she heard the soft click of his box opening. A second later, something touched her labia. Something cold and hard. Her grip on her own legs tightened. She arched her neck, craning to see between her thighs, but he pushed her back down with one hand on her sternum. “What is that?”

  “It’s a toy. Just a small one.”

  “Toys are for children,” she gasped as the hard object deliberately circled her opening.

  “Not all toys.”

  Of course, she knew about toys that went inside a woman. Some of her friends had showed her, in secret, at school. But a princess was expected to be inexperienced in every way on her wedding night. “I don’t want—”

  Orlann slapped her again, and this time his hand stretched partway over the lips of her sex. Maari gasped as the pain washed over her, startling and humiliating. “No talking unless I ask you something,” Orlann ordered. “You may moan when you like what you feel and whine when you’re in pain. If you’re not sure how you feel or you like the pain, you may groan.”

  Before she could truly process the new guidelines of playtime with Orlann—or fathom the difference between the three permitted expressions—he leaned down and took her right nipple into his mouth, which placed his head inches from her face. Overwhelming her with his scent again. Maari moaned as the gentle, pleasant pressure around her nipple triggered a fresh ache between her legs. A desperate, empty feeling—a need to be filled.

  Then that cold, hard thing touched her again, and she froze.

  The tip of his instrument sank inside her, and he left it there for a moment, while it slowly began to warm up, absorbing heat from her core. Then he pulled the submerged inch of his toy free and slid it up her outer lips to circle her clit. All without lifting his mouth from her breast.

  He’d clearly done this before.

  Maari groaned as the toy teased her clit, awakening a new ache. A growing, desperate need for friction that was exacerbated by the irresistible scent of him. By the undulation of his tongue against her nipple. But just when her breathing began to quicken, as she arched her back, pressing her breast farther into his mouth, the toy abandoned her clit and slid toward her entrance again.

  This time, it went deeper. Orlann slid the hard, smooth toy in and out of her, coating it with her moisture, teasing her with something too short to give her much satisfaction. Then the toy moved again.

  Maari yipped as it prodded the tight hole further down. “No, please,” she whispered.

  Orlann’s head popped up, abandoning her hard, wet nipple to the cold air, and he slapped her ass again, harder this time. Maari bit her lip as a burning sting radiated from the slap, and Orlann stared down at her as he spread more moisture from her core and slowly began to press the toy into her again.

  Maari whined, her eyes tightly closed, her grip bruising her thighs as she struggled to maintain the position she’d been told to hold, while he slowly, steadily breach
ed her ass with his toy. Not allowed to speak or move, she was held hostage to the sensation, forced to focus on it. On the foreign pressure and the embarrassment steadily warming her face.

  “Look at me,” Orlann ordered.

  But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t meet his gaze while he penetrated her in a place she’d never intended to be seen, much less touched.

  He pressed the toy deeper, working it in and out as it opened her, and Maari whined steadily against the uncomfortable intrusion. “Do you want me to make it feel good again?”

  She nodded, jaw clenched.

  “Then look at me. If you let me see what you’re feeling, I’ll make sure you feel good.”

  That didn’t seem possible, but Maari opened her eyes anyway. The pressure in her ass had only worsened the echoing ache between her legs, and she was desperate for relief. For this to end without further embarrassment.

  Orlann’s gaze locked onto hers. He devoured her humiliation as he slid the toy in and out of her, penetrating her tight rear hole by less than an inch, then pulling completely out so he could breach her all over again. Listening to her soft gasps every time her muscles were forced to open, as she grew accustomed to the odd sensation. And when she proved obedient—when she held his gaze and only whined to express her discomfort—he dipped one finger inside her dripping channel, then he dragged the moisture up and began to slowly circle her clit again.

  Maari caught her breath, devastated by the need coursing through her, in spite of—because of?—the penetration at her back entrance.

  “Better?” Orlann asked, holding her gaze.

  Her cheeks burned when she nodded.

