The Hunted

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The Hunted Page 6

by J. D. Chase

  My eyes flicked open in surprise. “Never?”

  “Never. You are the first, and that’s only because you threw yourself at my feet!”

  “I did no such thing!” I cried, indignantly.

  “Well, no. Technically, you threw yourself away from me but that’s just splitting hairs.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. Wow! He hasn’t brought any women here. Well, I am only here because I was injured. He is simply taking the opportunity that has presented itself.

  As I pondered how I felt about that, Lucas leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. “Oh Issy. Why must you complicate everything?”

  “I‘m not complicating anything! And before I met you, I had a very uncomplicated relationship with members of the opposite sex,” I whispered.

  He pulled back and looked me in the eye. “You said that you didn’t have relationships with the opposite sex. You only had one night stands!”

  I held his gaze. “Exactly - that’s why it was uncomplicated! You’re the one who is trying to complicate things.” Something was skirting at the edge of my memory but I still couldn’t grasp it.

  He sighed and then took my hands in his. “Believe me, Issy, I’ve tried not to. I have tried to put all thoughts of you from my mind. To pretend that we haven’t shared one incredible night. To tell myself that I would be happy without you in my life. But I can’t fool myself and, to be honest, I don’t want to anymore. There is something between us whether we like it or not.”

  “We can’t deny that there is sexual chemistry between us. Desires that we both thought would be exorcised when we spent the night together but-”

  “But they weren’t and I don’t think that we could exorcise them, no matter how hard we tried. I have never responded to a woman in the way that I do to you. I have never wanted anyone as much and …”

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


  “I’ve never needed anyone before. Not for anything - ever!” He spoke softly and turned away as he spoke.

  I gasped. “What? You think you need me?”

  He swung back around to face me. His eyes sought mine and I was shocked to see pain in his expression. Mr Control Freak had gone again, replaced by Mr Uncomfortably Vulnerable. His usually hooded eyes burned into mine conveying his inner torment and I knew then that he did actually think that he needed me. When he spoke, his voice was laced with emotion.

  “No, Issy. I know that I need you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t concentrate. I can’t sleep. Watching you run from me … I felt helpless ... and for the first time in my life, I felt total despair. This just isn’t like me, Issy. I have avoided relationships because I like total control of all things in my life. But now, I find myself wanting a relationship with you more than anything in my life. And I find that I have no control over my feelings for you and, of course, I have no control over your feelings for me.”

  Without warning, I felt an almost overwhelming desire to comfort him. To throw my arms around him and tell him that everything would be okay. Where was the powerful alpha male who oozed confidence and sexuality? Wait – this is what happened a few minutes ago … he shows his vulnerable side, says he feels miserable and you want to make it all better!

  He looked at me closely, as if trying to figure out what I was thinking. “Issy, believe me – I didn’t plan any of this. I’ve told myself over and over to keep my distance, that it will only end in disaster but I can’t help myself. Isn’t it ironic that the one woman that I am willing to break all of my rules for, and let into my life, doesn’t want the slightest to do with me? Is your heart really made of stone? You bring me to my knees and you don’t bat an eyelid. I laid my heart out for you and you stamped all over it and walked away without a care.”

  “That’s not fair. I thought we had laid out the ground rules for that night. If I had seen that coming, I would have kept my distance but remember, you did all the running. And I took no pleasure in seeing you like that. By the time I got home I felt a complete bitch,” I said, looking down at my hands. “I do enjoy your company and I wish we could continue as friends. When you sent me the check, I couldn’t handle it. I went on a mini bender and …Oh my god!” My hand went to my head automatically.

  “What is it?” he commanded, taking my face in his hands and forcing me to meet his gaze.

  “I remember what happened … the check … my fall …”

  “I am so sorry, Issy. Please forgive me.” The tension in his voice was unmistakable and his eyes stayed on mine, silently pleading.

  My heart swelled. “There is nothing to forgive. It was my own fault. I needn’t have brought the check back and it was my decision to run from you like a coward. I should have known that stilettos, speed and staircases are not a good combination,” I grinned at him meekly.

  “Oh Issy!” He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly, muttering my name over and over into my hair.

  I immediately relaxed into his embrace. I marveled at how good his comforting arms felt. And, amazingly, I realized that I felt good for having made him feel better. It’s just like when Angel is upset and I make her feel better. And, when I am upset and Angel soothes me by holding me and stroking my hair. Oh my god, Lucas is actually stroking my hair! Could I have more than a one night stand with this man?

  Chapter 5

  We stayed like that for a few minutes until I became aware of the distant, yet unmistakable ring tone of my cell. It was the ring tone that I’d chosen to alert me to Angel’s calls. I instinctively turned my head and Lucas immediately pulled away.

  “My cell … I should get that. Angel will be worried,” I muttered, feeling self conscious suddenly.

  Lucas stood and then strode to the door. “I’ll get your purse.”

  “Thanks.” I stayed sitting on the edge of the bed, wondering what I should say to Angel.

  He returned moments later and handed me my purse. My cell had stopped ringing but I fished it out of my purse and checked my notifications. I had two missed calls and four text messages from Angel.

  “I should return Angel’s calls, otherwise she will send out a search party,” I said apologetically.

  He nodded his head once. “Of course. You still haven’t eaten. I’ll arrange for some food to be brought up. Is there anything else you need?

  “No. No, thank you,” I replied, giving him a grateful smile.

  “Okay. I’ll give you some privacy. Shout if you need anything - I won’t be far away.” He looked thoughtful for a moment but then, without another word, he turned and left the room, pulling the door to, but not closing it, behind him.

  I quickly called Angel, who answered immediately. “Issy, where on earth are you? I tried calling you earlier to see if you were okay and to ask you to meet me for lunch but-”

  “I’m with Lucas,” I interrupted.

  “You’re what?” she cried, making me flinch and hold my cell away from my ear.

  “I tripped on the stairs and hit my head. Apparently, I knocked myself out. Lucas brought me to his apartment to make sure I was okay.”

  “Oh my god, Issy! Are you okay? Where’s his apartment? I’m coming to fetch you.”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just have a headache, that’s all. Lucas spoke with a doctor who said that I should be kept under observation for 24 hours. He has a list of symptoms to watch out for so he is babysitting me.”

  “Well, he can give me the list and I can watch out for you. You shouldn’t be with that creep after the stunt he pulled on Saturday. Where are you?” Angel’s voice had risen about an octave.

  “I’m fine, honestly. We have some issues to sort out and we are getting there. I don’t want to lose the contract for mini Dakota. I’m okay here. Anyway, I thought you and Chad were having dinner with his folks tonight.”

  “Oh yeah, we are. But you know that I would skip that if you needed me so don’t use that as an excuse,” Angel huffed.

  “An excuse? What do I n
eed to make excuses for?”

  “You say that you don’t want to lose the contract but I don’t think that’s all you don’t want to lose.”

  I shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Angel sighed. “Don’t mind me. Are you … hang on, if he says that he has to keep you under observation for 24 hours, does that mean he plans to keep you there overnight?”

  Oh my god! Me … stay here with Lucas overnight? Well, no other women have stayed here! … What’s that got to do with anything?


  “Um… I have no idea. We hadn’t discussed that. I’ll let you know what’s happening later, okay?”

  “Okay. But, if you need anything or if he gets out of line again, you just call and we will come and get you.”

  I laughed. “I’m sure I will be fine. Enjoy your evening and don’t worry. I will see you in the morning, one way or another. Bye Angel.”

  “Bye, Issy. Take care of yourself.”

  I slid my cell into my pocket and then sat for a few minutes contemplating Angel’s words. Did he mean for me to stay overnight? If so, where would I sleep? And exactly how would Lucas watch over me? Would he sleep with me?

  I was jolted from my thoughts by the sound of the door opening. Lucas leaned in and informed me that he had ordered in dinner. I thanked him and he came to sit next to me on the bed.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, softly.

  “I have felt better,” I smiled.

  My breath caught in my throat when he took my face in his hands and gently kissed my forehead. “I really am sorry, Issy. I wouldn’t hurt you for anything. In fact, if you were mine, I would do anything to keep you safe.”

  I opened my mouth to reply but found that no words were forthcoming. Before I could gather my wits, he released me, stood up and held out his hand. “Come on, let’s eat.”

  I took his hand, glad of the distraction and followed him out of his bedroom and down the hallway. We entered a large formal dining room that was once again, decorated in the stark, minimalist style. The room was dominated by a huge oak dining table that had been set for two at one end.

  The baked sea bass, delivered by a nearby restaurant, was delicious. As we ate, we talked about local food - I discovered that Lucas never ate out and so had only sampled the delights of local restaurants that had a delivery service. The lemon meringue cheesecake was to die for. I made a mental note to take Angel along to the restaurant one day in the near future.

  At Lucas’ suggestion, I stood to return to the living room. Belatedly, I realized that the wine too was divine and that I had drunk several glasses during the meal, when the floor seemed to tilt and I swayed. I put my hand out to grab the back of my chair to steady myself but Lucas slid an arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. “Issy, are you okay? Do you feel unwell?”

  “I’m fine. It’s your fault for plying me with wine over dinner,” I joked.