  “Good.” Then he pressed deeper. The farther he went, the wider the toy became, and what had felt insufficient in her pussy felt gargantuan in her ass.

  “Please. It’s too big,” she protested, even as she panted from the spiraling pleasure that built with every delicate stroke of her clit.

  “Shhh…” he scolded, enjoying himself too much to stop and smack her again. Instead he punished her with another inch of the toy, pressing it inside her without gently working it in and out, like the first inch.

  Maari gasped again, struggling to adjust to the burn. To the stretch. Trying to focus on the tantalizing friction at the apex of her sex, rather than the unmentionable violation.

  Then, Orlann’s finger abandoned her clit. Before she could object, he knelt between her thighs and began to lick her.

  Maari groaned, arching her pelvis toward him, shamelessly begging for release, even as he pressed the toy deeper into her ass. When the pain began to outweigh the pleasure again, she whined, and he rewarded her with a light suck on her clit, as he stretched her further, careful to balance what he gave and what he took from her, so that they began to blur into each other.

  Her discomfort and pleasure became so intertwined—so intimately connected—that she could no longer tell the difference between them. Until suddenly the toy stretched her wide—too wide—and she cried out as she clenched against the invasion.

  “Let it in,” Orlann whispered against her thigh, his lips a feather-soft counterpoint to the burning pressure. “Just relax and let it slip in, and the pain will ease.”

  But she couldn’t relax. She could only whine, her lower lip trapped between her teeth. So he attacked her clit with his tongue again, forcing pleasure from her, bringing her to the edge of orgasm, in spite of the pain. Alongside the pain. Then, as she panted with the crest of an inevitable, humiliating release, he pushed the toy the rest of the way inside.

  Maari shrieked as the widest part of the toy popped past her tight ring of muscle. And she came. Hard. Bucking off of the bed so wildly that he had to hold her down with one hand on her sternum while he continued licking her, drawing out her pleasure as the throbbing in her ass raced to keep pace with her frantic heartbeat.

  “Beautiful,” he said at last, as he rose up onto his knees to look down at her. At the plug peeking from between her ass cheeks. At her dripping pussy. He slid his fingers down and tugged at the toy—at the bit that still stuck out of her—and she whined at the renewed pressure in such sensitive flesh. At the reminder that though her pleasure was ebbing, that intrusion remained.

  Orlann’s eyes shined as he played with the toy, tugging gently on it to keep her nerve endings awake, groaning when she twitched and bucked beneath him, trying to move with the intrusive toy. To alleviate the pressure. Then, suddenly, he unbuckled his pants and pushed them down around his knees. He shoved her thighs wide freeing her hands from their aching grip on her own legs, and slid into her in one long, eager thrust.

  Maari cried out again, her satisfaction—her relief to finally be filled where she wanted to be—at war with the foreign sensation of being penetrated in two places at once.

  “Gods, you’re so tight,” Orlann groaned as he began to thrust in earnest. “Tell me how that feels. Having me inside you, along with your new toy.”

  “Full,” Maari panted.

  “You can do better than that.” He thrust in hard, and his pelvis scraped her clit, and just like that, she was right back at the edge, overwhelmed by a confluence of sensations. “Tell me the truth, and I’ll let you come again.”

  “It hurts,” she gasped as he rammed into her again, jarring the toy with the motion. “But it also feels good. I need—”

  “I know what you need.”

  “Please...” But she wasn’t sure what she was asking for, as her legs wrapped around his hips, her toes curling in uncontrollable spasms.

  “You like the pain,” Orlann leaned down to whisper into her ear. “I had a feeling you would.”

  “No, I—”

  “Don’t ever lie to me,” he growled as he took a hard grip on her left nipple. Maari sucked in a harsh breath as the sharp ache echoed down her spine toward the intense bundle of nerves that held her lower regions in its riotous grip. She clenched tight around Orlann’s cock—and the toy still wedged into her backside—and he groaned. “I can feel how much you like this little taste of pain—and it’s only a little taste—so tell me the truth.”

  “I like it,” she moaned miserably, as another hard thrust into her core rocked the toy breaching her ass. thrusting

  “Pain is honest,” he grunted, still plunging into her. “It feels how it feels, and pain doesn’t care whether you fight it or you embrace it. But embracing it lets it feed your pleasure. Pain and pleasure are like two vines growing side by side. They can be trained to grow together. To intertwine. To take you further than either could, on its own.”

  Maari listened, but she wasn’t sure she truly understood. Yet. But she had no doubt Orlann would enjoy showing her what he meant.

  “I’m the only one who can give you this,” he said. “Jude and Malac may bring you pain, when the urge strikes, but I’m the only one who knows how to make you like it.” He slammed into her again and again, hard and fast, watching as ecstasy built in her features. As he pushed her closer and closer to a blinding crest of pleasure laced with pain. And when it finally came, when she squeezed her eyes shut and clamped down around his cock with an almost painful grip, crying out softly with every wave that overtook her, Orlann grunted and released inside her, slamming as hard as he could to drive his seed deep.

  Finished with her, Orlann withdrew from her body and stood, pulling his pants back up. But when she tried to close her legs and reclaim some little bit of modesty, he slapped her inner thigh hard enough to leave a red imprint of his hand. “Legs open,” he ordered as she gasped from the unexpected sting. “I want to watch my cum drip down your ass.”

  “That’s disgusting,” Maari spat, and for just an instant, the revulsion in her eyes actually seemed to pierce the arrogant confidence he wore like armor. But before she could experience more than a fleeting thrill of triumph, Orlann grabbed her behind both calves and dragged her across the bed toward him, through a cooling wet spot comprised of their combined fluids. She kicked at him, trying to fight free, and in r
esponse, he pinned her legs together and twisted them, leveraging her onto her side, so he could slap her ass again.

  “I may be disgusting,” he snarled, giving her backside one more sharp blow. Then he rolled her onto her back, while she hissed from the sting, so he could see her face. “But you enjoyed everything I just did to you.”

  “I did not!”

  “And that’s the difference between a whore and a dirty princess,” Orlann sneered at her as he zipped his pants up. “The whore doesn’t pretend she didn’t like it.”

  “You made me like it.”

  He grabbed his shirt from the end of the bed. “Deny it if you want. But you and I are the same, deep down.”

  “That’s a lie.” Maari sat up, flinching as the new position drove the toy deeper into her ass.

  “Is it? We’re both of royal blood, but not heirs. My father packed me off to Valemont to sit on the council the day I finished my schooling because he had no more use for me than your brothers have for you.”

  “My brothers love me.” Tears stung her eyes with the realization that she only had one brother left.

  “Sure.” Orlann pulled his shirt over his head. “That’s why they sent you halfway across the planet to be triple fucked by your mortal enemies. Because they love you. Definitely not because you’re expendable.”

  “I’m not expendable,” Maari snapped. “I made a sacrifice for my entire stead. My suffering is saving a million lives.”

  “Suffering?” Orlann laughed out loud, but it was the way he looked at her that truly stung. “Determined to make a martyr of yourself, aren’t you? You just came all over my cock, with a toy jammed up your ass. And you loved every second of it. Princess.”

  “I did not—”

  Orlann grabbed her jaw, pulling her off the bed and onto her feet with his grip, while she whined from the abuse. “Do not lie to me, little girl. Not ever. You may be able to charm the reluctant king with your innocence and the insecure bastard with your fucking useless title, but I understand you like they never will. I recognize the violent urge that makes your eyes gleam every time you look at us. I know that dirty streak that makes you wet when I hurt you, even as you whine about the pain.” He reached down with his free hand and twisted her left nipple until she cried out, hands fisting ineffectually at her sides. “Now that you’ve had a taste, nothing else is going to satisfy you. You’re going to wake up screaming, your sheets soaked for want of me, and—”


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