  “Oh, thank goodness. I mean … I didn’t-”

  “Relax Lucas - I was joking. You didn’t force me to drink it!”

  I felt the tension leave his body as he chuckled. “Come on, you lush. Let’s get you back on the sofa. I shouldn’t have given you any alcohol at all. I wouldn’t make a good nurse.”

  He walked me to the sofa and let me go. He pushed my arm with his fingertip and I fell down onto the leather cushion with a giggle.

  Lucas shook his head and chuckled. “Miss Price, I do believe that you’ve drunk too much.”

  I did my best to look offended before retorting, “Mr Hunter, you are meant to be keeping me under close medical supervision. What would the doctor say?”

  “I think he would say that I am not observing you closely enough,” he grinned as he sat down right next to me. “And he would be right. I shall be more attentive from this moment on,” he deadpanned.

  Just then, my cell began to ring and I took it from my pocket. Angel! With an apologetic shrug to Lucas, I answered. The excited squeal that came down the line made me jump. I waited patiently for an explanation before staring in Lucas in disbelief.

  “I see … of course I do … that’s great …no, he didn’t - not a word!”

  I completed the conversation quickly before raising an eyebrow at Lucas pointedly.

  “What?” he asked, feigning innocence.

  “I think you know what all that was about.”

  He grinned. “I may have an inkling.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that you are going to act as the band‘s agent?” I demanded.

  “It was confidential,” he said simply. “It’s up to the band who they tell.”

  “But I don’t understand. Do you have experience? Why would you want to do that? You are a self-confessed workaholic, working all hours as it is.”

  “It is only temporary. No, I don’t have experience but perhaps I felt like a change - a new challenge. Perhaps I wouldn’t need to spend all hours at the office if I had a diversion. I like to be the best at whatever I do - I wouldn’t be offering to help them if I didn’t think that they were good enough. They need promoting if they are to get anywhere. Although I have made them change their name. I don‘t think that ‘Bolloxed’ would work with a wider audience.”

  I laughed remembering how long the band had been arguing about a name. In order to book a gig, they’d been forced to come up with one on the spur of the moment. Travis had said “Bolloxed if I know” and it had stuck. I was curious to know whether the new name was an improvement. “So what are they calling themselves now?”

  Lucas tried hard to keep his face straight but failed miserably. “I gave them an hour to come up with a new name. They couldn’t all agree so they voted. Travis’ outrageous suggestions were outvoted. They have gone with ‘Denial’.”

  I nodded approval at their choice but I just couldn’t understand this at all. “Um, what do you know about promoting a rock band? You’ve just confessed to having no experience. What are you going to be able to do for them?”

  He grinned like a Cheshire cat. “Nothing. Oh, did Angel happen to mention that I have already secured them a slot at two upcoming festivals? Two festivals whose lineups have been confirmed for months!”

  “Oh my god, the guys will be stoked! But how …”

  “Contacts, dear Issy. Anything is possible if you have the right contacts.”

  This man was full of surprises today. “I guess I needn’t worry about your lack of experience then,” I grin. “Just one thing though, I had better get some free tickets to those festivals!”

  Lucas looked at me with mock horror. “Do you think they will get rich and famous by giving away freebie tickets? You will be wanting VIP backstage access next.”

  I wondered what stroke of luck had caused the boys to cross Lucas’ path. “Was it you that booked them to play in your bar?”

  “Yes.” Was it just me, or did he look distinctly uncomfortable?

  “How did you hear about them?”

  “I saw them perform somewhere else and just knew how good they were. So much better than any band I‘d heard in a while. Of course, I wanted them to perform in my bar. It was purely good business sense.”

  Well, that does make sense … so why is he looking so shifty?

  “Where did you see them perform?” I knew he was hiding something.

  “Oh, someplace over on Queens … I don’t recall exactly where,” he said, not meeting my gaze.

  I was amazed to see a slight flush on Lucas’ cheeks. Was he blushing? Surely not! Oh, yes he is! But why would … Oh no, no way!

  “Lucas, when was it that you saw them exactly?” Although I was trying to remain calm, my voice had an edge to it.

  “Oh a few weeks ago. Anyway, do you want to watch TV? Or a film?” He made to get up off the sofa but I grasped his arm.

  “No, I want to know when and where you first saw the band.”

  “In Queens, a few weeks ago - I’ve told you already,” he said, staring straight ahead. “What is t

  “Lucas. The night we first met, I was on my way to see the band when I called in here.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “They were playing in Queens.”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “So, that’s a bit of a coincidence isn’t it? And you’ve told me that you don’t socialize. Unless you owned the bar in Queens, I just can’t figure out how you would have seen them. So do you?”


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